Resetting U.S.-Russian Leadership on Nuclear Arms

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Resetting U.S.-Russian Leadership on Nuclear Arms


President Obama and President Medvedev The United States and Russia have a major opportunity in 2010 to work together to lead in improving global nuclear security and at the same time strengthen the U.S.-Russia bilateral relationship. In “Resetting U.S.-Russian Leadership on Nuclear Reductions and Non-Proliferation,” Steven Pifer, Joseph Cirincione, and Clifford Gaddy examine this opportunity and offer some 40 ideas on steps that Washington and Moscow might take to further reduce U.S. and Russian nuclear forces, strengthen the global non-proliferation regime and promote proliferation-resistant nuclear energy. Learn More»

"Eurabia" - a new, mostly American genre of political literature - predicts that Europe will soon lose its Western identity to the growing population of Muslim immigrants. Justin Vaïsse challenges the "Eurabia" thesis, arguing that its proponents rely chiefly on anecdotes and distortions of Europe’s demography and social dynamics, while misrepresenting Muslim identity.
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With the creation of two leadership positions and an array of new political mechanisms, the Lisbon Treaty seeks to improve the European Union’s cohesiveness and coherence, particularly in terms of external relations. Thierry Chopin and Maxime Lefebvre examine these new developments and assess their potential for strengthening the transatlantic relationship between the United States and Europe.
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Steven Pifer
Steven Pifer,
The New York Times
Steven Pifer,
Council on Foreign Relations
Steven Pifer,
The Brookings Institution
Steven Pifer,
The Brookings Institution
Steven Pifer,
The Brookings Institution
Justin Vaïsse
Justin Vaisse
Justin Vaïsse
The New York Times
Justin Vaïsse
Esprit Magazine
Ömer Taspinar
Omer Taspinar
Ömer Taspinar,
Today's Zaman
Ömer Taspinar,
Today's Zaman
Ömer Taspinar,
Today's Zaman
Ömer Taspinar,
Today's Zaman

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