Fatwas Part Fifty-Six

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2017-10-03

Fatwas Part Fifty-Six

Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy


Arabs and Slavery

Published in September 25, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … Why Arabs of the Middle-Ages are accused of encouraging the slave-trade for centuries? Did Arab help moving the enslaved African men and women into the North American continent? …Thank you …    


 We refer you to our book (in English) titled "Slavery: A Fundamental Historical Overview" found on this link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=87 , but we briefly assert the following. Slavery and slave-merchants existed worldwide in the Old-Ages and the Middle-Ages; e.g., in Arabia, China, Persia, and the Roman Empire, and Arabs had slaves until the Ottoman Era. Some empires needed to enslave men to train them to be military soldiers, as done by the Abbasids, Fatimids, and the Ottomans, who brought slaves from Asia Minor, Middle-Asia, and Europe and the few ones from the East of Africa caused what is came to be known as the Zanj Rebellion (Zanj means black slaves) in the Second Abbasid Era. Some while male slaves reached power, like the Mamelukes in Egypt and the Levant, who were formerly enslaved and bought by the Ayyubid dynasty. Many military leaders who controlled the weak Abbasid caliphs were white slaves originally. The weak Ottoman caliphs were controlled by the Janissaries (i.e., white slaves trained as soldiers who later on became powerful military leaders), while Europeans were modernized enough to abolish slavery. Some African tribesmen captured other men and women of other tribes to be sold into slavery and shipped to the two Americas, and Arabs at the time were enslaved by being colonized by European powers (GB, France, Italy, etc.), and they are now enslaved by military regimes and monarchs within dictatorships and tyranny, without any mercy at all.     






Psychology and Psychiatry

Published in September 25, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, … I wonder that souls of human beings can be studied by the so-called psychology; is it a pseudoscience? Some extremist fatwas issued recently assert this view, but what about psychiatry which is a branch of medicine? … What do you think? … Thank you …  


 We tend to think that both branches,psychology and psychiatry, do not study the human soul; rather, they study motives, stimuli, mental illnesses, etc. that influence the human brain. Souls cannot be empirically studied or even seen, though they penetrate the whole of the cells of human bodies.  






Good Intentions, Again!

Published in September 26, 2017




Question: …  Dear Sir, … I shall not understand why you have attacked and ridiculed the hadith of good intentions before performing any deeds? Why could not you believe in good hadiths, if there are any like this one? … Thank you …


 For further details about the so-called intentions, we refer readers to this article in English: "The Hadith (Saying) of Deeds Are Considered By Intention" (on this link on our website: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=14019). We remind you, our dear son, that Quranists never believe in any hadith/discourses or narratives beside the Quran. The term intentions is never mentioned in the Quran at all; besides, evil intent ins and good ones are both inside every human being, and God the Omniscient knows the real motives of human behavior. God in the Quran warns those who are willing to cause harm or commit sacrilege; this willingness is not mere intentions, but the desire to act in an evil way. As per the Quranic Chapter 39, belief and acts of worship are to be dedicated entirely and wholly to God; this means 100%. If you devote even less than 1% of your belief in other 'sanctified' or 'holy' books authored by mortals, beside your belief in the Quran as God's Word, you are a polytheist. Likewise, those who belief in hadiths are polytheists who deify Muhammad as a legislator beside God, and he is innocent of such hadiths. The same applies to those who deify fiqh scholars of the past and present and sanctify their views as if they were absolute facts/truths. Thus, polytheistic Muhammadans worship at the mausoleum's dedicated to Muhammad in the Yathreb mosque and assume he were alive till now and for eternity and put his name in the testimony of Islam, making it a dual one instead of one of monotheism; Shiites make it a triple testimony by adding the names of Ali and Muhammad beside the name of God: Allah. Muhammadans glorify the name of Muhammad beside God in prayers instead of uttering the true testimony of 3:18. Polytheists deify Muhammad being making him a supreme deify in full control of the Last Day, thinking he would intercede on their behalf to get them out of Hell, a myth refuted in this verse addressed to Muhammad: "What about someone who has deserved the sentence of torment? Is it you who can save those in the Fire?" (39:19). You are to choose between being a monotheistic Quranist, who seek to be among the winning Muslims on the Last Day, or to be a polytheistic Muhammad. You must let go of your belief in the imaginary figure named Muhammad created by Sunnites as an eternal deity. The only real historical Muhammad is found in the Quran exclusively. Those who believe in Sunnite (or Shiite and Sufi) sanctified and hallowed tomes, volumes and books are disbelieving in the Quran at the same time.          





