This Court Sentence Insulting to Islam: Sentencing to Death Those Who Have Insulted Prophet Muhammad

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2016-11-15

This Court Sentence Insulting to Islam: Sentencing to Death Those Who Have Insulted Prophet Muhammad


Authored by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour

8th of November, 2016

Springfield, VA, USA

Translated by: Ahmed Fathy


Table of contents



Statement of the International Quranic Center (IQC) Denouncing the Death Sentence against Those who Insulted Prophet Muhammad, as It Is a Court Sentence Contradicting the Islamic Sharia

Introduction to Article (1):

Article (1): This Insulting Court Sentence Contradicts the Real Sunna of Muhammad

Introduction to Article (2):

Article (2): This Insulting Court Sentence Contradicts the Main Principle of the Real Islamic Quranic Sharia: Absolute Religious Freedom

 Introduction to Article (3):

Article (3): This Insulting Court Sentence Contradicts Religious Freedom, the Salient Principle of the Real Islamic Quranic Sharia:

 Introduction to Article (4):

Article (4): This Insulting Court Sentence Contradicts the Right to Live, One of the Main Principles of the Real Islamic Quranic Sharia:

Introduction to Article (5):

Article (5): The Last Article: Who Does Harbor More Animosity Toward Islam: Morsi or Morris?






















 This book is a fundamental research study asserting the contradiction between this court sentence, issued in absentia and putting those who have insulted Prophet Muhammad to death, and the Quranic sharia of Islam. This book was originally written earlier as a series of articles written in Dec. 2012. 






















1- According to the piece of news written in the Egyptian independent opposition newspaper ''Al-Masry Al-Yom'' on 29th of November, 2012, the Egyptian State Security Court sentenced seven defendants to receive the capital punishment, in absentia, within the case concerning the movie shot and produced by them with the intention to insult Prophet Muhammad. The names of those seven persons sentenced to death in absentia are as follows: Morris Sadek, Morcos Aziz Khalil, Esmat Zaqalama, Nabeel Adeeb Bisada Moussa, Elia Basseley, Nahed Mahmoud Metwalli, and Nader Fareed Fawzy Nicola. To these names, the name of the American anti-Islam pastor Terry Jones was added. This court sentence was issued by the head-judge of the court, Seif-Al-Nasr Suleiman, along with two judges named M. Amer Gadou and Hassan Ismail Hassan, in the presence of Khaled Diaa, the head of the Higher Egyptian State Security Police, and its secretary Adel Abdel-Hameed. According to the newspaper, once the court sentence was pronounced, lawyers and those present hailed and shouted in joy religious slogans such as ''Allahu Akbar!'' and ''Alhamdulillah!'' (i.e., ''God is the Greatest'' and ''Praised be the Lord'', respectively). This scandal is unprecedented in the history of Egyptian courts; namely, the defense lawyers allied themselves with the police against the absent defendants. Moreover, it is unprecedented in the history of Egyptian courts to sentence defendants to death in absentia in accordance to the law concerning the so-called ''contempt of religion''. This is a bad, corrupt law that violates human rights, but its stipulated punishment is imprisonment for one up to five years, and NOT the capital punishment at all, as per the current Egyptian law system. The International Quranic Center (IQC), based in Springfield, VA, USA, has issued a statement to condemn sentencing to death those who have insulted Prophet Muhammad in a movie, as this sentence contradicts the Quranic sharia of Islam, as understood by the intellectual trend of Quranism and as adopted and believed by all Quranists all over the globe. This IQC statement has been followed by a number of articles that explains how this court sentence goes against Islam and its real sharia, the Quran alone. We have compiled such series of articles into this book you are reading now.



Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour

Springfield, VA, USA

8th of November 2016




















Statement of the International Quranic Center (IQC) Denouncing the Death Sentence against Those who Insulted Prophet Muhammad, as It Is a Court Sentence Contradicting the Islamic Sharia



1- The Cairo Criminal Court, in Egypt, has sentenced to death, in absentia, on 28th of Nov., 2012, seven Egyptian Christians along with an American pastor, Terry Jones, for their production of a movie which is defaming Islam and insulting to Prophet Muhammad. The movie is titled ''Innocence of Muslims'', uploaded in YouTube but removed later on within some countries. This court sentence was reached unanimously by all high-rank judges, headed by the head-judge Seif-Al-Nasr Suleiman, who ordered the papers of the defendants in this case to be referred to the Grand Mufti of Egypt to endorse the death sentence in the court session to be held on 29th of Jan., 2013, against the following defendants: Morris Sadek, Morcos Aziz Khalil, Esmat Zaqalama, Nabeel Adeeb Bisada Moussa, Elia Basseley, and Nader Fareed Fawzy Nicola, who are Egyptian Coptic Christians who live in the USA, and Nahed Mahmoud Metwalli, an ex-Muslim who converted to Christianity and lives in Australia, and finally, the American anti-Islam pastor Terry Jones. Moreover, the Egyptian citizenship of Morris Sadek had been revoked by the Egyptian authorities.

2- The International Quranic Center (IQC) denounces such terrible court sentence that contradicts human rights as well as Islamic sharia in the Quran; this court sentence defames both the Egyptian State and the Egyptian judicial system; hence the IQC demands firing those judges, who issued this infamous court sentence, from their posts and accusing them formally of intentionally tarnishing the image of both the Egyptian State and the Egyptian judicial system. This court sentence flagrantly contradicts the real Islamic sharia found exclusively in the Quran; hence, the IQC demands that the Grand Mufti of Egypt, Dr. Ali Gomaa, would not endorse such court sentence so as not to be an enemy of God and of Muhammad His messenger.   



1- This infamous court sentence asserts what we, Dr. A. S. Mansour, have repeated for decades until now; namely, the veritable arch-enemies of Islam are not confined to the terrorist Salafists and the terrorist MB group members, as both are merely two hands within the many hands of the real arch-enemy: the Sunnite Ibn Hanbal doctrine-based Wahabi religion that has spread among Egyptians and infiltrated Egyptian life for the last four decades within mosques, education, and media. This Wahabism has poisoned most Egyptians, including those judges who issued this infamous court sentence, despite their being no members of the terrorist Salafist groups or the terrorist MB group. Accordingly, it is no longer enough to politically neutralize the terrorist Salafists and the terrorist MB group members; rather, the Sunnite Ibn Hanbal doctrine-based Wahabism must be intellectually faced, debunked, and refuted from within Islam (i.e., the Quran alone) so as to rid Egypt of its evil and its devilish influence. This urgently needed good riddance of Wahabi ideology, posing falsely as Islam, will allow Egypt to achieve progress and retrieve its pioneer status to lead the Arabs and Muslims all over the globe. This refutation and intellectual confrontation is done so far exclusively by Quranists for more than 30 years.    

2- Let us be reminded of the following historical facts: religious innovative thinking (a.k.a. ijtihad in Arabic Sunnite theological terms) always comes from Egypt, from the past centuries until the present era. Even Sunnite imams of the Middle Ages were influenced by the Egyptian culture and moderation. For instance, the Sunnite imam/scholar Al-Leith Ibn Saad was a very moderate, lenient imam in his era as he lived most of his life in Egypt. The Sunnite imam/scholar Al-Shafei had to review and mitigate his radical, extremist views concocted during his stay in Iraq when he moved to Egypt to live in it. On the Contrary, the Sunnite scholar/imam Ibn Hanbal became an extremist thinker and theologian with radical views once he came to dwell in Iraq. It is his Ibn Hanbal extremist doctrine that spread in the Levant during its Mameluke era. After centuries of obscurity and being overlooked, this Ibn Hanbal doctrine was revived by M. Ibn Abdul-Wahab, the founder of Wahabism, during the rise of the very first Saudi kingdom (1745-1818), crushed and destroyed by the Ottoman-appointed Egyptian governor at the time, who became Egypt's king later on, Muhammad Ali Pacha. When the well-known scholar Ibn Khaldoun, the Arab father of sociology, came to live in Egypt after living in other countries in North Africa, with his mentality of theologian extremism and fanaticism, he was surprised to find the Egyptian atmosphere of religious tolerance during the Mameluke era. He noticed that even bigots of the Ibn Hanbal doctrine were more tolerant and lenient in Egyptian soil, in comparison to their peers elsewhere, and that was why the Egyptians at the time were united against extremist views of Ibn Taymiyya, an extremist fanatical scholar/imam of the Ibn Hanbal doctrine, who lived in Egypt and was rejected, imprisoned, and persecuted by the Mameluke sultans in Egypt and the Levant.         

3- Influenced by the liberal era that dawned in Egypt before any other Middle-Eastern country, religious ijtihad or innovative trends of thought was revived and led by the Egyptian imam/scholar  Muhammad Abdou (1849-1905) head of Al-Azhar institution, but his Syrian disciple, Rasheed Reda, who came from Aleppo, had betrayed his teacher/imam/sheikh when he allied himself to Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud, founder of the third current KSA, to spread Wahabism throughout Egypt in the name of ''Sunnite Salafism'', and of course, Rasheed Reda was paid handsomely by Al-Saud family for his endeavors. This Syrian sheikh who lived in Egypt, Rasheed Reda, was the one to establish the terrorist MB organization in Egypt and to choose the ambitious youth at the time, Hassan Al-Banna, to head it in 1928. Various political circumstances helped the terrorist MB organization to spread all over Egyptian soil, with headquarters or premises erected in all major Egyptian cities, with the intention to make Wahabism pose as 'Islam' and to control cultural, educational, and religious lives of Egyptians for decades within the infamous of Salafism/Wahabism ideology, until the terrorist MB organization reached power and presidency of Egypt in 2012, within the questionable presidential elections. We have written in detail about the danger posed by the terrorist MB and Salafist/Wahabi trend in Egypt, the Arab world, and the West countries in our previous books and articles published on our website in Arabic and in English.

4- As a reaction against the Wahabi/Salafist MB trend in Egypt, the Quranism reformist trend emerged since 1977 initiated by us, Dr. A. S. Mansour, which is building on the intellectual legacy and writings of the late imam M. Abdou, who died in 1905. This Quranist trend, along with its members worldwide, is facing Wahabism from within real Islam, the Quran alone, and is intellectually refuting the Wahabi spectra that include Salafist and MB overt and covert groups, sub-groups, bodies, agents, and organizations.   

5- Sadly, the earthly, man-made, fabricated religion of Wahabism is poisoning the mentalities of Egyptian Muhammadans today; this 2012 court sentence that we refute here in this book is deeply influenced by the Wahabi ideology, with its bigotry, fanaticism, and extremism as well as its contradiction with real Islam (i.e., Quranism) and its Quranic sharia of tolerance and justice, which is based on absolute religious freedom. We fear that as the terrorist MB organization reached power in Egypt, it may start violence and bloodshed all over the Egyptian cities and such heinous acts might metamorphose into full-fledged destructive civil strife in Egypt, God forbid.  

6- Sadly, Quranists are the only ones with their intellectual endeavors, modest means, and impecuniousness that struggle intellectually against Wahabism and all sorts of tyranny, especially religious tyranny of the Wahabi terrorist MB organization and Salafists. Sadly, victims of Wahabism inside and outside Egypt never care to support and help Quranists, let alone caring to aid in spreading their reformist message. Until when will this disgrace continue?! Would this deafening silence and never shedding light on Quranists' reformist endeavors continue until civil strife would break out in Egypt as the case in Syria?! What a shame! 

7- We assert here, as in many previous writings of ours, that politically defeating Wahabi MB and Salafists in Egypt, which will soon occur as we presume, does NOT mean that their veritable danger will be over. In fact, their influence on Egyptian mentality will go on as long as no one in Egypt would dare to discuss, criticize, debunk, and refute Wahabism and to show how it contradicts Islam, as thinkers fear being imprisoned in accordance with the law of the so-called ''contempt of religion'' among other laws that restrict freedom of speech and expression. The Wahabi danger will continue in Egypt as long as Wahabism (posing as 'Islam') is still infiltrating minds of millions of Egyptians without intellectual confrontation from within Islam by Quranists who adhere to real Islam, Quranism, that proves the discrepancy between Wahabism and the Quran. Unlike many Egyptians, we do believe that some of the terrorist MB members had infiltrated the Egyptian military in the 1940s, and those members helped in the 1952 coup that turned Egypt from a monarchy to a republic. When the terrorist MB members tried to control the Egyptian president Gamal Abdel-Nasser, he managed to achieve politically victory over them, and he imprisoned many of them, whilst others fled Egypt to some other countries, mainly their spiritual homeland the KSA; yet, Nasser could not face them intellectually, and this led to the fact that the Wahabi ideology spread in Egypt secretly, slowly but steadily, during the era of Nasser in the 1950s and 1960s. when Sadat took over as president, he allied himself to the KSA and the Saudi king made him spread Wahabism in an accelerated pace in Egypt and allow the terrorist MB members to infiltrate into Egyptian ministries, institutions, governmental bodies, syndicates, Al-Azhar institution, etc. to control the Egyptian mentality for decades until Egypt fell into the hands of the terrorist MB members in 2012. If Nasser had employed reformist thinkers to intellectually refute Wahabism, he would have saved Egypt forever from the veritable danger caused by the trap into which it had fallen in the questionable 2012 presidential elections, whose votes are assumed by many to be rigged. All Egyptians must learn this valuable lesson: intellectual confrontation that refutes the Sunnite Wahabism must spread all over Egypt by supporting the Quranists, or else, massive destruction would occur even if the terrorist MB members and Salafists would be politically removed from rule.                       


Lastly: the next series of articles that comprises this book will definitely show how such an insulting court sentence contradicts God's Quranic sharia.























Article (1):

Introduction to Article (1):

1- The Egyptian authorities have revoked the Egyptian citizenship of the lawyer Morris Sadek, who lives in the USA. Despite the wide intellectual difference between us and Morris Sadek, we have published here a statement in the name of IQC denouncing such an unjust measure and the unjust court sentence that sentenced to death in absentia those who have insulted Prophet Muhammad in a movie. We maintain here that such sentence is indeed insulting to Islam and it contradicts God's Quranic sharia. We have demanded that the Grand Mufti of Egypt should not participate in such crime by endorsing the court sentence, or else, he would be a veritable enemy of God and His messenger. We have demanded in our statement that judges who issued such sentence must get the sack because they have tarnished the reputation of Egypt and the image of Egyptian judicial system. We have explained how this unjust sentence asserts the deep infiltration of extremist Sunnite Ibn Hanbal doctrine-based Wahabism in the mentality of Egyptians. Hence, to achieve political victory over Wahabi terrorists (i.e., Salafists and the MB members) by forcing them out of power is not enough; what is more dangerous is the infiltration of Wahabism, disguised as ''Islam'', within Egyptian Muslims. It is of vital importance to prove using the Quranic verses how Wahabis disbelieve in the Quran and contradict it. this is intellectual war of ideas is being done so far exclusively by Quranists, without any support or aid from victims of Wahabism worldwide.       

