ANNEX of the book:
(The Prophet, in Their Hadiths, Is Marked on his Nape!)
Published in October 16, 2014
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
1- The human gods or lords of the terrestrial/earthly, man-made religions of Satan, followed by the Muhammadans, have invented and fashioned a deity as per their own whims and desires; their imaginary deity, named as 'Muhammad', is described as per their sick imagination of polytheism; the portrayal of this imaginary god combines both deifying him and ridiculing/despising him at the same time! Such imaginary deity has nothing whatsoever to do with the real mortal prophet, Muhammad, whose true character and his only true portrayal are mentioned exclusively in the Divine Message of Islam; namely, the Holy Quran. Of course, all messengers and prophets of the Lord God are the best human beings chosen by Him to convey His Books/Scriptures; the Lord God knows best where to place His Divine Message.
2- One of the Quranic descriptions of Muhammad is that he is the last prophet sent by the Lord God or the seal of prophets: "Muhammad is not the father of any of your men; but he is the Messenger of God, and the seal of the prophets. God is Cognizant of everything." (33:40). The term (seal) is also employed here to describe, in a metaphoric sense, the drink of the Paradise dwellers: "Whose seal is musk - this is what competitors should compete for." (83:26).
3- Sadly, the polytheistic Sunnite authors consider this 'seal' as if it were a mark sealed on the nape of their imaginary deified Prophet which has nothing to do with Muhammad the mortal prophet mentioned in the Holy Quran. In the Arab and Egyptian culture, to say that a man is marked on his nape with a seal/sign means to ridicule and despise him; showing that this man is marked as a local idiot. Besides, cattle are the ones who are sealed/branded with marks. This is exemplified in this Quranic verse about how the polytheists will be despised and humiliated within Hell-torment on the Last Day: "We will brand him on the muzzle." (68:16).
4- In the points below, we quote passages which exemplify what the polytheistic gods/lords/authors of the Sunnite religion of Satan have written in their books about their deity whom they have named as 'Muhammad' who is marked on his nape; again, we remind our readers that this imaginary, false deity of theirs has nothing to do with the mortal prophet, Muhammad, whose only true history and portrayal are found exclusively in the Quranic text.
Firstly: during the Abbasid Era:
1- Al-Bokhary in his hadiths-book writes the following hadith about the so-called seal of prophethood in the chapter about praising Muhammad: (Hadith No. 3348: Ibn Obaydillah said that Hatem Ibn Ismail said that Al-Gaeid Ibn Abdul-Rahman said that Saa'ib Ibn Yazeed said that his maternal aunt took him once, as a child, to visit the Holy Prophet Muhammad to implore him to grant his benediction to the child who fell on his head and was wounded; the Holy Prophet caressed the head of the child and implored Allah to grant him benediction and bless his life; the Holy Prophet performed ablution inside his chamber and the child watched him; the woman stood outside, and the Holy Prophet made the child drink the water of this ablution; the Holy Prophet was naked to the waist; the curious child saw the seal of prophethood, like a mark as big as a grape, on his nape when he saw his bare back; the child was made to perform ablution from the water left by the Holy Prophet...).
2- Moslem in his hadiths-book writes the following hadith about the so-called seal of prophethood within the body of Muhammad in the chapter about praising Muhammad: (Hadith No. 2344: Ibn Al-Muthana said that Ibn Jaffer said that Shu'ba said that Samak said that Jabber Ibn Samra said that he saw the seal of prophethood on the nape of the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, when he saw his naked back; the mark was as big as an egg of a dove ... The same text of the hadith is narrated by another series of narrators: Obaydillah Ibn Moussa said that Hassan Ibn Saleh said that Samak said that...etc. ...).