Those Knowledgeable Ones

Published in September 26, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … Does the Quranic terms "knowledge" and "knowledgeable/learned persons" refers to clergymen who are pious and true monotheists?! What do you think? … Thank you …    


  We refer you to our article in English (on this link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/show_article.php?main_id=17249) about the difference between corrupt clergymen (as Islam knows no concept of clergymen at all, of course) and the pious, learned, knowledgeable ones who gained deeper level of understanding of the Quran, and how this is available for anyone who can ponder and research it in a scientific, academic way. 'Pious' or 'monotheistic' clergy cannot exist at all. There is no clergymen in the Quranist religion of monotheism (i.e., real Islam) as there are no mediators between human beings and God. Besides, all clergymen of all types (Muhammadans and non-Muhammadans) are spreading lies and falsehoods about God and conceal the Truth of monotheism. The Muhammadan clergymen conceal the Quranic Truth and meanings of verses to misguide others on purpose, so that these obsequious clergymen gain much money and please tyrannical rulers. There is no such a thing as 'Islamic' clergymen or even women clergy. Thank you.   






God is Peace

Published in September 27, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … I dislike your article about (My Brethren/Brother in Humanity) … I think it is OK to say that there are brethren who share the same faith in God/Allah, and I tend to feel that this article of yours is filled with contradictory ideas … Thank you …      


 The link to this article on our website (in English) is here: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=17264   This article of ours is not contradicting anything of our previous Quranist articles, books, and ideas; all peaceful human beings are brothers/brethren in peace; since Peace is one of the Holy Epithets of God, the peaceful ones are Muslims in terms of behavior, as God commands us to adhere to peace; see 2:208. Yet, it is sinful to say brothers/brethren in God/Allah because of the negative indications of sects or strange groups never authorized in Islam (i.e., the Quran), as God commands us never to be divided into strange sects and doctrines; see 3:103. Besides, no two men or two women have the exact degree/amount of faith/belief.






A Book on Quranist Marriage

Published in September 27, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … Why do not you write a book (for the future generation of Quranists) about the Quranist marriage? …Thank you …   


 There is no need for it; the problem is that most people are too busy/lazy to read our entire archive of writings. It is enough for anyone to read and ponder deeply on our fatwas regarding this topic and our article about divorce (in English) titled "Contradictions in Divorce Legislations between The Quran and The Sunnite Jurisprudence", on this link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=15977





God the Generous

Published in September 28, 2017




Question:  … Dear Sir, … How come that "The Generous" is part of the Divine/Holy Epithets of our Lord God? I think generosity is a human trait only … What do you think? …Thank you …         


 You are mistaken; God uses descriptions and adjectives used by humans to describe Himself figuratively in the Quran to make us understand and grasp. Of course, generosity of the Lord God is not like that of human beings. For further information that will answer your query, we refer you to our article in English titled "Quranic Terminology: Generosity/ Generous/ Generously", found on this link http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=17298






Specializing in Traditional Books

Published in September 28, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … I dislike the fact that you do not read books of non-Quranist reformist thinkers among Arabs of today; why do not you do that to enrich your own knowledge and to get to know their ideas to refute or support these ideas/notions at least?!… Thank you …   


  We specialize in traditional books of history and religion of Sufis and Sunnites since our Azharite studies till we have obtained our PhD degree; of course, we oppose such books as they contradict the Quran (and our religion of real Islam: Quranism). We are like a doctor who specializes in certain ailments and we do not like them. As for the thinkers of today you are telling us about, they are still 'amateurs' who never read or analyzed the amount of books we have read and never authored books like the ones we have authored. Besides, they are still convinced with a silly idea that hadiths might be sifted. This very ideas means that hadiths are NEVER revealed by God in the first place and we do not need them at all. To believe partially in 'some' hadiths is to reject the entire Quranic text. There is no medial or in-between position. Besides, if you read our entire archive, you will notice that we have written in politics, economy, and world history, and religion within unprecedented ideas that link and weave ideas within interdisciplinary method more than any other Arab writer. We have even refuted many Jewish and Christian  traditional ideas.






