Feminist Economics, Call for Papers, A Special Issue on Gender and Economics in Muslim Communities‏

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Subject: [URPE] Feminist Economics, Call for Papers, A Special Issue on Gender and Economics in Muslim Communities

Reply-To: "Kongar, Ebru" <kongare@dickinson.edu>

Feminist Economics Journal of the International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE)
Guest Editors:

Ebru Kongar, Jennifer Olmsted, and Elora Shehabuddin

Over the past decade, there has been an increasing recognition of the importance of understanding economic conditions in a broad range of contemporary Muslim societies. However, large gaps remain in our knowledge of the links between gender, economic well-being, and the varying influences of religion due to gender-blind analyses and unexplored assumptions and generalizations regarding Muslim women’s experiences. This special issue, planned for online publication in 2013 and print in 2014, aims to provide a forum for rethinking the study of socioeconomic policies and processes that impinge on women’s and men’s lives in Muslim families, communities, and countries around the world. We seek contributions that interrogate the prevailing discourses and explore new insights into women’s economic well-being in Muslim communities. Of special interest are submissions that pay attention to women’s agency and voice and the intersections between religion, gender, class, and ethnicity in the analysis of outcomes. Submissions that rely on a variety of methodologies and research methods, including interpretive and quantitative methodologies (such as country-level or cross-country analyses), are welcome. Feminist Economics very much encourages submissions from the Global South and Central/Eastern Europe.
Contributions may cover diverse topics, including but not limited to:
• New theoretical frameworks exploring the links between women’s economic lives and Muslim laws and religious practices.
• The effects of international migration and trade on Muslim women and children.
• Gendered influences of colonialism and military conflict on Muslim communities.
• Gendered impacts of macroeconomic, social-protection, and poverty-reduction policies.
• Feminist critiques of state and international policies toward Muslim communities and countries.
Deadline for abstracts:
Please direct queries and abstracts (500 words maximum) to the Guest Editors: Ebru Kongar, Jennifer Olmsted, and Elora Shehabuddin at gemc@drew.edu no later than 15 August 2010. After approval of abstracts, final papers will be due 15 February 2011 and should be submitted to Feminist Economics through the submissions website (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/rfec). Questions about these procedures may be sent to feministeconomics@rice.edu, +1.713.348.4083 (phone), or +1.713.348.5495 (fax).
Visit the journal’s editorial website:

Ebru Kongar
Associate Professor
Department of Economics
Dickinson College
P.O. Box 1773
Carlisle PA, USA


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