News from Universal Peace Federation‏

اضيف الخبر في يوم الإثنين ١١ - يناير - ٢٠١٠ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً.

News from Universal Peace Federation‏

New York, USA - With the beginning of the new year, the Universal Peace Federation wishes to thank all its international and local chapters, Ambassadors for Peace, and all those working for the sake of peace for their great efforts in 2009. We invite everyone to review this brief report [PDF] of the UPF's work in 2009..
Liberia's Truth and Reconciliation Process
Monrovia, Liberia - Only once in the history of a nation should a Truth and Reconciliation Commission be needed. In reviewing the conflict that began in 1979 and continued until 2003, our responsibility as Liberians was to judge our nation's past so as to chart a better future
Baltic Dialogue Promoted through Music Festivals
BalticsSt. Petersburg, Russia, As part of UPF's new Baltic Dialogue peace initiative, an international festival on the theme of the "Light of the Christmas Star" took place December 11 - 15. Russian children traveled to Finland and Sweden for cultural activities and music competitions.
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International Christmas Celebration in Vienna
Austria Vienna, Austria - The UPF community of Vienna celebrated "International Christmas - A Festival for Peace" on December 20. Many of guests who attended were Ambassadors for Peace who brought along their families or friends. After singing two traditional Austrian Christmas songs together with the audience, the Russian Orthodox Choir of the Cathedral of St. Nicolas in Vienna gave us a taste of their choral singing.
Global Citizen of Peace
global citizen

"Global Citizen of Peace," a PowerPoint and slide show of Rev. Sun Myung Moon's life story, is available in English, Arabic, Farsi, French, Russian, and Spanish narratives about the UPF founder on our website.
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Lake Baikal Project Wins National Competition (Russia)
International Christmas Charity Banquet (Moldova)
Peacemaking Conference in Baku (Azerbaijan)
Christmas Performance in Talinn (Estonia)
In Memoriam: Pavel Georgievich Nikolayevsky (Russia)

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