Dowry of Wives

Published in September 29, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … How much should I pay as a dowry for my fiancée when I get married to her? Am I to allow traditions of the day within our country to control this matter as commonly done by society?   … Thank you …   


 Dowries are to be paid based on the mutual agreement between the man and the woman without interference of others at all.






No Inheritance for You

Published in September 29, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, … My paternal aunt died recently, and she has no children, but my late father was her only brother (they have the same parents); she has living half-brothers and half-sisters from her late father (my grandpa) … The question is as follows: am I to inherit her along with half-brothers and half-sisters or not? … Thank you …      


 You have no right at all to inherit any shares from her wealth since your father died before her death; only her half-brothers and half-sisters should inherit her as per shares imposed on the Quranic law. 






Dowries Paid for Wives or for their Fathers?!

Published in September 30, 2017


Question: …  Dear Sir, … Does my fiancée's father have the right to demand a certain sum as dowry paid to him, NOT to his daughter?! … Thank you …        


 Of course not; dowries are paid only to wives based on mutual agreement between them and the husbands; their fathers or any elder males have no right to control this matter or to prevent the marriage. Unlike the Sunnite corrupt views, any virgin women can marry without the consent of their fathers or any elder males in their families.






Tribes in the Quran

Published in September 30, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir,  … What does the term ''tribe(s)'' refer to in the Quranic text? … Thank you …


   Nations are the melting pot of all ethnic groups (or ethnicities) in any given country, but tribes are of the past (and during the revelation of the Quran in the 7th century A.D.) and of the present are the same concept of tribalism combining a groups of persons who intermarry regardless of race, denomination, color, tongue, etc. Tribalism is negative thing that prevents establishing a state in the modern sense of today, as belonging to the tribe is far more important to tribesmen than belonging to one nation or homeland. This is why tyrants in the KSA and the Gulf monarchies (and some African nations: Libya, Somalia, etc.) have to respect tribes and strike balances among them. When tyrants fall or get killed or deposed, tribalism causes tribes and factions to engage into wars and strife: this occurred in Libya and Somalia; this will certainly occur in the KSA when its royal family is gone or overthrown or would flee Arabia, and the subsequent former KSA will be divided into smaller regions or states because of tribalism.






Correcting the Expressions and Terms

Published in October 1, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … Why do not you create a section to correct expressions and terms used by Arabs and Egyptians but these words and phrases are against Quranism or any Quranic verses? … Thank you …    


 This is of minor importance; articles on Quranic terminology are far more important and they make us understand the difference of the words used in the unchangeable Quranic tongue and in the Arabic tongue that is changeable within every era (and every Arab country).






About "Quranic Moments"

Published in October 1, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, …  I tend to think that the title of your YouTube show "Quranic Moments" is incorrect: you focus on refuting Sunnite misogynist notions instead of focusing on the Quranic verses! … Thank you …  