2- We have concluded our IQC statement by showing how such court sentence goes against real Islamic sharia, found exclusively in the Quran, that contradicts the Wahabi Sunnite sharia. The following article below explains further this contradiction. 


Article (1): This Insulting Court Sentence Contradicts the Real Sunna of Muhammad

 Firstly: the meaning of Sunna: God's Sunna or sharia:

1- The Arabic term ''Sunna'' has two meanings in the Quranic text: 1) the way or method of Almighty God in dealing with polytheists and disbelievers: "Priding themselves on earth, and scheming evil. But evil scheming overwhelms none but its authors. Do they expect anything but the precedent of the ancients? You will not find any change in God's practice (i.e., Sunna), and you will not find any substitute to God's practice (i.e., Sunna)." (35:43), and 2) the meaning on which we focus here: the divine law. In both meanings, the term ''Sunna'' is mentioned as pertaining to God alone; Almighty God says the following about a certain legislation related to Muhammad alone: "There is no blame on the Prophet regarding what God has ordained for him. Such is the pattern (i.e., Sunna) of God among those who passed before. The command of God is an absolute decree." (33:38). We discern within this verse that Sunna of God here means pattern, command, or order, and all these terms denote sharia of God: His laws. We conclude then that term ''Sunna'' in the Quran refers to God's sharia as well. Literally, in Arabic, Sunna means issued laws whose application is obligatory. This meaning is related to the meaning of ''practical Sunna'' n traditional fiqh (i.e., jurisprudence), which denotes acts of worship (i.e., zakat, prayers, fasting, pilgrimage, etc.). in all this, God alone is the Legislator Who has revealed the Quranic legislation. Prophet Muhammad is an excellent example for true believers to follow as far as application of the Quranic sharia is concerned: "You have an excellent example in the Messenger of God…" (33:21). In this previous verse, and indeed in all Quranic verses, God never associates the term ''Sunna'' at all with Muhammad. Muhammad was an excellent example of how to be a believer who applies God's sharia: the Quran; he had no Sunna (i.e., body of laws) of his own alongside with, or parallel to, God's.    

2- within Sunnite fiqh, it is repeated that practical Sunna is acts of worship, as we have mentioned above, and we Quranists agree with that. Yet, we refute the claims of Sunnites, Shiites, and Sunnites that Muhammad had a verbal/oral Sunna (i.e., traditions, sayings, actions, history/biography events, etc.) ascribed to him centuries after his death, written down in countless books. Such claims contradict the Quran; the only words uttered by Muhammad within Islam are the ones mentioned in the Quran preceded by the command ''say…". This command ''say…'' is repeated 332 times throughout the Quranic text. Topics in verses that mention the command ''say…" include all that is required by true believers to know about Islam. Many of these verses that mention the command ''say…" assert and repeat other verses that do not mention the command ''say…". Prophet Muhammad has been commanded in the Quran to convey the Quranic message as a whole without adding to it or removing some of it; he had no power to say anything about religious matters apart from the Quran. God says the following about Muhammad: "Had he falsely attributed some statements to Us. We would have seized him by the right arm. Then slashed his lifeline.And none of you could have restrained Us from him." (69:44-47). Hence, the verbal Sunna of Muhammad is confined to the verses that mention the command ''say…", because the term ''Sunna'' means God's sharia to which we should adhere.

3- The Sunnite, Shiite, and Sufi Muhammadans claim that the so-called hadiths ascribed to Muhammad is the source from which we get to know how to perform acts of worship, especially prayers. Nothing could be further from the truth; such hadiths are doubted countless words and phrases ascribed to Muhammad centuries after his death, and therefore cannot possibly be part of Islam, whereas practical Sunna literally means things to follow, especially in acts of worship. Would anyone dare to say that early Muslims did not know how to pray until Al-Bokhary wrote his book?! Acts of worship were performed and practiced long decades before Al-Bokhary and long centuries before the advent of Islam in Arabia; as they were among the main features of the Abrahamic religion which is commanded by God in the Quran to be followed by Muslims, including Muhammad. It is noteworthy that no hadiths ascribed to Muhammad two centuries after his death tackle details of how to pray, and Al-Bokhary authored hadiths that distorts prayers and cast doubts on them.      

4- God has asserted in two separate verses that the Quran is the only discourse in which true faithful ones must believe: "…Which discourse, besides this, will they believe in?" (7:185) "In what discourse, beyond this, will they believe?" (77:50). Reading the Quran, we discern that God links belief in Him alone without peers to the belief in the Quran alone as the only discourse in Islam; let us ponder deeply upon this verse: "These are God's Verses which We recite to you in truth. In which discourse, after God and His revelations, will they believe?" (45:6). God in the next verses forewarns those who author, spread, and propagate misguiding hadiths and other falsehoods and lies: "Woe to every sinful liar who hears God's revelations being recited to him, yet he persists arrogantly, as though he did not hear them. Announce to him a painful punishment, and when he learns something of Our revelations, he takes them in mockery; for such a person there is a shameful punishment." (45:7-9). Within the last one of the Quranic Ten Commandments, God asserts that the Quran is the only righteous, straight path that must be followed, and not to follow other serpentine routes of fabrications, like Al-Bokhary falsehoods and their like: "This is My path, straight, so follow it. And do not follow the other paths, lest they divert you from His path. All this He has enjoined upon you, that you may refrain from wrongdoing." (6:153). Thus, the Quran is the only path given to us by God to be followed by the true devout ones, and we are not to follow other paths/books so as not to be misguided and be led astray. This verse asserts the fact that the Quran is the only source of Islam. The Quran is the only straight path to God, the only straight line between two points. Other paths are based on differences, discrepancies, and doubts; as hadiths, narratives, and accounts have too many different methods and ways as well as countless paths to lead us astray. Many scholars who have studied hadiths assert that they are not asserted or ascertained by any possible means; many of them are vague, contradictory, and illogical, apart from their flagrant opposition to the Quranic text. To make us avoid all paths fashioned by human beings in relation to faith, and to urge us to follow the Quran alone as God's path, God has said the following to Muhammad: "If you were to obey most of those on earth, they would divert you from God's path. They follow nothing but assumptions, and they only conjecture." (6:116). Muhammad followed the Quran alone, and no other books at all: "…Say, "I only follow what is inspired to me from my Lord…"" (7:203), "Say, "I am not different from the other messengers; and I do not know what will be done with me, or with you. I only follow what is inspired in me, and I am only a clear warner."" (46:9). True believers in the Quran have to follow the example of Muhammad in following the Quran alone with no other sources whatsoever; as this command has been addressed to Muhammad and to believers as well: "Follow what is revealed to you from your Lord, and do not follow other masters beside Him. Little you recollect." (7:3). This means that it is crystal clear that following the Quran is followed by never seeking guidance in faith in any other source; the Quran is the only authority in Islam, without any distortions at all. Since Muhammad adhered to the Quran alone in his morals and behavior, we conclude that the Quran was his only Sunna (i.e., law) and nothing else.     

5- Yet, with the passage of centuries, the Muhammadans had fashioned an earthly, fabricated creed that they have named the Sunnite religion to replace and supplant Islam. They had authored and phrased countless hadiths ascribed falsely to Muhammad more than two centuries after his death. Of course, such hadiths are insulting to God, the Quran (real Islam), and Muhammad. This earthly Sunnite religion spawned many false doctrines with the passage of time, and the very last version of it now is the destructive Wahabism, on which the KSA is based. Founder of the third current KSA which is about to collapse, Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud, had planted the tree of the terrorist MB and Salafists in Egypt and in the Arab world. This evil corrupt tree grew and caused the emergence of terrorist groups and organizations that raise religious mottoes to reach power in many countries. Sadly, millions of non-Salafist and non-MB Egyptians embraced Wahabism as if it were 'true' Islam! Among such millions are those judges in this insulting 2012 case, who have been brought up within corrupt media, education, and religion of Wahabism. Using the Wahabi creed and ideology, these judges resorted to its corrupt sharia to issue a verdict to put to death those who produced a movie to insult Prophet Muhammad. These judges suppose wrongly that they thus defend Muhammad and religion; in fact, they have put themselves in the position of enemies of Islam and Muhammad. This erroneous court sentence goes against the true Sunna/law adopted and applied by Muhammad: the Quran itself. Further explanation is found in this book.         


Secondly: real Sunna in dealing with those insulting Muhammad:

1- The insult of Islam and Muhammad addressed by Morris Sadek and the rest of his group is nothing compared to the insult, abuse, fighting, and aggression committed by the Meccan disbelievers, especially within the Qorayish tribe, at the era of Muhammad in the 7th A.D. If we to imagine Muhammad brought back to life now, watching this move, he would not respond to it; he would pardon them and never would harm those responsible for the movie. Why do we say this? Because this is real Sunna/religion followed by Muhammad: the Quran. The Quran tells us about Muhammad that he was sent as a mercy to the humankind (see 21:107) and NOT to massacre and terrorize the humankind, as done and proposed by Muhammad's enemies: the Wahabis and their crones: the terrorist MB and Salafists, who spread all sorts of terror in the name of Islam. They are in fact distorting and tarnishing Islam. Hence, Morris Sadek is in fact not the real enemy of Islam; rather, it is Morsi and his terrorist MB group that are eager to destroy both Egypt and Islam.   

2- Prophet Muhammad used to be mocked by disbelievers during his lifetime, and God records in the Quran such insults and has warned mockers against Hell: "When those who disbelieve see you, they treat you only with ridicule: "Is this the one who mentions your gods?"…" (21:36). "And when they see you, they take you for nothing but mockery: "Is this the one God sent as a messenger?"" (25:41). "That is their requital: Hell, on account of their disbelief, and their taking My revelations and My messengers in mockery." (18:106).

3- We conclude from the above-mentioned point that such mockery and ridicule have made God repeats His command to Muhammad to be patient with their harm and bear with it; Muhammad was very tolerant and very patient despite their continuing and unstinting harm. Among such repeated commands of , we read the following: "And endure patiently what they say, and withdraw from them politely." (73:10). This means that Muhammad was gentle with them, leaving them alone, never revenging himself or punishing his mockers. This patience was linked to higher moralistic attitude. God warns such aggressors and mockers against Hell: "And leave Me to those who deny the truth, those of luxury, and give them a brief respite. With Us are shackles, and a Fierce Fire. And food that chokes, and a painful punishment." (73:11-13). Muhammad used to feel saddened by his enemies' falsehoods and lies as well as their accusations and fabrications they made about him, feeling annoyed by their evil intrigues and plots, and hence, God has said to him: "So be patient. Your patience is solely from God. And do not grieve over them, and do not be distressed by their schemes. God is with those who are righteous and those who are virtuous." (16:127-128). "We know that what they say grieves you. It is not you they reject, but it is God's revelations that the wicked deny." (6:33). God has ordered Muhammad to perform more acts of worship to drive away feelings of distress and sorrow because of injustices suffered by him: "We are aware that your heart is strained by what they say. So glorify the praise of your Lord, and be among those who bow down. And worship your Lord in order to attain certainty." (15:97-99). Divine commands addressed to Muhammad to be patient regarding harm done to him are repeated many times: "Be patient in the face of what they say…" (38:17). "So bear patiently what they say, and celebrate the praises of your Lord before the rising of the sun, and before its setting. And during the hours of the night glorify Him, and at the borders of the day, that you may be satisfied." (20:130).  "So endure what they say, and proclaim the praises of your Lord before the rising of the sun, and before sunset and glorify Him during the night, and at the end of prostrations." (50:39-40). God has warned Muhammad against fury that might lead him to lose his patience:    "So be patient. The promise of God is true. And do not let those who lack certainty belittle you." (30:60). Hence, the Quran-based Sunna/demeanor of Muhammad  was to be patient regarding repeated acts of insult, harm, ridicule, and mockery by performing acts of worship and leaving affairs and matters to the hands of God, and NOT to sentence mockers to death.          

4- This patience was not a passive one linked to inability, hatred, grudges, and animosity or to seeking vengeance against the unjust ones; rather, it was a positive patience based on tolerance, pardon, forgiveness, peace, and moving away from verbal aggressors as per 73:10, and this is repeated in the following verse: "…The Hour is coming, so forgive with gracious forgiveness." (15:85), as it is enough that unrepentant ones will suffer Hell for eternity after the Day of Resurrection: "As for his statement: "My Lord, these are a people who do not believe." Pardon them, and say, "Peace." They will come to know." (43:88-89). Pardon here is linked to peace, as everyone will know the Truth in the Day of Resurrection.

5- Of course, such address to Muhammad is directed to all Quran-believers in all eras and locations; we are to utter the word of peace even to our aggressive foes: "The servants of the Merciful are those who walk the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say, "Peace."" (25:63). "And when they hear vain talk, they avoid it, and say, "We have our deeds, and you have your deeds; peace be upon you…" (28:55). Hence, God commands all true believers – and that excludes hypocrites and infidels, especially the Wahabi terrorist MB and Salafists – to pardon those who disbelieve in God and the Last Day: "Tell those who believe to forgive those who do not hope for the Days of God. He will fully recompense people for whatever they have earned. Whoever does a good deed, it is for his soul; and whoever commits evil, it is against it; then to your Lord you will be returned." (45:14-15). This means that all people must tolerate and pardon one another and wait for God's judgment on each one of human beings in the Day of Judgment. This contradicts those who play the role of God on earth and utter verdicts against their foes in creed by sentencing them to death, and such role-players dare to claim they are Muslims! What shame! They have insulted Islam (the Quran) by their disgraceful court sentence.  

