Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy:
Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Forty-Five

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2019-12-19

                       Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Forty-Five



Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy






Hajj and Umrah

Published in December 5, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, …  What is the difference between  the rituals of both Hajj and Umrah within Quranism? … Thank you …


 Of course, both can be combined; Umrah can be done any time all year long within the lunar calendar; Hajj is possible only within the four sacred months: Zu Al-Hijja, Muharram, Saffar, and Rabei Awwal. Hajj includes standing for a while at Arafat Mount; this is not done within Umrah. For more details, we refer you to our books, in English, titled "Pilgrimage between Islam and the Muhammadans" and "About our Pilgrimage Journey to Mecca", found on the following links, respectively:







We Have Said This Before

Published in December 5, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, …  What proofs have you to convince me that the Quran is the Word of God? … Thank you …


 We have answered such a question many times before; we briefly assert to you here that it is impossible for a man in the 7th century A.D. Arabia to be the author of the Quran; it contains (1) a unique style of linguistic eloquence, (2) predictions, (3) numerical miracles, and (4) scientific indications; for more details, we refer you to our book, in English, titled "The West and the Miraculous Scientific Indications in the Holy Quran":





We Will Tackle This in Coming Episodes

Published in December 5, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, … I have a suggestion; I'd like you to include in your great subtitled-into-English videos ( episodes about democracy, the so-called caliphate system, arts and civilization in the Arab empires of the Middle-Ages, slavery, obscurantism, tyranny, and backwardness within history of caliphates, Arab wars, Ottoman wars, Crusades, and other political issues and topics along with your Quranist views of what should be............ … Thank you …


 Thank you very much, our dear son, for your valuable suggestion; we have already finished the shooting and editing of the first thousand episodes of our subtitled-into-English YouTube show titled (Quranic Moments); we upload one episode per day; the 1000th episode will be uploaded in April, 2020, we think. We are now shooting new videos of the second group of thousand episodes, covering many topics including the ones you have suggested and more. May the Lord God bless you, our dear son.







We Hope You Will Discard Such Misguidance

Published in December 6, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … My curiosity was piqued by some YouTube videos of yours; I've decided to read Al-Bokhary book of hadiths ........ I was astounded when I read in Al-Bokhary book the hadith no. 5355 narrated by Abou Hurayrah who frankly admits that he tells lies about Prophet Muhammad! .......... This means many hadiths have been fabricated to distort Islam and Sunna of the Prophet! ......... I guess that Abou Hurayrah and Al-Bokhary (as well as other narrators and writers of hadiths) were paid by enemies of Islam to undermine and cast doubt on it by inserting false narratives/hadiths into the Sunna; yet, I do believe that some hadiths are OK and true if their meanings fit logic and, of course, match the Quranic verses ............ What do you think?  … Thank you …    


 We sincerely hope that you will discard and disbelieve in such misguidance; you have to reject all hadiths before it is too late for you (i.e., before your death) so as to avoid regret for eternity; time is fleeting; this world is temporary; to believe in Allah within monotheism (i.e., without partners/associates/deities besides Him) includes to believe in One Book, the Quran, and nothing else besides it. The Only Discourse to believe in within Islam is the Holy Quran; the so-called Sunna hadiths never pertain to Islam; Muhammad had no Sunna and he never uttered or heard of any hadiths. All hadiths, sans exception, contradict the Quranic verses. Please read and ponder on our books in order to verify this undeniable fact; we recommend to you to begin with this one: "The Quran: Sufficient as a Source of Islamic Legislation", found in English on this link:






A Laughter-Inducing Email Message

Published in December 6, 2019



Question: … Listen you foolish and inveterate liar! I swear by Allah that Islam will return once more whether infidels like you like it or not! You are an ignorant traitor who betrayed and forsook Islam for the sake of money! Your lies in your videos and writings are exposed and debunked at last! You had better study history to get to know the greatness of the holy good ancestors! You are not a Muslim! You are, no doubt, among the Islam-hating Christians or Shiites! Allah will punish you in this world and also forever in Hell! He will smite and destroy you, wherever you are, and He will never forgive you! …      


 This laughter-inducing, pathetic email message exposes the mentality of some of our Quranism-hating foes; receiving such messages is an amusing occasion; the hate mail is our chance that we, a 72-year-old depressed thinker, would have a good laugh. The male sender of the above message swears by the Holy Name of God that 'Islam' will return; this means that he admits the fact that Islam is nonexistent among today's Arabs. This means he implies that his Sunnite religion has nothing to do with Islam; thus, he unwittingly accuses himself of being a nonbeliever; he does not mention which of our ideas are deemed by him as 'lies'; he never tells us how they are refuted and who did so. Besides, he never told us how he would know the enemies of Islam; ironically, he advises our person, a historian specializing in Muslim history, to study history! Does he refer to Muslim history or history of the Red Indians?! This male sender of the above message apparently does not know that our books on the subject of Muslim history are unparalleled and unprecedented in terms of quality and quantity. Of course, he hates our exposing the so-called 'holy' and 'good' ancestors and caliphs and our criticism of their crimes and grave sins. This person assumes that we are either a Christian or a Shiite; we thank him for not considering us as a Zionist! We thank the idiot male sender of the above message because he made us burst out laughing.  






