اضيف الخبر في يوم الإثنين ٢٣ - مارس - ٢٠٠٩ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً. نقلا عن: Ahl-alquran
Egyptian Organizations in the US Convene Again To Discuss Impact and Future Steps
Egyptian Organizations in the US Convene Again To Discuss Impact and Future Steps
Press Release, Sunday March 22, 2009
On Saturday March 21, 2009, Egyptian organizations that sent out a letter to President Mubarak in February 2009 to demand several political reforms before an anticipated visit to Washington convened again in Arlington, Virginia to discuss the letter’s impact and follow up steps.
Organizations started by welcoming new additions to the group, including Mr. Magdy Khalil, Mr. Michael Gabriel, and Dr. Samia Harris, Vice President of the AEA for the Mid Atlantic Chapter.
The group also teleconferenced with Mr. Safei Eldin Hamed, President of the Alliance of Egyptian Americans (AEA) and Cameel Haleem, President of the Coptic Assembly of the US.
The agenda and outcomes of the meeting included:
•Discussing further the relation between religion and state in a desired government in Egypt in a way that cherishes and preserves minority rights. A majority of the group supported the current Turkish model for an Islamic country that completely separates religion and state while at the same time allowing moderate Islamists to engage in the political sphere. Other points of views included supporting the language in the “Future of Egypt” Document, which was drafted and proposed by a group spearheaded by late former Prime Minister Aziz Sidky. A follow up committee consisting of Michael Gabriel and Tarek Khalil, among others, was formed to agree upon language that more uniformly represents the views of the group in this respect.
•Discussing and agreeing to support the “Future of Egypt” Document. The group decided to sign the document individually and by group and send reservations, if any, to appropriate persons in Egypt.
•Discussing and agreeing to support the planned April 6 national strike, undertaken in 2008 by the April 6th Youth (facebook) Movement and which is planned again for 2009. The group decided to send out a press release to declare their support and solidarity and plan a parallel demonstration in Washington DC for the same purpose. A follow up committee to organize, mobilize and fundraise for the demonstration was selected from the group.
•Discussing and agreeing to support soldiers from the central security apparatus in Egypt who are being mistreated and abused by their superiors. Those individuals and groups in agreement with the content of the letter signed a press release declaring their support. The group observed one minute of silence for the deceased 23 soldiers who were killed as result of neglect and others who committed suicide because of their difficult situation.
It is worth mentioning that the group reviewed and recognized the vigorous attacks launched against them in the government owned media and from Egyptian state security affiliates. They confirmed that it only proves that their initiative was needed and reconfirmed their commitment to continue working toward their goal of reform in Egypt and enabling further discussions on the future of their motherland, Egypt.
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