Ministry of Solidarity: 9 foreign, 8 Egyptian organizations legalized their status

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Ministry of Solidarity: 9 foreign, 8 Egyptian organizations legalized their status

Ministry of Solidarity: 9 foreign, 8 Egyptian organizations legalized their status


Mon, 10/11/2014 - 18:21
The deadline set by the Ministry of Social Solidarity for associations and NGOs to legalize their status has ended on Monday.
Minister of Social Solidarity Ghada Wali said in a statement that nine foreign and eight Egyptian organizations met the deadline, while the legal position of the rest still needs to be examined in terms of the nature of their activities.
“We will assess each of them individually,” Wali said. “And we will contact the bodies they are associated with.”
The minister stressed that the government does not intended to exclude any civil society organization working to serve the Egyptian society with transparency and respect for the law.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm
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