3- Al-Tirmizy (209 – 279 A.H.), who was among the disciples of Al-Bokhary and he lived and died in Tirmiz, Persia (now in Uzbekistan), writes in his book titled (Traits and Descriptions of Muhammad) the following several hadiths about the so-called seal of prophethood within a chapter dedicated to this topic: (... Hadith No. 15: Qotayba Ibn Saeed said that Ibn Obaydillah said that Hatem Ibn Ismail said that Al-Gaeid Ibn Abdul-Rahman said that Saa'ib Ibn Yazeed said that his maternal aunt took him once, as a child, to visit the Holy Prophet Muhammad to implore him to grant his benediction to the child who fell on his head and was wounded; the Holy Prophet caressed the head of the child and implored Allah to grant him benediction and bless his life; the Holy Prophet performed ablution inside his chamber and the child watched him; the woman stood outside, and the Holy Prophet made the child drink the water of this ablution; the Holy Prophet was naked to the waist; the curious child saw the seal of prophethood, like a mark as big as a grape, on his nape when he saw his bare back; the child was made to perform ablution from the water left by the Holy Prophet ... Hadith No. 16: Saeed Ibn Yacoub said that Ayoub Ibn Jabber said that Samak Ibn Harb said that Jabber Ibn Samra said that he saw the seal of prophethood on the nape of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, when he saw his naked back; the mark was as big as an egg of a dove ... Hadith No. 17: Abou Musaab said that Youssef Ibn Assim said that Ibn Omar Ibn Qotada said that his grandmother Rumaysa said that she heard the Holy Prophet Muhammad saying that the seal of prophethood is a mark on his nape in the middle between his two shoulders; Saad Ibn Muaaz desired ardently to kiss this mark, but he couldn't; yet, when he died in the battlefield, the Holy Prophet Muhammad said that his death caused the Throne of the Dominant Lord to shake ... Hadith No. 18: Ahmad Ibn Abou said that Ali Ibn Hajar said that he heard many men saying that Eissa Ibn Younis said that Omar Ibn Abdullah said that Ibrahim, among the descendants of the grandsons of Ali Ibn Abou Talib, said that he can describe the body of the Holy Prophet Muhammad; among his descriptions was the seal of prophethood between his shoulders, on his back, slightly below his nape and how this marked him as the Last Prophet and Seal of all Prophets of Allah ... Hadith No, 19: Ibn Bashar said that Abou assim said that Ibn Thabet said that Albaa Ibn Ahmar said that Abou Zaid Amr Ibn Akhtab said that at one time, the Holy Prophet Muhammad asked him to touch his bare shoulders and nape; this way, he was made to see the seal of prophethood which was in the form of a tuft of hair ... Hadith No. 20: Abou Ammar Al-Khozaay said that Ali Ibn Hussein Ibn Waked said that his father said that Abdullah Ibn Barida said that his father said that Salman Al-Faresi came to visit the Holy Prophet Muhammad inside Yathreb for the first time; when he offered him a plate of dates, while saying it is from charity food, the Holy Prophet Muhammad refused to eat; when he told him it is a gift specially for him, Holy Prophet Muhammad ate from this plate; Salman had but one more sign to assure himself that this is a Prophet of the Lord; he had to see the seal of prophethood on his body when he would have the chance ... Hadith No. 22: Ibn Bashar said that Bishr Ibn Waddah said that Abou Aqeel said that Abou Nadrah said that Abou Saeed Al-Khodary said that the seal of prophethood on the nape of our Holy Prophet Muhammad was in the form of a small tuft of coarse hair ... Hadith No. 23: Ahmad Ibn Abou Al-Ashaath of Basra said that Hammad Ibn Zaid said that Assim Al-Ahwal said that Abdullah Ibn Sergis said that he came to visit the Holy Prophet Muhammad inside Yathreb and he saw him surrounded by a group of men among his companions; he approached the Holy Prophet from behind and saw the seal of prophethood on his nape; it was like small warts grouped together; the Holy Prophet made him feel the seal with his hand to make sure; the Holy Prophet implored Allah to pardon this man ...).
Secondly: during the Mameluke Era in Egypt:
Ibn Sayed Ennas (671 – 734 A.H.) was born in Cairo, Egypt and died in it; in his book titled (Oyoun Al-Athar fi Fonoun Al-Maghazy wi Al-Shamael wi Al-Seyar) writes the following under the title (the seal of prophethood); he compiled all myths of the Abbasid Era about the same topic and how the so-called seal had different marks and shapes either in the nape or in the back! (... Jabber Ibn Samra said the seal of prophethood was like an egg of a dove on the nape of the Holy Prophet .... Abou Rumaysa said that the seal of prophethood was a tuft of hair on the back of the Holy Prophet on his back in the middle between his shoulders ... It was said that when some men offered to remove this mark from the back of our Holy Prophet and to heal him from it, he refused and told them that Allah has put it that way ... Some other men who saw the naked back of our Holy Messenger of Allah said that the seal of prophethood was as red as an apple and it had its shape; yet, Salman Al-Faresi said it was akin to an egg of a dove on the left shoulder of our Holy Prophet ... Some other men assert that it was a round mark with a color that differed from the color of his white skin ... Some other contemporaries of our Holy Prophet asserted it was like a tuft of unruly hairs on his nape; others said it was on his left shoulder ... In other narratives, some men asserted it was a green spot ingrained in the skin like a tattoo; some others said it was like a mole on the nape ... Abdullah Ibn Sergis said that the seal of prophethood was a blackened wart on the left shoulder, as per the hadith narrated by Moslem ... Some other eye-witnesses said that this seal of prophethood was like a walnut branded with hot rod as per the Isnad by Abou Omar who narrated from Abbad Ibn Amr ... In the context of the hadith of how the chest of our Holy Prophet was cut open by the archangel Gabriel, the seal of prophethood was mentioned as like a royal seal in the middle of his back between both shoulders and it was always cold when compared to the rest of the body; Al-Waqidi said it was never seen until the Holy Prophet died when his body was purified with water before burial ...).