The Four Sacred Months of Hajj

Published in December 8, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, … What is meant by the sacred months in the Holy Quran? Sunnite books differ a lot in defining these months; what is the relation of these sacred months with pilgrimage/Hajj? .............. How can I explain Hajj to non-Muslims? Any ideas? … Thank you …      


 It is enough that you announce that Hajj/pilgrimage must be available for all peaceful human beings regardless of their sects, faiths, doctrines, and denominations; those who follow guidance do so for the sake of their own souls and those who misguide their souls do so to the detriment of their souls. You seem never to have read any of our books, articles, and fatwas. We refer you to our books, in English, titled "Pilgrimage between Islam and the Muhammadans" and "About our Pilgrimage Journey to Mecca", found on the following links, respectively:





Striving against the Quranic Verses

Published in December 8, 2019




Question: … Dear Sir, … First of all, I desire to congratulate you on your performing Hajj at last ( ); may the Lord God accept your good deeds and mine. I feel very happy to tell you, as you are my tutor/teacher and I am your pupil, that your great Quranist writings helped me convert to Quranism as the Only True Islam; I admire your great writings very much and I heavily quote them in my online discussions within my endeavors to guide (if I can) as many people as possible to the True Islam .......... Yet, sadly, many Quran-hating atheists in the Arab world who seek to ridicule, undermine, and cast doubt on the Quran intentionally twist and distort meanings of the Quranic verses to serve their purposes; what is to be done? How can they be refuted? … Thank you …      


 Thank you for your email message; may the Lord God bless and reward you. The types of Quran-hating persons (and we never feel sorry for them regarding their fate in the Hereafter) who strive against the Quranic verses will continue to exist in all eras until the end of days; we infer this fact from the use of the present tense in the following Quranic verses: "Those who strive against Our Verses are not hidden from Us. Is he who is hurled into the Fire better? Or he who arrives safely on the Day of Resurrection? Do as you please; He is Seeing of everything you do." (41:40); "We send down in the Quran healing and mercy for the believers, but it increases the unjust ones only in loss." (17:82). Please do not pay any attention to the claims/writings of Quran-hating atheists; do not waste your time trying to refute them. When you preach the Quranic Message to foreigners (i.e., non-Arabs) online, you can copy and paste to them links of our articles and books in English, especially our book titled "The West and the Miraculous Scientific Indications in the Holy Quran", which proves the fact that the Holy Quran is the Word of the Lord God. This book is found, in English, on this link:






Gog and Magog, Again!

Published in December 9, 2019



Question:  … Dear Sir, … Let me congratulate you for your managing to perform Hajj despite all hardships and suffering a bad state of health ( I would like to ask you about Gog and Magog: you have written that they were buried beneath the crust of the earth; yet, since they live and move freely there and they have technology which surpasses that of human beings, why could not they get out to the surface of the earth any time they wish, then?! .......... … Thank you …      


 It is a divine decision that Gog and Magog will remain beneath the earth's crust until shortly before the Hour; i.e., the total destruction of the universe, takes place. Gog and Magog follow up what happens above the crust of the earth using their scientific advancement which precedes that of human beings with thousands of years; we think Gog and Magog are linked to the phenomenon of UFOs and strange phenomena found and studied within the outer space (on the moon and Mars, for instance), in the depths of the oceans, in the South Pole, and so on and so forth.

 For more details, we refer you to our book, in English, titled "The West and the Miraculous Scientific Indications in the Holy Quran", found on this link:

 And we quote the following passage from ANNEX I of this book:

(... Before the destruction of Planet Earth with the Quake (see the Quranic Chapter 99), Gog and Magog who reside beneath the crust of the earth will feel what will happen because of their scientific progress/advancement; this will drive them to emerge within the surface of the earth; they will mingle with human beings – and then, the Hour will take place. In other words, one generation after the other, Gog and Magog adapted to living beneath the crust of the earth; at one point, they will feel the eminent destruction of the earth; this will drive them to emerge on its surface; their scientific progress/advancement might make them think to seek to flee Planet Earth to settle in other planets; this will be in vain; the Hour means the total destruction of the whole universe, not merely the earth ...).

