Jihad in Chechnya

الأربعاء ٢٥ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٩ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

نص السؤال:
What is about the war in Chechnya? Is it an Islamic Jihad ?
آحمد صبحي منصور :

Some people in Chechnya want to be a part of the Russian Union, while others want to be against the Russians. It is the political struggle for political power and wealth. Those people who want to separate Chechnya for themselves started the war against the Russians and the other people of Chechnya committing many war crimes and misusing the name of Islam in these terrorist crimes.
Those terrorist people used to be communists all their life during the time of the late Soviet Union, considering Islam and other religions the opium of the masses. Now they are presenting themselves to us as the pure Muslims to justify their crimes.
If they are real Muslims, they have to obey the Rules of Islam in this case. God Says in the Quran: “God does not forbid you from befriending those who did not fight you because of religion, and did not drive you out of your homes. You must treat them justly and kindly. God loves the equitable.
God forbids you from befriending those who fought you because of religion, drive you out of your homes, and helped in banishing you from your homes. You shall not ally them. For those who ally them are wicked: [60: 8 &9]
The Russians did not start this war, nor do they drive those people out from their homes. Even in this war they are not fighting them because of religion of Islam, but because they are terrorists

مقالات متعلقة بالفتوى :
اجمالي القراءات 9072
أضف تعليق
لا بد من تسجيل الدخول اولا قبل التعليق
تاريخ الانضمام : 2006-07-05
مقالات منشورة : 5111
اجمالي القراءات : 56,684,897
تعليقات له : 5,445
تعليقات عليه : 14,818
بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : United State

مشروع نشر مؤلفات احمد صبحي منصور

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