Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy:
Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Fifty-Three

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2020-03-05

                      Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Fifty-Three



Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy






Building and Decorating Tombs and Graves

Published in February 23, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, …  Is it OK or not, as far as Quranism is concerned, that one would build and decorate tombs/graves (and to spend much money in the process!); this is very common in Egypt, past and present, as you know............ … Thank you …


 This habit has continued to exist in the eras before, during, and after the revelation of the Holy Quran. In our own view, to decorate graves/tombs is very silly and useless; yet, we can never prohibit this as we never dare to add to the Quranic list of prohibitions; the Lord God is the Only Legislator in Islam. Thus, in our own view, instead of spending any sum to decorate graves/tombs, it is better to donate such money to the poor and the needy.





The Might/Stature of Muhammad!

Published in February 23, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … I am a Quranist man who lives in Egypt. I've recently read and admired very much your book titled "Those Who Believe In Muhammad Are Disbelievers", found in English on this link ( I would like to write the following comment: Your book made me remember a religious song which was popular in Egypt in the 1980s and 1990s by the late singer M. Al-Kahlawi; this song is about praising and glorifying Muhammad who is assumed to have might/power or 'holy' stature as well as the so-called intercession (i.e., after his death!) as per the lyrics of this song. Of course, I reject such notions of polytheism; Muhammad will be judged like the rest of humanity on the Judgment Day; he has no such holiness and he is no 'grand intercessor' on the Last Day because the One and Dominant Lord God does not share His Sovereignty with anyone, as I have learned from your great Quranist writings and YouTube videos.................. … Thank you …


 Thank you for your email message. May the Lord God bless and protect you. In fact, we have forgotten to mention in our book what you have mentioned about this notion propagated by polytheists in Egypt who deify Muhammad as per their Sunnite-Sufi culture. They use such notion/expression in their prayers/supplications; it is as if their fashioned deity, Muhammad, had power over the Lord God to 'force' Him to answer their prayers! To such polytheists, their false deity is more powerful than the Lord Allah! This notion is utterly blasphemous, and old and new Egyptian/Arabic religious songs of polytheism reflect several abominable notions of disbelief and polytheism about deifying mortals. The actor, producer, and singer M. Al-Kahlawi did not achieve much success in the Egyptian cinema in his movies of the 1940s and 1950s; yet, he was catapulted into fame and popularity only because of his polytheistic quasi-religious songs in the 1980s which were admired by the Egyptian Muhammadans at the time because their religion is based on playing, jesting, and deception. 





A Bank Loan, Again!

Published in February 23, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … Please excuse my maimed Arabic; I am from Algeria; I read a lot on your website and I watch your subtitled-into-English YouTube videos ( I am about to get married and I have to get a bank loan so that I would be able to buy an apartment; yet, some people told me that receiving bank loans at interest rates is deemed as usury which is prohibited in the Quran; is that true?! I have read many Sunnite and Shiite fatwas about this topic; yet, I never trust any views/fatwas but yours, Dr. Mansour. Please answer me ASAP............... … Thank you …


 Bank loans are permissible and OK in Islam since mutual consent is evident in them. Even if the interest rates are compound, too much, or seem unjust to you or to others, you are not to blame since you have to get this bank loan; the sin falls on the bank owners and not on you. For more details about this topic, please read our article, in English, about usury, found on this link:





About the Quranic Verse 6:100

Published in February 24, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "Yet they attributed to God partners - the  jinn - although He created them. And they invented for Him sons and daughters, without any knowledge. Glory be to Him. He is exalted, beyond what they describe." (6:100); who are such daughters attributed to the Lord God? Any ideas? … Thank you …    


 In the pre-Islamic Arab mythology, Arabs assumed that the angels are females or 'daughters' of the Lord God: "Are you to have the males, and He the females?" (53:21); "These are nothing but names, which you have devised, you and your ancestors, for which God sent down no authority. They follow nothing but conjectures, and what the souls desire..." (53:23); "Those who do not believe in the Hereafter give the angels the names of females. They have no knowledge of that. They only follow conjectures, and conjectures are no substitute for the Truth." (53:27-28).