 This ANNEX I of this book is found on this link:






Am I Always in the Wrong?!

Published in December 11, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … My wife is an irritable person and she gets mad at me easily over almost everything; she loves to quarrel with me; I desire only to avoid any troubles at all cost; she always has her say finally and she does exactly what she wants; I cannot resist or protest at all. Our children are adolescents now and they got used to this state of affairs. I myself got used to it; this is beyond repair now. My only problem is that within any quarrel at home, my wife and children pressurize me every single time (and this gets on my nerves very much!) to confess to them that I am in the wrong! What am I supposed to do?! Am I always in the wrong?! I can no longer stand it! Any advice?! … Thank you …   


 We have not any pieces of advice to you; it is no use advising you. You are the cause of all your troubles in the past, the present, and the future. You willingly choose to let your wife control your life and ride/control you fully; your character is very weak; we think you have to put up with this state of affairs for the rest of your life.





About Abraham as an Adolescent

Published in December 11, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, …  When I pondered deeply on the Quranic verses about Abraham and your writings about him, I saw how Abraham's thinking as a monotheist preceded his era, especially when he reproached his people for worshiping what they carve and invent .......... I admire very much your book titled "An Imaginary CNN Interview with Prophet Muhammad (PART I)"; I wonder when you would publish PART II, since PART I does not include a comparison between Abraham's story in the Quran and the one in the Bible's Old Testament.......... … Thank you …     


 We implore and supplicate to the Lord God to grant us time and effort to write PART II of this book. Of course, the Omniscient Lord God knows about the genius of Abraham and He made him a messenger/prophet and provided him with guidance: "We gave Abraham his guidance formerly, and We knew him well." (21:51); "And Abraham, when he said to his people, “Worship God, and fear Him. That is better for you, if you only knew. You worship idols besides God, and you fabricate falsehoods. Those you worship, instead of God, cannot provide you with livelihood. So seek your livelihood from God, and worship Him, and thank Him. To Him you will be returned.”" (29:16-17). In contrast, polytheists are never guided; there is hardly any differences among polytheists (e.g., Christians and Muhammadans) in our modern era and in the ancient eras like the era of Abraham; monotheists are reasonable people who use their minds; polytheists are as heedless as cattle and they are more misguided: "Or do you assume that most of them hear or understand? They are just like cattle, but even more errant in their way." (25:44). 





About the Quranic Verse 21:33

Published in December 12, 2019


Question: …  Dear Sir, …  Would you please explain to me the Quranic verse 21:33? Do heavenly bodies float or swim?! How?! …  Thank you …        


 The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "It is He who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon; each floating in an orbit." (21:33); "The sun is not to overtake the moon, nor is the night to outpace the day. Each floats in an orbit." (36:40). This floating movement means each of the celestial bodies moves in circular or elliptical orbits and each in a different trajectory; such orbits never intersect; the movement of the Earth around the sun and tis movement around its axis cause the different four seasons and the succession of day and night, respectively. The Moon orbits the Earth and the Sun orbits the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Such movements of celestial bodies (planets, moons, and asteroids) in the outer space are like floating in the air. 




The Methodology of Quranists

Published in December 12, 2019




Question: … Dear Sir,  … So, you urge all Quranists to preach Quranism via the cyberspace; yet, what is the methodology of the Quranist thought embraced by Quranists? I mean how to transmit such Quranist ideas among entities which embrace Quran-hating ideologies?! Those who adhere to the lines of thought of the devilish Shiite, Sunnite, and Sufi religions are antagonistic toward Quranism, as you know; most people never change their ideologies or deeply rooted notions; this is not to mention the media controlled by any given State in the Arab world; they purposefully maintain ignorance and brainwashing the masses............ What is to be done as far as methodology of preaching Quranism by Quranists is concerned? … Thank you …


