Introduction of the Book Titled "A Quranist Vision of the Massacre of the Two Mosques in New Zealand"

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2019-06-01


Introduction of the Book Titled "A Quranist Vision of the Massacre of the Two Mosques in New Zealand"



Published in April 20, 2019

Translated by: Ahmed Fathy



المزيد مثل هذا المقال :


1- This BOOK begins with an article published on 15th of March, 2019, which is the day when the Christchurch massacre, in New Zealand, took place. Our intention in that article is to raise awareness of the danger, meaning, and repercussions of this massacre. Other articles and comments followed in our Quranism website. All articles and comments are compiled in this BOOK to serve as a witness of our era; the comments of our fellow Quranists (after each article) show different points of view. After compiling all articles and comments of this BOOK, we write this introduction to assert that this BOOK essentially addresses the Muslims to sensitize them about the vital importance of introducing peaceful religious reform through Quranism. Of course this BOOK is addressing non-Muslims because it is translated into English and French; this is why we write this introduction so that non-Muslims would get to know about the True Islam (i.e., Quranism) rejected by the vast majority of the Muhammadans. Of course, Islam (i.e., Quranism) precedes the West in the call for higher values and human rights.     

2- In our Quranism website, Quranists in general hold different political views but the unifying element among them is their adherence to the Quran as the Only Source of Islam; the Quran is the only representative of Islam rejected and discarded by the Muhammadans; the Wahabi Sunnite Muhammadans have rejected the Quranic sharia legislations in order to invented and stick to the bloody, violent Wahabi sharia of Satan which impose of its followers violence, aggression and massacres as religious duties or jihad. In contrast, the peaceful, intellectual jihad is introducing peaceful religious reform by using the Quran as Criterion to judge deeds, tenets, and notions of the Muhammadans who are, in fact, polytheists who worship an imaginary, immortal deity whom they call as (Muhammad) which has nothing to do with the historical figure of the real, mortal Prophet Muhammad mentioned in the Quran. The Muhammadans has ascribed to Muhammad a devilish sharia laws under the label of (Sunna); this Sunna and the Sunnite hadiths contain all features of religious terrorism and extremism which spread in the Middle-Ages.    

3- Muhammad belonged to the tribe of Qorayish, the biggest tribe in Arabia whose ancestral line ends in Ishmael the son of Abraham. The Qorayish faction of Muhammad was the Bani Hashem who supervise the Kaaba, pilgrimage, and pilgrims in Mecca, whereas the other Qorayish faction, the Umayyads, who were among Muhammad's paternal uncle's sons, controlled the winter and summer journeys of the trade caravans within the routes between Yemen and the Byzantine Levant, thus connecting the trade in merchandise between India and Europe. Of course, the caliphs from Qorayish ruled for centuries an Arab empire in the name of Islam, though the Arab conquests and empire contradict the Quranic sharia legislations of Islam, and such an Arab empire matched the Middle-Ages culture of tyranny, corruption, invasions, bloodshed, and religious wars. After the death of Muhammad, the Umayyads and the Abbasids (both are among the paternal relatives of Muhammad) formed their caliphates and this is not to mentioned other rulers/caliphs who claimed belonging to the lineage of Muhammad's daughter, Fatima, such as the Fatimids. History and the Quran inform us that the forefathers of such men stood against Muhammad and the Quranic message because they were keen on preserving their political, religious, and social stature and their financial interests; such interests drove them to feign a conversion to Islam shortly before the death of Muhammad when they saw that Islam spread among most people of Arabia and that their trade caravans might be endangered if they continued their enmity and animosity towards Islam to which most Arabs converted.         

4- Before the descent of the Quran, Arabs adhered to the religion of Abraham, their forefather, but within distortions introduced to it driving them to worship mortals and things/tombs and they fought one another during the four sacred months of pilgrimage though the Lord God prohibits fighting, injustices, and aggression in these four sacred months. Several Arabian tribes raided and fought against one another for money, water-wells, and grazing areas. This means that a tribe was like a mobile State and whose men are its military soldiers who sought to extend its influence by their swords. Of course, such ongoing raids led to revenge within several raids and long wars among most of the Arabs.

