.†Professor Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, 1†. Professor Dr. Abdelrazak Mansour Ali, 2† 1†. E mail; mas5949@yahoo.co 2†. E mail; abdelrazak_ali@yahoo.co Both 1† and 2† are affiliated to International Qu:
A study discovered that Gog and Magog are the builders of Giza pyramids

د. عبد الرزاق علي Ýí 2023-05-22

.A study discovered that Gog and Magog are the builders of Giza pyramids


.†Professor Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, 1†. Professor Dr. Abdelrazak Mansour Ali, 2†

1†. E mail; mas5949@yahoo.co

2†. E mail; abdelrazak_ali@yahoo.co

Both 1† and 2† are affiliated to International Quranic Center. https://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/main.php


Abstract. Some important dates from the life of mankind must be mentioned, and the research has been removed with sources and documents for those who want to refer to them:1- Adam appeared on Earth, 9700-9800 years ago, 2- The appearance of the Pharaohs, 5120-5000 years ago. 3- Building the pyramids more than 10,000-12,000 years ago. The significance of these historical numbers? They prove that the pyramids were built before the descent of Adam and before the existence of the Pharaohs. There is an ambiguity surrounding the construction of the pyramids, the accuracy of their design, and the control of their construction on the Orion belt and Ley lines. The presence of some oddities in the numerical mathematical consistency between the curvature of pyramid and the arithmetic matrix of the universe. This means that the one who built the pyramid had a great deal of science and technology that exceeds our capabilities in the current era. This is confirmed by the scenario of Dhul-Qarnayn with Gog and Magog as follows: 1- Gog and Magog were technically advanced in three fields, namely the field of chemistry - thermal energy and electromagnetism. And this is what made them build the pyramids because they acquired these experiences from the environment in which they lived. Therefore, it was necessary to send a scientifically and technically superior person such as "Dhul-Qarnayn" to treat any defect and pave the ground to be ready for the descent of Adam, who was chosen by God and made him caliph over it. Evidence that "Zul-Qarnain" was able to Evidence that Zul-Qarnain was master of the three domains that Gog and Magog possess: The context of the Qur’anic verses shows that “Zul-Qarnain” was proficient in: A - thermal energy - so he was able to melt iron, which requires a temperature of approximately "3000" Fahrenheit. B - Chemistry - he knew the secret of metals, alloys, and chemical reactions. For example, he designed a metal ingot from the interaction of molten iron with cesium (Qetr) in the presence of clay, so that no power can penetrate it.

C - Electromagnetic energy - he was skilled in exploiting it in his high-speed wandering around the Earth, east, west, and north

Keywords.  Pyramids, Gog, Magog, Energy, Earth

Discussion. To begin with, some important dates from the life of mankind must be mentioned, and the research has been removed with sources and documents for those who want to refer to them:

1- Adam appeared on Earth, 9700-9800 years ago (1,2)

2- The appearance of the Pharaohs, 5120-5000 years ago (3)

 3- Building the pyramids more than 10,000-12,000 years ago (4,5,6)

What is the significance of these historical numbers? They prove that the pyramids were built before the descent of Adam and before the existence of the Pharaohs. That is, it was built by humans or people who existed before Adam. Embalming in ancient Egypt predated the pharaohs, an ancient mummy reveals. That would mean that the practice began at least 1,500 years earlier than once thought. The mummy, an adult male curled on its left side in a fetal pose is about 6,000 years old, as its image is credited by Raffaella Bianucci, University of Turin. This Turin mummy is so old that it even predates written language. So, it's likely that the embalming instructions were preserved verbally "and passed down through generations,"[7]

There is an ambiguity surrounding the construction of the pyramids, the accuracy of their design, and the control of their construction on the Orion belt and Ley lines.  There is correlation between the location of the three largest Giza pyramid complex and Orion's Belt of the constellation Orion[8,9].Ley lines is the term given to alleged alignments that have been found to link prehistoric mounds, stones, sacred sites, temples/churches, and geographical features. Some researchers see the ley lines as electromagnetic energy, is powerful earth energy points paths between powerful points on earth, which connect into a greater earth grid [10].The idea of ley lines as it coordinates with the yearly solstices has attributed these mysterious lines to beliefs in spiritual enlightenment, cosmic power, and energy fields [11]. Orion lines and Ley linescarry the magnetic and etheric energy of the Earth –

