آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2018-03-08
Fatwas Part Seventy-Six
Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Having to Pray inside Harmful Mosques
Published in February 23, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, What's your view of those Quranists who encounter a situation when they have to perform prayers inside a mosque of the Muhammadans, but without having to utter any polytheistic blasphemies? … Thank you …
We cannot imagine any situations when Quranists would have to pray inside harmful mosques by force; this has never occurred to our person when we were in Egypt; yet, anyway, we assert here that God pardons those who are forced by others to commit a sin or to utter polytheistic blasphemies.
Following Whims in Researching History
Published in February 26, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir,… This is about your article (in English) titled "Abou Bakr, Omar, Othman, and the Rest of the So-Called Companions Did Not Conspire to Assassinate Muhammad" (found on this link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=18031) … Personally, I tend to think that it was not Abou Bakr (who became later a caliph) who accompanied Muhammad within his journey to Yathreb; he was not the cave-companion; this is certainly a lie invented by the sinful Sunnites or even the tyrant killer Abou Bakr himself to appear as if he was close to the Prophet; Abou Bakr might have been eager to ameliorate his status and upholster his reputation/image by inventing this lie after the aggression he committed in the renegades' war; Muhammad might have hired someone (a believer or not) who was an expert in desert routes to lead him to Yathreb using less frequently trodden routes, and this man (i.e., the cave-companion mentioned in the verse 9:40) was not necessarily a spy as you have assumed … Thank you …
True researchers never tackle historical events as per any whims, prior notions, prejudices, and preferences; your view is wrong because it is based on mere guesses and surmises; besides, regarding the verse 9:40, a Quranist researcher must never present personal views as 'facts'; we ourselves follow the Quranist methodology of research that trace all verses that contain the term (and its cognates and derivations) under study or at hand; this is the method we adopt to reach the conclusion that the cave-companion mentioned in 9:40 was not a believer. You must understand that the Quranic tongue has its unique terminology that differs from the Arabic tongue levels, terms, and linguistic changes through the centuries. For more details about understanding and pondering on the Quran as per our Quranist school of thought, we refer you to our book titled (How to Understand the Holy Quran) found in English on this link: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=121). As for methodology of researching history, one must compare and contrast all historical accounts of the same event by all historians who wrote about it; one must understand the sets of terminology of each era and of each book of history and of heritage/traditions. This is very complicated and done by specialized ones like our person who spent decades studying history; we urge you to read our archive of books about historical events and analysis/research of history if you desire to learn to be a researcher within the field of Arab history.
The Qorayish Schemes
Published in February 26, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I send this comment because I cannot join your great website to write comments … About your recent articles about hypocrites, I disagree with you about your understanding of 14:46, as this verse is about the story of Abraham and not the one of Muhammad … Thank you …
We prove in our book titled "The Unspoken-of History of the Pre-Umayyad 'Righteous' Caliphs" (found in English on this link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=83) that it is a common misinterpretation that the verse 14:46 would be regarded as about the story of Abraham; it is about the Qorayish tribe in particular and about all disbelievers in general in all eras and locations. This is because the entirety of the Quran addresses Qorayish in the first place (as they are the people of Muhammad) and then addresses all humanity till the end of days. In contrast, the contexts of these verses are only about the schemes of Qorayish against Muhammad and Islam: "When the disbelievers schemed against you, to imprison you, or kill you, or expel you. They schemed, and God schemed, but God is the Best of schemers. And when Our Verses are recited to them, they say, "We have heard. Had we wanted, we could have said the like of this; these are nothing but myths of the ancients." And they said, "Our God, if this is the Truth from You, then rain down on us stones from the sky, or visit us with a painful affliction." But God would not torment them while you are amongst them. And God would not torment them as long as they seek forgiveness. Yet why should God not torment them, when they are turning others away from the Sacred Mosque, although they are not its allies? Its rightful allies are the pious; but most of them do not know. Their prayer at the House was to repel others out of it - so taste the torment because of your disbelief." (8:30-35); "And they swore by God with their solemn oaths, that if a warner came to them, they would be more guided than any other people. Yet when a warner came to them, it only increased them in aversion. Priding themselves on earth, and scheming evil. But evil scheming overwhelms none but its authors. Do they expect anything but the precedent of the ancients? You will not find any change in God's practice, and you will not find any substitute to God's practice." (35:42-43).
