آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2019-11-05
Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Forty-Two
Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Your Queries Are Welcome, But... (1)
Published in October 26, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … I am an Iraqi young man; I admire your great Quranism website very much. Am I allowed to pose my questions to you, Sir, anytime? What are the types of queries worthy of being published in your fatwas section and worthy of your attention and time, then? … Thank you …
We welcome all questions as long as they are new and we have not answered them before. The main problem is that newcomers to our website and new converts to Quranism cringe and baulk at the prospect of having to read our entire archive of thousands of fatwas and articles and tens of books; the minds/souls of most of newcomers still harbor faulty notions derived from the earthly/terrestrial religions they have rejected. This means they may have tens of questions to pose to us while forgetting that we have answered these repeated questions many times before. We beseech them to read our entire archive first before posing repeated queries and we advise them to use the search engine of our website to find the topics they look for.
An Arab Spring?!
Published in October 26, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … What is your own personal evaluation of the so-called Arab Spring which began in Tunisia in 2010 and in Egypt in 2011 and then in other Arab countries? Would such revolts fail in achieving the desired aims or succeed eventually? … Thank you …
As per history, since the 19th century, the Arab region suffered under the yoke of European colonialism; liberation movements in the Arab world troubled colonials very much. Sadly, because Mammon/money is the supreme deity worshiped by most human being, the colonialists of the West ended their military occupation of the Arab region while continuing to steal its wealth with the help of enthroned tyrants who enslave Arab citizens. Sadly, such enthroned tyrants are worse than the European occupiers; at least, the Europeans had their sense of civilization. We tend to think that Arab enthroned tyrannical rulers constitute a local colonization which oppresses and terrorizes citizens by the military army and policemen in order to steal all wealth and smuggle it to the banks and international companies of the West. Of course, most Arab enthroned tyrants feel empowered by their alliance to the West because they are isolated from the Arab nations they rule and feel that Arab citizens hate them. Of course, the West sells weapons to the enthroned tyrannical rulers in the Arab world; sadly, bloodshed and military struggles are endless there until now. The nations are duped by anti-Israel rhetoric and, of course, sectarian strife. For the last 50 years, the Arab countries have descended deeper into the abyss; they are on the verge of collapse now. Sadly, 1% of the inhabitants of the Arab world are affluent, corrupt families who own, steal, and smuggle the wealth of the nations. This class of corrupt, affluent persons monopolizes wealth and power and they participate in oppressing the rest of the Arab citizens. The members of this class flatter and prostrate submissively to the West countries and to Israel. The continuous suffering and impoverishment process eventually ignited the spark of revolt in Tunisia in 2010; its faithful national military army never interferes in the political life; the Tunisians are lucky in their democratic transition which resulted from their successful revolt; in contrast, the Egyptian military armed forces betrayed Egypt in the 2011 revolt by interfering in all aspects of politics; the revolt in Egypt took serpentine, crooked routes, and it has failed – until now at least. We never know if its spark would be re-ignited or not. The Egyptian citizens are so unpredictable at present. Other revolts occurred in Algeria, Sudan, Lebanon, and Iraq. Yet, Jordan has its limited share of revolts; sadly, Syria, Yemen, and Libya are destroyed within their 'revolts' as armed groups (with bad intentions and motives) have interfered. In the recent demonstrations/revolts in Iraq and Lebanon in 2019, we see that citizens there have their raised awareness – they avoid sectarianism and never raised hackneyed, useless slogans or mottoes of tyrants like 'destroying' Israel. They realize that the archenemies, assassins, and robbers are the enthroned tyrants themselves. In Egypt and elsewhere, more citizens realize the fact that revolts embody the struggle of deprived, oppressed nations against the vile, base criminals of the affluent, corrupt class members or the 1% of any given Arab nation who monopolize wealth and power. Of course, such a struggle will take its time (i.e., years or decades) until the raised political and religious/Quranist awareness would include the critical bloc of any given Arab nation; their victory would establish a democratic transition leading to the spread of the culture of human rights, democracy, and equal citizenship rights; this will make any Arab country a truly democratic one.