The presence of some oddities in the numerical mathematical consistency between the curvature of pyramid and the arithmetic matrix of the universe, for example:

 the square of the circle of the Great Pyramid represents the longitudinal radius of the curvature of the Earth at the equator by a degree of high precision and that the circumference of this circle multiplied by 2 equals 1 minute of latitude. The outer mantle is reported to be made of 144,000 mantle stones, all highly polished and flat to an accuracy of 1/100th of an inch, about 100 inches thick and weighing approx. 15 tons each. This is why the researchers focused on the number 144,000 while trying to understand the mysterious link between the planet Earth and the Great Pyramid - in addition to the weight of the pyramid = 5,955,000 tons multiplied by 10 ^ 8, which gives an estimate equal to the mass of the Earth and other oddities that we have not been able to know its secrets until now (12).

Hancock points out that if you multiply the circumference of the base of the Great Pyramid (3,024 feet) by 43,200, you get the Earth's equatorial circumference. If you multiply its height (481 feet) by 43,200, you'll be left with the polar radius of the Earth. This number, 43,200, is relevant because it represents Earth's axial precession or the way it swings on its axis. 43,200 is a multiple of 72, which is the number of years it takes for one degree of this oscillation (5). This means that the one who built the pyramid had a great deal of science and technology that exceeds our capabilities in the current era. This is confirmed by the scenario of Dhul-Qarnayn with Gog and Magog as follows

1- Gog and Magog were technically advanced in three fields, namely the field of chemistry - thermal energy and electromagnetism. And this is what made them build the pyramids because the environment in which they lived (the Earth's core) acquired them the experience in these fields, as follows.

A- The Earth's core and its intense heat - about 1000 degrees Celsius at the base of the crust, about 3500 degrees Celsius at the base of the mantle, and about 5000 degrees Celsius at the center of the Earth (13)

B- The Earth's core contains the Earth's center of gravity and the gravitational force arising from the electrical currents generated from the movement of thermal currents of a molten mixture of iron and nickel - and these thermal currents are radiated from the heat of the Earth's center (14).

C - Earth's interior contains the highest concentration of minerals and other chemicals. Therefore, it was necessary to send a scientifically and technically superior person such as "Dhul-Qarnayn" to treat any defect and pave the ground to be ready for the descent of Adam, who was chosen by God and made him caliph over it.

Evidence that "Dhul-Qarnayn" was able to Evidence that Dhul-Qarnayn was master of the three domains that Gog and Magog possess:

The context of the Qur’anic verses shows that “Dhul-Qarnayn” was proficient in:

A - thermal energy - so he was able to melt iron, which requires a temperature of approximately "3000" Fahrenheit.

B - Chemistry - he knew the secret of metals, alloys, and chemical reactions. For example, he designed a metal ingot from the interaction of molten iron with cesium (Qetr) in the presence of clay, so that no power can penetrate it.

C - Electromagnetic energy - he was skilled in exploiting it in his high-speed wandering around the Earth, east, west, and north. etc.

Significance of sending "Zul Qarnain"

  A- Zul-Qarnain was not sent by God Almighty on a touristic, recreational trip, but rather assigned him a specific task, which is to examine the land and discover any problems or corruption in it to treat it immediately, for example - like a doctor who examines a patient to diagnose a disease and give him the effective treatment. It means that he did not come for the sake of the simple people who live in "between the two dams", but rather he made the dam to close the earthly opening in preparation for the descent of Adam.

B- Mentally, his personality with these supernatural capabilities and abilities must have two natures: the human nature in order to be able to deal with the people he will meet on his journey, and the angelic nature such as granting him super speed and knowledge of the laws of the universe and their applications - and after he performs his mission, he returns to his basic place, waiting for another mission assigned to him by God Almighty.

Evidence that Gog and Magog have high technology capable of building pyramids:

Their progress in the field of energy and chemistry left their mark prints on the design and construction of the pyramids.

