France Announces Highest Threat Level After Reported Al-Qaida Threats to Eiffel Tower

اضيف الخبر في يوم الثلاثاء ٢٢ - يناير - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً. نقلا عن: Afaaq

France Announces Highest Threat Level After Reported Al-Qaida Threats to Eiffel Tower

The French newspaper "Le Journal du Dimanche" reported on Monday that the French government has raised the threat level to the highest level, and this after two weeks of rumors that Al-Qaida is planning to blow up the "Eiffel Tower." French authorities have suspended visits to the top of the tower. [Full Story in Arabic]

The television channel “France 24” announced on its website that shared French-Spanish intelligence information was the basis for raising the security levels in Paris and Madrid, in advance of the visit of Pakistani President Musharraf to the region.

French newspapers published a picture of Al-Qaida member “Fatiha Majati,” called “the Black Widow,” who warned the French populace via media statements that terrorist attacks on France are a settled matter.

Fatiha Majati is the widow of Karim Majati, who was one of the leaders of Al-Qaida in France, who was one of the founders of what is known as the “Islamic Maghrebi Fighting Organization,” and it is believed that he was behind the explosions in Madrid in 2004. She said in her statement to the newspaper “Le Parisien” that “French foreign policies follow American policies, and for that reason France will not be immune from the blows of Al-Qaida, which has made France one of its priorities in Europe.”

The "Black Widow,” who enjoys special respect in extremist Islamist circles in France, Spain, Morocco and Algeria, is believed to be one of the most important leaders in Al-Qaida. Two years ago she issued fiery statements against French women for wearing what she regarded as provocative clothing, which led many of the women’s and feminist organizations to attack this “inappropriate meddling by the black widow.”

French websites connected to Islamic extremists have recently published letters attacking France, demanding that bombings be employed to "deter Sarkozy." And the Director General of French Preventive Security has pointed out in an extended interview with the newspaper "Le Journal du Dimanche” that there is some information suggesting the movement of suspicious elements into French territory, and that France is not immune to terrorism.

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