Egypt slaps travel ban on ex-PM

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Egypt slaps travel ban on ex-PM

Egypt's chief prosecutor on Saturday banned former Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif from leaving the country, a day after the overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak, state news agency MENA reported.

The prosecutor also banned Habib al-Adly, the widely despised former interior minister, from travelling and froze his assets, MENA said.

The two ministers were sacked along with the rest of the government in a failed bid by Mubarak to placate protesters in the early days of the uprising that led to his resignation on Friday, ending his 30-year reign.

Former Interior Minister Habib al-Adly
Former Interior Minister Habib al-Adly

Earlier in the day, a military source said former Information Minister Anas El-Fekky was placed under house arrest. Fekky had been close to outgoing President Hosni Mubarak.

Security source at Cairo airport said 43 officials had been banned from leaving the country without permission from the state prosecutor or the armed forces.

Public scrutiny of officials and businessmen became an issue after Jan. 25 when tens of thousands of protesters first took to the streets seeking an end to the rule of President Hosni Mubarak. Since Mubarak's fall, demands have grown that government officials and some businessmen linked to his party be tried on charges of corruption.

"In order to examine accusations, travel ban decisions were needed to be issued on the following: Habib el-Adly, former interior minister, Ahmed Nazif, former prime minister and Anas El-Fekky, information minister," state TV said quoting an unnamed judicial source.

Anas El-Fekky
Anas El-Fekky

It also added that "the public prosecutor issued a decision to freeze the accounts of Adli and his family members upon accusations that over 4 million Egyptian pounds ($680,000) were transferred to his personal account by a head of a contractor company."

State TV said the general prosecutor called on the foreign minister to contact European countries to freeze the accounts of Adli along with those of former tourism minister Zuhair Garana, former trade and industry minister Rachid Mohamed Rachid, former tourism minister Ahmed al-Maghrabi and Ahmed Ezz, owner of Ezz Steel and senior leader in ruling party.

Last week, Egypt imposed a travel ban and started investigations on the three ex-ministers and Ezz and froze their assets. The officials were accused with wasting public money and using their posts for personal gain.

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