5- The Quran was revealed to Muhammad with the sharia of peace instead of wars and aggression; Islam requires peace as the basis of dealing with all people and of the behavior of Muslims/citizens in the Quran-based Yathreb city-state. This means that as per the Quranic sharia of Islam, all peaceful people are Muslims regardless of their faiths and denominations, because Islam is peaceful behavior towards all people; peace in Islam is reinforced with other Quranic values which include absolute religious freedom for all people, as every individual will be fully responsible on the Day of Judgment for religious choices made during one's lifetime on earth. Of course, Muhammad as the leader of the Quran-based Yathreb city-state applied political freedom within direct democracy, justice in dealing with people within arbitration by judges, social justice, charity towards the poor and the needy, tolerance, forgiveness/pardon, mercy, dignity, and preserving the rights of all citizens the Quran-based Yathreb city-state. Islam in terms of faith inside the hearts/souls is monotheism when dealing with the Lord God; this faith is judged only by the Lord God later on within the Judgment Day, with no interference by any human beings, because as per the Quran, the Lord God is the One Who will settle the religious disputes and differences among human beings on the Last Day. In contrast, polytheists/disbelievers in Islam/peace are the ones who commit acts of violence and engage into wars of aggression against innocent, peaceful people, especially when this accompanied by compulsion in religion and religious persecution. This means that the worst type of disbelievers/polytheists are the ones who misuse the Holy Name of the Lord God and His Religion to launch wars of aggression, massacres, and invasion, such as Arabs of the Arab conquests and the Wahabi terrorists who scream (Allah is the Greatest!) or (Allahu Akbar!) before committing their terrorist operations or suicide attacks.  

6- Muhammad applied this Quranic sharia legislations within the last ten years of his life as the leader of the Yathreb city-state; he was politically opposed by the hypocrites of Yathreb who rejected and ridiculed the Quran; the Quran has protected the absolute religious and political freedom of such hypocrites since they were peaceful (i.e., they did not raise arms against Muhammad and the believers in Yathreb) and they never practiced compulsion in religion or committed the grave sin of religious persecution. Muhammad applied the Quranic sharia when he engaged into self-defense battles against the Qorayish aggressors who attacked the Yathreb city-state several times. The Qorayish polytheists/disbelievers forced Muhammad and the believers with him to leave Mecca and to immigrate to Yathreb; they continued sending military troops to attack Yathreb several times. The Quran has not given Muhammad and the believers the permission to engage into self-defense military endeavors until they were ready and well-prepared. This means that the Quranic commands of fighting are confined to the case of self-defense against aggressors. The Quranic message preached by Muhammad includes the call for Islam in terms of behavior; i.e., peaceful demeanor, and then the call for monotheism (and rejecting polytheism) but without compulsion in religion. For instance, the believers in Yathreb among Muhammad's companions have been preached in the Quran to avoid certain things within piety, but Muhammad never forced them about anything; Muhammad's mission was confined to deliver the Quranic message: "O you who believe! Wine, gambling, mausoleums, and divination are abominations of Satan's doing. Avoid them, so that you may prosper. Satan wants to provoke strife and hatred among you through wine and gambling, and to prevent you from the remembrance of God, and from performing prayers. Will you not desist? Obey God and obey the messenger, and be cautious. If you turn away - know that the duty of Our messenger is clear communication." (5:90-92).      

