اضيف الخبر في يوم الخميس ١٤ - يوليو - ٢٠١١ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً.
Tunisia: The Revolution is Over, Can Reform Continue?
The revolution is over in Tunisia and most of its citizens want it to be this way, according to conversations and interviews during a recent trip to the country. Protests, if they take place at all, are becoming increasingly marginal—small groups carrying signs and shouting slogans on the Avenue Bourguiba, the scene of the mass protests that brought down President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, receive hardly a glance from passersby going about their normal lives.
دعوة للتبرع
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وسيق الذين ..: جاء التعب ير عن دخول الكفا ر الى جهنم بنفس...