Fatwas: Part Forty-Six

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2017-07-15


Fatwas: Part Forty-Six

Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy


A Way for Success

Published in July 12, 2017


Question: …  Dear Sir, … Sadly, I use the Facebook chat and webcam to talk about heterosexuality and homosexuality … I feel than I am a bisexual 21-year-old man; I am a university student by the way, from a very respectable family in our city … I have not lost my virginity with a woman or with a man until now, because I fear God … I am too timid to resort to psychiatric help; I feel addicted to sex chat now! Any advice? … Thank you …     


 You have to be bent on repentance and insist on keeping it; you can easily choose to control yourself; this is the way for success in everything in life; you must gain self-control and self-restraint. You are still young; do not give way to whims and desires, as this will hinder you from achieving anything remarkable in your lifetime. It will be hard at first to adhere to uprightness and high moralistic level, but you owe this to yourself and self-respect. You have a duty toward yourself; focus on your university studies and your Quranist culture by reading our archive and archives of other Quranist writers on our website. Be honest to yourself and make your conscience clear. Pray regularly on a daily basis and never miss any of the five daily prayers. Begin this today, at this very instant. Focus on being among the winners in the Hereafter who will enter Paradise. For further details, please read our articles (in English) on these links:








"He who perfected everything He created..." (32:7)

Published in July 13, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, … God says in the Quran:"He who perfected everything He created..." (32:7) and "...and He designed you, and designed you well..." (64:3); yet, why some people are born handicapped or with chronic illnesses, disfigured features, and so on?!  … Thank you  …  


  The verses you mention refers to beauty in life on this Earth, in human beings and in animals and other creatures of God, from the nucleus, electrons, and cell to planets, galaxies, and stars, and also human beings and Barsakh metaphysical realm. Of course, beauty and design are noticeable in all creatures of God. "And the livestock-He created them for you. In them are warmth and benefits for you, and of them you eat. And there is beauty in them for you, when you bring them home, and when you drive them to pasture." (16:5-6); "He who perfected everything He created..." (32:7); "We created man in the best design." (95:4); "...nor can you exchange them for other wives, even if you admire their beauty..." (33:52). 






Performing Missed Prayers

Published in July 11, 2017




Question: …  Dear Sir, … I have reached the age of 50 months ago; I have recently begun to perform daily prayers since I converted to Quranism; the problem is that I stopped performing prayers since I was 21 years old; I feel very much ashamed of myself for my carelessness and indifference of the past years … Becoming a Quranist is the best thing that ever occurred to me in my life; but how am I going to atone for 30 years of never praying?! Am I to perform all the lost prayers?! Or is it enough that I attain piety now while I pray in the fear of our Lord God? What if I died before I perform all lost prayers?! Will God punish me for this in the Hereafter? I am afraid and very much worried; any advice?  … Thank you very much for taking the time to answer my question …


 Of course, you must perform every single prayers that you have missed and you must count them very well, if possible. "...The prayer is obligatory for believers at specific times." (4:103). This verse shows that prayers is like debts you owe to our Lord God, and these debts must be settled by you; missed prayers are not deleted or omitted because they were due years ago. Prayers are like Zakat paid for your time on earth; God gave you 24 hours a day, and the five daily prayers take about 30 minutes daily. Satan and devils make you imagine that performing missed prayers may be extremely difficult and that your heart and mind will be distracted during prayers so as not to attain piety. The devils make you imagine that since you started performing prayers, your past sins are forgiven: this is not true and makes prayers a way to go on sinning for the rest of your life. Be a really pious man who seeks to please God and perform all missed prayers regularly. Time spent before PCs and TVs in one's lifetime is more than the time specified for prayers. You can pray two additional prayers with each of the five daily ones till you feel that you have performed them all as per your own calculations; be honest with yourself and think of Paradise: the Eternal Abode for the pious ones. This performance of missed prayers will not take more than one hour daily; this is not difficult if you really seek repentance. Performance of prayers will bring you peace of mind; if you die before you perform all missed prayers, rest assured that God the Omniscient knows your sincerity and serious intention, and He will forgive you as He forgives all sincere repentant ones with His Mercy and Compassion.       