7- Most Arabs readily followed the call of peace (i.e., Islam in term of peaceful behavior) and many of them converted to peace shortly before the death of Muhammad and he witnessed this himself, as per the Quran: "When there comes God's victory and triumph. And you see the people entering God's religion in multitudes. Then celebrate the praise of your Lord, and seek His forgiveness. He is the Accepter of Repentance." (110:1-3). This means that Muhammad never saw or examined their hearts/souls to know if they believed in Islam in terms of monotheistic faith. Muhammad saw only heir adherence to peace. In fact, most Arabs inside the Yathreb city-state ruled by Muhammad adhered to the polytheistic worship of things/tombs and mortals while enjoying absolute religious freedom, in contrast to the policies of Qorayish which included compulsion in religion and religious persecution. Years later, the Qorayish tribesmen saw that protecting their financial interests required that they would feign conversion to Islam, especially that they had their spies or agents in Yathreb around Muhammad. Such hypocritical spies or agents feigned conversion to Islam and concealed their disbelief; Muhammad never knew them; they are mentioned here in the Quran: "Among the Desert-Arabs around you there are some hypocrites, and among the inhabitants of the city too. They have become adamant in hypocrisy. You do not know them, but We know them. We will torment them twice; then they will be returned to a severe torment." (9:101). Such hypocritical criminals include the four pre-Umayyad caliphs, deified now by the Sunnite Muhammadans, who ruled Arabia and initiated the Arab conquests. They enjoyed high stature in the Yathreb city-state as they were too close to Muhammad and became his in-laws; this allowed them to rule as caliphs once he died; this way, the Qorayish tribesmen managed to retrieve their dominance and other tribes revolted against Qorayish within the renegades' war. After such tribes were defeated by the military troops of Qorayish, they were recruited as soldiers in the Qorayish-led Arab conquests to prevent them from rebellion. This way, the Arabs began their military aggression against the Persian and the Byzantine empires. Of course, such Arab conquests contradict the Quran and constitute a rejection of Islam as the religion of peace. Later on, the biggest Arab empire emerged as a result of the Arab conquests; this Arab empire stretched between India and the borders of China to the south of France (at the Pyrenees). These Arab conquests also resulted in (1) the emergence of the Sunnite and Shiite terrestrial religions of Satan (which have fought one another until now) which have nothing to do with Islam (i.e., the Quran), and (2) the Arab civil wars between Shiites and Sunnites which have lasted for centuries until the present moment.  

8- Sadly, the Qorayish leaders formed their Arab empire, within Arab conquests using their swords, in the name of Islam; they spread by their swords the disbelief in Islam and never the religion of Islam. This is why the whole world, past and present, see a distorted form of Islam as if it were an aggressive religion of fighting; people forgot the true nature of Islam as a religion of peace as per the Quran. This is because of the fact that the Arab caliphs/conquerors are now deified by polytheists within the terrestrial Wahabi Sunnite religion; this deification of mortals contradicts the Quran, of course. The Arab caliphs/conquerors, as per the Quran as the Criterion, are the worst type of disbelieving/polytheistic aggressors because of the atrocities and heinous crimes they committed during the Arab conquests: massacring, looting, enslaving, invading, sabotage, etc. Sadly still, the conquered nations whose ancestors suffered such oppression of the invasions and the injustices of the conquests deify now those caliphs who oppressed their ancestors.   

9- The Quran-based Yathreb city-state of Muhammad was an exceptional one during the 7th century A.D. an the dominant culture at the time. It was like a ten-year-old democratic oasis in the midst of the desert of tyranny and injustices. Sadly, the Qorayish rulers restored the Middle-Ages culture of tyranny, aggression, and injustices once Muhammad died. If it had not been for the Quran which is with us now, we would not have known the true facts of Islam.

10- We, along with other Quranist thinkers, struggle peacefully within our Quranism website to call the "Muslims" for introducing the much-needed religious reform using the Quran in which they claim to believe. We face, patiently and bare-handed, the strongest two powers in the Middle-East: the tyranny of enthroned tyrants and the myths of the official and popular Wahabi clergymen. We are still continuing our intellectual peaceful endeavors for religion reform. May the Lord God come to our help and aid.



Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour

20th of April, 2019

VA, the USA

اجمالي القراءات 4273

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
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تاريخ الانضمام : 2006-07-05
مقالات منشورة : 5130
اجمالي القراءات : 57,293,772
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بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : United State

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