Egypt: Why is Israel so Blind? - Opinion - Al Jazeera English‏

اضيف الخبر في يوم الإثنين ١٤ - فبراير - ٢٠١١ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً.

On 13 Feb 2011, at 17:44, TC wrote:

Israel is not blind.
The Zionist project is Israel's raison d'etre and is supported by the majority of Israelis.
The Zionist project is for Jews to own all of the land from the sea to the River Jordan, just as the Americans own all of the land from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
In order to own the land of Israel or of the USA, all of the natives (except for a tiny few Palestinians or Red Indians living in museum reservations) have to be killed or driven out into Canada or Jordan.
The Israelis always say they are just following the Christian American ! example of the genocide of the native American peoples, which ended in the Massacre of Wounded Knee in 1890.
The Americans got away with it, and the Israelis believe they will do likewise, especially as they have the support of the American government.
The only alternatives are for the Israelis to abandon the Zionist project by either a) letting the Palestinians keep the 1967 borders (two-state solution) or by b) making Palestinians equal citizens in Israel and the West Bank (the one-state solution).
Neither alternative is acceptable since it means abandoning the Zionist project of an Israel for Jews only which has been on a roll since 1948.
Israel will fight for the Zionist project, and will use the 'Jewish' science of its nuclear weapons to prevail.
M.J. Rosenberg must know this when he says he cares about Israel which he knows is a rogue, racist and apartheid state.
His article must be just another attempt to gain time.

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