We Never Discuss the Metaphysical Realm

Published in July 10, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … I feel overjoyed to have come across your great website of Quranism … My question pertains to Adam and Eve; how come their children who were siblings got married to each other? Is not incest prohibited in Islam? … Thank you …     


  We are never to discuss the metaphysical realm aspects; we are only to accept and believe in the Quranic facts about these aspects as part of the Quranic Absolute Truth.





Not Prohibited

Published in July 10, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … If my seminal fluid is going to be used to impregnate the ovum of another woman in the laboratory and then this ovum is planted into my wife's womb, is it OK as far as Quranism is concerned? This is my only hope to have a child! But I do not want to commit a sin unawares … Thank you …        


 It is not prohibited at all; it is as if the baby will have two mothers: the one who donate her ovum and the one who carry the fetus and deliver the baby by childbirth, and the father anyway is one: you. Rest assured that it is OK to do so; this is as if a wet nurse is brought to your baby (i.e., to breastfeed it for two years) delivered by your wife. God bless you and grant you progeny.  





Smashing Idols

Published in July 10, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … Since Abraham smashed idols worshipped by his people, is it OK for ISIS to smash statues and for Taliban to smash Buddha statues? … Thank you …    


 Of course not; Quranic stories are NEVER a source of Quranic sharia legislations and laws. The Quranic verses regarding sharia laws contain the command to avoid idols/deities and mausoleums made holy by their worshippers; this avoidance does NOT mean to smash or destroy them, but it means never to get near them.  





Self-Defense Fighting

Published in July 13, 2017




Question:  … Dear Sir, … Is the verse 2:190 linked to 2:244? How? … Thank you …         


 God says in the Quran: "And fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not commit aggression; God does not love the aggressors." (2:190); "Fight in the cause of God, and know that God is Hearing and Knowing." (2:244). The Quranic verses explain one another; fighting for God's cause means to fight and resist those who attack us first, in cases of self-defense only. Indeed, the verse 2:190 is the general rule that governs all verses about fighting; 2:244 adds the notion of piety and to bear in our minds that God is Omnipresent and Omniscient. This means that no transgressions by pious ones are allowed during self-defense: "The sacred month for the sacred month; and sacrilege calls for retaliation. Whoever commits aggression against you, retaliate against him in the same measure as he has committed against you. And be conscious of God, and know that God is with the righteous." (2:194).   






God Is The Light

Published in July 11, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, …  The difference between light of the sun and that of the moon is referred to in the Quran with the implied fact that the surface of the moon reflects light of the sun, whereas the sun emits its own light; yet, God describes Himself as the Light of the heavens and the Earth; how come? How can we imagine or understand this? Does God emit light or reflecting it?! I'm confused; the Quran is supposed to be without contradictions, but I cannot understand this point … What do you think? …Thank you …   


 Please read our book on how to understand the Quran; we have mentioned in it that metaphoric language is used in the Quranic text in relation to God, His Epithets, and His deeds, as well as in relation to the Hereafter. Thus, God describes Himself as the Light of the heavens and the Earth in a figure of speech; even the Quran, the Gospel, and the Torah are described in the Quran as (Light). This is a figure of speech denoting guidance, unlike the physical meaning of light.   




More About the Light

Published in July 12, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … I quite understand the metaphorical style and figures of speech in the Quranic text, and I am well aware that God is like nothing on Earth or in the universe He created; I meant by my question about (God is the Light) is that God is the source of all things in the universe as its Creator and Originator; but I was wondering about why God uses physical items like light in the figure of speech about Himself in the verse 24:35 … In fact, I'd like you, Dr. Mansour, to use your methodology to trace the usage of the term (light) and its derivations in the Quranic text …Thank you …   


 Thank you, our dear brother, and wait for our article on that topic; we are going to make you a writer on our website; hopefully, you will abide by conditions of writing on our Quranism website and share your thoughts and ponderings with us. Bear in mind that all views on our website are viewpoints that need corrections. May God help all of us in our Quranist intellectual endeavors.