 You are extremely mistaken; we always quote the Quranic verses that support our stance against Sunnite notions; we debunk such myths to establish a true understanding of the Quran. this entails exposing corrupt notions and ideas of the imams/leaders and authors (as well as Wahabi clergymen) of the Muhammadans. We never care for being blamed for exposing these human devils who misguide people past and present. By the way, many persons have advised us to stop attacking and refuting Sunnite deities and caliphs; we have refused such proposed suggestions because we have to follow the Quranic methodology; the Quran focuses on exposing notions, stances, and behaviors of polytheists, hypocrites, sinners,  and disbelievers to warn all people in all eras and locations and to clarify the Truth by exposing the falsehoods. Thus, God does not talk in vain or uselessly about refuting certain notions disbelief; this way, the Quran fits all eras and regions till the end of days. The enemies of the Quran claim that the Quran is a mere historical text of Arabia; this is not true. Quranists in their research prove the universality of the Quran. Of course, peaceful persons in the West are better than the Muhammadans, as the latter are disbelievers and aggressive though they have the Quran copies with them, but they abandoned and rejected it on purpose to favor man-made books. The Christians has no Quran, but those in Arabia in the 7th century had the original gospel that is lost now. Yet, most Christians of today adhere to peace. God preserves the Quran as it is the Last Message of Him to all humanity, but Sufis, Sunnites, and Shiites, disregard it and focus on hallowed books authored in the Middle-Ages by their imams, while claiming that such books replace the Quran! Monotheism means there is no God but Allah and there is no book in Islam except the Quran: "There shall be no compulsion in religion; the right way has become distinct from the wrong way. Whoever renounces Taghut and believes in God has grasped the most trustworthy handle; which does not break. God is Hearing and Knowing." (2:256). Taghut here means all falsehoods, lies, and fake narratives ascribed to God and to Muhammad. Muhammadans hate Quranism and Quranists because they hate the Quranic Truth we write and preach.






Justice and Kindness

Published in October 2, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … What is the difference between justice and kindness in the Quranic verses and why they come together in the verses so often? … Thank you …      


 Justice/fairness is the greatest and highest Quranic value in Islam; yet, kindness/charity is still better because it means altruism and pleasing others at your expense as you seek to gratify God Who will reward you. This means that one can get retaliation when someone wrongs him/her, but it is a better reward in Heaven to be kind enough and pardon those who trespass against us: "The repayment of a bad action is one equivalent to it. But whoever pardons and makes reconciliation, his reward lies with God. He does not love the unjust ones." (42:40). 






A Treacherous Friend

Published in October 2, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … He was my friend in our district and we went to university together; our friendship lasted over 20 years; he was my partner in trade … Yet, at the end, he has stolen my money and threatened me by exposing all my secrets (of my trade company) if I ever dare to notify the police!  I feel so depressed; he was like a dear brother to men! I cannot inform the police and I cannot take revenge against him since his threat is frightening me! I get no rest night or day because of my depression and my fear; I can no longer concentrate while I perform the five daily prayers! I dare not to expose his true nature to other people at all! I am cursing him day and night and invoke God to punish him sooner or later, and I wish this treacherous friend every harm in the world; are my feelings and my stance here against Islam?  … Thank you  … 


 If your account/side of the story say is true, you have every right to feel sorrow, fury, and pain resulted from being cheated and betrayed. You are wronged very much and hurt deeply; you have the permission in the Quran to be vociferous and outspoken about what has been done to you; but this will not benefit you, we are afraid. What can help you is to forgive and forget; at least, try not to focus too much on a daily basis on what happened. Be sure God will provide you with compensation if you have been wronged by this evil person and God will take revenge against him sooner or later. Please implore the Almighty (during your prayers) to pardon your sins and provide a reward for you as a compensation in this world and the next. 







About 5:33 Again!

Published in December 17, 2011


Question: …  Dear Sir, … Could you please shed more light on the verse 5:33 and when it might be applied and when not? I am afraid that some aggressive persons may misuse or misinterpret it to commit acts of violence! What do you think? … Thank you …


 God says in the Quran: "The punishment for those who fight God and His messenger, and strive to spread corruption on Earth, is that they be killed, or crucified, or have their hands and feet cut off on opposite sides, or be banished from the land. That is to disgrace them in this life; and in the Hereafter they will have a terrible punishment." (5:33). This applies to, for instance, highwaymen who raided trade and pilgrims' caravans in Arabia, and this phenomenon used to occur during Muhammad's lifetime and centuries after his death. To control such crimes of aggression, the crime of Omar and other caliphs has been to violate Quranic law (practiced since the days of Abraham) of making pilgrimage anytime within the sacred four months by restricting it to only the first ten days of the lunar month Zu Al-Hijja (this used to be ONLY the opening of the 4-month Hajj season). Protecting trade and pilgrims' caravans cost a lot as armed guardians must be provided etc. Raiders of these caravans must be deterred by penalties mentioned in 5:33. This verse applies now to Wahabi terrorists and indeed terrorists of any other types or denominations. Thus, those who murder and attack innocent peaceful people (to rob and/or terrorize them) deserve to be put to death, while stealing using weapons to terrorize hostages and so on without murdering anyone makes those criminals deserve to have their hands cut off. Terrorizing others without stealing and killing anyone makes the criminals deserve to be banished. Anyway, these penalties in 5:33 are not to be applies unless the criminals are caught red-handed. If the perpetrators surrender and declare their repentance, they are not to be penalized.      