6- This high moralistic attitude of responding to verbal aggressors  by peace and tolerance (apart from physical aggression and tangible harm that must be fought against by all means) has nothing to do with violence and death sentences. Enemies that fight the innocent peaceful ones must be fought as self-defense is allowed in both human laws and divine sharia in the Quran. The high moralistic attitude of pardoning and ignoring verbal abuse is a main part of real Islamic sharia found exclusively in the Quran, the book rejected and overlooked by terrorist Wahabi MB members and Salafists. Islam advocates justice and charity: "God commands justice and charity…" (16:90). Justice in cases of physical aggression is certainly retribution, but charity is even a higher value: to pardon aggressors to seek God's reward, as God dislikes the unjust ones: "The repayment of a bad action is one equivalent to it. But whoever pardons and makes reconciliation, his reward lies with God. He does not like the unjust." (42:40). God has ordered Muhammad to pardon his detractors, as this is the better way to stop evil: "Repel evil by what is better. We are aware of what they describe." (23:96). This high moral level is never attained unless by those who are  very pious and devout by adhering only to the Quran: the only Sunna of Muhammad's behavior during his lifetime: "And who is better in speech than someone who calls to God, and acts with integrity, and says, "I am of those who submit"? Good and evil are not equal. Repel evil with good, and the person who was your enemy becomes like an intimate friend. But none will attain it except those who persevere, and none will attain it except the very fortunate." (41:33-35). When we treat aggressors kindly and charitably, the aggressive foe would feel disgraced and ashamed and reconciliation would be possible.   


1- As we write this article, we read news that Morsi, the MB president of Egypt, has declared that 15th of Dec. 2012 as the date of referendum over the MB-flavored constitution written mostly by MB members to be imposed on free Egyptians who oppose the terrorist MB rule. This corrupt constitution makes Wahabism the source of Egyptian legislation, as imposed by Morsi the tyrant, who deceives gullible citizens using the name of Islam. Shame on him!

2- Will the Quranists be the only ones on earth to intellectually face and refute the ideology of terrorist Wahabis: Saudis, Salafists, and MB members?

3- Is there a sense of shame left?!



Article (2):

Introduction to Article (2):

1- According to the piece of news written in the Egyptian independent opposition newspaper ''Al-Masry Al-Yom'' on 29th of November, 2012, the Egyptian State Security Court sentenced seven defendants to receive the capital punishment, in absentia, within the case concerning the movie made by them with the intention to insult Prophet Muhammad. The names of those seven persons sentenced to death in absentia are as follows: Morris Sadek, Morcos Aziz Khalil, Esmat Zaqalama, Nabeel Adeeb Bisada Moussa, Elia Basseley, Nahed Mahmoud Metwalli, and Nader Fareed Fawzy Nicola. To these names, the name of the American anti-Islam pastor Terry Jones was added. This court sentence was issued by the head-judge of the court, Seif-Al-Nasr Suleiman, along with two judges named M. Amer Gadou and Hassan Ismail Hassan, in the presence of Khaled Diaa, the head of the Higher Egyptian State Security Police, and its secretary Adel Abdel-Hameed. According to the newspaper, once the court sentence was pronounced, lawyers and those present hailed and shouted in joy religious slogans such as ''Allahu Akbar!'' and ''Alhamdulillah!'' (i.e., ''God is the Greatest'' and ''Praised be the Lord'', respectively). This scandal is unprecedented in the history of Egyptian courts; namely, the defense lawyers allied themselves with the police against the absent defendants. Moreover, it is unprecedented in the history of Egyptian courts to sentence defendants to death in absentia in accordance to the law concerning the so-called ''contempt of religion''. This is a bad, corrupt law that violates human rights, but its stipulated punishment is imprisonment for one up to five years, and NOT the capital punishment at all, as per the current Egyptian law system.

2- The Egyptian authorities have revoked the Egyptian citizenship of the lawyer Morris Sadek, who lives in the USA. Despite the wide intellectual difference between us and Morris Sadek, we have published here a statement in the name of IQC denouncing such an unjust measure and the unjust court sentence that sentenced to death in absentia those who have insulted Prophet Muhammad in a movie. We maintain here that such sentence is indeed insulting to Islam and it contradicts God's Quranic sharia. We have demanded that the Grand Mufti of Egypt should not participate in such crime by endorsing the court sentence, or else, he would be a veritable enemy of God and His messenger. We have demanded in our statement that judges who issued such sentence must get the sack because they have tarnished the reputation of Egypt and the image of Egyptian judicial system. We have explained how this unjust sentence asserts the deep infiltration of extremist Sunnite Ibn Hanbal doctrine-based Wahabism in the mentality of Egyptians. Hence, to achieve political victory over Wahabi terrorists (i.e., Salafists and the MB members) by forcing them out of power is not enough; what is more dangerous is the infiltration of Wahabism, disguised as ''Islam'', within Egyptian Muslims. It is of vital importance to prove using the Quranic verses how Wahabis disbelieve in the Quran and contradict it. this is intellectual war of ideas is being done so far exclusively by Quranists, without any support or aid from victims of Wahabism worldwide. In Article (1) of this book, we have proven the contradiction of this court sentence with the real and only Sunna of Muhammad: the Quran.      

3- In Article (2) below, we tackle how this insulting court sentence contradicts the main principle of the real Islamic sharia found exclusively in the Quran, rejected by Wahabis (terrorist MB group + Salafist groups). This main principle is religious absolute freedom for all human beings, so as religion is judged only by God in the Last Day. Hence, it is un-Islamic and immoral to allow a State or a country to interfere in the relation between a human being and God in the fields of faith, tenets, rituals, acts of worship, proselytization, call, writings, expression, conversions, etc. as all such fields require absolute freedom to all citizens, as per the Quran and as per human rights. In Quranic sharia, it is absolutely and strictly forbidden to allow people to meddle in the above-mentioned religious fields by imposing certain practices or ideas on others, by means of coercion and compulsion using laws or terrorist force. In earthly, man-made Sunnite-Shiite religions, among other fabricated religions in the globe, compulsion in religious matters and affairs is the main notion applied by clergymen who control and oppress people in theocracies and tyrannical regimes: the KSA for instance that oppress Arabian people. Agents of the KSA in Egypt reached power in 2012; the terrorist MB group wants ardently to repeat the Wahabi/Saudi model of tyranny in Egypt by their MB-dominated constitution that will enable them to own and control Egyptian citizens using the Wahabi wicked religion. Most of Egyptian citizens will be victimized by the terrorist MB rule: those victims will be non-Wahabi Sunnites, Sufis, moderate Sunnites, atheists, seculars, Coptic Christians, (and the minority of Protestants and Catholics), Baha'is, and Quranists. Those victims will suffer compulsion in religion imposed by Wahabism. Yet, they may be saved when awareness is raised enough regarding the flagrant contradiction between Islam (the Quran alone) and Wahabism, especially in the main Quranic principle of absolute religious freedom.         


Article (2): This Insulting Court Sentence Contradicts the Main Principle of the Real Islamic Quranic Sharia: Absolute Religious Freedom


Firstly: the principle of absolute religious freedom and the individual responsibility of every human soul for its choice, in the Day of Resurrection:

   God asserts in the Quran the main principle of absolute religious freedom for all human beings who will bear responsibility for their choices in the Last Day: "And say, "The truth is from your Lord. Whoever wills-let him believe. And whoever wills-let him disbelieve". We have prepared for the unjust a Fire, whose curtains will hem them in. And when they cry for relief, they will be relieved with water like molten brass, which scalds the faces. What a miserable drink, and what a terrible place. As for those who believe and lead a righteous life-We will not waste the reward of those who work righteousness. These will have the Gardens of Eden, beneath which rivers flow. Reclining on comfortable furnishings, they will be adorned with bracelets of gold, and will wear green garments of silk and brocade. What a wonderful reward, and what an excellent resting-place." (18:29-31). God says the following about the freedom of people to believe or to disbelieve in the Quran: "Say, "Believe in it, or do not believe." Those who were given knowledge before it, when it is recited to them, they fall to their chins, prostrating." (17:107). God forewarns against Hell for those who despise and mock the Quranic verses "Those who despise Our revelations are not hidden from Us. Is he who is hurled into the Fire better? Or he who arrives safely on the Day of Resurrection? Do as you please; He is Seeing of everything you do." (41:40). On the contrary, the Sunnite religion sharia laws include putting to death those who rejected Islam, those who convert to other religions, those who become atheists, and those who spread novel ideas in religion apart from forefathers' notions! To top it all, Sunnite Wahabis imposed a corrupt law in Egypt regarding imprisonment of those who show 'contempt of religions', a law applied only to protect Wahabism from being discussed and refuted by thinkers and writers.   


Secondly: Quranic faith tenets and legislative (sharia) rules that assert the principle of absolute religious freedom in Islam:

   This main principle is asserted in the Quran by many Islamic faith tenets and legislative rules, as we explain below.

1- Every soul will carry its burden of sins/mistakes, and not those of others, this is a main principle in the Quranic legislation, repeated in several verses: : "Say, "Am I to seek a Lord other than God, when He is the Lord of all things?" No soul gets except what it is due, and no soul bears the burdens of another. Then to your Lord is your return, then He will inform you regarding your disputes."(6:164). "Whoever is guided-is guided for his own good. And whoever goes astray-goes astray to his detriment. No burdened soul carries the burdens of another, nor do We ever punish until We have sent a messenger."(17:15)."…No bearer of burden can bear the burden of another. Then to your Lord is your return; and He will inform you of what you used to do. He is aware of what the hearts contain."(39:7). This Quranic legislative principle is basic in the divine religion; it has been included in revelations given to Abraham and Moses: "Or was he not informed of what is in the Scrolls of Moses? And of Abraham, who fulfilled? That no soul bears the burdens of another soul. And that the human being attains only what he strives for. And that his efforts will be witnessed. Then he will be rewarded for it the fullest reward. And that to your Lord is the final destination." (53:36-42). Sadly, Middle Eastern tyrants never apply this Quranic principle; rather, they punish the families of their foes and take them hostages, and in many cases, some tyrants razed down whole villages. We fear that Egyptian Christian Copts would pay a heavy price of the folly of Morris Sadek and the others, as the terrorist MB and Salafists are clever only in oppressing the weak and forcing the innocent to shoulder responsibility and blame, even if those weak/innocent are Copts or Wahabi ordinary persons. This evil ways are main part of Sunnite legislations concocted by Ibn Taymiyya: to allow murdering Muslims to spite or entrap the enemies! Hence, some poor lower-rank MB members would be sacrificed whenever necessary! Let alone Copts! What a shame!  

2- Governments are not supposed to guide ''spiritually'' or ''religiously'' its citizens to the Hereafter; this is an individual,  personal responsibility: "Whoever is guided-is guided for his own good. And whoever goes astray-goes astray to his detriment…" (17:15). "Whoever does a good deed, it is for his soul; and whoever commits evil, it is against it; then to your Lord you will be returned." (45:15). There is no room for injustice in the Last Day: "Whoever acts righteously does so for himself; and whoever works evil does so against himself. Your Lord is not unjust to the servants." (41:46). As God has created heavens and earth with justice, every soul will be judged justly: "God created the heavens and the earth with justice, so that every soul will be repaid for what it has earned. And they will not be wronged." (45:22).Responsibility is shouldered as per what it fits one's abilities: "God does not burden any soul beyond its capacity. To its credit is what it earns, and against it is what it commits…" (2:286); hence, disbelievers pave their way to Hell on their own free choice, and believers pave their way to Paradise on their own free choice as well: "Whoever disbelieves, upon him falls his disbelief. And whoever acts righteously-they are preparing for themselves." (30:44). "…"Give thanks to God." Whoever is appreciative-is appreciative for the benefit of his own soul. And whoever is unappreciative-God is Sufficient and Praiseworthy." (31:12). "…He who is grateful, his gratitude is to his own credit; but he who is ungrateful-my Lord is Independent and Generous" (27:40). Thus, as in is a personal, individual responsibility, God has said the following to the Israelites: "If you work righteousness, you work righteousness for yourselves; and if you commit evil, you do so against yourselves…" (17:7). The same meaning has been addressed to contemporaries of Muhammad: "Here you are, being called to spend in the cause of God. Among you are those who withhold; but whoever withholds is withholding against his own soul…" (47:38). "…Whoever breaks his pledge breaks it to his own loss. And whoever fulfills his covenant with God, He will grant him a great reward." (48:10).     

3- Muhammad had not the responsibility to guide anyone; his mission was confined to conveying the Quranic message: "heir guidance is not your responsibility, but God guides whom they are willing to be guided..." (2:272), and as guiding oneself is one's responsibility fully, Muhammad could not guide whom he loved among his contemporaries; those who chose belief will be guided by God, and those who chose disbelief will be misguided by God: "You cannot guide whom you love, but God guides whom He wills, and He knows best those who are guided." (28:56). As guidance is a personal choice, Muhammad had no mission but to convey the Quran and warn others solely by it: "And to recite the Quran, whoever is guided  is guided to his own advantage, and whoever goes astray, then say, "I am one of the warners."" (27:92). So, Muhammad was not responsible for anyone in that respect: "We sent down upon you the Book for mankind in truth. He who follows guidance does so for the good of his soul. And he who strays in error does so to its detriment. You are not their overseer." (39:41). "Say, "O people, the truth has come to you from your Lord. Whoever accepts guidance is guided for his own soul; and whoever strays only strays to its detriment. I am not a guardian over you."" (10:108). ""Insights have come to you from your Lord. Whoever sees, it is to the benefit of his soul; and whoever remains blind, it is to its detriment. I am not a guardian over you."" (6:104).     

4- A salient notion in the Quran is the fact that there is no compulsions in religion, and Muhammad could not have possible forced anyone to believe or to meddle in people's choices (between belief and disbelief), as his sole mission was to convey the Quran and not to control others: "So remind. You are only a reminder. You have no control over them. But whoever turns away and disbelieves.God will punish him with the greatest punishment. To Us is their return. Then upon Us rests their reckoning." (88:21-26). That is why God has reproached Muhammad when he pressed some persons to urge them to believe in the Quran; God has told him that he could not force people at all: "Had your Lord willed, everyone on earth would have believed. Will you compel people to become believers?" (10:99). This is the application and interpretation of the following verse: "There shall be no compulsion in religion; the right way has become distinct from the wrong way…" (2:256). Even captured soldiers who fought early Muslims were not forced to convert; they were coaxed to hear the Quran to make sure the message was conveyed to them rightly, were treated kindly and charitably, and were set free to safety: "And if anyone of the polytheists asks you for protection, give him protection so that he may hear the Word of God; then escort him to his place of safety. That is because they are a people who do not know." (9:6).   

