Serious Conflicts at the Board Meeting of

اضيف الخبر في يوم الخميس ١٧ - فبراير - ٢٠١١ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً.



Press Release

Serious Conflicts at the Board Meeting of

The Egyptian Trade Union Federation

Concerning its Stand from the Revolution of the Youth


The Center for Trade Union and Workers Services “CTUWS”, 14 February 2011:

The Board Meeting of the Egyptian Trade Union Federation “ETUF” with the presidents of a number of general trade unions yesterday (Sunday 13 February 2011) which was chaired by Mr. Hussein Megawer President of ETUF witnessed serious assaults against the presidents of trade unions who supported Mubarak’s regime during the last period. Conflicts rose as well due to the stand of ETUF against the revolution of the youth and its announcement that it stood in support of the regime.

Gebaly Mohamed Gebaly President of the General Trade Union of Land Transport who attended the meeting denounced the stand of ETUF from the revolution and accused the leaders of ETUF of taking a very critical position. He confirmed that the workers have lost faith in ETUF for its supportive attitudes to the government policies.

Saeed el Gawhary President of the General Trade Union of Textile Industries attacked the position of ETUF during the last four years and accused ETUF leaders as a “Group of Liars”. He added that they were cooperating with the regime and very submissive to it. “ETUF should have supported the revolution of the youth even with a statement to save our pride”, he said, El Gawhary withdrew from the meeting before reaching its end.

Shehata Mohamed Shehata President of the General Trade Union of Maritime Transport was of the opinion that the ETUF was very much marginalized even though it represents the vast majority of the people. But the people lost their confidence in ETUF, he said. Moreover, the ETUF leaders are used to supporting the regime hoping that it will support them after they have sustained a great deal of losses.

Funny enough is that Salah Haikal President of the General Trade Union of Engineering Industries who also attended the first meeting of ETUF after  the resignation of President Mubarak was of the opinion that many of the workers demands were illegal. He accused a number of the chairmen of companies of inciting the workers numerous protests and strikes which Egypt has lately witnessed. Chairman of the companies used, under pressure, to accept the demands of the protesting workers but they fail to implement them afterwards.

Talaat el Mansy President of the General Trade Union of Press, Printing and Publication refused the suggestion of Abd el Monem el Azaly Vice President of ETUF to establish a Workers Party. He said that they want to gather the former leaders of the National Party in order to destroy the trade unions. Then he decided to withdraw from the meeting.


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