Published in February 24, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … I have recently read and admired your book titled "Between the Quranic Prayers of Muslims and the Devilish Prayers of the Muhammadans" ....... Since you do not believe in any hadiths at all and you do not believe in any historical account regarding Muhammad outside the Quran, I assume you do not believe in the account that Muhammad felt peace of mind and tranquility at heart through prayers and he urged his companion Bilal to pronounce the Azan (i.e., the call to prayers) so that he (i.e., Muhammad) would find relief from the troubles of worldly life through prayers ....... Do you think that this story/account might be true or not? Any ideas?   … Thank you …        


 Quranism means rejection of all hadiths and fiqh. Even when you suppose or feel that any narrative/account/hadith is overtly agreeing with the Quran, it is a form of disbelief/polytheism to ascribe this hadith to Islam by attributing it to Muhammad (or to the Lord God). The Holy Quran is the Only, Complete, Sufficient, and Unique Source of Islam; was Islam lacking until hadiths of the Abbasid Era came along to 'complete' it?! Of course not! Did Muhammad convey only a part of Islam or the Divine Revelation and other parts are scattered in books of hadiths?! Of course not! Those who believe in other discourses/hadiths besides the Quran are disbelievers who reject the Quran itself. "...Which discourse, besides this, will they believe in?" (7:185); "In what discourse, beyond this, will they believe?" (77:50); "These are God’s Verses which We read to you in truth. In which discourse, after God and His Verses, will they believe?" (45:6). The hadith about Bilal the muezzin is a false one; the daily prayers have their specific times; one cannot suppose that whenever Muhammad was tired, he would command Bilal to pronounce the call to prayers anytime at random and this would stop and Bilal would remain silent when Muhammad was not tired! This is absurd! We advise you to read our book titled "The Quran: Sufficient as a Source of Islamic Legislation", found in English on this link:




Abou the Quranic Verse 2:96

Published in February 25, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … The Lord God says the following in the Quran about sinners among the Israelites and about polytheists in general: "...Every one of them wishes he could live a thousand years; but to be granted a long life will not nudge him from the torment..." (2:96); does this apply to the Muhammadans of today? Any ideas? … Thank you …      


 In 2:96, we read about the fact that polytheists, regardless of their denominations, assume they would lead a very long life and they forget that they will inevitably die; in contrast to their myths, long life of a person does not guarantee being exempted from Hell torment in the Hereafter. Human souls are bound to taste death and the true reward is in the Hereafter and not in this transient temporary world: "Every soul will have a taste of death, and you will receive your recompense on the Day of Resurrection. Whoever is swayed from the Fire, and admitted to Paradise, has won. The life of this world is merely enjoyment of delusion." (3:185); all human beings deserve torment as per Divine Justice; yet, the pious ones will be spared Hell as per the mercy of the Lord God since they have sincerely repented and atone for their sins: "If God were to hold the humankind for their injustices, He would not leave upon it a single creature, but He postpones them until an appointed time. Then, when their time arrives, they will not delay it by one hour, nor will they advance it." (16:61); "If God were to punish the people for what they have earned, He would not leave a single living creature on its surface. But He defers them until a stated time. Then, when their time has arrived - God is Observant of His creatures." (35:45); "...God’s mercy is close to the charitable ones." (7:56).





About the Quranic Verse 7:188

Published in February 25, 2020




Question: … Dear Sir, … I have a question about this Quranic verse: "Say, “I have no control over any benefit or harm to myself, except as God wills. Had I known the future, I would have acquired much good, and no harm would have touched me. I am only a warner, and a herald of good news to a people who believe.”" (7:188); I know that this means that Prophet Muhammad never predicted the future and had not measure of omniscience at all; yet, does this means that Prophet Muhammad never acquired much good in this world when he was alive? Any ideas? … Thank you …      


 Muhammad had no power over anyone or anything; he could not bring to himself or to others any benediction or harm; this applies to all human beings, prophets and non-prophets alike. Since Muhammad never knew future events and he was not an omniscient deity, this fact negates and refutes more than 1/3 of hadiths about future predictions. The Quranic verse 7:188 is about the fact that Muhammad could not choose what to earn regarding the possessions of this world nor could he ward off any harm; for instance, he and his military self-defense troops were defeated in the battle of Uhud, as you know. Hence, Muhammad warned and brought glad tidings not through his own words but ONLY by preaching the Quran: the Lord God's Word.