1- Scientific research has proven that the pyramids are not cemeteries, but rather energy plants, including electromagnetic energy and electricity generation. The design and choice of the location for building the Giza pyramids was aiming to concentrate the Earth’s energy field related to the relationship between the planet’s elliptical orbit and the equator, and this design was intended for wireless energy transmission. This is why the scientist Nicole Tesla tried to simulate pyramid design in designing the "Colorado Springs" tower or the Tesla tower on the east coast (15).

2- Dhul-Qarnayn did not bring with him an army to deter Gog and Magog, rather his only weapon was knowledge and its applications - that is, God know that Gog and Magog are scientifically advanced, so He provided Dhul-Qarnayn with the appropriate weapon, that is the knowledge of science.

3- The Holy Qur’an hinted that “Dhul-Qarnayn” encountered on his journey on the earth only three nations + Gog and Magog (the only ones who possess technology). For your intelligence, who of these three nations can build a pyramid that is designed and built on the highest possible level of technology?

Are the people who live “between two dams” those, the ignorant ones who do not understand anything as the Qur’an describes them?  Or the people who live far away at the sunrise area and who could not do a covering barrier that protects them from the bright sun day and night, all the time - until he reached the setting ˹point˺ of the sun, which appeared to him to be setting in a spring of murky water, where he found some people. We said, “O Ⱬul-Qarnain! Either punish them or treat them kindly) Alkahf, verse 86,and certainly, the sun has devoured their minds - As for the third people in the west of the globe, who do not have any personal character that described it, and God did not want to mention a characteristic that distinguishes them. Dhul-Qarnayn, either you will be punished or take good from them) - So there will be nothing left but Gog and Magog because they have the scientific qualifications to build the pyramid, so it is not reasonable that an ignorant nation or a mentally retarded nation or a nation that does not have a characteristic means “its existence is like its absence.”

Are Gog and Magog human beings or natural phenomena such as torrents and rivers?

1- Yes, they are human beings, with evidence that God told them that they will be gathered on the Day of Resurrection for reckoning (And We left some of them on that day undulating in one another and blowing in the trumpet, so We gathered them together)

2- Using the pronoun of the human beings to denote them on many occasions, such as (they could not make it visible, and they could not rummage through it) 97- (Indeed, Gog and Magog are corrupters on earth... to make There is a barrier between us and them) Al-Kahf 94 ?!- In these verses, we notice the use of the pronouns used for the sane person.

3- They are not the humans that the angels mean in their saying: (Remember˺ when your Lord said to the angels, “I am going to place a successive ˹human˺ authority on earth.” They asked ˹Allah˺, “Will You place in it someone who will spread corruption there and shed blood while we glorify Your praises and proclaim Your holiness?” Allah responded, “I know what you do not know)- Al-Baqarah, verse 30 - They are not bloodshed or mischief-makers in the land, because if they were like that, Dhul-Qarnayn would have killed and eradicated them as he has permission from God to do so. Rather, he left them alone and made a barrier between them and their ignorant neighbors who live between the two dams. As if this barrier is a time separator between the peak of civilization represented by Gog and Magog and the lowest level of civilization represented by the ignorant neighbors of Gog and Magog.

4- The saying that they are corrupt in the land is a rumor launched by their ignorant neighbors, the Almighty said (Until when he reached between the two dams, he found a people in-between, who could hardly understand a word. They said please, Zul-Qarnain, Gog and Magog are corrupt in the land, so shall we make you a tribute on the condition that you make a barrier between us and them?) Al-Kahf 93,94- It is not correct to rely on these ignorant people in their evaluation of Gog and Magog and describing them as corruption in the land - and the strange paradox is that this is the logic of the ignorant and the stupid people even in our current era.

5- The ignorant people may have described Gog and Magog as corruption in the land due to the existence of an immemorial cultural gap between them and Gog and Magog, so they did not understand the technological aspects of Gog and Magog possessed - let us imagine a contemporary person came from the time of the heritages (1000 years ago) and he attended our present era and saw someone using the mobile phone and the computer with the click of his fingers, pictures like the picture of this heritage man appear to him, and he hears voices and notices that people are calling and talking to others who not really present in front of the heritage eye to see, or when he writes and the writing appears on the screen, what will be the reaction of this heritage? Certainly, accusations will be leveled against this one of the people as being a spoiler on earth, an evil sorcerer, and an infidel.! - If this is what happened from a person between us and him, one thousand years of civilization, then what do we care about thousands and thousands of years which are the cultural difference between these ignorant people and "Gog and Magog."

