عثمان محمد علي في الخميس ١٩ - مارس - ٢٠٠٩ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً
Traditions and Transformations:
Tourism, Heritage and Cultural Change in the Middle East and Northمقالات متعلقة :
- My speech in the University (UEA) 25/11/2016
- My Speech in city council in Norwich on 13/09
- The Ability to Renounce: You Either Worship God Alone or Be a Slave to your Fancies
- Messengers and Prophets of Africa, China, India, the Two Americas, and Australia
- PART XII: The Polytheists Denied and Disbelieved in the Book and in the Quranic Verses and Not in Muhammad as a Person
- Questions and answers about (Geller), ( Siddiques ) and ( ISIS)
- Egyptian President Al Sisi deceive the whole world
- The Israelites and Moses in Post-Pharaoh Egypt, and Quaroon between the Might and the Truth
- The Israelites and the Muhammadans between Favor and Disfavor
Africa Region
4-7 April 2009, Amman, Jordan
Dear List Members
The Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change (CTCC) is pleased to let you
know that the conference programme for the above conference is now
available online at http://www.tourism-culture.com/news_2.html
You will also find further information such as the registration form on
this website.
Best regards
Daniela Carl
Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change
Leeds Metropolitan University
Forthcoming Events
Human Rites and City Lights:
Balancing Socio-Cultural, Artistic, Tourism and Commercial Dimensions of
18 - 20 March 2009, Bratislava, Slovakia
Traditions and Transformations:
Tourism, Heritage and Cultural Change in the Middle East and North
Africa Region
4-7 April 2009, Amman, Jordan
Resorting to the Coast:
Tourism, Heritage and Cultures of the Seaside
25-29 June 2009, Blackpool, United Kingdom
11th Royal Anthropological Institute International Festival of
Ethnographic Film
1-4 July 2009, Leeds, United Kingdom
Emotion in Motion:
The Passions of Tourism, Travel and Movement
4-7 July 2009, Leeds, United Kingdom
New MA Course
MA Cultural Tourism
For more information please go to www.tourism-culture.com
To view the terms under which this email is distributed, please go to
full-time or visiting position in Political Science with a particular emphasis on Research Methods.
the study of Islam and Muslims at the Al-Maktoum Institute, Dundee, Scotland.
Call for abstracts- Islam and Bioethics
A full time temporary faculty: Middle Eastern History and Islam, California State University
New Generation of Advocates Program - Egypt
The University of Mississippi
conference on the the Qur'an and the Bible.
"The Obama Administration's Foreign Policy: Is It What Was Expected?"
بلاغ صحفي
Tackling NATO’s Challenges
Global Islam in Everyday America
جيل جديد من المدافعين
Assistant or Associate Professor Muslim Societies
Traditions and Transformations
Lectureship in Islamic Studies and Arabic
Project on Middle East Democracy
Egyptian Organizations Meeting
دعوة للتبرع
عالم الغيب والشهادة: اسال عن قول الله سبحان ه وتعال ى ( إِنْ...
الأعياد: لقد قلتم فى فتوى لكم سابقة أن الأعي اد صناعة...
حفيظ / حافظ : ما معنى حفيظ قرآني ا ؟ وما الفرق بينها وبين...
دليل صدق القرآن: ما هي الأدل ة العقل ية علي صدق القرآ ن و ما هي...
القلب السليم: ورد اصطلا ح « القلب السلي م » في القرآ ن ...