The Grave Sin of Rulers
Published in October 27, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … If any rulers issued a law which contradicts the Quran (e.g., allowing wine-drinking or making inheritance shares of sisters equal to those of their brothers) and people abided by this law, who are the grave sinners in such a case: the rulers or the ruled citizens/subjects? Any ideas?! … Thank you …
There are no acceptable excuses/justifications for obeying mortals who urge us to disobey the Quran: the Word of the Dominant Lord God the Creator. The grave sin in such a case lies on the rulers who issue unjust laws. Yet, ruled citizens/subjects should defy and disobey such unjust laws. If they are forced to abide by such unjust laws, the Lord God will pardon them as He never punishes those who are coerced into sinning.
Islam and 'Muslims'!
Published in October 27, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … Where is the dilemma or the problem?! Is it in Islam itself or in Muslims themselves?! Your Quranist ideas prove to me that Islam is a theory which exists in isolation or in a book, the Quran, and it has nothing to do with real facts of life as we know them! This is a very big problem; the solution is never confined to killing terrorists like ISIS leaders and fighters; how would we destroy the fake Islam woven by fiqh scholars in the past 14 centuries? I know that you are right in asserting that their fake Islam has nothing to do with the Quran; yet, what is to be done?! How would your 'true' Islam or Quranism prevail one day so that religious terrorism come to an end?! Political and religious circumstances in the Middle East and in the West will never allow Quranism to prevail and spread, I suppose...........Any ideas?! … Thank you …
Since our adolescence when we were a student in an Azharite preparatory school, we kept posing to ourselves many questions about the contradiction between the Quran and deifying the entombed Sufi 'saints' in our village in several mosques. As we grow up, our researches as a university professor of history prove the wide gap (or rather the abyss) between the Quran (i.e., Islam) on the one hand and Sufism and the Sunnite religion on the other. Our specialization in history helped us to become a Quranist Muslim. As a university student, we have realized the fact that caliphs and companions are mortal human beings and never angels or demi-gods. Examining and studying the Quran, we have reached many facts. (1) The Quranic descriptions of disbelievers apply to all eras and locations; this means the ongoing struggle between polytheism and monotheism will end only when the Hour takes place; this is a topic of one of our unfinished books which we began to write in the late 1970s. (2) Islam is based on a realistic approach of the application of its Quranic teachings within the individual and social levels. The Lord God, in the Holy Quran, urges the humankind to use their reasoning minds; this goes against deifying mortals, tombs, and things/relics/sites and against the belief in myths. The Quran urges repentance, and it offers ease/facilitation within act of worship; the Lord God does not burden a soul beyond its capacity; human beings have their absolute religious freedom and they are responsible for it on the Last Day; there are no mediators between Allah and human beings. (3) This realistic approach in applying Islam (i.e., the Quran) is lost by human devils (i.e., clergymen) who make themselves mediators between Allah and people and who ally themselves to enthroned criminal tyrants, thus helping create and maintain the terrestrial religions posing as if they were the Divine Religion of the Lord God. (4) The Holy Quran remains the clear proof of the greatness of Islam and how it is easy to be understood and applied. The Quran is the evidence against its enemies; namely, the clergymen of the earthly religions of the Muhammadans. (5) As per the absolute religious freedom endorsed in the Quran, you are free to accuse either Islam or 'Muslims', bearing full responsibility for your stance on the Last Day. Of course, objectivity entails never to label them as 'Muslims'; they are polytheistic Muhammadans; this means your question in the above message is useless.
