A Study Discovered the DNA Structure of Jesus

د. عبد الرزاق علي Ýí 2023-02-23

International Clinical and Medical Case Reports Journal

Research Article (ISSN: 2832-5788)

Int Clin Med Case Rep Jour (ICMCRJ) 2023 | Volume 2 | Issue 7

A Study Discovered the DNA Structure of Jesus

Abdelrazak Mansour Ali*

Department of Pediatrics, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt

Citation: Abdelrazak Mansour Ali. A Study Discovered the DNA Structure of Jesus. Int Clin Med Case Rep Jour.


Received Date: 14 February 2023; Accepted Date: 18 February 2023; Published Date: 20 February 2023

University, Egypt

Copyright: © Abdelrazak Mansour Ali, Open Access 2023. This article, published in Int Clin Med Case Rep Jour

(ICMCRJ) (Attribution 4.0 International), as described by http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.


The DNA constituent of Jesus is typically the same DNA of his mother Mary with activation and/ or addition of extra genes that add unique characteristics and capabilities to the fetus, not present in the DNA of humans, such as the ability of the fetus to speak early while he is in the cradle, its ability to cure some diseases (blindness and leprosy) and knowing what people stored in their homes. Because the sex-determining process is not necessarily required the SRY gene as other factors play in the sex determination in some species that rely upon temperature for their sex determination and do not have the SRY gene but have other genes such as DAX1, DMRT1, and SOX9 that are expressed or not expressed depending on the temperature. Electromagnetic energy (or Gabriel) carries multiple information programs. Among these informational programs is the “Reviving the Dead” program, and the program for healing from illness and learning about some of the unseen. The first blowing in Mary's body is to integrate the informational program (or gene) into the DNA of Mary's bodily cells, and thus it becomes a component of Mary's DNA, therefore the cells of Mary's body cannot make antibodies, so it could not work to expel the next fetus.

Additionally, it causes self-division of Mary’s somatic cell without the need for her fertilization from the male. The second blow is blowing into the vagina, which connects to the uterus and the fallopian tube to the ovum inside the ovary. In fact, blowing into the ovum has beneficial effects; - It will stimulate the ovum and push it to self-division without the need for sperm. Experimentally, Parthenogenesis is evidence of the possibility of stimulating the ovum into self-division. Parthenogenesis is a form of asexual reproduction wherein the offspring develops from the egg or female gamete without prior fertilization from the male gamete. It is also referred to by many as “virgin birth. Therefore, the hormonal configuration with the correct balance essential for a successful pregnancy ensued. In response to this, the target tissue functions in a way that ensures pregnancy is maintained. Initially, the ovaries, and then later, the placenta, is the main producers of pregnancy-related hormones that are essential in creating and

maintaining the correct conditions required for a successful pregnancy.

Keywords: DNA - Genes - chromosomes- doctrine- Mary- Jesus- Immaculate Conception- electromagnetic signals.

International Clinical and Medical Case Reports Journal

Research Article (ISSN: 2832-5788)

Int Clin Med Case Rep Jour (ICMCRJ) 2023 | Volume 2 | Issue 7


Although the DNA structure of Jesus was a matter of debate among almost all cultures, over history, none of the opinions was based on a convincing scientific background. In our study, we try to investigate the subject scientifically and answer the questions related to the dilemma to uncover the ambiguity of this issue. The evangelical Faith Home Ministries (FHM) first lists all the possibilities of the DNA structure of Jesus, eliminating the possibility Jesus was haploid, containing only 23 chromosomes from Mary, which would make the Savior

inviable (and not male). [1] It seems there are only 3 options for considering the composition of Jesus’ DNA: Jesus has 100% of Mary’s DNA with a divinely created Y chromosome to make him male; Jesus has 50% DNA from a human female (Mary) and 50% DNA from God, to replace that of a human male; Jesus has DNA created entirely by God at the time of His conception. [2] Several have proposed God supplied a Y chromosome to add to the X chromosome of Mary’s egg cell (ovum), which is programmed for the male gender of Jesus. In so doing God bypassed defective genetic weaknesses of the Adamic (male) genome. However, this is a fallacious argument, as 22 other chromosomes must be contributed to match the other 22 chromosomes Mary produced in her ovum cell.