An Original Copy

Published in February 25, 2020



Question:  … Dear Sir, … No one can find the original copy of the Quran; I mean the first one written by Muhammad himself; this may leave room for skeptics and non-Muslims to cast doubt on the Quranic text ........ What is your own view about this topic? … Thank you …      


 The copy written in the handwriting of Muhammad is now nonexistent and it is most unlikely that it survived; we never expect it to be unearthed or discovered. This an issue of no importance, we think. Hundreds of copies were written from this original copy within a decade after the death of Muhammad; soon enough, they became thousands and millions of copies in later decades. This is part of how the Lord God preserves the Holy Quran which has no many readings (to assume it has seven or many readings is a horrid notion propagated by the Sunnite polytheists who are the enemies of the Quran). The universal tongue of science, and of the global village of today now, is the numbers; the numerical miraculous features of the Arabic Quranic text indicates that its unique text and style of writing (which differs from today's Arabic and the 7th century Arabic) is based on the Divine Will. The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "Surely We revealed the Message, and We will surely preserve it." (15:9); "Upon Us is its collection and its reading. Then, when We have read it, follow its reading. Then upon Us is its explanation." (75:17-19). 





Repeated Queries

Published in February 26, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … I love reading your fatwas and articles and watching your daily YouTube videos. I would like to pose two questions about purification and Tayammum and about tributes imposed on aggressors among the people of the Book who fought the Yathreb city-state as per 9:29................. … Thank you …   


 We have written a lot and made videos about purification and Tayammum; please look for these fatwas, articles, and video related to that topic. As for tributes, we copy here to you a previous fatwa of ours (previously written in [Fatwas: Part Thirty] found, in English, on this link:


Published in November 28, 2006


Question: … Dear Sir, … Could you please shed more light on the Quranic verse 9:29?  … Thank you …     


   This is the only Quranic verse about paying tributes: "Fight those who do not believe in God, nor in the Last Day, nor forbid what God and His Messenger have forbidden, nor abide by the religion of truth-from among those who received the Scripture-until they pay the due tribute, willingly or unwillingly." (9:29). In order to understand this verse, you have to bear in mind that Quranic sharia legislations have three spheres; legislative commands controlled by legislative rules that aim to achieve legislative purposes. Hence, in verses 2:190 and 2:194, for instance, the Quranic legislative command to fight is within the frame of self-defense only as the legislative rule, and the aim or the legislative purpose here in fighting for self-defense is to prevent religious persecution and compulsion in religion (this is why this self-defense fighting or deterrence is for God's sake), in order for people to be free to adhere to whatever religions they want because they were created with a free will by God and this freedom of choice is the basis of judgment on the Last Day. This is the frame in which one understands the Quranic commands in the Quranic Chapter Two of fighting the aggressive polytheists of Mecca and Qorayish that attacked peaceful early believers in Yathreb. This applies to all similar verses such as 8:39 and 9:29; hence, 9:29 refers to aggressive fighters among People of the Book who attacked peaceful early believers in Yathreb but were defeated eventually and had to be forced pay a military tribute as a compensation frothier aggression, and NOT forced to convert to Islam. In real Islam (Quranism), fighting aggressively is never allowed; military fighting is allowed only in cases of self-defense when one is attacked first. After defeating an aggressive enemy, tributes are imposed as a fine or a compensation as per customs of the Middle Ages and even in the modern age within agreements and treaties; for instance, Germany paid compensation money after WWII, and Iraq did the same after the invasion of Kuwait.       






