Prof. Dr. Abdelrazak Mansour Ali:
A study discovered why the wave function of electrons never collapses when observed.

د. عبد الرزاق علي Ýí 2023-02-14

A study discovered why the wave function of electrons never collapses when observed.

Prof. Dr. Abdelrazak Mansour Ali.

Abstract. The wave phase is the origin of creation and precedes the particulate (molecular) phase. The wave and particle are not two figures of the same thing, rather they are heterogeneous and different from each other due to the different sources each of them. Because electrons are forced to move in synchrony, they can produce heat and light. The light would be reflected from the electron forming many synchronized shadows for the same electron at different places that could be misinterpreted by both the instrumental detectors and the person analyzing the results of observations. Therefore, the electron cannot exist in different places, rather the shadows of the same electron give false observational results that produced the false analytic conclusion of “probability and randomness”. - The energy and momentum of electrons influence their motion through a material, which, in turn, determines its electrical and optical properties. - Using laser pulses, physicists have been able to generate hot electrons that travel faster than the speed of light. Regarding the electrons in the famous double-slit experiment, they are considered accelerated electrons, so their speed is faster than the speed of light. Because the light emitted from electrons and the light of the electron detector (ICCD camera) are electromagnetic waves, the speed of light emitted from electrons is faster than that of the detector. Consequently, the electron detector (ICCD camera) could detect the particle phase of electrons but couldn’t detect or capture the wave phase of electrons, because the electromagnetic waves are harder to get a handle on. The result is the failure of observing and detecting the wave phase of electrons.
Therefore, the wave function does not collapse.
Keywords. Electrons- observer effect- Superposition- quantum entanglement- wave phase- elementary particles.
Quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory in physics that provides a description of the physical properties of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles. (1) -In modern versions of this two-slit interference experiment, the photographic plate is replaced with a detector that can record the arrival of individual photons. The magnitude of the classical interference pattern at any one point is therefore a measure of the probability of any one photon’s arriving at that point. The interpretation of this seemingly paradoxical behavior (shared by light and matter), which is in fact predicted by the laws of quantum mechanics, has been debated by the scientific community since its discovery more than 100 years ago. When one slit is open the electron behaves like a particle. When the second slit is open, the electron produces a diffraction pattern resembling a wave pattern. If a measuring device is placed on the second slit to determine if the electron passes through the slit, it reverts to the same result as if one slit was open – no diffraction pattern is found. When a measurement is made to detect a particle, it
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always appears point-like, and its position is immediately after the measurement is well defined. But before a measurement is made, the particle’s position is not well defined; instead, the state of the particle is specified by its evolving wave function. The double slit experiment discovered that electrons, and all quantum particles, both exist as particles and probability waves, which means that we don't know certainly where these particles are, we can only know the probability of where they will be. These particles are said to be in superposition. This means that they are in all possible states at once. Once we try to observe the state of this particle, the wave function collapses into a single state. (2)
Quantum entanglement: is seen when things get small and two or more particles are connected in a certain way, that their states remain linked and united no matter how far apart they are in space or inside the quantum realm. That means they share a common, unified quantum state. So, observations of one of the particles can automatically provide information about the other entangled particles, regardless of the distance between them. And any transaction to one of these particles will invariably impact the others in the entangled system. (3). In our study, we try to remove the mystery of the probability waves of particles and to know certainly where these particles are.
Method. Analyzing both the stages of creation and the behavior of electrons in the famous double-slit experiment to understand and explore the confusion of the superposition assumption to reach the logical interpretation: Consequently, find the scientific basis to correct the following conceptions: 1- Matter is found in two forms: the waveform and the particle form (molecule) and, 2- the particle can exist in different places at the same time. 3- Misconception rooted in a poor understanding of the quantum wave function and the quantum measurement as the wave couldn’t be instrumentally detected.
Results. 1-Electrons and atoms act like waves and particles whether observed or not. 2- the electron cannot exist in different places, rather the shadows of the same electron give false observational results that produced the false analytic conclusion of “probability and randomness, and thus the term “superposition” is not scientifically valid or effective.
Considering the facts related to the phases of creation, the stage of non-existence (nothing) → the stage of unseen existent thing → the soul → duplication i.e., the mating of the soul with the body to produce man, we conclude that. - The wave phase is the origin of creation and precedes the particulate (molecular) phase - The wave and particle are not two figures of the same thing, but rather they are heterogeneous and different from each other due to the different sources of each of them. The sky is the source of waves, and the earth is the source of particles (the body). As electrons are forced to move in synchrony, they can produce heat and light. (4) The light would be reflected from the rotating electron forming many synchronized shadows for the same electron at different places that could be misinterpreted by both the instrumental detectors and the person analyzing the results of observations. Therefore, the electron cannot exist in different places, rather the shadows of the same electron give false observational results that produced the false analytic conclusion of “probability and randomness”.
The energy and momentum of electrons influence their motion through a material, which, in turn, determines its electrical and optical properties (5). - Using laser pulses, physicists have
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been able to generate hot electrons that travel faster than the speed of light (6,7). Regarding the electrons in the famous double-slit experiment, they are considered accelerated electrons, so their speed is faster than the speed of light. Because the light emitted from electrons and the light of the electron detector (ICCD camera) are electromagnetic waves, the speed of light emitted from electrons is faster than that of the detector. It never will be possible to see atoms, molecules, or electrons using visible light, even with the most powerful of microscopes. To see an object, its size must be at least half the wavelength of the light being used to see it. But the wavelength of visible light, is much bigger than an atom, making it invisible. X-rays, however, have a wavelength short enough that they can be used to "see" atoms Consequently, the electron detector (ICCD camera) could detect the particle phase of electrons but couldn’t detect or capture the wave phase of electrons, because the electromagnetic waves are harder to get a handle on, for several reasons. First, the things that are oscillating are electric and magnetic fields, which are much harder to see. Second, the fields can have components in various directions, and there can be relative phases between these components. And third, unlike all the other waves we’ve dealt with, electromagnetic waves don’t need a medium to propagate in. (8) The most neglected fact is that it is the memory program containing wave phase that could not be sensed, detected, or photographed (which is an ironic statement, considering that we get the electron memory photographed). The result is the failure of observing and detecting the wave phase of electrons. Remember that the wave phase of electrons is the equivalent of the soul in a
human being.
-The synchronized shadows (at different places) of the same electron in its particulate phase may be observed by the detector and perceived as if the electron was in a superposition state. Therefore, electrons and atoms appear to act like waves when you're not watching them, but as particles when you are observing. We should be cautious of a common misconception assuming that the wave function amounts to the same thing as the physical object it describes. This flawed concept must then require the existence of an external mechanism, such as a measuring instrument, that lies outside the principles governing the time evolution of the wave function to account for the "collapse of the wave function" after a measurement has been performed. Considering the inverse square of both Newton's law of gravitation and Coulomb's law of electrical forces, (which is used to calculate the magnitude of the electrical force arising between two charged bodies) led us to the inevitable emergence of the question; how do you get the equation formula of Newton's law of gravitation and Coulomb's law of electrical forces? Is it by the instrumental observing the gravitational and the electrical forces or by the theoretical operations?