[1] The doctrine is generally not shared by either Eastern Orthodoxy or by Protestant traditions. Protestants generally reject the doctrine because they do not consider the development of dogmatic theology to be authoritative apart from

Biblical exegesis and the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception are not taught explicitly in the Bible. It is accepted by some Anglo-Catholics but is rejected by most in the Anglican Communion. [2] Socinianism is most famous for its

Nontrinitarian Christian beliefs about the unitary nature of God and the human nature of Jesus and its rejection of the pre-existence of Christ. [3]

Naturally, there are no skeletal remains for a DNA analysis that can be directly attributed to Jesus, which would be incompatible with the Christian belief in his resurrection. According to tradition, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher

in Jerusalem houses the place of burial, discovered, and preserved by the emperor Constantine in the fourth century. Although it is impossible to determine if that was the true tomb of Jesus, a study published has dated the

construction to the fourth century, corroborating the historical data. [4,5]


This meta-analysis study used the historical and religious information to be revised and analyzed in the light of advanced molecular biology and physics in addition to the application of DNA data analysis to clarify the configuration and features of Jesus’s DNA. Implementation of the scientific methods for each step of the research study to explain and remove the mysteries about Jesus' DNA. Employment of genetic analysis to realize the steps and principles of creation.


The characteristics and results that distinguished Jesus from other people can be outlined as follows:

1. Integration of the genetic information program (carried by Gabriel) into the DNA of Mary’s somatic cell, adding characteristics and capabilities of the fetus that is not present in the DNA of humans, such as the ability of the fetus

International Clinical and Medical Case Reports Journal

Research Article (ISSN: 2832-5788)

Int Clin Med Case Rep Jour (ICMCRJ) 2023 | Volume 2 | Issue 7

to speak early while he is a baby in the cradle, its ability to cure some diseases (blindness and leprosy), and know what people stored in their homes.

2. Through the energy of the electromagnetic waves that he received from Gabriel, Jesus can forward them to the autoimmune patients who are known to produce antibodies to pigment cells in the skin (Vitiligo, Leprosy) or antibodies to

pigment cells in the retina (Autoimmune retinopathy) which led to blindness.

3. Through the information loaded in the energy of the “EME” waves, Jesus can receive information from the outside world, so that he could know what his people stored in their homes because the “EME” is designated for transmitting information as it is physically proven.


DNA & Genes; (deoxyribonucleic acid); a double-stranded polymer of nucleotides that carries the hereditary information of the cell. It provides the instructions necessary for life. It is found in the nucleus of our cells, where it takes the form of a spiral ladder of two strands, forming the chromosomes that carry the physical and moral characteristics of living organisms. Somatic cells (cells of muscles, bones, skin, etc.) contain 46 chromosomes, and the sperm of a man and the ovum of a woman contains half of this number, i.e., 23 chromosomes. When the ovum is fertilized in the mother's womb, the chromosomes from the sperm fuse with their counterpart in the ovum, to give the Zygote of 46 chromosomes again[6]. DNA is made up of two strands that are twisted around each other to form a right-handed helix. Base pairing takes place between a purine and pyrimidine; namely, “A” pairs with “T” and “G” pairs with “C”. Adenine and thymine are complementary base pairs, and cytosine and guanine are also complementary base pairs. The cellular process of transcription generates messenger RNA (mRNA), a mobile molecular copy of one or more genes with an alphabet of A, C, G, and uracil (U). Translation of the mRNA template converts nucleotide-based genetic information into a protein product. [7] The method of sequencing and lining up these nitrogenous bases is the code in which the information is hidden. So, the gene is the word written in a language

consisting of the sequence of the four letters previously described. Genes are transmitted from parents to children and contain the information necessary to determine physical and biological features, and are stacked with information about a person's past, present, and possibly future.

