Man Dies in Police Custody Amid Continued Security Transgressions, Protests:
Man Dies in Police Custody Amid Continued Security Transgressions, Protests

اضيف الخبر في يوم الإثنين ٢٦ - يناير - ٢٠٠٩ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً. نقلا عن: Voices for a Democratic Egypt!

Reported security transgressions continued this week as a man being held at a police station in Alexandria died this week while in custody.  The man, Abdallah El Sagheer, 40, was arrested for alleged robbery and kept at the police station for 3 days without being presented to the prosecutor in violation of the law which requires a suspect to be seen by a prosecutor within 24 hours of arrest.  El Sagheer's family told news sources that Abdallah had no health problems, and sources revealed that Abdallah was tortured to death.  Meanwhile, another Alexandria woman was reportedly sexually assaulted by a security officer from the same police station during a raid of her home this week, during which her husband was detained and items from her home were reportedly taken.  In another incident, a man accused a state security officer of killing his son who had been a driver at the Ministry of Interior during his 3 years military service.  The man's father, Ibrahim El Assal, told El Badeel that his son Reda had gone to the town of El Areesh to obtain his certificate of completion of military service, and that he was shocked to learn of his son's death through a colleague.  Ibrahim traveled to El Areesh and was made to sign numerous documents which he did not understand due to his being illiterate, and upon returning home received a death certificate indicating that cause of death was due to a bullet in the neck.  Ibrahim then began inquiring his son's colleagues who informed him that his son Reda's superior had in fact shot him; Reda himself was unarmed throughout his service as a driver for the Ministry.  In yet another incident, a man was beaten by a plain-clothed security officer in the street and taken into custody in an unmarked microbus (the video of the incident is at the misrdigital blog site above).  At a protest against police brutality held on Sunday to coincide with National Police Day, photojournalists held up enlarged pictures of journalists being beaten by police.  Mohamed Abdel Qoddous of the Journalists' Syndicate freedoms committee said: "These pictures prove that the police are in the service of oppression and dictatorship, rather than the people." 

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