Different Situations

Published in September 4, 2015



Question: …  Dear Sir, … How come that sinners will not talk on the Last Day as per this verse: "This is a Day when they will not speak. And they will not be allowed to apologize." (77:35-36) and hypocrites will talk as per this verse: "On the Day when the hypocritical men and hypocritical women will say to those who believed, "Wait for us; let us absorb some of your light." It will be said, "Go back behind you, and seek light."..." (57:13) … Thank you …    


 There are several situations to different groups on the Last Day, as we infer from the whole context of the Quranic verses about the Day of Resurrection. Wait please for our article about this topic.






God's Smiting the Tyrants and Disbelievers

Published in June 17, 2014



Question: … Dear Sir, … I sometimes wonder why God had smitten the people of Noah and Moses' Pharaoh and his family and soldiers, etc. Why would not they be tormented only on the Last Day like the rest of those who choose disbelief? … Thank you …  


 This is because those tyrants did not only choose disbelief, they also committed many injustices and corruption on Earth and persecuted the believers. Another reason for their destruction is that they denied signs and miracles worked before their eyes by God's power. Thus, aggressors and transgressors who commit violence and tyranny are punished in this world and the next as per the Quran. Smiting nations wholly stopped since the days of Moses; partial destruction is like what we see now in Iraq and Syria, for instance. Some tyrants of today were punished by being disgraced (Mubarak) or killed (Kaddafi).     







My Female Neighbor Is a Sorceress!

Published in May 15, 2013



Question: … Dear Sir, … I am a young wife and mother… Recently, I have noticed that some strange, colored, smelly water was frequently and mysteriously poured at my doorstep for many days; and I used to clean it, thinking that a soda can burst out here or something, but suddenly, I remembered that one of my female neighbors practiced sorcery to cause her husband to have problems with his second wife! I remembered suddenly that weeks ago, I advised her not to engage into such prohibited acts against Islam, as sorcery and witchcraft are mere nonsense for gullible women! I remembered that other female neighbors told me that this sorceress felt insulted by my advice and she feels envious that my husband loves me! I fear that she is the one throwing colored water to make my husband hate and divorce me! I feel so apprehensive now because I recently quarreled with husband! And he told me that the sorcery is taking effect on me because I quarreled with him over a trivial matter! We are reconciled now, but I am very much afraid! Please tell me, is magic/sorcery, etc. something real and harmful or not?! I feel confused and terrified now! Any advice? … Thank you …   


 Do not be deceived, our daughter. Please remember that such myths cannot negatively influence anyone except those who are gullible enough to believe them as 'real' things. A real Quran-believing person should never believe in nonsense like sorcery. All calamities that will befall anyone are ordained only by God as part of inevitable fate, NOT commanded by sorcery/envy or anything of the sort.  Please read more on our website to get more Quranic knowledge and try hard to ponder deeply on the Quranic text itself. God tells us to pray more and be patient during times of anxiety and adversity. When someone harm you, pardon her/him and concentrate during prayers and perform them in piety and fear of our Lord God. remember daily that during the Last Day, all evil, unjust ones will see the consequences of their bad deeds in Hell. This makes you feel comforted and relieved to the extent that you will feel sorry for sinners and aggressors who harm you if they die without repentance. Seize this opportunity to get nearer to the Lord God; watch documentaries about the Earth, Nature, etc. to feel how Great the Creator of the universe is, and read and ponder the Quran deeply in piety to discover its realms of wonder and great knowledge. Drive the phantoms of fear and illusions out of your heart and mind by reading more on our website archive to get Quranist knowledge that will benefit you. Trust that God will protect you. God bless you. 

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