A Depressed Old Man
Published in October 28, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm a retired 75-year-old businessman; I've realized and achieved everything I hoped for; I have a huge bank-account; my sons are very successful men in their respective careers; my current wife is a respectable lady; my health is good/acceptable for those who are in my age. I'm supposed to be happy but I'm not. I suffer depression and lack of interest in any activity. For a while, I spent hours in the club with some friends; they never talk except of memories, medicaments, senility, and ailments; 3 of these friends died in 2 months! The remainder of them, including myself, began to grimly ask whose turn to die next! I deserted these friends and I no longer visit the club. My life seems meaningless; there is no hope for something new or a different ambition/quest to rekindle the passion for life; I feel bored to death; is it my fate to spend the rest of my days waiting for death?! In my business before retirement, I've won and lost heaps of money but I never lost hope; I never desire to resume business now. My life is now bleak and cold. I feel very lonely, and this is why I taught myself how to use the PC and the internet......... I hate the discourse of sheikhs/clergymen of all types; yet, when I came across your Quranism website, I found myself admiring your discourse within your fatwas, books, and articles though many ideas are still incomprehensible to me; you differ from all sheikhs and you tackle almost every topic......This encourages me to pose this question to you: Why am I depressed?! Any ideas?! … Thank you …
The reason for your depression is that your focus is on this transient world; you seem to never have thought about the Hereafter and inheriting the Eternal Life at all. You are fed up of your life but you never prepared yourself for the Hereafter. All your life, you forgot about the inevitable death followed by the Day of Judgment and then eternity either in Hell or in Paradise. You never performed (enough) good deeds as you were heedless about the Last Day. True and pious believers/monotheists believe in the Hereafter and work hard to earn their place in Paradise; their good deeds and acts of worship are rewarded in this world and in the next one. They pass the tests and ordeals of life within success; they adhere to the Quranic Truth; they know that their life on Earth is temporary and has an end sooner or later whereas Paradise is endless. There are many heedless persons whose focus is confined to this transient world and its possessions; they compete for amassing and hoarding as much money/assets as possible; they struggle against many people and suffer anxiety and fear all the time; they might die suddenly or reach the senile age, losing all hope, luster, and meaning in life; they no longer able to enjoy anything as they lost their vigor, even if they own billions of US$. They forget about death though it is very near; realizing this fact is the cause of their depression. We advise you to perform as many good deeds and acts of worship as possible within monotheistic faith (i.e., Qurnaism) before you die if you really believe in the Quran. We hope our young readers would read your story and draw useful lessons and rectify themselves within piety before it is too late.
Urinal Incontinence, Again!
Published in October 28, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … Suffering urinal incontinence in my old age, it is too hard to change my underpants several times each day before praying; I've read your fatwas and articles about ease/facilitation, but I'm still extremely worried, esp. that my underwear is sometimes soiled with urine drops during my prayers! Any ideas?! … Thank you …
You can wrap a piece of cloth around your penis all day long; this will keep your underwear clean; yet, you have to remove this piece of cloth before you pray and to put it back after you finish each of the daily prayers.
Glucose Syringes!
Published in October 29, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … I loved watching your subtitled-into-English YouTube episodes of the great show titled (Quranic Moments), esp. the ones about Ramadan fasting; you said smoking does not spoil the fasting as smoke enters into the lungs and not into the stomach, but what about glucose syringes taken during fasting time within Ramadan? Any ideas? … Thank you …
Those who take glucose syringes may be ill and thus are excused from the fasting during Ramadan; they can fast in other days after their health is restored; if not, they can offer food/money to the poor for each missed day. Within our view, any syringes (containing glucose or any other substances) taken by patients during Ramadan do not spoil fasting since they are not food/drink and they never pass through the mouth and the stomach.
Sons and Daughters in the Quran
Published in October 29, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … I desire to know any Quranic facts about the progeny of Muhammad and if he had any sons and/or daughters, away from Sunnite/Shiite myths; besides, what is meant by 33:40 about his progeny?! Any ideas? … Thank you …
The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "Muhammad is not the father of any of your men; but he is the Messenger of God, and the seal of the prophets..." (33:40). This means Muhammad's sons died during their infancy and never reached adolescence. From the Quran, we never know if he had daughters or not; yet, history tells us he had. The Quranic verses which contain the terms progeny, children, and offspring indicate both male and female; this is exemplified in 3:61, 9:24, 58:22, 33:3, 2:146, 6:20, 2:246, 4:11, and 5:18. In some other Quranic verses, the contexts refer to male children because females are mentioned distinctively; see 14:6, 24:31, 33:55, and 4:23.
Muhammad and Ahmad, Again!
Published in October 30, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … Was Muhammad given that name upon his birth? Did he acquire this name after he became a prophet of the Lord God? What is his original name, then?! Any ideas?… Thank you …
As per a previous fatwa of ours, (Muhammad) is the name given to the Last Prophet once he was born; this is his name in the Quran; even the name (Ahmad) is another variation of the name (Muhammad) with the same meaning. Muhammad had no other names.