Thank You, our Dear Son Ammar

Published in February 26, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, …  I am Ammar Al-Sammarraie, the Quranist man from Iraq, but I live elsewhere now, who recently joined your great Quranism website as a writer; I have sent an email message to the organization PragerU to inform them about you, the greatest Quranist thinker that ever breathed, and people there answered me today; they will read your work and may contact you, I think. Here's my message followed by the reply from PragerU : (Dear Mr./Mrs. ....., Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour is an Islamic Scholar has been arrested, accused as heretic (Kafer) and imprisoned after denying the talks and sayings (Hadith) of Muhammad. He was a lecturer in the Al-Azhar university in Cairo in Egypt. He believes in American values and he believes that the reform of Islam would start from an American and European Muslims who live in these democratic societies. He represents a very peaceful vision of Islam with a strong explanations of the theory that would deny all the current practicing of Islam in the what so called Muslim countries. Please search and read about him, you will be surely interested in his ideas. Ammar Al-Sammarraie : a fan and supporter of the True American values that are represented by PragerU). This is the reply I received today: (Hi Ammar Al-Sammarraie, Thank you for letting us know about Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour. I will share his name with the team and suggest they look him up. Please know we value your support of PragerU! Best regards, The PragerU Team).  … Thank you …     


 Thank you very much, our dear son Ammar. We appreciate very done what you have done; may the Lord God bless and reward you. We suffer from media blackout imposed on our person; our website is blocked in several Arab countries. We would like that other Quranists spread links of our website and YouTube channel throughout the cyberspace and inform all organizations which may be interested about the existence of the VA-based IQC.       





Muslims and the Pious Ones

Published in February 27, 2020


Question: …  Dear Sir, … A teacher in school told my son that Paradise is reserved only for Muslims (i.e., the one born as such!); I told my son that Paradise is not exclusively for Muslims and the teacher is wrong............What proof can you provide to me from the Quran to convince my son? …  Thank you …        


 The Quran states clearly that Paradise is only for the pious ones among humanity in all eras and not just for Quran-believing Muslims: "Such is Paradise which We will give as inheritance to those of Our servants who are pious." (19:63). Monotheism is not enough to enter into Paradise; to perform many good deeds within piety is required. Likewise, good deeds and acts of worship are not enough to enter into Paradise; they must be combined with piety and monotheism. This means Paradise is for those who combine Islam in terms of faith (i.e., monotheism, piety, and submission to the Lord God) and in terms of behavior (i.e., peaceful demeanor with all people; never to be violent, aggressive, or unjust towards people).





Brevity in Quranic Verses

Published in February 27, 2020




Question: … Dear Sir, … The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "Muslim men and Muslim women, believing men and believing women, obedient men and obedient women, truthful men and truthful women, patient men and patient women, humble men and humble women, charitable men and charitable women, fasting men and fasting women, men who guard their chastity and women who guard, men who remember God frequently and women who remember - God has prepared for them a pardon, and an immense reward." (33:35); my question is as follows: in the underlined part, why cannot we find the words (God frequently) repeated after (women who remember) and (their chastity) after (women who guard)?! Any ideas?!   …  Thank you …


 We have written a lot about the linguistic features of the Quranic style of eloquence; it includes brevity by omitting words indicated elsewhere in the same Quranic verse. 





Please Read More

Published in February 28, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir, … I came across your great website months ago; I live in Italy; I am of Arab origin; I enjoy human rights where I live now; I'd like you to write a statement or an article about how the Quranic teachings and human rights are very close to one another ............. …  Thank you …


 Please read more within our archive of writings; we have proven how human rights match the Quranic teachings; we covered a lot the topic of the Quranic human rights in our articles and videos. As for a statement, you can read the Constitution of Quranists found in English on this link:





Quranic Terminology

Published in February 28, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir,  …  I admire very much your articles under the title (Quranic Terminology); I suggestion that you tackle the following Quranic terms in the coming articles of the same type: ............... … Thank you …     


 Thank you for your excellent suggestions; please wait for the articles, to be published soon, covering these Quranic terms.





