Demonstration for relatives of Quranists in front of the Attorney General's Office

اضيف الخبر في يوم الإثنين ٢٣ - يوليو - ٢٠٠٧ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً. نقلا عن: Almasry Alyoum

Demonstration for relatives of Quranists in front of the Attorney General's Office

Yesterday relatives of the detainees of the Quranists, demonstrated before the Attorney General's Office, in protest at preventing them from visiting their relatives in prison, then moved to the Court of the South, carrying banners written in «thought answered by thought», «Why banning visits? Are you torturing them?»,« O O Jailer Jailer .. Where are human rights?»

The relatives of the detainees complained to the Attorney General with complaint No. 12463 on preventing visits to their relatives, who then transferred them to the Attorney General Court South, which in turn turned to the Court of Maadi.

Mahmoud Ibrahim, from the Center for Andalusia lawyer, and the lawyer of Quranists said: The Attorney General referred the complaint to the South behalf, to exercise its authority on the inspection of the prison and inspected the conditions of detainees, has been referred to on behalf Maadi, because the prison, where the detainees are is legally affiliated to this court.

Ramadan, the representative of the Egyptian initiative, and one of the accused's lawyers, said that the Attorney General charged that prosecutors interviewed detainees and inspected their conditions and ensure their safety.

During standing before a court of the South, denouncing the relatives of the detainees, an old woman clashed with the Quranists’ relatives, accusing them of destroying the country and said to them: «Go find a night club to dance in it!».


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