Your Queries Are Welcome, But... (2)
Published in October 30, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … I hated all sects and religions when I lived in my native Arab country; I became an atheist once I immigrated to the USA and settled there years ago. After years of my atheism, I was about to lose my life in a car accident, but I survived. This made me think of death and the Hereafter; I begin to think that I'm still a believer in God. Yet, my problem was how to seek God; is He the Lord of the Christians or 'Muslims'? It is impossible for me to assume that God ceded His rights to mortals who are His embodiment or representatives like Muhammad, Jesus, the pope, the clergymen,...etc. In the USA, I never found Islam inside mosques; this happened before when I used to frequent the mosques of my native Arab country. I hate clergymen and sermonizers; yet, I've decided to frequent several American mosques in order to seek guidance while adhering to perseverance, patience, and deep thought; at one time, one of the sheikhs delivered a sermon to criticize Quranism and Quranists in the West and in the Arab world. My interest was piqued; when I posed more questions about Quranists, I was warned not to contact any of them or to listen to their views. Naturally, this aroused my curiosity; when I found your Quranism website, I read your archive; I feel that Quranism may be the Only True Islam; yet, I have many questions which persist in my mind; am I allowed to pose my queries to you before I decide to convert to Quranism? … Thank you …
You are more than welcome to our website; we say to you what we repeat to newcomers and novices: Your queries are welcome, but before posing them, you have to read our entire archive of writings and fatwas; this will provide answers to most of the questions you may have in mind. You should reflect deeply on what you read within our Quranism website; later on, you can choose for yourself whether you would convert to Quranism. We never impose our vision or views on anyone at all; we urge everyone to read our writings while keeping a critical mind; we respect the religious freedom of others to (dis)believe in Quranism.
The Arabic Tongue Is NOT Holy
Published in October 31, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is the Arabic tongue to be deemed 'holy' or 'sacred' since the Quran descended in it or not? You've said before that the Arabic tongue is 'great' & .................. Any ideas?! … Thank you …
No. Of course, no human tongues are holy; sanctification in Islam, by true monotheists, is devoted to the Lord God; pious believers never deify/sanctify things or mortals; this is the core/essence of Quranism. By the way, you deserve our rebuke for your impolite words within your message; you seem bent on leveling accusations against our person; if you are not polite in the next email message(s) you may send us, we will not answer your questions and we will ignore your messages. It is OK to describe the Arabic/Quranic tongue as (great); there is no sanctification or holiness in saying so. The adjective (great) describes many things in several Quranic verses, as you know. Besides, in the Middle-Ages, at one point, the Arabic tongue was the one of science and civilization in the world, not only in the Arab empire, while Europe suffered the darkness of ignorance. Yet, all acts of worship (even reading the Quran in translations) can be performed in any tongues and not just in Arabic.
About the Oneness of God in 112:1
Published in October 31, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … I desire to know your ponderings on the Quranic verse 112:1 … Thank you …
This is the entire Quranic Chapter 112: "Say, “He is God, the One. God, the Absolute. He begets not, nor was He begotten. And there is none comparable to Him.”" (112:1-4). This is about true monotheism and the traits of the Lord God the Creator which are never shared by any of His creatures. Even when some adjectives are employed figuratively to make us understand and grasp the traits and descriptions of the Lord God and they are used literally to describe some human beings, no human tongues or minds can fully grasp the traits and descriptions of the Lord God; the human minds are very limited in this respect.
About the Quranic Verse 20:124
Published in November 1, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "But whoever turns away from My Remembrance, for him is a confined life. And We will raise him on the Day of Resurrection blind.”" (20:124). You have written/said that (Remembrance) here is the Quran itself (apart from other meanings like glorifying the Lord within piety); yet, I see that the misguided and misguiding wealthy clergymen of the Muhammadans live in luxury and not within a confined life despite their devilish efforts to repel others away from the Quran: God's Path and His Word. There are many examples of clergymen which prove my point: .....,......,.......,......., What is your own view?! … Thank you …
The term (confined life) in 20:124 is constant anxiety, troubles, depression, and fear; it refers to the lack of peace of mind. This is the unseen aspect of the life of the clergymen of Satan within the terrestrial religions; please do not be deceived by their splendor and pomp or their wealth and processions. You should think of the terrible Hell torment waiting for them: "Do not be impressed by the disbelievers’ movements in the land. A brief enjoyment, then their abode is Hell. What a miserable resort." (3:196-197); "It is they who exchange guidance for misguidance, and forgiveness for torment. But how would they be patient, then, within the Hell-Fire?" (2:175).