Mountains in the Quran
Published in February 27, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I cannot understand how the mountains help to preserve the earth as per this verse: "...and placed stabilizers on earth lest it shifts with you..." (31:10) … Could you explain this to me? … Thank you …
This is part of scientific facts miraculously mentioned in the Quranic verses, God's Word, that descended more than 14 centuries ago before the age of science; you should remember that mountains, the earth, heavens, stars, and galaxies and the whole universe will be destroyed during the Hour. Mountains and volcanoes preserve the earth's crust and its balance; read about this scientific fact in Wikipedia and this will show you that the Quran is never authored by mortals. In fact, the earth is like an egg, and underneath its thin crust there is magma and lava; mountains help stabilize the earth's crust so as not to make it move or shake too fast so that the earth is made habitable to the humankind.
The Word (Or) in the Quran
Published in February 27, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Why is the function word or grammatical word (or) used repeatedly within some Quranic verses? It is sometimes used once in other verses; does this have anything to do with the Arabic grammatical rules? Is it something pertaining to the Quranic unique style of writing? … Any ideas? … Thank you …
We never rely on the grammar of the Arabic tongue to understand the Quran; all grammatical rules are written and formulated in the Abbasid Era within about two hundred years after the descent/revelation of the Quran; therefore, the grammatical rules of Arabic cannot be used to judge the style of the Quranic tongue. Therefore, we say here that the word (or) is used to indicate a choice between two or more things in the Quranic tongue, and NOT merely between two things as per rules of Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) or Classical Arabic; "He said, "We will see, whether you have spoken the truth, or whether you are a liar." (27:27); "I will punish him most severely, or slay him, or else, he gives me a valid excuse."" (27:21); "In fact, their knowledge of the Hereafter is confused, or they are in doubt about it, or rather they are blind to it." (27:66); "They said, "Are you telling us the truth, or are you just playing?"" (21:55); "...I do not know whether what you are promised is near or far." (21:109); "Or do they have gods who can defend them against Us?..." (21:43); "Or have they taken, besides Him, other gods?..." (21:24); "Or have they taken to themselves gods from the earth who resurrect?" (21:21).
Details of Dialogues in Quranic Stories
Published in February 27, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I notice that when the same situation is repeated within Quranic stories of prophets/messengers, it contains different/more details in each time … Why is that? … Thank you …
These details are NOT different or contradictory; they can be grouped together to form one dialogue; e.g., the confrontation between Moses and Moses' Pharaoh in the palace of Pharaoh in the Quranic Chapters 7, 20, 26, and 44 has some repeated identical details and some more details never repeated elsewhere in each case within the Quranic text. One of the styles of the Quran is repetition for certain reasons; by the way, the details in the Quran within the Quranic stories often explain and shed light on other pieces of information. If the Quran were authored by any human being(s), the details would have been contradictory and much discrepancy would have emerged.
Mistakes during Prayers
Published in March 1, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Sometimes, I make some mistakes while reciting the Quranic verses during prayers; I used to memorize by heart many Quranic Chapters; yet, my memory now is failing me! I fear God will not accept my prayers! What am I to do? Any advice?! … Thank you …
God does not burden any soul beyond its capacity; God is Merciful and Compassionate. What is more important during prayers is to concentrate within the fear and piety of the Lord God and to observe piety all day long during your lifetime. It is human to err sometimes; it is part of your piety to feel afraid lest your prayers (and any acts of worship and good deeds) might not be accepted and that you feel pained by your mistakes. This is a very good sign that you believe sincerely in God and in the Last Day within deep, monotheistic faith, as you are keen on concentrating within your daily prayers. There are very few people who care to keep their concentration within piety during the daily prayers. Within your prayers, you can read only few verses after the Quranic Chapter One and not many verses at one time; you can read/revise them first from your copy of the Quran before you perform prayers. May God guide, reward, and bless you and include you and our person in His Mercy.