Genetic Mutations: a change in the nucleotide sequence of a short region of a genome. Many mutations are point mutations that result from a single nucleotide change in a DNA molecule that replaces one nucleotide with another; others involve the insertion or deletion of one or a few nucleotides. Mutations result either from errors in DNA replication or from the damaging effects of mutagens, such as chemicals and radiation, which react with DNA and change the structures of individual nucleotides. Most mutations are harmless, but some can be harmful and cause diseases such as cancer. [8, 9] God Almighty sent (Gabriel) to Mary to provide her with informational energy by (blowing). It is noted that the blowing was mentioned twice; once he “blew into her body” and another time that he “blew into her vagina.” This signifies a wise scientific accuracy that is evident in making the blowing twice: - The first blowing in Mary's body, is to integrate the informational program (or gene) into the DNA of Mary's bodily cells, and thus it becomes a

International Clinical and Medical Case Reports Journal

Research Article (ISSN: 2832-5788)

Int Clin Med Case Rep Jour (ICMCRJ) 2023 | Volume 2 | Issue 7

component of Mary's DNA, therefore the cells of Mary's body cannot make antibodies, so they could not work to expel the next fetus. Additionally, it causes the self-division of Mary’s somatic cell to form oogonium by mitotic division

without the need for her fertilization from the male. This reminded us of the facts about “DNA integration” that stated, DNA integration is a unique enzymatic process during which double-stranded linear viral DNA is inserted into the host genome in a process catalyzed by the virus-encoded integrase). [10]

The second blow is blowing into the vagina, which connects to the uterus and the fallopian tube to the ovum inside the ovary. In fact, blowing into the ovum has beneficial effects: - It will stimulate the ovum and push it to self-division without the need for sperm. Experimentally, Parthenogenesis is evidence of the possibility of stimulating the ovum into self-division. Parthenogenesis is a form of asexual reproduction wherein the offspring develops from the egg or female gamete without prior fertilization from the male gamete. It is also referred to by many as “virgin birth. (With all due respect and appreciation to the Virgin Mary). [11] Therefore, the hormonal configuration with the correct balance essential for a successful pregnancy ensued. In response to this, the target tissues or organs function in a way that ensures pregnancy is maintained. Initially, the ovaries, and then later, the placenta, are the main producers of pregnancy-related hormones that are essential in creating and maintaining the correct conditions required for a successful pregnancy. Dolly is another example of the fetus of a female sheep through the self-division of the mother’s somatic cell without the need for her fertilization from the male sheep. It started her life as a single cell in a test tube taken from the mammary gland of a Finn Dorset sheep and an egg cell from a Scottish Blackface Sheep. “Dolly” is the first case in which the ewe was born in the laboratory (5 July 1996 – 14 February (2003) and the first mammal cloned from an adult somatic cell without the need for her fertilization from the male

sheep. [12] So, what is the DNA constituent of Jesus? It is typically the same DNA of his mother Mary with activation and/ or addition of extra genes that add unique characteristics and capabilities to the fetus, that are not present in the DNA of humans, such as the ability of the fetus to speak early while he is in the cradle, its ability to cure some diseases (blindness and leprosy) and knowing what people stored in their homes. But how do the male Jesus chromosomes simulate the female Mary chromosomes which have no SRY (sex-determining

region of the Y), located at the short arm of the Y chromosome, that is necessary for male sex determination in mammals.? Because the sex-determining process is not necessarily required the SRY gene. Other factors play in the sex determination as in some species that rely upon temperature for their sex determination and do not have the SRY gene but have other genes such as DAX1, DMRT1, and SOX9 that are expressed or not expressed depending on the temperature[13]. There are other environmental sex determination systems including location-dependent determination systems as seen in the marine worm Bonellia viridis – larvae become males if they make physical contact with a female, and females if they end up on the bare sea floor. This is triggered by the

presence of a chemical produced by the females, “Bonellin”. [14].- Perhaps the incorporation of new genes into his DNA of Jesus would impact his reproductive genes, meaning that they made him unable to marry or have children, and therefore Jesus would not be able to cure himself of infertility, so how can he be a God or the son of God !?: There are no historical monuments or research by theologians, or even in the Bible, which indicated that Jesus married or had children.