About Ali Zayn Al-Abdeen
Published in November 1, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … The Shiites have this historical account of one of the descendants of Ali and Fatima: Ali Zayn Al-Abdeen (who was the son of Hussein Ibn Ali Ibn Abou Talib). He was received by one of his followers who saluted him as the only remaining descendant of Prophet Muhammad and he asked him about his conditions; Ali Zayn Al-Abdeen complained to his man that the Umayyads persecuted him and Allah will punish them......................... As a historian, what is your own view of this story? … Thank you …
This is a false historical account. As per the history of Ali Zayn Al-Abdeen, he was shattered psychologically because of the Karbala massacre when his father, relatives, and family were slain; he gave up all his political ambitions; he never spoke against the Umayyads and he helped their troops out when they were defeated at one time by the rebels in Yathreb; the Umayyads expressed their gratitude to him; they commanded that no one would insult or harm him in any way. In fact,Ali Zayn Al-Abdeen lived in isolation and in peace while seeking no political career; he spent his life performing good deeds. Besides, the Umayyads (a Meccan faction) never persecuted the Hashemites (the Meccan faction of Muhammad and Ali); they only fought against rebels or throne-seekers who raised arms against them. More details about this topic will be tackled in one of our books later on.
About the Quranic Verse 6:92
Published in November 2, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "And do not be like her who unravels her yarn, breaking it into pieces, after she has spun it strongly. Nor use your oaths as means of deception among you, because one community is more prosperous than another. God is testing you thereby. On the Day of Resurrection, He will make clear to you everything you had disputed about." (16:92); what is meant by the parable of this woman and her yarn? … Thank you …
This is a parable to exemplify those who break their oaths/vows, and this is a sin, as we infer from the previous verse: "Fulfill God’s covenant when you make a covenant, and do not break your oaths after ratifying them. You have made God your guarantor, and God knows what you do. And do not be like her who unravels her yarn, breaking it into pieces, after she has spun it strongly..." (16:91-92). Thus, those who break their solemn oaths are likened to a woman who cut her yarn into pieces. The Lord God warns us against breaking the vows/oaths/promises or pledges/covenants in the following verses as well:
"But when We lifted the plague from them, for a term they were to fulfill, they broke their promise." (7:135); "Will you not fight a people who violated their oaths, and planned to expel the messenger, and initiated hostilities against you? Do you fear them? It is God you should fear, if you are believers." (9:13); "But when We lifted the torment from them, they immediately broke their promise." (43:50); "Those who pledge allegiance to you are pledging allegiance to God. The hand of God is over their hands. Whoever breaks his pledge breaks it to his own loss. And whoever fulfills his covenant with God, He will grant him a great reward." (48:10).
Again about Ali Zayn Al-Abdeen!
Published in November 2, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … I've read your previous fatwa (or your own view as a historian) about Ali Zayn Al-Abdeen; this view of yours has nothing to do with Islam; you are still influenced by the Sunnite religion you've rejected; the books of Shiites, to whom I belong, assert that the Umayyads persecuted the Hashemites..................... … Thank you …
You are extremely mistaken. Outside the Shiite circles, we are the only author/thinker to expose the sinful caliphs Abou Bakr, Omar, Othman, and the Umayyads. This is proven in our books published here on our website. When we lived in Egypt, we defended the political rights of the persecuted Shiite minority there. At the time, we and other Quranists were also persecuted by the Mubarak regime. The Wahabis at the time accused our person of being a Shiite. Some authority figures in Tehran issued commands to Egyptian Shiites at the time to use our ideas to attack the hadiths and ideology of the Sunnites/Wahabis; those Shiites admired our ideas and published (without giving us any remuneration) a book of ours about the roots of terrorism in the Wahabi religion of Satan. Despite our being a Quranist thinker who is against the Sunnite, Sufi, and Shiite religions, we defended the persecuted Shiites in Egypt as they are among the weak, oppressed ones on earth. We are not telling lies here; our stances and views are published online now and in print in Egypt at the time. Those Shiites began to hate our person when we exposed and attacked their deities: Ali and Hussein. This means Shiites will never approve of our person unless we would follow their devilish, polytheistic religion. This is an impossibility, of course. Their deities are, in our view, mere mortals who should be exposed and criticized as per the historical narratives about them; we are an objective researcher in history; we never care about pleasing anyone with our findings and writings. Despite the Umayyad massacres committed against rebels/Alawites (who were among the Hashemites), the Umayyads treated the Hashemites in general very kindly and this applies to Ali Zayn Al-Abdeen. History tells us that the Abbasids (who were among the Hashemites) persecuted Alawites more severely than the occasional persecution inflicted on them by the Umayyads. The Shiites of today never realize this fact because their life is frozen/mummified at one point: when Hussein and his family members and supporters were massacred at Karbala, in Iraq, by the Umayyad troops.
