Egypt panel proposes limit to presidential term

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Egypt panel proposes limit to presidential term

CAIRO (Agencies)

A judicial committee formed to draft changes to Egypt's constitution on Saturday proposed curbing the length of the president's term to four years and imposing a two-term limit on a leader.

Tariq al-Bishri, head of the judicial committee formed by Egypt's ruling military council, was speaking to journalists in Cairo. The current presidential term is six years without any limit on the number of terms.


President Hosni Mubarak was serving in his fifth, six-year term when he was toppled by a mass uprising on Feb. 11.

The constitutional amendments are to be put to a national referendum ahead of parliamentary and presidential elections the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces has promised to hold within six months.

Bishri said amendments to 11 articles of the constitution would be put to referendum and a new one drawn up after elections.

Under the current constitution, a president can serve an unlimited number of six-year terms.

The ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces instructed an eight-strong panel of jurists and scholars to "amend all articles as it sees fit to guarantee democracy and the integrity of presidential and parliamentary elections."

On February 16, the panel was given 10 days to finish its task, and was asked to strike down the articles giving presidents unlimited terms in office and the right to refer cases to military courts.

The panel is also proposing that the president be at least 40, have two Egyptian parents with no other nationality, and not be married to a non-Egyptian.

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