Thirdly: during our bleak, modern era of Wahabism and of the Wahabi ISIS terrorist organization:
We quote the following passages from the Wahabi website whose links (containing the passagesin Arabic) will precede every passage in the points below.
1- ( (... A Question: Peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you; I'd like to read a summary of what was written about the seal of prophethood which is said to have been found as a mark on the body of Prophet Muhammad. Thank you in advance. An Answer: Praised be the Lord God and may His blessings and peace descend on our Messenger of Allah and his household members and his companions; there are many authenticated and verified hadiths about describing the seal of prophethood found in the body of our Prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessings of Allah descend on him, for instance, in the Moslem Book of Hadiths, Abdullah Ibn Sergis narrated a hadith about the seal of prophethood which was like a group of warts grouped in one spot over the left shoulder of our Prophet Muhammad. Jabber Ibn Samra narrated a hadith about the seal of prophethood which resembled an egg of a dove; this hadith is mentioned in the Book of Hadiths by Al-Nawawi who added that the seal of prophethood was as big as a fist on the back of our Prophet Muhammad. Some other narrators said it was like mole on the back of our Prophet Muhammad. Some other hadiths assert it was like a tuft of unruly hairs. Allah knows best. ...).
2- ( We read here an explanation of a very 'serious' issue for the Muhammadans: (... All verified hadiths assert the fact that the seal of prophethood was located in the middle of the back between the shoulders of Prophet Muhammad; it was a red mark in the size of a small egg, and some narrators said it was in the size of a fist seen clearly on his holy body's back; Al-Saa'ib Ibn Yazeed said his maternal aunt brought him as a child wounded in the head to Prophet Muhammad to bless him.......As a child, he saw Prophet Muhammad when he performed ablution and saw his bare shoulders to examine the seal of prophethood. Jabber Ibn Samra narrated a hadith about the seal of prophethood which was like an egg of a dove. The hadith about the description of the body of Prophet Muhammad includes his salt-and-pepper hair and beard, a trimmed one, and that his face was as radiant as the sun and the moon together; the seal of prophethood was an egg-shaped red mark on his left shoulder as per hadiths found in the Hadiths Book by Moslem ... The seal of prophethood was mentioned in the context of the story of how Salman Al-Faresi converted to Islam; he noticed that Prophet Muhammad never ate charity items and accepted gifts of food; he waited for a chance to see the bare back of Prophet Muhammad to see the seal of prophethood which was a tuft of hair on his left shoulder; Salman kissed it as he realized it; Prophet Muhammad told him he showed it to him on purpose since he knew why he came here; Salman wept and converted to Islam; this narrative and its Isnad are mentioned by the imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal in his Hadiths Book titled (Mosnad Ibn Hanbal). By the way, some women who were contemporaries of Muhammad and saw him naked to the waist said they saw the seal of prophethood on his back; when a woman touched it with her hand, her father rebuked her; yet, Prophet Muhammad told him to let her touch it as she desired to make sure he was the Messenger of Allah. We assert here that this seal of prophethood was a very special sign granted to Prophet Muhammad who was honored and distinguished by Allah as he was the Seal of Prophets and the Last Prophet sent to all humanity; no one can deny these hadiths and proofs about the seal of prophethood. Allah knows best. ...).