Visiting Graveyards

Published in September 16, 2009



Question: …  Dear Sir, … Is it OK to visit the graveyard of one's family in feasts and certain occasions? Is it OK to recite the Quran there or the souls of the dead ones? … Thank you …      


  What is absolutely prohibited is to visit and worship at mausoleums perceived as 'holy' and asking for help and aid of entombed 'saints'; this is sheer polytheism done at Al-Hussein and Al-Sayeda mosques in Cairo, Egypt, and in the Yathreb mosque where some people wrongly assume that they must worship at a mausoleum there dedicated to Muhammad. It is OK to visit your family graveyard to draw lessons from the fact that life is transient and death is inevitable; yet, you must bear in mind that the dead do not feel anything or get any benefit from such visits. The dead souls are in Barsakh in a state of deep slumber and their bodies are turned to dust. Their degree in Hell or Paradise is determined upon the moment of their death when angels took their souls, and the dying person is notified by this final verdict upon dying, as per the Quran. It is useless to recite the Quran in graveyards, and offering prayers to the souls of the dead never benefits them, as this is beneficial only to the living person who does this. Thank you for your good question. 





Quranism YouTube Channel

Published in July 14, 2017


Question: …  Dear Sir, … I wish you would focus on producing more YouTube videos more than articles … Subtitling them into English is a great idea, by the way; thank you and keep up the great work … Most people are too lazy to read your huge archive, and besides, I fear that after your death, people might ascribe to you views and fatwas you never expressed; even Muhammad was unjustly insulted by ascribing hadiths to him after his death, you know … Thank you for leading us to the Quranic Truth …         



 We are actually working on the project of producing 1000 episodes of our program titled "Quranic Moments"; all videos are being subtitled into English. We hope we get enough financial aid to go on producing them. Your turn and mission as a Quranist is to spread links of such videos (and our articles) into cyberspace to raise people's awareness about Qurnaism as True Islam. Please like and share our videos of "Exposing Salafism" and the Friday sermons; all of them are subtitled into English now. Sadly, Wahabis, our foes, control thousands of websites and hundreds of satellite TV channels; in contrast, we personally have one website and one YouTube channel, and the latter is rarely watched; please spread links of our videos via social media. Our modest endeavor needs propagation by making each Quranist spend 30 minutes daily to spread links within cyberspace; this voluntary endeavor will make a huge difference indeed. Thank you.   





Not Prohibited

Published in July 14, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it OK for adults and kids to watch animation and graphics cartoons? What if they contain ideas against our culture and religion?! …Thank you …


 It is not prohibited at all; prohibited items are the ones mentioned as such in the Quran. No one is to prohibit anything without a Quranic verse to assert this prohibition. Please read more on our archive of writings; raising Quranist awareness of kids will make them never be influenced by 'harmful' ideas in cartoons and any other shows.





Buying Our Books

Published in July 14, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … I'd like to order copies from your great books to buy them and have the delivered at my door, but how? Are printed copies of them available apart from online free ones? … Thank you …     


 Thank you, but no printed editions are available of our works; they are available for free online on our website, in English and in Arabic, and one can download the Arabic ones for free within this link by our Quranist friend Mr. Amin Rifaat, may God reward him:







Trouble and Unrest

Published in February 9, 2015



Question: …  Dear Sir, … I live in Jordan, and everyone is afraid that ISIS terrorists might invade our country one day; our monarchy regime of thieves is bent on stifling any reform of all types, especially religious reform; people are afraid that the terrorist MB group might replace the Jordanian king and wreak havoc in Jordan! I take pride in being a Quranist like you and so are my family members, but we never show it in public for fear of persecution by Wahabis … What do you think? … Thank you …   


  Sadly, in the Middle East, the choice is between the worse (the current regimes) and the worst (Wahabi terrorists like ISIS, Salafists, and MB). Within the Arab military regimes, they might collapse and be replaced by hateful theocrats, or that civil wars might erupt suddenly and lead to the collapse  and division of the given State. Such bleak future is looming ahead; yet, we are optimistic and feel that within one decade, Wahabism will be defeated and a new generation of Arabs will emerge that will get rid of Wahabism/Salafism and the culture of slaves and to be ready to struggle and sacrifice all for the sake of Quranic higher values of peace, tolerance, justice, mercy, equality, human rights, and human dignity. 