5- Debatable issues and disputes over religious matters and affairs will be settled by God in the Day of Judgment, and NOT by human judges or any judicial bodies on earth.

5/1: By religious disputes, we mean debates and opposite, conflicting views regarding religious opinions, rituals, speeches, declarations, call, proselytization, and using all sorts of media to propagate and convert people. This entails further brief explanation. It is a universally acknowledged fact that religious life of people is based on divisions and differences in views and stances; this is part of human nature created by Almighty God: "Had your Lord willed, He could have made humanity one community, but they continue to differ. Except those on whom your Lord has mercy-for that reason He created them…" (11:118-119). This shows life as a test to everyone; those who seek guidance faithfully should use the Quran, God's Word, as the sole criterion in spiritual guidance: ""Shall I seek a judge other than God, when He is the One who revealed to you the Book, explained in detail?"…" (6:114). Those who reject Quran do so of their own free will and choice, bearing responsibility for this in the Last Day. It is typical in religious history of humanity that most of those who followed a prophet of God would misguide themselves and move away from the righteous path, especially by deifying the dead prophet, as the case with Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, while creating new sects, denominations, doctrines, etc. following their whims, and sadly, such religious disputes are usually linked to murders, military fights, inquisitions, and establishing theocracies. Anyway, despite such differences in visions regarding God and faith tenets, all human beings in the Last Day will be divided into two throngs: a pious minority that believes in ''There is no God but Allah'' and a vast majority that deifies mortals (prophets, saints, clergymen, and historical figures) within polytheistic man-made creeds, especially these fabricated creeds which they claim to be pertaining to Moses, Jesus, or Muhammad. Hence, divisions and denominations increase: Orthodox, Catholics, Protestant churches, Sufis, Sunnites, and Shiites, let alone their countless sub-creeds and sub-groups.            

5/2: The above point reminds us of God's words in this verse: "Here are two adversaries feuding regarding their Lord…" (22:19). This verse indicates that all denominations and cults and creeds …etc. will eventually be divided in the Last Day into two minority and majority groups we have mentioned, and in this world, disputes over the 'right' faith' or believe will go on. The losers are the ones who deify and worship deities/gods beside the Almighty and submit to clergymen/mediators, while winners are the ones who dedicated their faith and good deeds devoutly to the One and True God alone: "…As for those who disbelieve, garments of fire will be tailored for them, and scalding water will be poured over their heads. Melting their insides and their skins. And they will have maces of iron. Whenever they try to escape the gloom, they will be driven back to it: "Taste the suffering of burning." But God will admit those who believe and do good deeds into Gardens beneath which rivers flow. They will be decorated therein with bracelets of gold and pearls, and their garments therein will be of silk." (22:19-23).

5/3: As there will always be adversaries feuding regarding God, as per 22:19), no adversary would be allowed to judge another adversary; rather, the matter is left to the Eternal Judge during the Day of judgment; the Almighty will tell humanity who have been in the right and who have been on the wrong: those who have worshipped, revered, sanctified, and glorified God alone without any other partners or associates with Him or those polytheists who deified, sanctified, and worshiped mortal creatures like prophets, saints, imams, clergymen, scholars along with tombs, locations, and items of things. Accordingly, since God is the Sole Judge of all of the above differences in faith and belief, no human court is to be allowed to judge others based on religions/atheism or regarding rituals, tenets, and proselytization. These fields must be free zones for all human beings, to allow them the freedom to choose, leaving judgment on that matters to God alone in the Hereafter. All human beings differ and dispute in such affairs; no mortal should be allowed to judge others in terms of faith/belief, as neutrality and justice will never be available in such matters. 

5/4: God asserts in the Quran the fact that He is the Only Judge of human beings in the Hereafter: "Say, "Our God, Initiator of the heavens and the earth, Knower of all secrets and declarations. You will judge between your servants regarding what they had differed about."" (39:46), as He is the Omnipotent and Omniscient. Hence, mortals who judge others within inquisitions are thus committing the sin of self-deification. This is a grave issue asserted repeatedly in the Quran: "Say, "Am I to seek a Lord other than God, when He is the Lord of all things?" No soul gets except what it is due, and no soul bears the burdens of another. Then to your Lord is your return, then He will inform you regarding your disputes." (6:164). This entails further explanation below.

5/4/1: We know from the Quran that God will judge the Israelites and settle their religious disputes in the Last Day: "And We settled the Israelites in a position of honor, and provided them with good things. They did not differ until knowledge came to them. Your Lord will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection regarding their differences." (10:93). We discern here that the Israelites differed I religious views after the divine revelation ended, and they will be judged reading such views in the Hereafter: "Your Lord will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection regarding everything they had disputed" (32:25). "We gave the Israelites the Book, and wisdom, and prophecy; and We provided them with the good things; and We gave them advantage over all other people. And We gave them precise rulings. They fell into dispute only after knowledge came to them, out of mutual rivalry. Your Lord will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection regarding the things they differed about." (45:16-17). This applies to their differences regarding the Sabbath: "The Sabbath was decreed only for those who differed about it. Your Lord will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection regarding their differences." (16:124). If the Israelites had sought guidance, they should have found it in the Quran: "This Quran relates to the Israelites most of what they differ about. And it is guidance and mercy for the believers." (27:76-77). Eventually, judgment is postponed till the Last Day, as the Quran repeated for assertion: "Your Lord will judge between them by His wisdom. He is the Almighty, the All-Knowing." (27:78).

5/4/2: Likewise, when followers of Jesus disputed over his being a deity or mortal prophet, God has postponed judgment over both sides to the Last Day: "God said, "O Jesus, I am terminating your life, and raising you to Me, and clearing you of those who disbelieve. And I will make those who follow you superior to those who disbelieve, until the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me is your return; then I will judge between you regarding what you were disputing." (3:55).   

5/4/3:  Of course, unsettled religious disputes and conflicts are chronic and deep-seated between Christians and Jews, and as always, God has postponed judgment over both sides to the Last Day: "The Jews say, "The Christians are not based on anything;" and the Christians say, "The Jews are not based on anything." Yet they both read the Scripture. Similarly, the ignorant said the same thing. God will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection regarding their differences." (2:113).    

5/4/4: When the Quran was revealed, some People of the Book (i.e., Christians and Jews) rejected it and some believed in it and converted to Islam. God urges believers in the Quran and People of the Book to compete for good deeds, and NOT for fanaticism, evil, sins, and aggression, while postponing judgment among all human beings to the Last Day: "…Had God willed, He could have made you a single nation, but He tests you through what He has given you. So compete in righteousness. To God is your return, all of you; then He will inform you of what you had disputed." (5:48).   

5/4/5: Likewise, the case of disputes between Muslim Quranists and those Muhammadans who worship, sanctify, and deify mortals, locations, tombs, and things and still call themselves as' Muslims' will be judged by God in the Last Day; He will decide which party has been true Muslims (i.e., submitters) to Him. God tells us in the Quran about the very essence of Islam: to dedicate one's religion to God alone: "We sent down to you the Book with the Truth, so serve God, devoting your religion to Him. To God that sincere faith is due…" (39:2-3). And then, God tells us about how wrong are those who deify and worship mortals/human beings as mediators to get nearer to Almighty God and how judgment among all human beings is postponed to the Last Day: "…As for those who take guardians besides Him, "We only worship them that they may bring us nearer to God." God will judge between them regarding their differences. God does not guide the lying blasphemer." (39:3). God warns polytheists in the following verse: "If you disbelieve, God is Independent of you, yet He does not approve ingratitude on the part of His servants. And if you are thankful, He will approve that in you. No bearer of burden can bear the burden of another. Then to your Lord is your return; and He will inform you of what you used to do. He is aware of what the hearts contain." (39:7).   

5/4/6: This theme of postponing judgment to the Last Day includes judging Prophet Muhammad and his foes and detractors: "But if they dispute with you, say, "God is fully aware of what you do." God will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection regarding what you disagree about." (22:68-69). God has said to Muhammad that he and his foes will surely die and each side will defend their cause and accuse each other before the Almighty in the Last Day: "You will die, and they will die. Then, on the Day of Resurrection, you will be quarrelling before your Lord." (39:30-31). This Quranic fact is rejected today by the Muhammadans who believe in myths like Muhammad alive in his grave, reviewing acts and deeds of 'Muslims' to ask pardon for them as he would act as mediator on their behalf in the Day of Judgment. Ancient Muhammadans of the Middle-Ages have fabricated falsehoods and lies that are today called ''hadiths'' to pass off their lies as 'tenets' of belief, including legalizing as sharia performing pilgrimage to a pagan mausoleum in Yathreb ascribed to Muhammad as his grave. It is a miraculous prediction that God refutes such myths to appear later on when He asserts the death of Muhammad and his foes  and their quarreling on equal footing with each other as two sides, in the Quranic text, while Muhammad was still alive and receiving the Quranic revelation. This is done to refute eternal life ascribed by Muhammadans to Muhammad after his death and before the Day of Judgment. Another miraculous predictions of the Quran is when God tells us about those who fabricate lies and falsehoods that contradict the Quran and ascribe them to God and His religion: "Who is more evil than he who lies about God, and denies the truth when it has come to him? Is there not in Hell room for the ungrateful?" (39:32). Hence, we can safely say that the terrorist MB members and the Salafists as well as other followers of earthly, man-made creeds of the Muhammadans will suffer eternally in Hell in case of non-repentance before their deaths.       


 The points above are about differences and disputes that would not reach the degree of violence, massacres, persecution, and driving away foes out of their homes. In such cases, immigration for those who can is a must; otherwise, self-defense fighting is a necessity for those who can, for the higher purpose of stopping persecution in matters of religion, so that religion pertains to God alone as the Sole Judgment of it in the Last Day: "Fight them until there is no more persecution, and religion becomes exclusively for God. But if they desist-God is Seeing of what they do." (8:39). Hence, we urge the Egyptian people to intellectually face and fight the Salafist-MB unjust and terrorist rule within open discussion, and in case these terrorists would kill and fight Egyptians with arms, retribution is a must and a religious duty: "And fight them until there is no oppression, and worship becomes devoted to God alone. But if they cease, then let there be no hostility except against the oppressors. The sacred month for the sacred month; and sacrilege calls for retaliation. Whoever commits aggression against you, retaliate against him in the same measure as he has committed against you. And be conscious of God, and know that God is with the righteous." (2:193-194). God says nothing but the Truth, despite the fact that the Truth is hated and shunned by polytheistic terrorist Wahabi MB and Salafists.   

















Article (3):

Introduction to Article (3):

1- According to the piece of news written in the Egyptian independent opposition newspaper ''Al-Masry Al-Yom'' on 29th of November, 2012, the Egyptian State Security Court sentenced seven defendants to receive the capital punishment, in absentia, within the case concerning the movie made by them with the intention to insult Prophet Muhammad. The names of those seven persons sentenced to death in absentia are as follows: Morris Sadek, Morcos Aziz Khalil, Esmat Zaqalama, Nabeel Adeeb Bisada Moussa, Elia Basseley, Nahed Mahmoud Metwalli, and Nader Fareed Fawzy Nicola. To these names, the name of the American anti-Islam pastor Terry Jones was added. This court sentence was issued by the head-judge of the court, Seif-Al-Nasr Suleiman, along with two judges named M. Amer Gadou and Hassan Ismail Hassan, in the presence of Khaled Diaa, the head of the Higher Egyptian State Security Police, and its secretary Adel Abdel-Hameed. According to the newspaper, once the court sentence was pronounced, lawyers and those present hailed and shouted in joy religious slogans such as ''Allahu Akbar!'' and ''Alhamdulillah!'' (i.e., ''God is the Greatest'' and ''Praised be the Lord'', respectively). This scandal is unprecedented in the history of Egyptian courts; namely, the defense lawyers allied themselves with the police against the absent defendants. Moreover, it is unprecedented in the history of Egyptian courts to sentence defendants to death in absentia in accordance to the law concerning the so-called ''contempt of religion''. This is a bad, corrupt law that violates human rights, but its stipulated punishment is imprisonment for one up to five years, and NOT the capital punishment at all, as per the current Egyptian law system.

2- The Egyptian authorities have revoked the Egyptian citizenship of the lawyer Morris Sadek, who lives in the USA. Despite the wide intellectual difference between us and Morris Sadek, we have published here a statement in the name of IQC denouncing such an unjust measure and the unjust court sentence that sentenced to death in absentia those who have insulted Prophet Muhammad in a movie. We maintain here that such sentence is indeed insulting to Islam and it contradicts God's Quranic sharia. We have demanded that the Grand Mufti of Egypt should not participate in such crime by endorsing the court sentence, or else, he would be a veritable enemy of God and His messenger. We have demanded in our statement that judges who issued such sentence must get the sack because they have tarnished the reputation of Egypt and the image of Egyptian judicial system. We have explained how this unjust sentence asserts the deep infiltration of extremist Sunnite Ibn Hanbal doctrine-based Wahabism in the mentality of Egyptians. Hence, to achieve political victory over Wahabi terrorists (i.e., Salafists and the MB members) by forcing them out of power is not enough; what is more dangerous is the infiltration of Wahabism, disguised as ''Islam'', within Egyptian Muslims. It is of vital importance to prove using the Quranic verses how Wahabis disbelieve in the Quran and contradict it. this is intellectual war of ideas is being done so far exclusively by Quranists, without any support or aid from victims of Wahabism worldwide.

3- We have published articles as a response, asserting that this court sentence is against true Sunna/traditions/laws of Muhammad (i.e., the Quran alone), and that absolute religious freedom is the very first principle of the Quranic sharia and faith tenets. In the following article, we tackle practical application of absolute religious freedom in real life now, proving that this court sentence is actually the application of Sunnite Wahabi sharia, and NOT Islam as per the Quran. Judges who issued such a sentence are not MB or Salafists, but they are imbued with Wahabism, disguised as 'Islam', via education, media, and mosques. This is eh veritable source of danger in Egypt; this threat must be faced intellectually within war of ideas by abolishing all laws that restrict freedom of thought, speech, and expression and threaten free thinkers by jail if they refuted holy of holies: the Wahabi ideology. Hence, absolute religious freedom as a Quranic principle must be applied in all fields: intellectual endeavors, proselytization, research studies, rituals, free expression, etc. and not just within tenets and beliefs. This theme is further explained in the article below.     


