اضيف الخبر في يوم الجمعة ٠٣ - ديسمبر - ٢٠١٠ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً.
A Brave Aussie Stands Up for 9/11 Truth Against Zionist Media
A Brave Aussie Stands Up for 9/11 Truth Against Zionist Media
Anthony Lawson has made another excellent video about 9/11 truth. The video contains the comments of Kevin Bracken, a very clear-thinking and brave Australian union leader who stands up against the Zionist-controlled media and states that the official version of 9/11 simply does not stand up to scientific scrutiny. Bracken, who is polite throughout the interview, is constantly interrupted and abused by the Jewish on-air host, Jon Faine. The following interview shows how to stand up to the abuse and mind-control techniques of the Zionist media, which seeks to confuse and distract the public from the evidence that their Zionist masters were behind the terror atrocity of 9/11 - the deception that changed the world and took our nations into criminal wars of aggression -- for their profit.
The Video
Sources and Recommended Reading:
"Union leader Kevin Bracken says September 11 attacks were a conspiracy", The Australian, October 20, 2010
"Australian Kevin Bracken Exposes 9-11 Cover-up", Northern Truth Seeker, October 29, 2010
"Jon Faine Holds a 'Debate'", by Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun, February 1, 2010
Source: Bollyn.com
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