Greatness of Some Historical Figures
Published in November 3, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … In your books, you mention that the man named Saad Ibn Eibada is a great historical figure assassinated later on; how come he'd be deemed 'great' despite his seeking to be caliph? Besides, you mention that Abou Zar Al-Ghifary and Khabbab are great historical figures despite their being Shiites who supported the Alawite rebels; you are against the Shiite religion, aren't you?! As a historian, how would you evaluate historical figures as 'great' or 'evil'? What is your criteria?! … Thank you …
Any researchers within history have their own criteria to judge historical figures as great men or criminals. As for the leader Saad Ibn Eibada in Yathreb, he never raised arms against anyone; rather, he protested peacefully and outspokenly against the monopoly of political power by the Meccan Qorayish tribe; he never asked his people to join his opposition movement; even his son swore fealty and loyalty to the sinful caliph Abou Bakr; this great man, Saad Ibn Eibada, was assassinated because of his being a peaceful opposition figure. In contrast, the sinful caliph Ali (the Shiite deity) was a base, vile, and evil man; he caused the death of thousands of men in the first major Arab civil war as he and his foes fought for the sake of the throne. As per historical accounts, Khabbab never participated in killing anyone and he regretted his ill-gotten money and repented. Abou Zar peacefully protested against the corruption and bias of the sinful caliph Othman; he never raised arms against anyone; he was severely persecuted; he was about to live alone in the desert away from people for the sake of his religious freedom. Our criteria for greatness of some historical figures include their seeking to stop or prevent bloodshed and their peaceful opposition against rulers while seeking to assert the rights of others. This is obvious for reasonable people especially Quranists who believe in the Quran as the Only Source of Islam and the Only Criterion to judge history of the Arabs and the Muhammadans.
About the Arabic Tongue, Again!
Published in November 3, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … In a previous fatwa of yours, you've written that "It is OK to describe the Arabic/Quranic tongue as great" and that the Arabic tongue is neither holy nor sacred. Since the Lord God has chosen Arabic to be the tongue of the Holy Quran, the Arabic tongue is deemed (great) by you; yet, you never deem the Prophet Muhammad as the best or greatest prophet or as 'holy'; why?! Muhammad is never to be separated from his mother tongue; i.e., Arabic, as you know! … Thank you …
As per the Quranic faith tenets, monotheists never make distinction among the Lord God's prophets/messengers by saying who would be the 'best'/'greatest' among them. Of course, each prophet/messenger spoke in the tongue of his people: "We never sent any messenger except in the tongue of his people, to make things clear for them..." (14:4). The previous celestial messages/scriptures were addressed to certain groups of people; in contrast, the Quran is the Last Message of Allah conveyed by the Last Prophet; this Quranic message addresses all humanity and it will go on until the end of days. There is no universal tongue which unites all humanity; besides, the Quran had to be in Arabic since Muhammad and the Arabs lived in Arabia and spoke Arabic. Thus, it is OK for non-Arab Muslims/monotheists to perform their acts of worship (e.g., prayers) using their own tongues; the language of feelings/souls/hearts within piety are the same within all human beings. This language of the souls is the one which will be employed on the Day of Judgment with all humanity despite their different tongues on Earth. The tongue/language of the souls/hearts differs from that of the human mouths; for instance, hypocrites and disbelievers (and, in our view, clergymen of the earthly religions of Satan) are described here: "Among the people is he whose speech about the worldly life impresses you, and he calls God to witness what is in his heart, while he is the most hostile of adversaries." (2:204). All prophets/messengers of the Lord God are great human beings chosen by Him, but we are not to make any distinction among them; similarly, the Lord God has chosen the Arabic tongue for the Quran and one has to submit to this truth.