Do Not Divorce your Wife

Published in December 15, 2015



Question: … Dear Sir, …  I've been married for four years and I have a three-year-old daughter, but the problems persisting between me and my wife resulted in my sexual disliking of her; I never desire her sexually now; for the past year, I never had sex with her except twice. I feel repulsed by the idea of having to copulate with her; but when I think of divorcing her, I remember this verse and change my mind: "...And live with them in kindness. If you dislike them, it may be that you dislike something in which God has placed much good. " (4:19). I never told my wife that I dislike her sexually so as not to hurt her feelings; I feel that it is my moral duty to keep her as my wife for the sake of my daughter, but could I marry a second wife to get my sexual gratification? My wife is bearing patiently with me and never complained since I forsook her bed a year ago; she even told me that she agrees that I may marry another woman …  Any advice? … Thank you …      


 Do not divorce your wife; she seems to be a noble woman. You can marry another woman but this comes with its problems; what if you hates her sexually as well?! Bear in mind that your innocent daughter must be reared and raised in a wholesome atmosphere of a loving family. I feel bound to tell you that you might seek psychiatrist help or marriage counseling. Your problem is a temporary one; you might find many solution to regain and rekindle your passion and love toward your wife. You must solve your problems with her and talk to her honestly so that both of you save your marriage. Bear patiently with her and she must so the same with you; no one is perfect; spouses must accept each other's good qualities and bad features and remember the former to bear patiently with the latter. We think you will never achieve happiness in a second marriage if you choose to marry a second woman. Be frank with your wife and work things out with her. We are sure you married her for a good reason. May God help you. Accept out wishes for your health and happiness.    





Putting Hypocrites to Death

Published in February 15, 2015


Question: … Dear Sir, … Does the verse 33:61 implies putting hypocrites to death as some Salafist assert?! … Thank you  …  


 Not at all; God says in the Quran: "They are cursed; wherever they are found, they should be captured and killed outright." (33:61). This is in the context of those hypocrites who raise arms against peaceful Muslims in acts of violence and treachery and in battlefields when aggressors attack and persecute peaceful believers. Peaceful hypocrites who feign being Muslims are to be left alone in peace, even if they conspire against other people. we are only to fight only in self-defense those who fight us first as per this verse: "And fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not commit aggression; God does not love the aggressors." (2:190). This is military jihad in Islam: self-defense in cases of being attacked. The other types of jihad is the intellectual, peaceful one by proselytizing the Quran; this was done by Muhammad when he was in Mecca; see 9:73, 25:52, and 66:9. 






Published in January 7, 2015



Question: …  Dear Sir, … Have you read books of the Kurdish Muslim thinker Mustapha Ibrahim Al-Zilemy? He is a graduate of Al-Azhar and he works as a professor in Baghdad University, teaching sharia laws … He rejects Sunna hadiths and he authored a 24-volume book and he has many ideas like yours related to Quranism: this is the link for all his PDF books:...... …Thank you …


 Thank you for introducing to us this great, enlightened thinker; we hope to make his acquaintance one day. We feel happy that the train of enlightenment is launched and no one would dare to stop it. we wish you and him all the best. 






Impassable Boundary

Published in May 24, 2015



Question: …  Dear Sir, … What is the meaning of the expression (impassable boundary), mentioned twice in one Quranic Chapter; namely, in 25:22 and 25:53? … Thank you …     


  God says in the Quran: "And it is He who merged the two seas; this one fresh and sweet, and that one salty and bitter; and He placed between them a barrier, and an impassable boundary." (25:53). This refers to the never mixing between river water and sea/ocean water when the former . This is linked to the "barrier" mentioned in these verses: "He merged the two seas, converging together. Between them is a barrier, which they do not overrun." (55:19-20). The other usage in 25:22 refers to (Barsakh), the metaphysical location where souls of the dead enter after dying and they can no longer communicate with the living persons on Earth; this verse is about the dying sinners wishing in vain (once they see angels of death telling them about their fate in Hell) that their souls would return to their bodies to repent from their disbelief and blasphemy: "On the Day when they see the angels-there will be no good news for sinners on that Day; and they will say, "There is no return from this impassable boundary!"" (25:22). This is the fate of all tyrants on Earth who commit evil and injustices; they will justly reside in Hell for their sins and their rejection of God's Quranic laws.       





Shall I seek Divorce from My Husband?

