آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2016-01-10
A Message to Our Beloved Quranists: We Would Like To Have This Simple Means of Support For the Sake of Islam
Was published in Arabic in January, 9 , 2016
Translated by Ahmed Fathy
We have published on our website on Dec. 13th 2010 an article titled "And Shadee Is Lost" before the emergence of ISIS terrorist group members. Later on, we have re-published the same article recently on 11/8/2015 titled "When We Have Written on ISIS before its Emergence: The ISIS-like Group in the Abbasid Era" to narrate the historical account of the Qarmatians and their heinous acts repeated in modern times by ISIS in the same geographical area, and that article includes a realistic story of the hideous criminal acts of the Qarmatians narrated by the ancient Arab historian and theologian Al-Tabari. Such acts are re-created now by ISIS. Al-Tabari story revolves around a woman whose Qarmatian-brainwashed son wanted to kill her but his fellow soldiers prevented him, but his sword blade injured her shoulder and she died of this wound. After publishing this article, news broke out with similar accident about an ISIS recruit who murdered his mother in the Iraqi city of Al-Raqqah, because she tried to persuade him to leave ISIS.
It wrings our heart, my beloved Quranists, that we write important articles in dire times – and all of you, Quranists, are witnesses to such times – yet, none of what we write reaches the parties concerned all over the world, despite its paramount importance. We alone cannot reach out to the whole world; that is why we would like to enlist your help.زurdered his mother in the Iraqi city ofruit who killedr and she died of this woundwanted to kill her but his fellow soldiersWe are not demanding something difficult or time-consuming; here is the link of our archives of articles in Arabic and in English:
Our archives contain hundreds of articles that are related and linked to reality of daily news worldwide appearing on TV screens, newspapers, and websites in French, English, and Arabic. Most news items online on countless websites can be commented upon underneath them for those who would like to leave comment(s). We would like all of you to choose related articles from our archives and copy and paste their links as comments on countless related news items on countless websites. This is simple jihad to clear the name of Islam from the heinous crimes of its enemies among the Muhammadans and terrorists and to reinforce our Quranist mission aiming at reform on all levels. Let us cite an example of our articles in Arabic; one can copy and paste this link as a comment in news items written in Arabic:
Read this article by Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour:
Crying Over the Ruins of Homeland
Written in November, 26th, 2006
Let us cite an example of our articles in English; one can copy and paste this link as a comment in news items written in English:
Read in our Ahl Al-Quran site:
When We Have Written on ISIS before its Emergence: The ISIS-like Group in the Abbasid Era
"…Whatever good you advance for yourselves, you will find it with God, better and generously rewarded…" (73:20).
May Our Lord God reward all of you, Quranists, and we wish all of you a happy new year.
Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5130 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 57,288,436 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,458 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,839 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
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