A Quranist Wife Hating her Husband

Published in February 28, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir,  … One reads in the Quran about the case of a husband who dislikes his wife and how he should treat her fairly and kindly (see 4:19), but what about women who hate their husbands? I am a Quranist woman; I hate my husband and I fear him; he never talks to me kindly; I feel my existence in his life is insignificant and useless; he ignores me most of the time; can you advise me? What am I supposed to do? Should I demand divorce in court or not? … Thank you … 


  You should reconsider and adhere to patience; you did not write to us about the fact that you have kids or not; if you have, then for their sake we advise you to bear patiently with your husband for he is sure to change to the better; think of his good traits; think of how your life will look like after the divorce. Of course, do not force yourself to live with a husband you hate; you can resort to divorce or self-repudiation (i.e., to get a divorce in court in return for paying back your dowry to your ex-husband).





Witnesses and Dowry

Published in March 1, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, … Are marriage contracts valid and legal in Islam without witnesses who would sign them? What if a wife does not want to receive a dowry? Any ideas? …  Thank you …    


 That witnesses signing the marriage and divorce contracts is essential in Islam; without them, such contracts are nullified and such invalid marriage contracts will lead to fornication. No wives are to be deprived of their (big or small) dowries; you can consider the wedding ring (with or without similar gifts) as a form of a dowry. Of course, the Quranic legislations aim at reforming what has been distorted by Arabs, who are Gentiles, and by the People of the Book within the religion of Abraham. Marriage/divorce contracts before the revelation of the Quran were signed by witnesses; the Quran does not mention any comments about correct, valid practices (e.g., timing of the five daily prayers and the witnesses who sign marriage/divorce contracts); its focus is to correct wrong ones.





An Email Message from an Egyptian-American Atheist

Published in March 1, 2020



Question: … Dear Sir,  …  I am an Egyptian-American atheist and I am fully determined to remain so for the rest of my life; yet, I write this email message to you to express my admiration for your writings especially this article ( which is the first of a series of articles of your new book, as you have written in a comment in Arabic, about the big criminals who are sheikhs and clergymen. As an atheist, I do not believe in the Quran or in any other books; yet, my father forced me to memorize the Quranic text during my childhood. My father, who is dead, is the cause of my atheism. My father was among the big sheikhs/imams in an Egyptian governorate; people venerated and revered him so much; people used to kiss his hand; the governor welcomed him more than once in his office. When my father died, a huge funeral ceremony was held to honor him; most people expressed their sorrow and said he will be sorely missed by so many of his followers; they praised him to the skies. In fact, my father drove me to hate Islam; he had a different personality at home; he was cruel and violent; he used to beat my other severely; my mother used to be afraid of him; she knew that my father had sex with the female servant at home; my late mother had to remain silent out of fear of my father. My mother died of sorrow and oppression, I think. The female servant controlled the house; my father's relation with her continued; when I told my father he had to marry her, he refused and screamed at me for daring to criticize his behavior. When this servant was taken ill, he expelled her out the house; he threatened to frame her to spent the rest of her life in prison if she would dare expose his relation with her. My father was a famous sheikh, sermonizer, and fiqh scholar; no one dared to address him without the usual honorifics; my father's secret life made me hate religion; once he died, I immigrated to the USA; I freed myself from my past life and rejected the religion of my father. I tasted sweet freedom for the first time in my life; I have freely chosen to adhere to atheism and to truthfulness with myself and with other people. I am very successful at work and I feel happy with my American wife and American daughters. Like all American fathers, I never interfere in the freedom of my daughters. I lead my life in a manner that totally differs from my father's....... I felt like confiding  all that to you as a form of expressing my admiration for your writings which expose sheikhs and clergymen who are indeed the big criminals in any society   … Thank you …    