International Clinical and Medical Case Reports Journal

Research Article (ISSN: 2832-5788)

Int Clin Med Case Rep Jour (ICMCRJ) 2023 | Volume 2 | Issue 7

Why does Jesus be able to cure some diseases and to know what people stored in their homes? This can be concluded from the recent research conducted to decode some of the DNA mysteries,

1. DNA could emit quantum waves. [15,16]

2. DNA teleportation produces electromagnetic signals (EMS), measurable when highly diluted in water. This signal can be recorded, transmitted electronically, and re-emitted on another distant pure water sample, where DNA can replicate through a polymerase chain reaction despite the absence of the original DNA in the new water sample. [17]

Summation of 1&2 → Jesus' DNA could receive information signals (EMS) from the spirit (Gabriel) and from the outside neighbor, to know what people stored in their homes. The signal can be recorded, transmitted electronically, and re-emitted to another sick person to cure him. Also, DNA can replicate despite the absence of the original DNA, which caused multiplication and reproduction which means” Blessing”. But what is the energy loaded with knowledge and information? It is a kind of Electromagnetic Energy ordered by God Almighty. And what is the role of the holy spirit (Gabriel)? His role is to transfer and process the information loaded in the “Electromagnetic Energy” and transformed it into an act on the DNA of the Virgin Mary. Therefore, the spirit is the eternal energy that forms the cognitive awareness of man and does not die with death, it is only the

body and the soul which really die in us. So, Gabriel is an energy that carries multiple information programs. Among these informational programs is the “Reviving the Dead” program, and the program for healing from illness

and learning about some of the unseen. We can prove that the spirit energy forms the cognitive awareness of man and that carries multiple information programs from the invasive brain-mind interface (BMI) technology which

allowed humans to treat previously inaccessible diseases as well as open potential vistas for cognitive enhancement.[18] It can only be attributed to preternatural-human bits of intelligence, it will be well to take note of a

series of curious observations on human beings, which prove that certain individuals are gifted with unusual powers of perception, sometimes by the ordinary senses leading to the discovery of new forces in nature, sometimes in a

manner which no abnormal power of the ordinary senses will account for, but which imply the existence of faculties in the human mind of a nature analogous to those which are generally termed supernatural, and are attributed to the action of unembodied intelligence [19] Naturally, because the brain requires sensory and other feedback information to function properly, the growing and learning neural network would have to be housed in an exoskeleton and connected to the outside world (Neuroavatar) through a sophisticated BMI. Given all we know about the brain, it seems plausible that it would have a self. So long as it has an autobiographical timeline, a value system, and desires. A neuro-avatar could conceivably go places where no human could go. It might even be able to do things no human could do, such as perform physical feats beyond human capabilities. The brain’s remarkable ability to drive hybridization behavior through the current body design has brought it to the point where it is now able to hybridize itself with other mobile architectures, and other body designs. it may imply a certain level of the teleological drive at the neuronal level. However, just like genes might be the silent players behind appearances in terms of our molecular evolution, it might be possible that neurons have a level of independence that drives their own evolution. [18]

Preliminary clinical trials indicated a variety of health benefits of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF); They could promote osteogenesis, angiogenesis, and cardiac stem cells differentiation, which indicates

International Clinical and Medical Case Reports Journal

Research Article (ISSN: 2832-5788)

Int Clin Med Case Rep Jour (ICMCRJ) 2023 | Volume 2 | Issue 7

that ELF-EMF might be an effective tool for regenerative therapy and promotes neurogenesis of ischemic neural precursor cells (NPCs) and reduces oxidative stress and improves functional and psychological status in ischemic stroke patients. The different strengths of extremely low-frequency electric fields influenced antioxidant status, lipid peroxidation, and visually evoked potentials, and could improve symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, cognitive impairments, and sleep disorders. The development of a reliable and powerful source of potential waves opens many possibilities for studies of the clinical effects of this form of energy. [20,21,22,23]


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Research Article (ISSN: 2832-5788)

Int Clin Med Case Rep Jour (ICMCRJ) 2023 | Volume 2 | Issue 7

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