Article (3): This Insulting Court Sentence Contradicts Religious Freedom, the Salient Principle of the Real Islamic Quranic Sharia:

Firstly: the principle of absolute freedom in the field of religious proselytization:

1- A given country or state is not to interfere at all within the field of peaceful religious call or proselytization; its sole mission is to assert freedom of proselytization for all citizens on equal footing regardless of the faiths being proselytized. Hence, all laws restricting such freedoms in Egypt, an in the Arab world, such as the so-called law against 'contempt of religion' must be abolished; it is used solely to protect Sunnite Wahabism against being discussed and put to question, whereas in Egypt, no one is punished for criticizing, mocking, writing, or speaking disparagingly about Coptic Orthodox Christianity, Shiite religion, or Baha'ism. In fact, the real act of doing contemptuous deeds to real Islam (i.e. the Quran alone) is to maintain and apply this corrupt, bad law of ill-reputation, especially when many Quranists have been persecuted in Egypt and some were imprisoned in 2001. Hence, all free Egyptians must stand firmly against the proposed MB constitution forced to pass off as Egypt's new constitution; this corrupt MB-flavored text tackles notions like never to discuss prophets of God and makes Sunnite Wahabi sharia as the only source of legislation in Egypt, as per Article No. 220: (The principles of the Islamic sharia include approved comprehensive proofs, fundamental rules of jurisprudence ''fiqh'', and authoritative  sources approved by the Sunnite doctrines…).        

2- In everyday real-life, the freedom of peaceful proselytization for all citizens in a given country means that Christians of any denominations should be free to proselytize their religion among 'Muslims', Muslims should be free to proselytize their religion among non-Muslims, Sunnite Wahabis should be free to proselytize their religion among non-Sunnites, Shiites should be free to proselytize their religion among Sunnites and all non-Shiites, Sufis should be free to proselytize their religion among Sunnites and all non-Sufis, Baha'is should be free to proselytize their religion among non-Baha'is, and so on and so forth for the rest of world religions. This same freedom must be provided to those proselytizing atheism among believers as well.   

3- This freedom of peaceful proselytization has nothing to do with coercion and compulsion in religion; it is calling others to accept a certain faith and NOT forcing them to accept it. If callers/preachers or proselytizers used force or compulsion, they must be legally punished, as this is a violation of right of others as far as religious freedom is concerned. 

4- freedom to proselytize one's religion implicitly includes the right to refute other religions and proving them wrong; there is nothing negative in this, as all proselytizers naturally assume that their creed is right and true while other creeds are false and wrong. Even the testimony of Islam, (There is no God but Allah), begins by refuting the existence of other deities to assert the divinity of Allah alone. "There shall be no compulsion in religion; the right way has become distinct from the wrong way. Whoever renounces evil and believes in God has grasped the most trustworthy handle; which does not break. God is Hearing and Knowing." (2:256). In this verse, naturally, we find the negation of other religions and creeds apart from Islam (i.e., Quranism) and that other religions are false and deceitful and those who adhere to them are errant and misguided. This is asserted in the following verses: "Religion with God is Islam…" (3:19). "Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers." (3:85). This means that non-believers in Quranism will reside eternally in Hell. Quranists have the right to preach this in their proselytization, without other non-Quranists deemed as feeling offended at all. Likewise, Quranists have the right to preach that those who deify and worship Muhammad, Jesus, disciples, companions, imams, clergymen, imams, etc. as disbelievers in God and as polytheists. Quranists have the right to say the same regarding those who worship the Satanic/devilish mausoleum ascribed to Muhammad in Yathreb; Quranists can support their views with as many proofs as possible from the Quran and other lines of evidence, but without coercing or forcing others to follow Quranism. Likewise, non-Quranists and rejecters of the Quran have the right to disbelieve in the Quran and to describe it along with Muhammad by any means and words they like, whether they have proofs or not. In the same vein, Baha'is can refute or debunk the other religions of non-Baha'is, whether they have proofs or not. Christians can refute or debunk the other religions of non-Christians who reject Christ as god/savior, whether they have proofs or not. Similarly, atheists can refute or debunk all religions of all believers, whether they have proofs or not, and so on and so forth. In a nutshell, everyone can refute or debunk other religions using or without using (true or false) lines of evidence of any sorts, and no one had the right to get offended by this; all human beings will be judged in the Last Day, and the Lord will judge and settle our differences. Of course, freedom of proselytization exclude compulsion in religion of any kind and punishing renegades/apostates or infidels who reject preaching. The so-called penalty of apostasy is fabrications made by early Sunnites and Shiites, and it has nothing to do with the Quran. Such penalty for rejecting one's faith used to be exacted by Catholic popes in Rome during the Middle Ages. In the 20th and 21st centuries, modern world has realized and applied unlimited freedom of proselytization of all creeds without using force and to convert into and out of any creed just as one chooses. This absolute religious freedom is advocated in the Quran, revealed 14 centuries ago.                   

5- This unlimited freedom of proselytization of all religions make people have ample field of choice with no ceiling; one can reject Islam and convert to any other religion, without being punished for it; as judgment is God's in the Last Day. There should be no restrictions about conversions at all, and one does not need a certificate to prove it, as with the case when a convert to Sunnite Wahabism need a certificate issued by the Cairo-based Al-Azhar or any other religious institution in the KSA. Islam (Quranism) has no such things as religious institutions or clergymen of any kind. No one has the right to prevent, hinder, or stop anyone else from converting to any other creed. Hence, if someone in Egypt has decided to convert to Sufism, Baha'ism, or Shiite religion, for instance, no one should stop or interfere in such conversions, and the same applies to anyone desires to join Satanics (Satanism) or to become an atheist who rejects all creeds. This is an individual responsibility and a personal choice in which no one else has the right to interfere. One is to bear responsibility for one's choice only before God in the Day of Resurrection.

6- Religious freedom in all aspects of conversions and proselytizing, and the like, helps to make people break free from submission to the meanest, most contemptible kinds of human beings: 1) odious clergymen who assume themselves as mediators between believers and God, and 2) the more abominable throng who use the name of God to reach wealth, power, and authority. Hence, this absolute religious freedom leads to establishing a raised political awareness among the masses and nations and it will clean the political arena of those who trade with religious mottoes to deceive people. Thus, political rivalry will be among those who can serve people better and respect their (religious and worldly) choices. Hence, this absolute religious freedom leads to all other types of freedoms and eliminate religious myths or mythological notions and encourage refutation and ridicule of sanctified myths of worshipping things, locations, and dead persons, made taboo previously because of no one able to discuss them out of fear of being jailed or persecuted.

7- Being foes or adversaries means that each party sticks to their views/stances in religion, with freedom to spread such views within proselytization, and then leave judgment to God in the Hereafter. Finally, one bears responsibility for one's opinions in all things, let alone religion; hence, views of preachers are ascribed to them and NOT to Islam per se (the Quran), and one is judged eventually in the Hereafter about these views of course. Hence, intellectual adversaries and foes about religious disputes have the right, in this life, to mock, deride, ridicule, refute, debunk, and contradict one another's religious views and creeds. Hence, all of us should leave the final judgment to God alone in the Hereafter. This is fairness and justice in self-expression; this is where freedom and justice go hand in hand.

8- In Quranic sharia of real Islam, there is one higher value which is positioned above the value of justice: namely, charity, as we have asserted in a previous article in this book, proving hoe this unjust court sentence contradicts real Sunna/laws applied by Muhammad: the Quran itself. We have asserted before how charity means to respond to verbal harm or abuse by pardon, patience, and forgiveness. The same higher value of charity applies to how peaceful religious freedom is practiced. Preaching God's Word must follow a certain Quranic rule: "Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good advice, and debate with them in the most dignified manner…" (16:125). Applying this verse is explained in the following verses as well: "And who is better in speech than someone who calls to God, and acts with integrity, and says, "I am of those who submit"? Good and evil are not equal. Repel evil with good, and the person who was your enemy becomes like an intimate friend. But none will attain it except those who persevere, and none will attain it except the very fortunate." (41:33-35). "And do not argue with the People of the Scripture except in the best manner possible, except those who do wrong among them. And say, "We believe in what was revealed to us, and in what was revealed to you; and our God and your God is One; and to Him we are submissive."" (29:46). As for those who commit physical or verbal injustices, God tells us to keep away from them: "And when they hear vain talk, they avoid it, and say, "We have our deeds, and you have your deeds; peace be upon you; we do not desire the ignorant."" (28:55). Hence, to move away from fanatics and the unjust among People of the Book is a divine command which is contrary to the court sentence putting them to death. As for moderates among them, one is to say to them the following: "…say, "We believe in what was revealed to us, and in what was revealed to you; and our God and your God is One; and to Him we are submissive."" (29:46). This means that true believers must believe in all books revealed by God to prophets and to dedicate our faith and religion to God alone.   

9- It is strange that only in the 20th century that the West countries reach and apply values called for in the Quran 14 centuries ago regarding absolute freedom of religion, denied and opposed by Wahabis and their likes. For instance, in the USA, ''Islam'' is proselytized without any hindrance and some American former Christians convert to it, without anyone denouncing the fact, as this is personal freedom. First-hand experience tells us that even some Muhammadans easily bought churches to turn them into mosques, with help of Christian Americans. Sunnite Wahabi mosques enjoy freedom in American soil; yet, Shiites are not allowed to enter into them. On the contrary, Christians cannot proselytize their religion in the Arab countries of the Muhammadans, who see religious freedom as one-way or one-direction: to convert from any creed to ''Islam'' and not the vice-versa. Even in many Arab countries of the Muhammadans, when Christians convert to Islam and desire to return to Christianity, they are punished for it in jail or sometimes they get killed for apostasy! For more details of this, we refer readers to various articles previously written and published online and to our book titled ''Apostasy Punishment''.      

10- But, and how much this word ''but'' is imposed on the context of this article, the formal public education inside Egypt should be devoid of fanaticism and preaching Wahabism or any other creed. We assert that religious education curricula should be discarded in public schools in Egypt, to be replaced by books teaching higher values, human rights, moral values, the Egyptian constitution (when a true human-rights-friendly one would be written one day), citizenship rights, etc. Al-Azhar institution, the Cairo-based Vatican-like supreme authority of Sunnite Wahabism in the 'Muslim' world, must reform its education curricula to defend absolute religious freedom and human rights. Likewise, the Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt must limit its control over Coptic Christians.     


Secondly: the principle of absolute freedom in the field of performing religious rituals:

1- All restrictive laws in Egypt that hinder building of churches and other houses of worship of all denominations and creeds (even those houses of worship that contain 'holy' tombs) must be annulled in order to make the right of religious freedom regarding rituals available to all Egyptians, regardless of creed notions of any given religion. Ordinary laws should govern these houses of worship like any other buildings, public or private. 

2- There must be absolute freedom in performing rituals inside and outside houses of worship; the Egyptian State must protect performers of these rituals without discrimination for or against certain cults or worshippers. This right must be organized within laws on equal footing for all Egyptian citizens, and this must include all Christian mass and rituals and any other public celebrations outside and inside churches and this applies to all public ritual or celebration related to Sufis, Baha'is, Jews, Shiites, etc. in Egypt. Hence, the Egyptian State by applying all this will be establishing a just, law-based country that care for citizenship rights, leaving religious differences to be settled and judged by God alone in the Hereafter.  


1- Let us always remember that if God wills is, He would have sent angels to 'force' people to believe in Him. One can hardly imagine God making a piece of Hell in all cities to punish sinners/non-believers. This imagined notion would entail no tests in this life and would render the Last Day useless. God never created us as robots wired to believe blindly; this means that life would no longer be a test of free will and free choice for human beings. Hence, God created us free to choose in every aspect, especially in matters of faith, or even lack of it. Indeed, people practice this free choice, and all people differ in religious views and this will go on until the end of times. All of us should wait judgment of the Eternal Judge in the Hereafter in the Day of Resurrection, and as for those self-deified creatures who persecute others, we should despise them and stop their mischief and evil by all means possible.  

2- As we write this article on 5th Dec., 2012, we have heard news that Wahabi violent armed gangsters of the terrorist MB group members and Salafists have attacked peaceful sit-ins of free Egyptians before the presidential palace, where the MB president resides. We have warned many times in our previous writings for years against the threat and danger posed by the terrorist MB and their Wahabi ideology. As usual, no one has paid attention to what we say or write. We still warn against their destructive culture that distorts Islam and deceive youths who attack anti-MB protesters in sit-ins, thinking they beat up ''enemies'' of Islam! In fact, all MB members deserve our despise and contempt; they have showed their true colors once they reached power in Egypt, as gullible citizens elected them, thinking they may apply 'Islam' in Egypt. Most Egyptians now have realized how deceitful and evil the MB members are, and they will remove the MB rule soon enough just as they did with the terrorist Mubarak regime. We assert here again that Egypt will get rid of the terrorist MB rule, but if Egyptians ever achieved political victory over terrorist MB and Salafists and would not follow this with questioning, discussing, debunking, and refuting Wahabism, the danger/threat of the religious terror will go on. Mark our words!       

3- We bear full responsibility of our view here before the Almighty: the terrorist  MB members are worst that hypocrites mentioned by God in the Quran: "Among the people are those who say, "We believe in God and in the Last Day," but they are not believers. They seek to deceive God and those who believe, but they deceive none but themselves, though they are not aware. In their hearts is sickness, and God has increased their sickness. They will have a painful punishment because of their denial. And when it is said to them, "Do not make trouble on earth," they say, "We are only reformers." In fact, they are the troublemakers, but they are not aware." (2:8-12). God says nothing but the Truth.













Article (4):

Introduction to Article (4):

  This article further explains the contradiction between this court sentence insulting to Islam and contradicting the main principle of the Islamic/Quranic sharia; namely, to preserve the sanctity of the human soul and to maintain the right to live. Details of this explanation is found below.


