اضيف الخبر في يوم الخميس ٠٦ - سبتمبر - ٢٠٠٧ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً. نقلا عن: Albadeel Newspaper
The Last Suspect in the Quranists case is released
The State Security Court ruled yesterday to release Ayman Abdelrahman, the last arrested Quranist to be released by the Court. Such a ruling, however; only transfers him, along with the rest of the arrested Quranists to be under the custody of the office the Higher State Security Attorney to continue investigating the charge of Sunna Denial.
On the other hand, the attorney office requested the security forces to speed their investigations of the other fifteen individuals, whose names were mentioned during the interrogations of the current five suspects. In the mean time, the attorney office is studying the reports about the writings of the five arrested members on the website of Ahl-Alquran, where their leader (Ahmed Subhy Mansour) asked them to publish their writings.
Adel Ramadan, the head of the defense team, assured that the ruling given by the Court releases the last suspect because the other four suspects -Abellatif Mohamed Ahmed, Ahmed Abdelrahman Dahmash, Abdelhamid Abdelrahman, and Amr Tharwat- were released by a prior court ruling.
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