اضيف الخبر في يوم السبت ٢٨ - مارس - ٢٠٠٩ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً. نقلا عن: Ahl-alquran
Egyptian Organizations Abroad Support the April 6 Strike in Egypt
PRESS RELEASE: Egyptian Organizations Abroad Support the April 6 Strike in Egypt
APRIL 4, 2009
The following organizations: Ahl Al Quran, the Alliance of Egyptian Americans, Coptic Assembly of America, the Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies, Muslim American Society, and Voices for a Democratic Egypt have united as a coalition of Egyptian and Egyptian American organizations to declare our support for and solidarity with the nationwide strike in Egypt on April 6th, 2009. We salute the courage of all who strive to bring about a peaceful democratic transition in Egypt by exercising their right to non-violent civil disobedience, and we declare our intent to join in that noble effort. To that end we announce a parallel solidarity protest that will take place in Washington DC, as well as in several cities around the world, starting Saturday, April 4th, 2009.
We believe that Egypt is mired in a state of stagnation and regression as reflected by chronic under-development and corruption as well as a lack of democracy, respect for human rights, and the rule of law. We believe that the Egyptian government’s performance contributes significantly to this state of regression and that substantial reform is a necessity not only for the average Egyptian citizen but also for the sake of US strategic interests in the region. We believe that the emergency law that has been imposed on Egyptians for decades and which suspends their basic freedoms has not made Egyptians or the world more secure. Instead, it has entrenched tyranny, divided the population, trampled upon human dignity, and strengthened extremism— all while alienating the more moderate segments of Egyptian society.
Egyptians have long fought for their freedoms at home, and acts of non-violent civil disobedience have multiplied in recent years. Groups that have traditionally not been politically engaged are taking to the streets in unprecedented fashion. Mostly, their efforts have met with heightened repression. Nonetheless, the indomitable spirit of Egypt persists in the continued courage Egyptians display as manifested by their intent to once again stage a national strike on April 6th, 2009, despite the violent governmental response to the 2008 strike and current attempts at intimidation. It is in this spirit that we join forces with our brothers and sisters in Egypt, and together call for an end to the state of emergency in Egypt, the release of political prisoners and prisoners of conscience, and an end to the harassment of reformers. We also call for concrete steps to enshrine respect for democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, including freedom of the media, association, and political parties; protection of minorities; judicial independence; and free and fair elections in an environment of political pluralism.
We strongly believe that change will only come when Egyptians of all stripes rally together peacefully to the end of promoting a democratic Egypt. We believe that Egyptians have manifested their intent for change, and we support the national effort to bring our homeland closer to realizing its potential as the mother of all civilizations.
For more information, please contact Dina Guirguis by email at dina@democraticegypt.org or by telephone at (202) 907-8791 or Omar Afifi at afifiomar3@hotmail.com or (831) 809-3994.
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