Article (4): This Insulting Court Sentence Contradicts the Right to Live, One of the Main Principles of the Real Islamic Quranic Sharia:

Firstly: the general rule in the Quran asserting the right to live and prohibiting killing outside retribution against murderers:

1- Sharia details in the Quran were revealed when Muhammad resided in Yathreb, where he established the city-state that plied real Islam: the Quran alone. Rules with details in sharia laws in the Quran increased in revelations in Yathreb in comparison to verses revealed in Mecca. Among those rules is the right to live; to preserve and protect human life, as putting to death in Islam is allowed only in and confined to one case: to retaliate against murderers. This calls for further explanation in the points below.   

1/1: The Quranic rule of the right to live is expressed in the Arabic linguistic restrictive style of confining, i.e., using  words such as ''except'' and ''but'', adopted in faith tenets such as follows: "Know that there is no God but Allah…" (47:19). "…Is there a creator other than God…?" (35:3). Using the same linguistic restrictive style of confining in Arabic, we see the rule of the right to live in the following verses: "…and that you do not kill the soul which God has sanctified-except in the course of justice…" (6:151), this verse is in the context of the Quranic Ten Commandments. "And do not kill the soul which God has made sacred, except in the course of justice…" (17:33). "…and do not kill the soul which God has made sacred-except in the pursuit of justice…" (25:68). 

1/2: the word ''sacred'' in the above verses asserts that God prohibits killing in all cases, except when murderers are put to death as retaliation; this is true justice sought by the Quranic sharia laws, revealed by God the Just, True Lord. Hence, the Quran is described as the Truth: "With the truth We sent it down, and with the truth it descended…" (17:105). This retaliation or retribution against murderers is meant to preserve life as well; those who desire to kill or commit murder will think twice if they know penalty for such heinous crime in this life and in the Hereafter in Hell; hence, they will refrain from committing this terrible crime and save their souls as well as souls of victims. This meaning is expressed in the following verse: "There is life for you in retaliation, O people of understanding, so that you may refrain." (2:179).  Of course, the principle of the right to live is expressed many times in the Quranic verses revealed in Mecca, and the chance to apply them came within the Yathreb city-state, with more details about retribution on two levels: to punish killers and to fight within self-defense against aggressors.  


Secondly: details of Quranic legislation of retribution in crimes of murder:

1- Human legislations now in the 20th and 21st centuries stop the capital punishment in some cases, as ''an eye for an eye'' and ''a soul for a soul'' are rules that might not be always applied indiscriminately; this is called for by the Quranic text revealed 14 centuries ago. We know from the Quran that the rule in Torah legislation was as follows: "And We wrote for them in it: a life for a life…" (5:45). This context relates to Israelites and Torah as 5:43-44 refers to them clearly. We conclude them that the Torah rule of a life for a life is NOT for Quranists or Quran-believing people; even prophet Muhammad has been told in 5:43-44 that the Israelites should have used Torah rules and should not have asked him about that. Quranic sharia alleviates this Torah rule about a life for a life; for Quran-believing people, retribution might be avoided if the murdered one's family accepted from the murderer diyya money (i.e., compensation) as alleviation to show mercy, with reward of Paradise from God to charitable ones and painful punishment in Hell for aggressors who transgress God's limits: "O you who believe! Retaliation for the murdered is ordained upon you: the free for the free, the slave for the slave, the female for the female. But if he is forgiven by his brother in humanity, then grant any reasonable demand, and pay with good will. This is a concession from your Lord, and a mercy. But whoever commits aggression after that, a painful torment awaits him." (2:178). This differs from Torah rule mentioned before in 5:45, as the Quranic rule in 2:178 has more mercy to preserve more lives.    

2- Of course, fearful punishments are mentioned for those who frequently committed murders and did not repent and stop their crimes, also in the linguistic Arabic restrictive style of confining in 5:33-34, in case of waging war against such aggressors and defeating them, but alleviation in 2:178 is also a possible option when necessary and if applicable in certain cases.

3- Of course, punishments mentioned in 5:33-34 are reserved for frequent aggressors an criminals who show no signs or repentance at all, and the present tense in these verses signal continuity of such crimes, especially when linking their heinous crimes to religion as pretext or justification, as this is unpardonable by God (for instance ISIS, Al-Qaeda, MB terrorists, etc.). Some might perceive these punishments as merciless, but they are just, as such type of criminals commit injustices against both people and God. Let us ponder on 5:33-34 in light of what we have written in the above lines: "The punishment for those who fight God and His Messenger, and strive to spread corruption on earth, is that they be killed, or crucified, or have their hands and feet cut off on opposite sides, or be banished from the land. That is to disgrace them in this life; and in the Hereafter they will have a terrible punishment. Except for those who repent before you apprehend them. So know that God is Forgiving and Merciful." (5:33-34). Such criminals and corruption-seekers deserve the following Quranic description: "Who does greater wrong than someone who fabricates lies about God or denies His revelations? The criminals will never prosper." (10:17).  

4- Hence, in tackling 5:33, we are talking about overlapping and complex set of crimes: murder based upon fabricated erroneous sharia ascribed falsely to God; this is against 25:68 and 17:33, and that is why punishments are harsh in 5:33 in this world and the Hereafter.  

5- The Quranic context of this legislation is linked to the very first crime in the history of humanity, when Adam's son killed his brother, as the killer allowed himself to murder his innocent brother, and this killer deserves Hell; see 5:27-30. "…Say, "The losers are those who lose their souls and their people on the Day of Resurrection." That is indeed the obvious loss." (39:15). "…The losers are those who lost themselves and their families on the Day of Resurrection." Indeed, the evildoers are in a lasting torment." (42:45).

6- Adam's son when he killed his innocent brother did not invent  sharia to oppose God's law; he desired to kill him and he did just that. What about, then, those who issued  court sentence to put to death to persons who never killed anyone based on man-made Wahabi sharia that oppose the Quranic sharia of God? That is why God allowed retribution against murderers in 5:32 (using present tense to assert continuity) for the Israelites in the Torah; as issuing verdicts to murder innocent souls will allow criminals to commit more murders and corruption would spread on the face of the earth. Hence, Wahabi fatwas (verdicts or edicts) of killing persons must be faced by real correct fatwas to clear God's sharia from Wahabi falsehoods to save souls of people who would be killed within Wahabi jihad. Terrorist MB Wahabis are issuing death verdicts against innocent ones who never killed anybody, and they ascribe their terrorist views to God Himself; these Wahabis indeed deserve punishments in 5:33-34.    

7- The Quranic sharia asserts absolute religious freedom in terms of faith tenets, call, reaching, proselytization, and performing rituals, as long as no compulsion, coercion, or force is used, especially violence and massacres of innocent people. Hence, hypocrites in the Yathreb city-state enjoyed full liberty to oppose Islam vociferously and peacefully in defiance of believers within atmosphere of freedom of expression: "The hypocrite men and hypocrite women are of one another. They advocate evil, and prohibit righteousness…" (9:67). Believers did just the exact opposite in full liberty as well: "The believing men and believing women are friends of one another. They advocate virtue, forbid evil…" (9:71). The freedom of hypocrites reached the extent of verbal abuse and harm of Muhammad and plotting against believers; they even built a harm-causing mosque that was a center of spreading slanders, rumors, and anti-Islam propaganda and plotting against Muhammad and early Muslims especially by forming secret alliance with the enemies. Hypocrites even made this center the location of courts and trials outside the authority of the Yathreb city-state they lived in. Of course, the Quranic revelations have condemned this and commanded to avoid such people; yet, God never commanded to punish such hypocrites at all by any means. God has promised in the Quran that hypocrites will reside inside the inner depths of Hell, if they died without repentance. Hence, hypocrites had absolute religious freedom and freedom of expression as well as absolute political opposition in terms of acts and words, as long as no fighting or aggression was committed; otherwise, if some fought and killed innocent ones, the religious duty of self-defense fighting was due, especially when aggressive armies came from Mecca to fight dwellers of Yathreb at the time. More details on that subject of self-defense fighting in the Quranic sharia will be tackled below. We have mentioned above that habitual murderers deserve punishments of 5:33-34 and how the Torah of Israelites had 5:32, and how God prohibits in the Torah and the Quran murdering of innocent ones.             

8- God cares for the right to live as we discern from the Quranic sharia laws; even security and safety in Mecca during the pilgrimage season is a must and a religious duty, as God prohibits violence of any sorts at such times, called the four sacred months, unless in cases of self-defense: "The number of months, according to God, is twelve months-in the decree of God-since the Day He created the heavens and the earth, of which four are sacred. This is the correct religion. So do not wrong yourselves during them. And fight the polytheists collectively, as they fight you collectively, and know that God is with the righteous. Postponement is an increase in disbelief-by which those who disbelieve are led astray. They allow it one year, and forbid it another year, in order to conform to the number made sacred by God, thus permitting what God has forbidden. The evil of their deeds seems good to them. God does not guide the disbelieving people." (9:36-37). What about religious terrorists of our modern age?! Let us remember the incident of Wahabi terrorists who occupied the Kaaba Sacred Mosque, in Mecca, in 1979, led by Juhayman Al-Otaybi. This terrorist act was against the Quranic teachings that entail security as a duty in that sacred location. These terrorists committed their aggression during sacred months, a habitual sin traditionally committed by other criminals throughout the past centuries, and even during Ramadan. The same sin is committed now (Dec. 2012 A.D./ Muharram 1434 A.H.) by the terrorist MB ruling Egypt, as they kill and beat  peaceful Egyptian protesters who demand their legal right of freedom. In our view, he terrorist MB deserve punishments mentioned in 5:33-34.         


Thirdly: details of Quranic legislation of self-defense fighting:

 We discern the religious duty of self-defense fighting as retribution and retaliation, with the aim of stopping aggressors and impose a restoration of peace, in the following verses: "And fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not commit aggression; God does not love the aggressors." (2:190). "The sacred month for the sacred month; and sacrilege calls for retaliation. Whoever commits aggression against you, retaliate against him in the same measure as he has committed against you. And be conscious of God, and know that God is with the righteous." (2:194). More explanation is presented below.

1- In a given Islamic country, the one that applies the Quran truly, any citizen is a ''Muslim'' as long as he/she are peaceful, regardless of their beliefs or even lack of them. This is the meaning of Islam in terms of overt behavior: submission to peace and peaceful demeanor. As for ''polytheists'' or ''disbelievers'' in such a given country, they are the ones who commit aggressions of any sorts, regardless of their beliefs or even lack of them. The worse type of aggressors are the ones who uses religious mottoes as pretext to massacre the innocent people and force any religious notions on people on pain of death/imprisonment, and consequently persecute others. Such sins are committed by Wahabis now; hence, self-defense military fighting against them is a religious duty as per the Quranic teachings; peaceful believers must engage into self-defense military fighting against aggressors to deter them; peaceful believers never begin aggression; rather, they defend themselves and deter aggressors to stop them from harming the innocent, as peaceful believers apply Quranic teachings know that God never likes aggressors: "And fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not commit aggression; God does not love the aggressors." (2:190), and they seek God's help to make them attain victory over the aggressors, who are deemed disbelievers in terms of their aggressive behavior, NOT in terms of their faiths or even lack of faith of any type: "…You are our Lord and Master, so help us against the disbelieving people." (2:286).       

2- Hence, ''believers'' in a given Islamic country are all peaceful citizens who adhere to security and safety, regardless of their faiths and sects, or being atheists, and God commands us, peaceful believers,  in the Quran to adhere to peace and to avoid and shun devilish traps that urge them to commit violence, aggressions, and violations of rights, especially the right to live: "O you who believe! Enter into peace, wholeheartedly, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan; he is to you an outright enemy." (2:208). To have a set of beliefs or any other religion apart from Islam (the Quran) is NEVER a barrier to be a citizen with full rights in a given Islamic country that really applies Quranism; as long as citizens are peaceful, their religious freedom is an individual choice and personal responsibility only before Almighty God in the Last Day. Within a given Islamic country, the State has nothing to do with citizens' faiths and should never interfere in such matters at all. Hence, peaceful citizens are ''believers'' in terms of peaceful demeanor, and in the Yathreb city-state, they were called as believers (i.e., peaceful ones) by God to believe in terms of faith in the Quran: "O you who believe! Believe in God and His messenger, and the Book He sent down to His messenger, and the Book He sent down before…" (4:136). In this verse, the word ''believe'' is used twice; the first time is to indicate peaceful persons, and the second time is to indicate urging them to accept faith as per the Quran. In the same verse, which was revealed in Yathreb, God has warned them against shunning the Quran. "… Whoever rejects God, His angels, His Books, His messengers, and the Last Day, has strayed far in error." (4:136). This means that in Yathreb at the time, some peaceful ones adhered to polytheism and they worshipped pagan idols. Among the last verses to be revealed is this one urging them to avoid bad un-Islamic habits: "O you who believe! Wine, gambling, idolatry, and mausoleums are abominations of Satan's doing. Avoid them, so that you may prosper." (5:90). This shows a historical fact often overlooked and ignored by historians who study this period; namely, some companions of Muhammad, away from circles of hypocrites, still drank wine, gambled, and worshipped mausoleums, pagan idols, and 'holy' tombs. God addresses them in 5:90 as ''those who believe'', meaning that they were peaceful non-violent ones. It is noteworthy that God never commands the demolishing of such 'holy' locations; the order here is to avoid them so as to be among prosperous ones in the Hereafter. Let us ponder upon the following verse: "Satan wants to provoke strife and hatred among you through intoxicants and gambling, and to prevent you from the remembrance of God, and from prayer. Will you not desist?" (5:91). We deduce here that the question by the end of 5:91 implies that those persons were addicted to such un-Islamic habits that contradict the Quran, despite their peaceful behavior. Therefore, God has addressed them as ''those who believe'', because they were peaceful non-violent citizens of Yathreb who enjoyed complete religious freedom; God only has warned beforehand for their own good, as Muhammad had no authority nor control over them; he was to convey the Quranic message to them: "Obey God and obey the Messenger, and be cautious. If you turn away-know that the duty of Our messenger is only clear communication." (5:92).            

3- Hence, in a given Islamic country that really applies Quranism, what it is vital is peace and stopping violence and bloodshed of its citizens within dealings inside the country as well as while facing an outside aggressors or enemies. This Quranic peaceful country must be strong, powerful, and mighty to deter potential aggressors in the first place, thus achieving peace and stopping bloodshed from occurring: "And prepare against them all the power you can muster, and all the cavalry you can mobilize, to terrify thereby God's enemies and your enemies…" (8:60).   