Published in September 30, 2014




Question: … Dear Sir, … I need your immediate advice; I'm from Cairo, Egypt, and I've been married two years ago to a man in Upper Egypt, and we live now in Asyut Governorate; there was not much love in this marriage; he was the first man to propose to me and I accepted him … To ease matters for him as he had no enough money, I gave up making a wedding party and wore no expensive wedding dress … Instead of getting gold bracelets, rings, and other ornaments with the agreed-upon total sum of LE 15.000, I agreed to the total sum of LE 5000 … Yet, I expected a happy honeymoon in any Egyptian sea-side resort, as he promised me, but we ended up traveling straight to his hometown in Asyut! … I bear patiently with his being miserly and an inveterate liar, because of my one-year-old baby-son, but the real calamity is that he wasted all his inherited money and then some of the inherited shares of his brothers! I feel I am married to a swindler! He never fulfilled any promises to me; he even vowed to slaughter a calf in sacrifice to God if he had a baby-boy, and he did not do it after I delivered my baby! I demanded the rest of my money of the dowry and gold ornaments, but he refused to admit to the fact that he owes me money; he is miserly and stingy at home, but he spends lavishly on himself, not on the household, me, or his baby-boy! Do you think I should file for a divorce and return home to Cairo? …Thank you …    


  As per your words, your husband has an appetite to confiscate rights of others; this is very dangerous and evil trait if left unreformed and uncorrected. God will take revenge from him if he goes on that way. You can cede your money and dues and repudiate him within the (Khole' law) in Egypt (i.e., repudiation/divorce for women in return for ceding their financial dues to their ex-husbands). You do not feel safe with such a man who might endanger your life and your baby's life. But do not leave your home suddenly without notice to return to Cairo. Try at first to talk with him about your problems with him and try to compromise and reach a solution if possible. Sadly, if things went bad, you can file for a divorce, bearing in mind that masculine, patriarchal societies blame women for divorce and leaving their household; divorced women are looked upon with frowning unfriendly eyes nowadays and people assume they are husband-hunting; are you ready to face such look? Think of your child and his future before taking any decision. You did not mention to us in your letter here that your husband have any redeeming qualities or not. Does he treat you well or not? Think of his other good qualities if there are any. Can he be corrected and reformed some day with diligent efforts on his part and yours? Money is not everything; your happiness and that of your baby-boy are far more important. Settle your own problems with your husband in the best possible manner and do not focus with his troubles with others. May God help you reach the right decision. God bless and protect you.       





Mubarak's Era

Published in July 21, 2009



Question: … Dear Sir, …  Reading your interview with the BBC Arabic, I feel surprised that you've mentioned that the only good thing in Mubarak's era is granting the State Award for Dr. Sayed Al-Qemany … But this era has its other positive items too: the metro underground stations, advancements in telecomm and internet, roads, routes, flyovers, and means of transportation, etc. … Thank you …   


  What you mention is natural results of advancement made in the West and introduced to Egypt and the third world; even grand projects in Egypt are made by foreigners. The military regime of 1952 coup inherited good projects and achievements of royal epoch in Egypt of liberalism (e.g., the parliament, political life, grand buildings, civil laws, great arts, literature, etc.). this modernization of Egypt began by the king Muhammad Ali Pacha and his son the Khedive Ismail. Nasser in the 1950s and 1960s introduced some good items, but he was a tyrant that persecuted and incarcerated all opposition voices. Since 1970s and onwards, Egyptian artistic, cultural, religious, economic, and political life are deteriorating because of Wahabism and infiltrating agents of the KSA in all aspects of Egypt. Corruption dominates everything as a result of Mubarak's tyranny, a tyranny worse than that of Sadat and Nasser. The corruption made Al-Azhar loyal to the KSA and its Wahabism and not to Egypt; thus, religious terrorism is being propagated systematically in education curricula and in media. The military regime in Egypt is the blame for all corruption in all fields in Egypt, especially when experts in all fields of specialization are chased away to be replaced by incompetent people loyal to military generals and leaders. Immediate reform on all levels is needed, especially religious reform so that Quranism (i.e., True Islam) replaces Wahabism that causes terrorism and obscurantism and maintains the status quo of corruption and tyranny.        

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