 Since you admire our writings, we also admire your frankness in expressing yourself truthfully. Of course, you know quite well that freedom is coupled with responsibility. Since you have chosen to stick to atheism on your own accord, you will be responsible for your choice in the Hereafter. If you still remember the Quranic verses you have memorized, surely you remember the following: "Whoever acts righteously does so for his soul; and whoever works evil does so against his soul. Your Lord is not unjust to the servants." (41:46); "Whoever does a good deed, it is for his soul; and whoever commits evil, it is against it; then to your Lord you will be returned." (45:15); "Whoever disbelieves, upon him falls his disbelief. And whoever acts righteously - they are preparing for themselves." (30:44); "“Insights have come to you from your Lord. Whoever sees, it is to the benefit of his soul; and whoever remains blind, it is to its detriment. I am not a guardian over you.”" (6:104); "...Whoever disbelieves, his disbelief will recoil upon him. The disbelief of the disbelievers adds only to their Lord's disfavor of them. The disbelief of the disbelievers adds only to their loss." (35:39). We know from your message that you do not believe in the Quran but we have to inform you beforehand that your lifetime will end inevitably in death; like all atheists worldwide, you cannot deny death. When you are dying one day, you will regret wasting your lifetime after it is too late for you; you will scream, in vain, for a second chance of life in order to believe and perform good deeds. You can, of course, ridicule what we write to you here; yet, we hope that you will reconsider and knock some sense into your mind and repent before it is too late. We will feel very sorry if a good person like you would die as an atheist. 





Please Read before Posing FAQs

Published in March 2, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, …  I do believe that there might be Sunna practices of Muhammad without hadiths at all based on my own understanding of these verses: "Nor does he speak out of desire. It is but a revelation revealed." (53:3-4). Muhammad did nor remain silent, I think, about how to apply the Quran; he received inspiration about how to apply it, I suppose! … Thank you …  


 Please read more within our archive of writings before posing repeated questions; there are no hadiths in Islam at all. We refer you to our book on (Isnad) an our two books in English titled "The Quran: Sufficient as a Source of Islamic Legislation" & "How to Understand the Holy Quran" found on the following links respectively:






About the Quranic Verse 4:72

Published in March 2, 2020


Question: … Dear Sir, …  I was astonished when I read this phrase uttered by hypocrites in Yathreb: "...“God has favored me, that I did not witness with them.”" (4:72); this means they believed in God; yet, why will they enter into Hell as per the following verse: "The hypocrites will be in the lowest level of the Fire, and you will find no helper for them." (4:145)? … Thank you …


 They were polytheists; polytheism is primarily about to believe in the Lord God but alongside with other false gods (i.e., godheads, deities, idols, and/or allies/saints); this applies to the Muhammadans who deify mortals including the bad corrupt companions of Muhammad (i.e., thousands of men!) who invaded, looted, massacred...etc. By the way, the context 4:69-72 is about believers with Muhammad and not hypocrites; such believers felt glad they did not witness a battle when the self-defense troops were defeated. The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "Whoever obeys God and the Messenger - these are with those whom God has blessed - among the prophets, and the sincere, and the witnesses, and the righteous. Excellent are those as companions. That is the grace from God. God suffices as Knower. O you who believe! Take your precautions, and mobilize in groups, or mobilize altogether. Among you is he who lags behind. Then, when a calamity befalls you, he says, “God has favored me, that I did not witness with them.”" (4:69-72).






To Rape One's Wife!

Published in March 3, 2020


Question: … I am surprised that you assume that anal sex between a husband and a wife is OK as per your understanding of 2:222; what about husband who insist on this sexual practice but their wives never consent? What about husband who rape their wives during their periods? … Thank you …        


 To rape one's wife is prohibited in Islam; all sexual practices are OK within obtaining prior mutual consent. Having sex during the periods is prohibited in Islam. Of course, mutual consent includes the right of wives to enjoy martial sex; this is why foreplay (or sending ahead) is required and it should be initiated by husbands in bed with their wives. The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves the purified ones.” Your women are cultivation for you; so approach your cultivationanyway you like, and send ahead for yourselves. And fear God, and know that you will meet Him. And give good news to the believers." (2:222-223).

اجمالي القراءات 3486

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
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بلد الميلاد : Egypt
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