The wave function is an abstract meaning, not a particulate physical object like, for example, an electron or atom, which has an observable mass, charge, and spin, as well as internal degrees of freedom. Instead, the wave is an abstract mathematical function that contains all the memory of the statistical information that an observer can obtain from measurements of a given system. In other words, the wave function couldn’t be precisely measured or physically detected because of the following considerations.
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1-The observer effect is the disturbance of an observed system by the act of observation. (9,10) This is often the result of instruments that, by necessity, alter the state of what they measure in some manner. This concept confirms the notion of “unreliability of the results.”
2-Physicists have found that observation of quantum phenomena can change the measured results of this experiment. Despite the "observer effect" in the double-slit experiment being caused by the presence of an electronic detector, the experiment's results have been misinterpreted by some to suggest that a conscious mind can directly affect reality (11). The need for the "observer" to be conscious is not supported by scientific research and has been pointed out as a misconception rooted in a poor understanding of the quantum wave function and the quantum measurement. Once one has measured the system, one knows its current state, it has apparently decohered from them without prospects of future strong quantum interference. (12,13,14) This means that the type of measurement one performs on the system affects the end state of the system.
3-This unpredictability of quantum systems does not imply chaos, however. Quantum mechanics still enables the relative probabilities of the alternatives to be specified precisely. Thus, quantum mechanics is a statistical theory. It can make definite predictions about ensembles of identical systems, but it can generally tell us nothing definite about an individual system (15). Randomness. A-Single-electron effects provide a means to control precisely small amounts of charge down to a single electron, raising the possibility of single- or few-electron memory circuits with a high potential for scaling. (16). This memory should exclude the concept of randomness.
A- Elementary particles are conceived as point objects which have no axis to “spin” around. Therefore, there is no explaining how spin arises at the fundamental level, why particles have the values they do, and what underpins the Pauli Exclusion principle and Bose-Einstein behavior. However, spin is like a vector quantity; it has a definite magnitude, and it has a “direction”, to spin. (17)
B- As suggested by quantum physics, the randomness exhibited by subatomic particles does not allow outcomes to be predicted, which should then make quantum mechanics an invalid attempt to justify indeterminism. The measurement problem that comes with standard collapse theories, such as the Copenhagen interpretation, would also be naturally eliminated instead of having to seek an explanation via the concept of consciousness. The theory regarding consciousness, however, effectively demonstrates how the fields of philosophy and physics are intertwined and dependent on one another. Through philosophy, humans can find possible solutions to physical problems (consciousness solution to measurement problem); through physics, we are able to discover new insights into the universe, reality, and existence (consciousness theory allows mind-body dualism).
C- Quantum mechanics is a sophisticated physics theory with elaborate mathematics, but its full implications can only be known once the philosophical questions are answered. (18). From the summation of A & B & C, we can reject the theory of “Randomness” that stated the universe is indeterminate, thus undermining the cornerstone of Quantum physics. - The idea known as "super determinism", is that what we ultimately see on measuring a quantum object is somehow predetermined by factors we can’t observe. The idea seems to undermine the notion of a
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