A Message of New Comers to Our Quranism Website

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2016-11-01


A Message of New Comers to Our Quranism Website


Published in Arabic in July 30, 2016

Translated by: Ahmed Fathy



1- Novices who explore our website usually have the same set of questions, and mostly, they request from us, in their email messages, comments, and via Facebook, answers to so many FAQs that we have already answered several times before, despite our lack of time and effort as we approach the age of 70. Such requests are now being answered by the same response: new comers must read all our writings first, in search for all answers they seek to their questions, before they pose them directly to us.

المزيد مثل هذا المقال :

2- Let us quote an example of such email messages: (… Greetings to you, dear Dr. A. S. Mansour … I hope that you are well … I have spent hard time until I found your email address to pose my questions to you … why do not you specify a location for putting questions of readers … I saw a corner for fatwas, but I got your email address from Dr. Othman Ali … I am a new Quranist, but I have many questions that I want to be permitted to put you … shall I put all my queries in one email message or in several ones? … here's some of my queries:

1- In a video of your speech addressed to Hudson Institute, you have mentioned that Abou Hanifa and Muhammad Abdou were pioneer Quranists, how come? Did not both men follow the Sunnite doctrine?!

2- The late Rashad Khalifa in his book mentions that one is never to mention names of anyone during five daily prayers, and you have expressed the same view in your writings and videos, but what about praying for others and mentioning their names to beseech God to grant their wishes for them?!

3- What is your views about Edip Yüksel who insists that daily prayers are three instead of five?! Are the likes of him considered infidels?!

4- Why do you sometimes in your videos use the phrase ''Muhammad (or the Prophet) peace be upon him'' instead of the usual commonly used phrase: "peace and blessings of God are upon him"? Is the latter phrase wrong? Why?

5- How did you formulated the view that in case of not finding water, one is to touch a chair, a wall, or a kerchief to clean one's arms and face before prayers?!

6- It is often been said that the Quran could be recited in seven ways of recitals, is this true?

 I am sorry for posing so many queries, and I thank you in advance for your effort and time …).


Firstly: we affirm here that the sender of this letter is very welcome, and we respond as follows.


1- Since you are a novice, we do not think you have read all our writings on our website; if you had, you would have noticed that all your questions have been answered frequently before in thousands of our previous articles, fatwas, researches, and books. Typically, new comers' queries are never new to us; they are repeated hundreds of times, and that is why we advise everyone to spend months reading our archive first – to save us our breath our time – and to gain much intellectual benefit. Without exaggerations, most of FAQs will find answers if one diligently reads our entire archive. Such reading is worth the pains and time of readers; they will be qualified to be  Quranist researchers eventually.

2- However, we respond to the above questions briefly below.

2/1: Abou Hanifa never believed any single hadith scribed to Muhammad at all; he asserted that the existence of 'true' hadiths is impossible and that Muhammad could have never uttered such nonsensical phrases. Abou Hanifa affirmed, as per historians writings about him, that fabricated hadiths with their series of narrators are reflection of the era of the narrator(s) or fabricator(s), which has nothing to do with Muhammad. We urge you to read our research titled ''The Thought School of the Imam Muhammad Abdou between Egypt and Tunisia'', and after reading it, you will realize that M. Abdou was the very first contemporary scholar to undermine and refute the Sunnite religion, by declaring the truth which was hidden and buried for ten centuries; namely, all hadiths are pure fabrications of narrators that cannot be possibly true. Not a single one of them is real or genuine; they all reflect surmise and conjecture and not absolute verity. Besides, Abou Hanifa in his views about interpreting Quranic verses denied Sunnite deep-seated myths such as the so-called intercession of Muhammad in the afterlife and the myth of Muhammad's ability to predict and foretell the unseen or future events.

2/2:  Prayers are to be dedicated to God alone; to glorify, mention, remember the Almighty alone; we, Quranists, deny the testimonies uttered by the Sunnites that mention mortals, prophets and others, and we have authored an article proving how Malik, one of the Sunnite deities, forged the Sunnite testimonies of prayers; we advise you to read our book titled "Prayers in the Quran" as well. We assert in it, among other things, that believers seek refuge in God from Satan/devils before prayers and before reading the Quran, as devils try hard to distract worshippers. Likewise, one is not to glorify mortals, prophets included, during prayers. But you can pray and implore God for the sake of someone's wishes and requests while you perform prayers, as this is NOT deemed as glorification of mortals. God's remembrance in prayers means that one glorifies God alone, with no one beside Him; this is the meaning of the phrase "God is the Greatest" in the beginning of every prayer of the five daily prayers and in the call to prayers.

2/3: In our website, we have two conditions to allow members to publish comments and articles: 1) never to mention any hadiths, except to discuss and refute them using logic and the Quran to prove hadiths as never part of Islam, and 2) never to deny Quranic facts and tenets. The second condition here means Quranic facts of Islam such as the five daily prayers, fasting during the month of Ramadan, zakat alms charity, spending money for God's cause, and pilgrimage. We have published many books and articles covering such topics as per Quranic verses and to refute and deny distortions to them by the Muhammadans past and present. Besides, our fatwas section contains many answers to FAQs, especially in relation to five daily prayers. We never accept in our website those who claim that Islamic daily prayers are less than five. We respect everyone's religious freedom, especially those who contradict our faith in Quranism, but God alone will settle our differences in the Last Day. We never declare living people as 'apostates' or 'infidels'; rather, we prove how some past and present actions, deeds, notions, and words are against Islam (i.e., the Quran alone), hoping to make people repent. While Wahabi Sunnites declare non-Sunnites as infidels to persecute or possibly kill persons, applying their horrid notion of penalty of apostasy (i.e., putting 'infidels' to death), a notion we refuted in an early book of ours published on our website.

2/4: Please read our two articles about refuting the notion of uttering blessings to glorify Muhammad, and how this contradict the Quran, as we have explained years ago.

2/5: Please read our previous fatwas and articles about how to get clean before prayers in case of lack of water, and how we refuted Sunnite views in using dust or sand; we maintain that one is to touch with both hands a high location, like walls for instance, and to move hands about one's face and arms only. This is in case one could not find water to perform ablution before prayers.

2/6: We categorically refuse the phenomenon of singing the Quranic verses within the so-called seven methods of recital; we see such corrupt practice as mocking the Quran and a barrier to prevent contemplating and pondering the verses. To read the Quran is to reflect upon its verses slowly seeking guidance and understanding from God; this is the only way to read the Quran for Quranists. We have numerous articles covering that point. Most of our books, articles, and video sermons revolve around the Quran itself. Methods of recital are cursed singing and mocking of Quranic verses, and such methods were invented during the Abbasid era, never known before that era, and never practiced by Prophet Muhammad.                



1- We have outlines our methodology in the article titled ''Constitution of Quranists'' (in Arabic and in English), and in the main webpage of our website, we have a section titled "Salient Articles" (in Arabic) prepared to orient novices who browse the website for the very first time.

2- The entire archive of ours (in Arabic) is found as well on the Modern Discussion website (www.ahewar.org) which is a Leftist, Marxist site that aim at introducing religious reforms and criticisms, among other aims of spreading Marxist culture and ideology. Moreover, the following links contain most of our archive of books and articles (in Arabic) to download them for free. Please spread such links all over cyberspace to enlighten others:








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للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
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