 Firstly, we display the Quranist line of thought and we never impose it on anyone; this means we discuss and spread Qurnaism in the cyberspace through our website ( Those who are ready to change and correct their religious ideas are welcome to our website within freedom of thought and free speech; as for those who refuse or reject Quranism, we respect their religious freedom. As for those who attack, insult, and verbally abuse our person via any websites or via email, we pardon them. Secondly, we never argue about the Quran or Quranism with Quran-hating people who embrace different religions or atheism; this type of argument is prohibited in the Quran as one might give haters of the Quran the chance to undermine, ridicule, and argue against the Quranic verses. We must not hear or read these statements of ridicule by Quran-hating disbelievers. Seekers of the Truth are welcome to our website and they can send any questions to us within comments on it or through email. We ask novices and newcomers to read our archive of writings with a critical eye and an attentive mind; it is not our aim that they would (not) convert to Quranism (as the Only True Islam). This is not our mission; our mission is to serve the Lord God while seeking to gratify Him by showing the greatness of True Islam and to show long-forgotten Quranic facts in our writings and videos. Thirdly, as for Quranists, they strive with our person in our peaceful, intellectual jihad for religious reform by different means: some of them donate money to maintain our videos and website; some write articles and comments; there is someone who translates our writings and videos into English for free; and there are so many who copy and paste links of our website and YouTube videos within other websites of those who may be interested and within the social media networks (e.g., Facebook and Twitter) in order to raise awareness of as many people as possible about the existence of Quranism. This is not difficult or impossible; you can do the same if you would like to help us; this is the best way to preach Quranism within the cyberspace; this is better than engaging into face-to-face endless, fruitless dialogues with the Quranism-hating Muhammadans. Seekers of the Truth (as far as Islam is concerned) will find it on our Quranism website.






Types of Zakat Charity

Published in December 15, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, … What are the types of Zakat within Islam (i.e., the Quran)? …  Thank you …


  We advise you to read our book on Zakat and to watch our subtitled-into-English YouTube videos about Zakat within our show titled (Quranic Moments). We briefly tell you that Zakat/charity is divided into two major types: (1) the State-controlled Zakat collected officially by the government of a given country, and (2) the individual voluntary Zakat. Both types are mentioned in the Holy Quran, and each has its categories of Zakat recipients specified in the Quranic text.





Giving Zakat Charity from One's Income

Published in December 15, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir,  … What are the sources of Sunnite ideas of amounts of Zakat within money, cattle, poultry, harvest,...etc.? Such percentages of Zakat are not part of Islam (i.e., Qurnaism), right?! … Thank you …     


 You will find answers to your questions when you watch the subtitled-into-English episodes of our show titled (Quranic Moments): Episodes Nos. 846 & 847, about amount of Zakat in Islam, are found on these two links, respectively:






About Spoils, Again

Published in December 15, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir,  …  What is meant be (spoils) in the Quranic Chapter Eight? … Thank you … 


 We have discussed the topic of spoils in several articles and previous fatwas; yet, you can find a brief answer in our subtitled-into-English YouTube video, Episode No. 845, about Zakat shares in relation to spoils, found on the following link:





Ordeals Are Great Times of Strengthening Faith!

Published in December 17, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … My father, whom I loved so much, died two months ago; for several weeks, I suffered from bouts of fright which seized me and I saw nightmares every night; I was traumatized ........... I resorted to a psychiatrist and the medicine he gave me made me regain my good psychological health. Yet, ideas pertaining to atheism cannot be forced out of my mind; I resist them all the time, believe me. I pray regularly and on time and I read the Quran on a daily basis; I feel sure that I am a believer; yet, once my day ends (after prolonged extra night prayers) and I retire to my bed-chamber, I think of the death of my father and of endless devilish, atheist thoughts; I'm very much troubled by this. Any help? Any advice?! Any soothing words?! …  Thank you in advance …    


 May the Lord God come to your aid; we sincerely hope that you will pass the test of ordeal with success and that you will be among the patient, pious ones who are the winners on the Last Day. To be among the patient ones means to side with the Dominant Lord God as one of His allies: "O you who believe! Seek help through patience and prayers. God is with the patient ones." (2:153). To be among the pious, patient ones means that the Lord God will reward you limitlessly and without bounds. Pondering this Quranic fact will help you reject the evil whispers of Satan. You have to seek refuge in Allah against Satan the outcast all the time; this is an Islamic duty in the Quran done by pious ones before reading the Quran and also during times of ordeals and hardships. By the way, hardships and ordeals are great times of strengthening one's monotheistic faith. This is your chance to obey the Lord God and draw nearer to His mercy; do not miss this favorable opportunity. The Quranic commands to seek refuge in Allah against Satan the outcast are addressed to Muhammad (who faced many hardships) and to all true monotheists here: "And say, “My Lord, I seek refuge with You from the whispers of the devils. And I seek refuge with You, my Lord, lest they become present.”" (23:97-98); "Say, “I take refuge with the Lord of Daybreak." (113:1); "Say, “I seek refuge in the Lord of the humankind." (114:1).