Energy transformations in the pyramids and the role of Gog and Magog.

Based on the ratio of 1/14400, the foundational dimensions of the pyramid are harmoniously integrated with the Earth, which means that the builders of the pyramid had a good idea of the size of the Earth because the Great Pyramid was built in the exact center of the land mass, and its four corners correspond to the cardinal points of the compass, and it faces True North, making it the most accurate structure of all, this design creates an inner three-dimensional field of harmonic vibrations, providing space to allow the energies to mingle within. The top of the pyramid forms a 'spinning sphere' within its center, and once the energy enters, it deviates from the five symmetrical angles and is projected in a radius towards the center where it creates a column of vibrations. In addition to the design, the standard materials used in the construction of the pyramids suggest something more than just a building - the interior of pink granite is highly magnetic, and the outer layer of limestone has magnetic properties, providing an ideal atmosphere for the transmission of energy and waves (16). This shows the pivotal role of energy in the design and construction of the pyramid and explains the close relationship between the pyramid and "Gog and Magog" energy experts.

2- Experimentally, scientists have found that magnetic energy can be used to lift objects, but it only works on objects made of magnetized materials such as (the components of the pyramid stones are pink granite and limestone). And if the strength of the magnet is very high, the effect is called magnetic levitation, that is, lifting the magnetized stones and objects up (17) - and thus can explain how to move and raise the stones of the pyramid in the construction process. From this discovery we draw two conclusions:

A- Integration of the idea of the role of advanced technology in the design and implementation of the construction of the pyramid, which is that; whoever can design and build an edifice with this professionalism in engineering, scientific and astronomical measurements should be able to find a way to move and raise the building stones using advanced technology commensurate with the technological level in the design of the pyramid. This analysis respects minds instead of interpretations Ridiculous things, such as transporting stones in primitive ways by means of animals and wooden sledges, and lifting them by workers, slopes, and other interpretations suggested by some Egyptologists.!

B- Emphasizing the pivotal role of energy in every step of the design and implementation of building the pyramids. This confirms the role of Gog and Magog in all these steps.

3- Another experiment confirmed that objects can be carried and moved in the air using energy, where a model of high-intensity ultrasound was made to hold something in place, which is known as "sonic flight". This technique also made it possible to make designs to control the direction and focus of energy, and high-precision acoustic energy tweezers or pliers were developed (18).

4- Physicists have recently been interested in how the Great Pyramid interacts with electromagnetic waves of a resonant wavelength. Calculations showed that in the case of resonance, the pyramid can concentrate electromagnetic energy in its inner chambers and under its base - these conclusions were made based on analytical methods that estimated that resonance in the pyramid. It can be caused by radio waves ranging in length from 200 to 600 meters - (19) - Note that electromagnetic energy added a third dimension to the relationship of the pyramids with "Gog and Magog."

Chemistry. Traces of zinc and hydrochloric acid were discovered in the Queen's Chamber of the Great Pyramid. Scientists suggest that the chemicals entering through the north shaft was hydrated zinc and that the other chemical coming in from the south shaft into the chamber was hydrochloric acid. There is evidence and traces on the walls, and the scientist Christopher Dunn explained that these two chemicals were poured through the columns and then mixed inside the Queen's Chamber, which led to combustion and a chemical reaction between zinc and hydrochloric acid, producing hydrogen. And hydrogen gas moves from the queen's room to the king's room, where vibrations from the subterranean pool activate the hydrogen atoms and convert them into a microwave thermal energy beam. The scientists concluded that the pyramid acts as a motor for a large power station, where hydrogen gas was used to generate electroacoustic and magnetic energy (20,21). Here we discover that the language of chemistry is another channel of communication between the pyramid and Gog and Magog.




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مقالات منشورة : 84
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بلد الميلاد : Egypt
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