A newsletter issued by the Information Committee

اضيف الخبر في يوم الثلاثاء ١٢ - يناير - ٢٠١٠ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً.

A newsletter issued by the Information Committee


Finance: tax evasion by the bazaars may cause the budget deficit



Ahmed Sakr -Minister of Finance in Youth Government- wondered about the supervision role of taxes association after 16 thousand Bazaars was proved escaping paying taxes estimated at $ 200 million annually.
Chairman of the Chamber for Touristic goods has revealed the loss of 200 million dollars annually from the domestic income as a result of 16 thousand Bazaars not paying the 10% sales tax , and confirmed that 90% of the bazaars on floating hotels are not licensed by the Ministry of Tourism and that there is suspicion that hotel owners are allowing the shops owners to rent the shops with high prices without ensuring that they are authorized and without making sure that they are following standard prices.
He also stressed on the fact that those wasted resources was enough to pay the deficit in the state budget without the need to impose additional taxes on the citizens



Towards a fair political System



Mr. Anwar Esmat El Sadat, Suggested the Addition of an article to the Political Rights Law No. 73 of 1956 to be amended shortly to ban the nomination of the sons of the head of state and heads of the People's Assembly and Shura Council and the Prime Minister in all presidential, legislative and local councils elections as long as their parents are still in charge.
This will require amending the Constitution, putting an exception in article 40, to avoid being challenged by a constitutional motion.
El-Sadat's willingness to add this article in particular due to the possibility that candidates can misuse their parents influence and power violating article 40 of the Constitution which states that all citizens are equal before the law, also to end the controversy about inheritance in the government and the ambiguity around the future of governance in Egypt caused by a stagnant political life.



Political Training & Education Secretariat announces the beginning of its activities.



In the framework of the Party’s political training and education Secretariat .Mr. Ahmed Dawood, Secretary of the Secretariat announced the beginning of the training courses activity, providing a course on Human Resources Management and another an introduction on stock market.
It should be noted that the Secretariat had organized several seminars and workshops aiming to create new calibers able to participate in the political life.





Youth Government,” swine flu phobia is unjustified”



Dr. Ahmed Abdel Kawi - Minister of Health in Youth Government – called the state to put that issue in its right size and not to unnecessarily reignite fears of the people.
He also asked for a response to the false suspicions that the vaccine causes paralysis as these rumors are widely spread recently among the people, and there is no response from the government.
Abdel Kawi said that it is obligatory to form an independent committee with senior specialists in pharmacology, from both faculties of medicine and pharmacy to know whether these rumors are accurate or not and its impact on people, especially after a rumor of extending the validity of the final medicine.



Election Committee in Alexandria



The party’s parliamentary elections Committee held its first meeting in Alexandria on the 7th of January, preparing for the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2010, where the Party’s strategic plan for participating in the elections was presented by Mr. Abdullah Helmy Chairman of the Committee which also included the criteria for candidates selection in RDP, and the necessity of activating the Registration Office of the Committee to gather as much voters as possible for the RDP list.
Alexandria Committee tasks were divided among candidates, voters and the office for monitoring the elections which will include a group of lawyers to monitor the procedures.




The future of political and parliamentary life after the constitutional amendments



The Party participated in a seminar held by the Freedoms Committee in the Lawyer’s syndicate entitled "The Future of Political and Parliamentary Process after the Constitutional Amendments", where a group of RDP lawyers attended the event to present the party’s policies to the public.
The debate was focusing on articles 76, 77 and 88 of the Constitution, due to the importance of those articles in affecting the political process.
A lot of solutions were suggested to solve this issue which disrupts the political and the parliamentary process in Egypt






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