A newsletter issued by the Information Committee

اضيف الخبر في يوم الأربعاء ١٦ - ديسمبر - ٢٠٠٩ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً.

A newsletter issued by the Information Committee










A newsletter issued by the Information Committee, No.30 - Thursday,10-12-2009








The second session of Youth Government






Youth Government held its second session, where the Prime Minister met a number of ministers to discuss some governmental issues and the next ministerial plans. During the meeting, It was agreed on the formation of the Economic Community of the government, Mr./ Emad Salama was selected to be the Media Minister and Mr./ Moataz Ahmed to be the Industry Minister, while the rest of the ministries are still being formed until the future plans of all ministries are submitted and begin to activate them in the near future.








A workshop on identifying the needs of society and organizing its members






RDP in cooperation with the 6th of April Youth Movement held a workshop on Sunday, the 6th of December at 6 pm, the workshop was on identifying the needs and organizing the community where its members trained to work together within their neighborhood to identify the needs of these constituencies through the reality and perspective of people and to seek solutions to their problems and to organize them to achieve these solutions. The workshop labored on strengthening the skills of planning, analysis and communication for the trainees based on co-education techniques as a modern way to raise its capabilities.






Training of RDP candidates for the parliamentary elections






RDP participated in the framework of the preparation of women leaders in a training session for the candidates concerning the next elections 2010. The session was held in Ismailia over four days. During the session, the candidates were identified by the following; how to plan for the upcoming elections, the preparation of the successful and effective electoral campaigns as well as managing the resources of the electoral campaign and to attract some volunteers and experts in electoral campaigns in addition to lobbying from the public and finally the assets of electoral propaganda. The aforementioned is within the framework of the party's preparation for the upcoming elections at the People's Assembly in the reform list.











Training for the assistances of RDP parliament members





RDP participated in the workshop of training the assistances of RDP parliament members for two-days which were the 5th and 6th of December, this was organized by Westminster Foundation for Democracy, in the presence of Mr./ Dan Beagle representative of the British Labor Party and Mr./ David Park from the Conservative Party in Britain. They trained the participants in the workshop on how to support the Parliament member dealing with the media, how to manage the Office of Parliament member, how to deal with the Parliament member and plan for the elections. The organizers praised the effective participation of the party in the training workshop.








The future of the National Council for Human Rights at its third session






RDP participated in a workshop about the future of the National Council for Human Rights at its third session, this was in the presence of Mr./ Anwar Esmat El Sadat, Founders Representative of RDP, and a number of the founding members of the workshop, which was organized by One World Foundation and the German Foundation Konrad Adenauer, The workshop was attended by leading researchers. The workshop revolves around the human rights situation in Egypt and the role of the National Council for Human Rights in order to get out the final recommendations of the workshop to be presented to the National Council for Human Rights so that it would be adopted and implemented in the near future.



















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