4- If aggressors stopped their evil, Muslims must stop fighting them, as was is linked only in cases of aggression that call for self-defense: "But if they cease, then God is Forgiving and Merciful. And fight them until there is no oppression, and worship becomes devoted to God alone. But if they cease, then let there be no hostility except against the oppressors." (2:192-193). God promises aggressors pardon if they cease their aggression: "Say to those who disbelieve: if they desist, their past will be forgiven. But if they persist-the practice of the ancients has passed away. Fight them until there is no more persecution, and religion becomes exclusively for God. But if they desist-God is Seeing of what they do." (8:38-39).

5- If aggressors tend toward peace, real believers should respond positively to the call for peace, trusting their Lord all the time: "But if they incline towards peace, then incline towards it, and put your trust in God. He is the Hearer, the Knower." (8:61). This must be even when aggressors might be deceiving the believers, as God supports peace-seekers and peace-makers, in faithfulness and in the fear of God, relying on Him: "If they intend to deceive you-God is sufficient for you. It is He who supported you with His aid, and with the believers." (8:62). All peace forces must be united and allied to one another against evil aggressors to stop violence, bloodshed, and persecution, especially religious persecution, to stop corruption on earth: "As for those who disbelieve, they are allies of one another. Unless you do this, there will be turmoil in the land, and much corruption." (8:73).  

6- Engaging in wars against aggressive attackers, real believers must spare ordinary soldiers who surrender in battlefield willingly: "And if anyone of the polytheists asks you for protection, give him protection so that he may hear the Word of God; then escort him to his place of safety. That is because they are a people who do not know." (9:6), and POWs are to be released as a kind act of charity, i.e., released for free, or in return for ones captured by the enemy: "When you encounter those who disbelieve, strike at their necks. Then, when you have routed them, bind them firmly. Then, either release them by grace, or in return for your captured ones, until war lays down its burdens…" (47:4).

7- Engaging in wars against aggressive attackers, real believers must spare ordinary soldiers in battlefields who utter the word of peace, even if they before killed Muslims; this is God's sharia, as we read in the following verse: "O you who believe! When you journey in the way of God, investigate, and do not say to him who offers you peace, "You are not a believer," aspiring for the goods of this world…" (4:94). The word ''believer'' here means also a peaceful one. Peaceful ones are not to be killed at all, unless by accident (i.e., manslaughter), with religious duty imposes special means of atonement in such cases, in the following verse: "Never should a believer kill another believer, unless by error. Anyone who kills a believer by error must set free a believing slave, and pay compensation to the victim's family, unless they remit it as charity. If the victim belonged to a people who are hostile to you, but is a believer, then the compensation is to free a believing slave. If he belonged to a people with whom you have a treaty, then compensation should be handed over to his family, and a believing slave set free. Anyone who lacks the means must fast for two consecutive months, by way of repentance to God. God is All-Knowing, Most Wise." (4:92). As for intentional killings of peaceful ones, Hell for eternity is the punishment for murderers, even if they escaped retribution in this life: "Whoever kills a believer deliberately, the penalty for him is Hell, where he will remain forever. And God will be angry with him, and will curse him, and will prepare for him a terrible punishment." (4:93). 



  What do you think now of the devilish MB terrorists and their Wahabi sharia that allows them to kill Egyptian free citizens these days (Dec. 2012)?! The last article in this book is posing this question: who does harbor more animosity toward Islam: Morsi or Morris?




Article (5):

Introduction to Article (5):

 Morris Sadek is well-known for his deep-seated hatred of Islam, and he has participated in the production of a movie insulting Prophet Muhammad. An Egyptian court, during the terrorist MB rule of Egypt in 2012, has in absentia sentenced him to death. This court sentence is an outright violation of real Islamic sharia laws, found exclusively in the Quran, as we have detailed in previous articles of this book. In this very last article, we pose an important question: who does harbor more animosity toward Islam: Morsi or Morris? Details in this article will show that getting the answer is so easy.



Article (5): The Last Article: Who Does Harbor More Animosity Toward Islam: Morsi or Morris?


Firstly: Morsi and Morris in terms of faith/belief:

1- We have proven in a previously written article, published on our website and years ago in the Cairo-based Egyptian independent ''Al-Ahrar'' opposition newspaper, that Egyptians in general are NOT Arabs in terms of ethnicity; the population of Egypt at the time when the criminal Amr Ibn Al-'As invaded Egypt in the 7th century A.D. exceeded 15 million persons. The Arab conquerors who lived in Egypt never intermarried and never mingled with Egyptian/Coptic population in cities and villages for centuries, and they lived in their own newly built cities away from the rest of Egyptian. Coptic originally meant Egyptians in general, and not necessarily Christians. When Arab soldiers in Egypt were disbanded from military service during the reign of the Abbasid caliph Al-Motawakil, they devoted their lives to looting, theft, and raids inside Egypt. This made them live away in ghetto-like cities and barracks, maintaining their lifestyle away from Egyptians who were their victims. Those Arabs inside Egypt deemed themselves, for centuries, as 'superior' in comparison to 'inferior' non-Arabs (i.e., Egyptians at the time). Thus, intermarriages between Arabs and Egyptians occurred only on very rare occasions during these centuries. This refutes falsehoods of some Sufi and/or Shiite Egyptians, in the Abbasid era and later eras, that they had descended from the progeny of Prophet Muhammad and that of some of his so-called companions. Such illusion or myth was rumored for the sake of attaining a measure of high social stature and to gain ill-gotten money using quasi-religious notions or claims, a bad habit maintained by clergymen/sheikhs for centuries. Accordingly, Egyptians of today of all creeds and denominations (i.e., 'Muslims' whom we call Muhammadan Shiites, Sufis, and Sunnites, Christian Copts, Catholics, Protestants, Baha'is, and atheists) are non-Arab Egyptians in terms of ethnicity and all of them are descendants of the Pharaonic people, but they speak Arabic tongue now because of Arab conquest and historical changes that took place gradually for at least 12 centuries. Why are we repeating this here? The reason: because both of Morris and Morsi are 100% Egyptians, even when their religions differ. Who said their religions differ a great deal, anyway? In fact similarities in their creeds are far too many to be overlooked; we claim that both their religions are exactly the same, despite the fact that Morsi would claim being a 'Muslim'. The reason: for sure, like most Egyptians now, ancestors of Morsi at one point of time converted to the Shiite religion imposed during the Fatimid era – thinking they converted to 'Islam' but it certainly  has nothing to do with Islam (Quranism) – and the later forefathers converted to the Sufi Sunnite religion imposed during the eras of the Ayyubids, Mamelukes, and Ottomans, which has nothing to do with Islam (Quranism). Later on, Morsi himself embraced the Wahabi Sunnite Ibn Hanbal/ Ibn Taymiyya religion, which has nothing to do with Islam (Quranism). Within those earthly, man-made, fabricated creeds adopted by Morsi and his Egyptian ancestors, polytheistic worship of mortals (i.e., dead human beings) has been practiced, and these mortal deities are Prophet Muhammad, many of his contemporaries or his so-called ''companions'', imams, scholars, and the so-called ''saints''. Each of these earthly religions still has its own 'holy' or sanctified books that have nothing to do with the Quran. Likewise, ancestors of Morris worshipped Prophet Jesus, his mother, as well as monks, patriarchs, clergymen, and their likes as deities beside God the Creator of all things and mortals. Why the religion of Morsi and Morris is one? The answer is simple: both polytheistic ancestors of both men have been influenced in their creeds by the ancient Pharaonic polytheistic religion, even with slight outer or superficial differences between the Coptic creed of Morris and the Wahabi Sunnite one of the MB Morsi.            

2- God in the Quran asserts the historical fact that many people of the Abrahamic religions (especially Jews and Christians) have been influenced by the Ancient Egyptians' Pharaonic religious notions: "The Jews said, "Osir is the son of God," and the Christians said, "The Messiah is the son of God." These are their statements, out of their mouths. They emulate the statements of those who disbelieved before. May God assail them! How deceived they are! They have taken their rabbis and their priests as deities instead of God, as well as the Messiah son of Mary. Although they were commanded to worship none but The One God. There is no God except He. Glory be to Him; High above what they associate with Him." (9:30-31). Osir was Osiris, the god of death worshipped by the ancient Egyptians, as we get to know Ancient Egyptians' mythology as per hieroglyphics deciphered from the Rosetta Stone by the French archaeologist Champollion. We get to know myths of the gods Seth, Horus, and Osiris, and the goddess Isis. This god Osiris was worshipped by some ancient Jews as Osir and by the Sunnites in Egypt as Azrael: the angel of death as per Sunnite mythology. This means that the Sunnite religion was influenced partially by Ancient Egyptians' mythological creeds. As for orthodox Coptic Christianity in Egypt, it was influenced very much  by the Ancient Egyptians' trinity: Osiris, his wife Isis, and their son Horus, which has been turned into another holy trinity: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost (or Spiritus Sanctus). That is one of the reasons to explain why the Orthodox Christian persons in Egypt are called now the ''Copts'', to differentiate them from other Orthodox Christian people all over the world, in Russia and Greece for instance. The original meaning of the term ''Copts'' is ''Egyptians'' in general. Hence, Coptic Orthodox Church bears the epithet ''Coptic'' to mark this affinity to and influence of the Ancient Egyptians' Pharaonic Mythological creeds. Another reason for the epithet ''Coptic'' was to differentiate the Egyptian Church from that of Rome and Constantinople. The word ''Copt'' is linguistically linked to the term ''Egypt'' or "Aegyptus" in Latin: and the root ''gypt'' was phonetically transformed within centuries into "Copt''. Even Arab conquerors called all Egyptians as ''Copts'', regardless of their faiths at the 7th century in Egypt: (Christian, Jews, and a minority of followers of Pharaonic gods and goddesses). Hence, the Jewish Israelites at a  certain point in time were greatly influenced by the Ancient Egyptians' Pharaonic Mythological creeds; Moses was asked by them, once they were saved from Moses' Pharaoh by crossing the Red Sea, to bring them an idol for their worship, as they were influenced by Apis, the Ancient Egyptians' Pharaonic Mythological god who took the form of a calf: "And We delivered the Israelites across the sea. And when they came upon a people who were devoted to some pagan statues of theirs, they said, "O Moses, make for us a god, as they have gods." He said, "You are truly an ignorant people."" (7:138). Another historical fact asserted by the Quran is that the Pharaonic religious influence reached the Arabian Peninsula, as Arabs before the advent of Islam worshipped the goddess Isis among a feminine holy trinity of goddesses: ''Lat'', ''Uzza'' (i.e., Isis), and "Manat": "Have you considered Lat and Uzza? And Manat, the third one, the other? Are you to have the males, and He the females? What a bizarre distribution. These are nothing but names, which you have devised, you and your ancestors, for which God sent down no authority. They follow nothing but assumptions, and what their souls desire, even though guidance has come to them from their Lord." (53:19-23). Another example of such Pharaonic influence on Jews, there were Jews in Yathreb at the time who asserted in a corrupt fatwa (religious view) to Qorayish tribesmen (who worship feminine holy trinity) that they were more guided than Muhammad and early Muslims who followed the Quran of the One True God; God says the following about the Jews and what they had told polytheistic anti-Islam Arabs: " Have you not considered those who were given a share of the Book? They believe in ''gypt'' and ''Taghut'', and say of those who disbelieve, "These are better guided on the way than the believers."" (4:51). The Quranic words ''gypt'' and ''Taghut'' have been traditionally been explained as any other pagan creeds. We assert here that ''gypt'' is the Pharaonic religion that turned into Coptic (Coptic as in ''Egyptian'') notions that deify dead persons and things and statues, adopted by Jews and Christians in Arabia as well as polytheistic Arabs there at the time. That is why researchers assert that the Ancient Egyptian civilization formed Christianity and its notions, not only Orthodox Coptic Christianity, and that the word ''gypt'' (coming from the Latin word for Egypt: Aegyptus) is phonetically changed into "Copt'', and that was why Arab conquerors called all the Egyptian population at the time as ''Copts''.     

3- Let us return, after this digression, to the Quranic Chapter nine and its verses about polytheistic notions of some Jews and Christians: "The Jews said, "Osir is the son of God," and the Christians said, "The Messiah is the son of God." These are their statements, out of their mouths. They emulate the statements of those who disbelieved before. May God assail them! How deceived they are! They have taken their rabbis and their priests as deities instead of God, as well as the Messiah son of Mary. Although they were commanded to worship none but The One God. There is no God except He. Glory be to Him; High above what they associate with Him." (9:30-31). Let us contemplate this phrase: ''…They emulate the statements of those who disbelieved before…''; in our opinion, this phrase refers to the historical fact that some Jews and Christians had imitated Ancient Egyptians' Pharaonic polytheistic creeds, and the evidence of this is to worship and deify mortals: Jesus, Osir, priests, and rabbis. This was in addition to worship of 'holy' names fabricated and sanctified with the passage of time. Hence, the Egyptians have kept mostly their Coptic Pharaonic creed notions when they converted to 'Christianity', as they adapted the Pharaonic holy trinity and the Pharaonic cross (Ankh) to fit in the new religion, even statues of Isis carrying Horus as a baby and a young child were transformed into ''Madonna and Child''. In Christian/Egyptian myth, Mary was depicted as carrying her child Jesus and moving into Egyptian cities in Delta and Upper Egypt seeking to flee persecution. Another noteworthy occurrence is when Pharaonic temples were turned into churches and monasteries that carried Christian mottoes and symbols that carried the meanings of original Pharaonic traditional notions. As Egyptian Christians insisted on embracing such original Pharaonic traditional notions, they were persecuted by Romans (both pagan and Christian ones) who occupied Egypt at the time, especially by rulers like Caracalla and Diocletian (i.e., Diocletianus in Latin). Egyptian Coptic Christians were also persecuted and treated with contempt and discrimination during the Umayyad and Abbasid eras. When the vast majority of Egyptian Coptic Christians were convinced and coaxed into following the Shiite religion, disguised as 'Islam', by the Fatimids, this vast majority of Egyptians did not find much difference between Coptic Christianity and the Shiite religion; only names are different, while all creed notions are essentially the same: instead of worshipping Jesus as deity, Muhammad was worshipped as a supreme deity. Instead of Coptic saints, they worshipped Ali, his descendants, who were born from Fatima, and his family members. When this vast majority of Egyptians converted to Sunnite Sufism, Muhammad as a supreme deity supplanted Jesus, and Coptic saints, clergymen, and monks were replaced by worshipping the so-called companions of Muhammad, imams, clergymen and scholars, and Sunnite Sufi saints, as well as Shiite saints as well. imams Other /deities were added by the Ibn Hanbal doctrine: Ibn Hanbal, Ibn Taymiyya, and Ibn Abdul-Wahab, among others. This means that the essence of the Ancient Egyptians' Pharaonic myths and creeds has repeated itself with various names and notions. Essentially, mere changing names were worshipped, deified, and sanctified, supplanting God or worshipped alongside Him, as a bad habit in all human history. For instance, awe and holiness were ascribed to names of goddesses like Isis and Hathor and gods like Amon and Ra and later on to names like Jesus and the names of other patriarchs/monks. After the Arabic conquests, awe and holiness are ascribed to other names: Al-Bokhary, Al-Badawi, Al-Shafei, Ibn Hanbal, etc. Let us be reminded of the fact that Joseph commented to his prison-cell inmates about how Ancient Egyptians worshipped and deified names of their fabrications with awe and holiness: "O My fellow inmates, are diverse deities better, or God, the One, the Supreme? You do not worship, besides Him, except names you have named, you and your ancestors, for which God has sent down no authority. Judgment belongs to none but God. He has commanded that you worship none but Him. This is the right religion, but most people do not know." (12:39-40). This Quranic question about worshipped names is still posed to those Christians, Copts, Sunnites, Shiites, and Sufis who until now worship names of many gods and deities of their imagination. Hence, both Morsi and Morris share one thing: both men deify and worship dead persons/ mortal gods, despite different names of such deities in Coptic Orthodox Christianity and Sunnite Wahabism.            

