اضيف الخبر في يوم الجمعة ٢٨ - مايو - ٢٠١٠ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً.
Courtesy to the Egyptian Cultural and Educational Office (EECO)
The Egyptian American Cultural Association
Forwarded Events courtesy to the Egyptian Cultural and Educational Office (EECO)
The Egyptian Cultural and Educational Bureau
Invites You to a Presentation
Dr. Wafaa El Saddik
Director of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo
Speaking on
The Egyptian Museum
Followed by a film: “Unlocking Pharaoh’s Cellar”
On Friday May 28, 2010 at 6:00pm
The Egyptian Cultural and Educational Bureau
Taha Hussein Hall
1303 New Hampshire Avenue NW
Washington D.C. 20036
Dear Friends,
We would like to inform you that the Cultural Affairs and Missions Sector in Egypt sent us their course plan for the Arabic courses that will be taught starting this summer at the Arabic Learning Center for Non-Arab Speakers in Egypt.
Course (1) will begin on June 6, 2010 and end on July 20, 2010
Course (2) will begin on August 1, 2010 and end on September 23, 2010
*The cost of each course will be $1,200.
* Each of the courses will consist of a total of 200 hours (five days a week, five hours per day).
* There will be one free trip offered as an option.
* Professional specialized teachers will teach the courses and at the end students will get authenticated certificates.
* Visa procedures for travelling students are done through the Arabic Learning Center for Non-Arab Speakers.
They also sent us their 2010/2011 extended program which begins on October 17, 2010 and ends on May 19, 2010
* The program consists of 300 hours (4 days a week/ 3 hours per day)
* It costs $1,600
* There are cultural activities during the weekends
* One trip during the program(optional)
Please spread the word about the programs to everyone you know who's interested in studying Arabic in Egypt.
Thank you
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