Call for chapters for book on Islamic Imagery

اضيف الخبر في يوم الأربعاء ٠٦ - يناير - ٢٠١٠ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً.

January 4, 2010

Call for chapters for book on Islamic Imagery
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From: H-Net Announcements

Call for Book Chapters: Islamic Imagery

مقالات متعلقة :

Call for Papers Deadline:
Date Submitted: 2009-12-30
Announcement ID: 172942


Islamic Imagery will explore a series of significant symbols found in the
Quran and the Sunnah. Each chapter will address the multifarious
manifestations of a single image according to Sunni, Shiite and Sufi
sources. Each image will be analyzed literally and metaphorically from an
imaginative, eclectic, innovative and interdisciplinary approach, bringing
together religious and cultural studies. Each image will be examined
exoterically and esoterically, literally, linguistically, allegorically,
symbolically, religiously, theologically and philosophically. Primary
sources shall be entirely Arabic, including the Holy Quran, Prophetic
Traditions or Ahadith, namely the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad and, for
Shiites, the apothegms of the Twelve Imams, and a broad range of Tafasir
or commentaries of the Quran. Secondary sources will be drawn primarily
from the works of Annemarie Schimmel, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, William C.
Chittick, Sachiko Murata, and other leading scholars of Islam from both
East and West who have grasped the faith in both its outer and inner
dimensions. Islamic Imagery will provide an inventory and analysis of the
predominant images in the Quran and the Sunnah, demonstrating the
diversity which exists at the heart of Islamic unity. Islamic Imagery is
set to be a valuable reference source for both students and scholars alike
and an essential library addition. The work is currently under contract
with McFarland, a leading U.S. publisher of scholarly, reference and
academic books with worldwide distribution.

Islamic Imagery will contain 50, 10-20 page chapters, each devoted to a
single Islamic image, contributed by leading experts in the field of
Islamic, Arabic, Persian, and Literary Studies. Scholars may explore the
following images, among many others: The Image of the Road / The Image of
the Polytheist / The Image of Power / The Image of the Veil / The Image of
Light / The Image of Darkness /The Image of the Perfect Human Being / The
Image of Justice / The Image of Nature / The Image of God / The Image of
Satan / The Image of Love / The Image of Heaven / The Image of Hell / The
Image of Islam in Architecture / The Image of Nature / The Image of Sex /
The Image of Good / The Image of Evil / The Image of Women / The Image of
Men / The Image of Children / The Image of Parents / The Image of the
Father / The Image of the Mother / The Image of the Other / The Image of
the Jew / The Image of the Christian / The Image of the Law / The Image of
Intoxication / The Image of Life / The Image of Death / The Image of Truth
/ The Image of Falsehood / The Image of Mercy / The Image of Wrath / The
Image of the Prophet / The Image of the Imams / The Image of Knowledge /
The Image of Mercy / The Image of the Prophets / The Image of Sin / The
Image of Unity / The Image of the Unseen / The Image of the Jinn / The
Image of Ignorance / The Image of the Universe / The Image of Arabic / The
Image of Creation / The Image of Race / The Image of Scholar


Scholars who are interested in contributing one or more chapters to
Islamic Imagery are invited to submit a one-page abstract, proposal, or
letter of intent by September 1st, 2010. Scholars will submit their
chapters by September 1st, 2011 to be subjected to the most stringent
peer-review process.

Dr. John Andrew Morrow, Associate Professor of Spanish, French and
Arabic-Islamic Studies, Coordinator of the Department of Foreign
Languages, Minot State University, 500 University Ave. West, Minot, ND,
USA, 58707. TEL: (701) 858-4265; FAX: (701) 858-3894; EMAIL:

Email: drjamorrow3333@

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