The Muhammadans Are NOT Muslims
Published in November 4, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … In your previous fatwa, in English, titled (Islam and 'Muslims'!), you blame Muslims whom you call as the "Muhammadans"; I beg to differ; you should have also blamed the varieties of 'Islam' which differ as per the many geographic locations and cultures: there are Egyptian, Iranian, American, Saudi...etc. varieties of 'Islam' which never agree with the Quran; this is not to mention the Sufi Islam and the Islam of the Ahmadiyya group/sect.......... What do you think?! … Thank you …
We disagree with your view; Muslims/monotheists are the ones who believe in the Quran as the Only Source of Islam; otherwise, the rest are not Muslims; they are Muhammadans who deify Muhammad and other mortals and cherish other 'holy' books while rejecting the Quran. Unlike non-human creatures in the universe, the human beings are free agents who can choose to (dis)believe and to (dis)obey. Their judgment is postponed; they will be judged later on within the Last Day after the Resurrection. There are no angels who would force people to worship and obey the Lord God. Hence, Islam (i.e., the Quran) as the Lord God's Religion is never responsible for the backwardness of the Muhammadans. Some tyrannical disbelievers like Hitler never ascribed their heinous crimes to the name of the Lord God or to His Religion. In contrast, the sinful four pre-Umayyad caliphs and their likes (i.e., rulers who followed their footsteps) attributed their Arab conquests and the atrocities involved in them (i.e., robbing, arson, rape, enslavement, sabotage, and massacres) to the name of the Lord God and to His Religion. This is the worst, gravest sin. It is committed by Crusaders in the Middle-Ages. Within secularism or laïcité, reformation on all levels has been achieved in Europe, and modern Europe achieved progress, made amends, and rejected erroneous ideology like Nazism. In contrast, tyranny, corruption, and bloodshed continue in the Arab world because of quasi-religious 'justifications' offered by corrupt clergymen of the terrestrial religions of Satan ascribed by force to the name of Islam. Islam (i.e., the Quran only) is the religion of human rights, direct democracy (i.e., Shura), justice, charity, human dignity, peace, righteousness, and absolute religious freedom. This is why we never grow tired of repeating the fact that introducing political and religious reform in the Arab world begins by removing the authority/control and influence of clergymen within the Arab societies; tyrannical rulers control/ride clergymen who in their turn control/ride the masses. Hence, when clergymen lose their political power, tyrants will collapse and be ousted. This is because free citizens who will refuse to obey clergymen will refuse to obey or submit to enthroned tyrants.
A Question of Inheritance
Published in November 4, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … Do the sons of a sister and those of a brother (of a deceased man) inherit shares since the deceased man had no offspring and his siblings died? … Thank you …
This is OK only for the sons of the late brother of the deceased man, (not those of his late sister) as they are the nearest of kin, ONLY in the case when the deceased man has no living brothers/sisters, wife/wives, and parents. If the offspring of the late brother of the deceased man includes sons and daughters, the male receives the equivalent share of two females as per the Quranic inheritance law.
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5130 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 57,289,900 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,458 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,839 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
أسئلة عن : ( بوتين سيقتل بشار ، سوريا وثقافة الاستبداد والاستعباد )
الغزالى حُجّة الشيطان ( الكتاب كاملا )
خاتمة كتاب ( الغزالى حُجّة الشيطان فى كتابه إحياء علوم الدين )
دعوة للتبرع
ابو بكر الزنديق : أتفق معك فى بعض ما قول واختل ف فى البعض . واكثر...
التقية : اثناء قراءت ي في المقا لة المنش ورة في...
ضريبة التركات: هل جائز شرعا ان تفرض الدول ة ضريبة تركات ؟ ...
تكرر التطهر لماذا ؟: لسلام عليكم انا من المنض من الجدد لموقع ك ...
مريم وابنها آية : تبين لي بأن السيد ة مريم حملت بعيسى بطريق ة ...