3- ( Because it is a matter of life-or-death for Sunnites, questions continue to be posed about it; here is a one about more details about 'deep' faith of Sunnites about the branded mark of the 'Beast' on the nape of their deity and this question is followed by a 'decisive', 'comprehensive' answer: (... A Question: Was the seal of prophethood marked on the back of our Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, since his blessed birth-day or not? Or was it branded by the archangel Gabriel when he tore open and purified his chest in Mecca? Is it true or not that a Jew came to Mecca to verify this seal of prophethood on the newly born baby Muhammad? An Answer: Praised be the Lord God and may His blessings and peace descend on our Messenger of Allah and his household members and his companions; there is a dispute among scholars of hadiths about these narratives; for instance, Ibn Hajar in his book titled (Fath Al-Bari), which is a commentary and an exegeses on Al-Bokhary Hadiths Book, writes that the seal of prophethood was not found once Prophet Muhammad was born. Yet, other historians who wrote biographies of Prophet Muhammad assert he was born with this mark on his back or his nape. Yet, many other hadiths collectors, like Al-Bayhaqi, endorse the narrative that it appeared on his back after the incident when the archangel Gabriel tore open and purified his chest with Light of Wisdom; this narrative contains the incident that Gabriel branded this mark on the left shoulder of Prophet Muhammad and another one below his left nipple ... Yet, other historians like.............assert that Prophet Muhammad was born with that seal of prophethood; few historians like...............assume it appeared later on during his adulthood. Hadiths by Aisha and Abou Hurayrah assert that the seal of prophethood appeared once Prophet Muhammad began his ministry after his encounter with archangel Gabriel during the Night-Journey; these hadiths are asserted by Al-Siyouti. As for the narrative of the Jew who came from Yathreb to Mecca to see if a male baby was born with a tuft of unruly hairs or a black mole on the left shoulder which mark the Last Prophet of Allah, it is mentioned by the historian Ibn Saad and hadiths collectors like Al-Bayhaqi and Al-Hakim; this narrative is ascribed to Aisha and in it there is a detail about jinn trying to verify if the Last Prophet was born or not; the narrative ends in the Jew seeing the seal of prophethood on the shoulder of the newly born baby Muhammad and he screamed and fainted; he realized the end of the line of prophethood among the Israelites; this story is mentioned by the historian Ibn Hajar; most People of the Book at the time knew about the seal of prophethood and some of them demanded from Prophet Muhammad to see it before they converted to Islam; even the Byzantine governor of Egypt sent an envoy to see it to verify if Prophet Muhammad was indeed the Messenger of Allah; the hadith by the narrators Abou Zar and Otba Ibn Obayd and Aisha asserts that this mark or seal of prophethood was branded by Gabriel when he tore open the chest of Prophet Muhammad to clean it with Light of Wisdom ... Some historians assert that this seal of prophethood removed itself miraculously after the death of Prophet Muhammad before his burial when his body was purified with water; other many historians refute this narrative because of its weak, doubted Isnad or series of narrators. Allah knows best. ...).
Traveling within the outer space is a common, ordinary journey now in spaceships and space shuttles by many people in the West and in the East; in contrast, the 'scholars' and sheikhs of Wahabism are busy with studying and teaching such nonsense and balderdash invented during the Abbasid Era. It is as if there were no problem in the Middle-East countries and their Sunnite Wahabi sheikhs and clergymen have more than enough time to study, propagate, spread, and teach such nonsense and balderdash; this is because their Wahabi religion of Satan is based on nothing but such nonsense and balderdash.
(1) Mr. Ahmad M. Ahmad: Muhammad the Prophet was an ordinary human being and not a superman with super power; as per the Quran itself, the sole mission of Muhammad was conveying the Quranic Message; after completing his mission, he died. Why can't people realize this fact?! The focus of Muslims should be on the Quran itself and not on Muhammad who delivered the Quran. To elevate Muhammad as 'greater' than other prophets and messengers is to deify him as a god besides Allah; this is sheer polytheism. The Quranists are the true Muslims/monotheists; one day, I hope, the polytheistic Muhammadans would be warned by the Quranic facts elucidated by Dr. Mansour in his writings.
(2) Ms. Marwa Ahmed Mustafa: The Lord God know best where to place His message; He chose the truthful man, Muhammad, for his being an honest person with integrity and a very high moralistic level; it is a nonsensical idea that there were any marks on the body of Muhammad at all. This idea has been invented by those who deify Muhammad and insist on making him a god besides Allah; they have abandoned the Quran and desire to misguide others and distract them from the Quranic Message conveyed by Muhammad.
INTRODUCTION of the book
PART I: Those who believe in Muhammad are disbelievers: The belief is not in Muhammad but in what ha
PART II: Pondering on the Quranic verses 7:156-158
PART III: The problematic issue for polytheists regarding the fact that the messenger/prophet Muhamm
PART IV: The messenger/prophet Muhammad was a mortal human being subjected to harm, disease, and dea
PART V: The messenger/prophet Muhammad was a mortal human being; why could not polytheistic disbelie
PART VI: How the contemporaries of Muhammad dealt with him as a human being during his lifetime
PART VII: How the mortal prophet and human being, Muhammad, was ridiculed by disbelievers
PART VIII: Worshiping names by the polytheistic disbelievers
PART IX: The names of the last prophet in the Holy Quran
PART X: The names invented by the polytheists for their imaginary deity (the Prophet) Muhammad
PART XI: The problem of polytheists was with Muhammad the messenger and not with Muhammad as a perso
PART XII: The polytheists denied and disbelieved in the Book and in the Quranic verses and not in Mu
CONCLUSION of the book
ANNEX of the book:
دعوة للتبرع
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