Non – Governmental Organization Declares Its Solidarity with Kamal Abbas

اضيف الخبر في يوم الخميس ٢٢ - مارس - ٢٠١٢ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً.

Non – Governmental Organization Declares Its Solidarity with Kamal Abbas


(30)Non – Governmental Organization Declares Its Solidarity with Kamal Abbasand Calls for Quick Investigation of Corruption Cases in the general Federationof Egyptian Workers
Based upon the belief of the non – governmentalorganizations to continue their role in order to achieve the demands adopted bythe revolution of January 25th for freedom, dignity and socialjustice and to address the systematic campaign targeting distortion of andundermining of the non – governmental organizations, specifically those who hadan active  and influential role before and during the revolution ofJanuary 25th , non – governmental organizations, signed below,declared their full solidarity with the General Coordinator of CTUWS  Kamal Abbas who was sentenced to imprisonment for 6 month ,casenumber 988 year 2012 Helwan, on charge of verbal assault of Ismail , Chairmanof the  General Union of Egyptian Workers (dissolved). The allegedaccusation occurred during the General Assembly of the International LabourOrganization in Geneva in June2011.
Organizations signed below concur with the fact that theincidence is a mere expression of opinion on the side of the GeneralCoordinator of the CTUWS and goes in accordance with freedom of expressionright. Criticism expressed by Kamal Abbas of the General Union is based onreports and facts submitted by numerous workers. It was expected that theseviolations be prompted for fair investigation. These in addition to otherreported and documented (by workers of the Ministry of Manpower) incidences ofcorruption and squandering of money submitted during the era of the formerminister Ahmed El Borai against leaders of the General Union of Egyptians. Noneof these cases had been investigated or studied; not to say that they are stilllocked in drawers.
This provision is concurrent with the CTUWS broadcampaigning to pass a law on trade union freedoms, a law that the leaders ofthe General Union of Egyptian Workers oppose and attempt to obstruct itseffectiveness. This scenario brings back to the memory a similar course thatoccurred few years ago with the same practices against Kamal Abbas and CTUWSunder the previous regime leading to the closure of CTUWS. This previousincidence was instigated by the leaders of the General Union of EgyptianWorkers. CTUWS was reopened by a court judgment.
Accordingly the undersigned organizations reiterate theirfull support to CTUWS and labour in its struggle to pass a law on trade unionfreedoms, and all the efforts of CTUWS and other civil society organizations inorder to defend the rights of working men and women and demands the GeneralAttorney to promptly investigate the complaint submitted to him on facts ofcorruption in the General Union of Egyptian Workers.
The undersigned organizations alphabetically:
1.  The Arab Program for Human Rights Activists
2.  Egyptian Association for Community Participation Enhancement
3.  The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information
4.  Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights
5.  Arab Foundation for Support of Civil Society and Human Rights
6.  Egyptian Foundation for Family Development
7.  Egyptian Foundation for the Advancement of the Conditions of Childhood
8.  The Egyptian Centerfor Economic and Social Rights
9.  Arab Organization for Penal Report
10.  Group for Democratic Development
11.  Organization of Researchers at Egyptian Universities and Institutes
12.  Human Rights Association for the Assistance of Prisoners
13.  Mubadrun for Cultural Development and Media
14.  Enlightenment Foundation for Human Rights
15.  New Women Foundation
16.  Children of the Earth Foundation for Human Rights
17.  Habi Foundation for Environmental Rights
18.  Association of Freedom of Thought and Expression
19.  Land Center for Human Rights Studies
20.  Martyr Center for Human Rights
21.  Cairo Institute for Studies of  Human Rights
22.  Cairo Center for Development
23.  Nadeem Center for Psychological Therapyand Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence
24.  Andalus Institute for Tolerance and Anti – Violence
25.  Hisham Mubarak Centerfor Law
26.  Egyptians against Religious Discrimination
27.  Egyptian Organization for HumanRights
28.  The Arab Centerfor the Independence of theJudiciary and the Legal Profession
29.  The Egyptian Centerfor the Right to Education (ECER)
30.  The Egyptian Center forJustice and Democracy (ECJDS)
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