4- Yet, the only main difference between Morsi and Morris is that Morris Sadek is true to himself in claiming himself to belong to his Coptic religion that deify dead human beings. Morris declare his faith while being truthful to his creed of deifying Jesus, whereas Morsi is a liar when he claims that he belongs to ''Islam''. The reason: real Islam , as per the Quran, has nothing to do with deifying mortals, but Wahabism and its sharia adopted by Morsi contradict Islam, as the Wahabi Morsi deify Muhammad the Prophet and Sunnite imams, such as: Al-Bokhary, Al-Shafei, Ibn Hanbal, Ibn Taymiyya, Ibn Abdul-Wahab, Hassan Al-Banna, and Sayed Kotb. The Wahabi Morsi would consider our Quranist criticism to those 'holy' imams as contempt of the Sunnite religion, a crime punishable by death as per Sunnite apostasy penalty. Hence, we assert here that Morsi is a liar and a hypocrite in claiming to be a 'Muslim' who belong to Islam and in his using the name of Islam to reach power in Egypt. In contrast, Morris is true to himself and his earthly, man-made, and fabricated Coptic religion.          


Secondly: Morsi and Morris in terms of fanatical behavior:

1- Morris has inherited deep-seated hatred of Islam as his Coptic ancestors suffered persecution for more than 14 centuries until now, from the era of Amr Ibn Al-As to the present era of Morsi Ibn Al-Ayyat. Morris and his ancestors know nothing about Islam; for them, Islam is what the criminal ruler/ military leader and successive rulers had committed. We have authored a book published in print and on our website about the persecution of Coptic Egyptians. This deep-seated animosity and hatred would explain such deep-rooted grudges that Morris bears against 'Islam'. Morris is wrong to suppose that such crimes and persecution pertain to Islam; 1) we, Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, has defended Copts in our writings while asserting that real Islam (i.e., Quranism) is the religion of peace and tolerance, and that Islam is innocent of crimes committed by Arabs in Egypt within and after the Arab conquest. We used to know Morris personally; he knows about Quranism, the Quranic trend, and our views, as wee and Morris were at one point two colleagues in the field of defending human rights in Egypt. Morris used to express his admiration of our intellectual endeavors and struggle against the terrorist Wahabi MB and Salafists. As a lawyer, Morris used to quote us to refute claims made by his rivals and foes the MB lawyers. This means that Morris knows a lot about Quranism as a line of thought; he witnessed the persecution of Quranists in Egypt. Morris knows that Egyptian Quranists are truly faithful Muslims who have devoted their life to Islam and using the Quran to refute Sunnite Wahabism, Sufism, and Shiite religion as well. Yet, Morris harbors such deep-seated hatred of Islam that has driven him to overlook facts proven by Quranists that he has witnessed in Egypt as a colleague. Morris in his fanaticism is widely different from our Coptic Egyptian friends who shared with us the route of struggle and intellectual endeavors against Mubarak's tyranny and against Wahabi fanaticism that poses a threat to Egypt. We assert here that fanaticism of Morris has led him to demand that Egyptian 'Muslims' – whom we call Muhammadans – must be 'deported back' to Arabia! This mad demand is born of a feverish imagination that cannot be applied in real life: all Egyptian Muhammadans are descendants of the Pharaonic Ancient Egyptians, the same way as Copts are. Such fanatic mad desire to 'free' Egyptian land of 'Muslims' is denounced by so many fair, truly Egyptian Copts whom we know now and whom we used to know in Egypt.                

2- This mad desire or demand uttered by Morris is harbored by all fanatic Coptic Christians whose earthly, man-made, fabricated religion supports. A similar desire is indeed harbored by most fanatic Wahabi Sunnites in their earthly, man-made, fabricated religion: to eradicate all non-Wahabis from Egyptian land! Once such fanatics reach power and authority, such as the terrorist MB now (i.e., 2012), they are bent to drive away all those minorities who have different creeds. This sort of injustice and aggression had been committed by Qorayish tribesmen against early Muslims, by the Spaniards against Arabs as Andalusia and Granada were lost by Arabs, and by Christians of different denominations against one another that the persecuted ones had to immigrate to Australia, North America, and Latin America. When some terrorist MB members reached some posts of power after the 1952 coup in Egypt that ended monarchy, they used to knock doors of Christian Copts in the densely populated Cairene district of Shubra to order them to get out of Egypt. When the terrorist MB and Salafists, both are Wahabis of course, reached power in Egypt in 2012, many of them in talk-shows of TV channels have said vociferously that Egypt is ''theirs'' and if anyone would protest against their rule, this protester should immigrate to elsewhere. Some of these terrorists in talk-shows publicly urged Copts to immigrate and get out of Egypt! They gave such hatred-speeches addressing 10 million Egyptian Copts; it is impossible to force such number of people to immigrate, this is sheer madness. As for Quranists, they were chased away and prevented from performing prayers at their homes. A fame-seeking Wahabi journalist led a campaign that led to driving some Baha'is from their homes in certain villages, accusing them of worshipping Satan; instead of this journalist being imprisoned for his aggression, he was treated by terrorist MB members as a hero who punished Satanics! The poor Baha'is, who hided their faith for years, were forced to leave their homes and villages where they were born. We warn here that when the terrorist MB members who rule Egypt now (i.e. 2012-2013) crush and eliminate all opposition movements, they will gain full control of Egypt so that they would force 10 million Egyptian Copts out of Egypt! Of course, the terrorist MB members will terrorize them by committing some massacres here and there to force them to immigrate. Hence, Morsi is far more dangerous than Morris; Morris has a feverish dream that will never take place, whereas the terrorist MB Morsi is working to realize his dream of Copts-free Egypt! Shame on him! It is a basic notion in Wahabism to drive away all non-Wahabis  from countries ruled by Wahabis.  

3- Apart from inciting hatred, Morris has never committed murders or acts of aggression, and he has never attacked a mosque, whereas Morsi represent a violent, wicked man-made religion, Wahabism, that urges murdering of innocent ones under the banner of 'Wahabi jihad'. Most victims of Wahabism are Sufis and Shiites, some millions inside and outside the so-called 'Islamic' world. The terrorist Wahabi MB and Salafist are now in Egypt killing in a sacred month the Egyptian revolting youths who are revolting against tyranny of Morsi. As a president, he is held responsible for such massacres. Morsi goes on with his tyranny and will impose his MB-dominated constitution on Egyptians, overlooking the revolt of millions of Egyptians all over Egyptian cities. This Wahabi constitution will make Wahabism the only source of legislation in Egypt; thus, allowing Mb to murder and massacre as many Egyptians as they like! This will be done in accordance with Wahabi Sunnite notion/fatwa of allowing the 'divine' Wahabi despot/caliph to murder two thirds of his ''subjects'' to reform conditions of the remaining third of the population in his kingdom! This means that MB would very much like to murder in Egypt all Copts, non-Wahabi youths, all revolting people, Baha'is, Shiites, Sufis, atheists, rejecters of 'Islam' (their Wahabism), adulteresses, adulterers, those who do not perform prayers or other acts of worship in the Wahabi ways, etc. This is not mere conjecture or guessing; this notion is written and repeated in all books of Sunnite Wahabis, especially those who belong to the MB terrorist group, such as: the three-volume book titled "Fiqh Al-Sunna" by the Egyptian MB Sayed Sabek, the book titled "Minhaj Al-Moslem" by the Algerian Salafist sheikh Abou Bakr Al-Jazaeiry, and the book titled "Fiqh of the Four Sunnite Doctrines" by the Egyptian Salafist sheikh Abdel-Rahman Al-Jazeery. Hence, Morsi would like to impose this criminal sharia of Wahabism that urges bloodshed and contradict the Quran (real Islam). We see now why this question is important: who does harbor more animosity toward Islam: Morsi or Morris? The answer is clear and obvious now: Morsi the terrorist MB member. Let us compare between Morsi and an ordinary murderer: who is more criminal among them both? Is it the one who murders one person, or the one who murders a whole nation? Is it the one who commits one crime of murder for non-religious and a secular worldly reasons, or the one who commits massacres under mottoes of jihad and banners of religion and sharia law?                

4- Let us return to the Quran; in the Quranic Chapter two, God divides all humanity into three groups: pious believers, outspoken disbeliever, and corrupt hypocrites. God says the following about the pious believers: "This is the Book in which there is no doubt, a guide for the righteous. Those who believe in the unseen, and perform the prayers, and give from what We have provided for them. And those who believe in what was revealed to you, and in what was revealed before you, and are certain of the Hereafter. These are upon guidance from their Lord. These are the successful." (2:2-5). God says the following about the outspoken disbelievers who are hopeless case as far as repentance is concerned: "As for those who disbelieve-it is the same for them, whether you have warned them, or have not warned them-they do not believe. God has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing, and over their vision is a veil. They will have a severe torment." (2:6-7). These verses apply to Morris; if 100 million persons would try to convince him that Jesus is a mortal human being and a prophet and servant of God and that God never begets nor is begotten, as per Quranic Chapter 112, Morris would never accept or believe this; he would still be convinced that Jesus is God, and because of such insistence, God has set a seal on his heart and preaching the Quran to him is quite fruitless. God says the following about hypocrites who are corrupt and deceitful: "Among the people are those who say, "We believe in God and in the Last Day," but they are not believers. They seek to deceive God and those who believe, but they deceive none but themselves, though they are not aware. In their hearts is sickness, and God has increased their sickness. They will have a painful punishment because of their denial. And when it is said to them, "Do not make trouble on earth," they say, "We are only reformers." In fact, they are the troublemakers, but they are not aware." (2:8-12). The expression "among the people" means that as long as there are people (or societies), there will be hypocrites who deceive people using religion. This applies to Morsi, who hypocritically gets photographed and videoed as he prays on Fridays the congregational prayers while delivering sermons himself and who talks a great deal about his performing the dawn prayers daily. In such sermons, Morsi urges piety in others, not in himself; he denies true Islam in the Quran, never caring to feed the hungry and orphans, and this is hypocritical behavior punished in Hell by God; see the Quranic Chapter 107. In short, the verses 2:8-12 apply to the MB terrorists and Morsi.

5- Hence, Morris is a disbeliever in the Quran, whereas Morsi is a hypocrite. Morris outspokenly rejects the Quranic message and takes pride in this, and it is impossible for him to be guided, in our Quranist view, but Morris is peaceful person who harmed no one physically, whereas Morsi the hypocrite declares MB political propaganda mottoes of ''Islam is the solution'' and ''the Quran is our constitution'', while his earthly, man-made, fabricated religion of  Sunnite Wahabism authored by Ibn Hanbal and Ibn Taymiyya, among others, is reflected in all his acts, deeds, words, and crimes against Egypt and Egyptians. That is why he is a hypocrite, and God warns hypocrites who die without repentance against residing for eternity in the lower depths of Hell: "The hypocrites will be in the lowest level of the Hell-Fire…" (4:145). Morsi has one advantage over Morris, though. Morsi might repent, while Morris cannot. Any hypocrites might repent if they wish, and they would be among true believers if their repentance is sincere: "The hypocrites will be in the lowest level of the Hell-Fire, and you will find no helper for them. Except those who repent, and reform, and hold fast to God, and dedicate their religion to God alone. These are with the believers; and God will give the believers a great reward." (4:145-146). Hence, Morsi might repent and apply 4:146, and his repentance, if ever it occurs, must be followed by tendering his resignation; he is not fit for rule, and he must apologize for the wronged ones and make them every possible amends during his presidency; Morsi must follow his repentance by rejecting and exposing the MB terrorist group while disowning Wahabism which is based on injustices and aggression as well as deifying mortals. If Morsi repents, but we see no chance of that taking place, he must perform as many good deeds as possible for the remainder of his lifetime in order to erase the bad ones. Would Morsi repent indeed and devote religion to God alone, or would he still remain a Wahabi terrorist MB who imposes the MB constitution on Egyptians to enter Hell as a tyrant?          

6- Mark our words: the coming decades will prove Quranists right in their view of the terrorist Wahabi MB group who will be defeated in Egypt by free revolting Egyptians soon enough, sooner than we think.   

اجمالي القراءات 6586

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
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تاريخ الانضمام : 2006-07-05
مقالات منشورة : 5086
اجمالي القراءات : 56,026,740
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بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : United State

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