Yemen 2010 an international conference‏

اضيف الخبر في يوم الأربعاء ٠٦ - يناير - ٢٠١٠ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً.

The Society of Arab & Islamic Studies (University of Exeter-UK) along with
the Sheba Center for Strategic Studies, the University of Sana¹a and the
Center for Gulf Studies (University of Exeter-UK) announce the upcoming
international academic conference ŒYemen from the Threshold: Identity,
Regionalism and Globalization¹.  This will be the first conference of its

kind in the Republic of Yemen.

This conference will be held in Sana¹a, Republic of Yemen from 17 to 19 May
2010.  Further information is available through our website (updates to follow soon).

Papers may be presented in Arabic or English (working languages).  Abstracts
must be submitted before 1 March 2010, each must not exceed 300 words,
submit your abstract in English through We
encourage pre-organized panels on related themes (contact conference
coordinator).  Abstracts submitted from outside Yemen must be submitted
electronically along with registration forms provided in our website
( through

Abstracts from Yemeni nationals (Arabic or English) must be submitted via
post mail to:

Sheba Center

c/o Yemen 2010

PO Box 16822

Sana¹a, Yemen

Kind regards,

Fernando Carvajal
Conference Coordinator

President, Society of Arab & Islamic Studies

Co-Editor in Chief, International Journal for Arab Studies



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