Al-Saud Family and Pilgrimage

Published in December 17, 2019



Question: … Dear Dr. Mansour,  … Allow me to congratulate you for performing Hajj this year. After reading your great book titled "About our Pilgrimage Journey to Mecca" (found in English on this link:, I feel I yearn to perform Hajj next year in the same manner. Yet, as I discussed this wish with a friend, he told me it would be better not to do so as Saudi authorities charge exorbitant fees from pilgrims so as to stuff the American Treasury with billions of US$ to please Trump and to continue financing the unjust war of aggression against Yemen, apart from wreaking havoc in many other countries in the region. This friend told me he himself postpones his Hajj until the Al-Saud rule in Arabia would collapse, something which will take place imminently as per American newspapers and Western political analysts.......... Yet, you, Dr. Mansour, performed Hajj despite the Saudi control of Mecca ........... Shall I perform Hajj like you anytime in the next four sacred months or not? What is your own opinion? … Thank you …    


 You should perform Hajj, of course, since you can afford the journey. As per the Quran, those who can afford it and do not make this journey to Mecca for pilgrimage, during the four lunar sacred months, are deemed by the Lord God as disbelievers; the Lord God is Independent of the worlds. That the Saudi authorities take advantage of pilgrims is none of your business; you are not a sinner if you accept the exorbitant prices/fees and so on. If the men of Saudi authorities and the royal family of Al-Saud do good to pilgrims and serve the Kaaba, they do this for their own good; if otherwise, they will be punished in the Hereafter. The Lord God will punish them if they repel others from the Kaaba. Thus, your friend is in the wrong. No soul shall bear the burdens of other souls; you and your friend must perform pilgrimage without rejecting the idea for merely hating Al-Saud royal family; do not justify the grave sin of rejecting Hajj while you can perform it. We sincerely hope you will perform Hajj anytime in the next four sacred months. May the Lord God help and guide you.   




Do Not you See

Published in December 17, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … Many Quranic verses addressing the Prophet Muhammad begins with the question (Do not you see...); why is that? Any ideas? … Thank you …  


 It is an invitation to Muhammad, and to all Quran-believing monotheists, to reflect, consider, ponder, and contemplate with their reasoning minds about the creations and creatures made by the Lord God in the heavens and the earth (i.e., the universe). Some of the verses beginning with this question are in the framework of the call for heeding the lessons and being warned. Of course, in contrast, in the earthly/terrestrial, man-made religions of Satan, worship/deification of mortals, locations, things/items, relics, tombs, and narratives can never stand being questioned by a critical mind.  






I Was Blind but I See Now!

Published in December 18, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … After 30 years of marriage, my wife died recently. Sadly, she poisoned and destroyed my relation with my sisters with her telling lies and falsehoods about them. I was blind and I believed her and severed all relations with my sisters though I am their only brother. Once my wife died, I came to know the truth; I was blind but I see now. All stories my wife told me about my sisters were untrue. It was my mistake never to make sure if my wife was truthful or not. I have now certain documents forged by my wife, who deserved to be imprisoned if such documents were discovered during her lifetime .......... My question now to you is as follows: Is it OK in such a case or not to implore and supplicate to Allah to have mercy on the soul of my late wife? Any ideas?  .… Thank you …  


 Any prayers and supplications for the sake of the dead ones never alter their fate (in Hell or in Paradise) told to their dying souls by the angels of death. Of course, living people who supplicate and implore (for anything and not only for the souls of the dead) are rewarded by the Lord God for performing this duty imposed in the Quran on the pious, guided ones; only misguided, heedless ones reject this Islamic duty. As for your questions, it does not matter if you pray for the soul of your wife or not; her fate is sealed. You can do so while bearing in mind that this will never change her fate or benefit her in any way and that your prayers are rewarded by the Lord God; i.e., He will reward you for performing this religious duty of supplicating/praying for oneself and for others.







Aisha and the Battle of the Camel

Published in December 18, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … Is Aisha, the wife of Prophet Muhammad, a criminal for leading the troops in theBattle of the Camel or not? What is your view of this as a historian and as a Quranist thinker? Was her father a spy on Prophet Muhammad and serving the Qorayish tribe, then?!  … Thank you …        


  You will find a detailed answer to your question about Aisha and the Battle of the Camel in the following two articles of ours, in English, found on the following two links:

  As for spies around Muhammad in Yathreb, who include Aisha's father and who were deified decades later by the Sunnites as 'holy' companions, we refer you to our book, in English, titled "The Unspoken-of History of the Pre-Umayyad 'Righteous' Caliphs", found on this link:

اجمالي القراءات 3503

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