Earthly Religions of Balderdash and Nonsense
Published in March 1, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I've read parts of the 'holy' Shiite book titled (Al-Kafi) by the Shiite imam Al-Kulayni; he mentions a hadith narrated by Abou Jaffer about names of some of the so-called companions who supported the caliph Ali Ibn Abou Talib during the civil war launched against him by Mu'aweiya who was the first Umayyad caliph … What do you think of such hadiths or historical narratives … Thank you …
Shiites deify some supporters of Ali, their supreme deity, and some foes of the caliphs Othman and Mu'aweiya, and they even dispute about the names and number of such historical figures, as per Shiite hadiths invented about this topic. Do not forget that the Shiite hadiths (like the Sunnite ones) are made-up, fake narratives and fabrications Muhammad never knew the metaphysical realm of the future at all, let alone talking about it. We hope that one day, we would have enough time to analyze and refute the 'holy' Shiite book titled (Al-Kafi) by Al-Kulayni, which is revered as much as Al-Bokhary book by the Sunnites and as (Ehiaa Olom Eddine), authored by Al-Ghazaly, revered by the Sufis. All of such religions are earthly ones of mythology, balderdash, and nonsense.
About The Verse 8:57
Published in March 2, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … What does this Quranic verse mean "If you confront them in battle, make of them a fearsome example for those who follow them, that they may take heed." (8:57)? … Thank you …
This verse comes in the this Quranic context addressing Muhammad: "The worst of creatures in God's view are those who disbelieve. They have no faith. Those of them with whom you made a treaty, but they violate their agreement every time. They are not righteous. If you confront them in battle, make of them a fearsome example for those who follow them, that they may take heed. If you fear treachery on the part of a people, break off with them in a like manner. God does not like the treacherous." (8:55-58). This means that the verse 8:57 tackles self-defense fighting against those attackers and aggressors who frequently breached the peace treaty or truce so that the others would draw a lesson about the right response or reaction towards those aggressive, belligerent ones who breach the peace treaties and disturb the general peace; if the attackers do not heed the warning and deterrence and commit treacherous acts, they must be fought, and if they stop their aggression out of fear of retaliation, no fighting is necessary.
The City of Yathreb/Medina
Published in March 2,2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Why have some people in history changed the historical name of the city of Yathreb to Medina (i.e., The City)? … Why does the name linger today? Is the word Medina mentioned in the Quran? … Thank you …
Yathreb was an obscure city when its two main tribes, Al-Aws and Al-Khazraj, lived there, but it was catapulted into fame and prominence once the early believers and Muhammad immigrated to it and the Yathreb city-state was established. Many decades later, after deifying Muhammad and the abomination/mausoleum ascribed falsely to him as his tomb inside the Yathreb mosque at which the Muhammadans worship as if they this were part of pilgrimage, the polytheistic Sunnite Muhammadans who lived inside Yathreb changed its name into Al-Medina Al-Monawara (The City of Light), and they claimed that pilgrimage must be performed to the abomination/mausoleum inside it after performing pilgrimage at the Kaaba in Mecca! Of course, the dwellers of Yathreb felt jealous as their city was no longer the capital of the Arab empire (the capital was Damascus and then Baghdad). The Quranic term city or medina comes within several Quranic contexts to denote the city of Yathreb or any other cities within the Quranic stories. Of course, the Quran mentions the name (Yathreb) in one verse only, when the troops of the Meccan polytheists sieged it: "And when a group of them said, "O people of Yathreb, you cannot make a stand, so retreat." And a faction of them asked the Prophet to excuse them, saying, "Our homes are exposed," although they were not exposed. They only wanted to flee." (33:13). In other verses, Yathreb is referred to as (the city), the description given to several unnamed locations and cities in the Quranic stories, without the unreasonable Sunnite indication of any 'holy' or special site at all. The hypocrites used the term (the city) to refer to Yathreb here: "They say, "If we return to the city, the more powerful therein will evict the weak." But power belongs to God, and His messenger, and the believers; but the hypocrites do not know." (63:8).
A Question of Inheritance (1)
Published in March 3, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … My husband, who was a merchant, died recently; he is survived by me (i.e., his wife), his two sons and two daughters, and his brother … My children desire to distribute the inheritance shares now without waiting for receiving the money of merchants who must pay their debts to my husband's trade company first; is this OK? … I desire to postpone the distribution of inheritance shares till all the money is collected together … What do you think? … Thank you …
Your sons and daughters, like most youths, are in a hurry; it is OK to distribute shares immediately as per the Quranic sharia laws; when the money of the debts is collected from the other merchants (preferably by your sons who must bear the responsibility of collecting such sums), let such sums be distributed later on within the shares stipulated in the Quranic sharia laws: the deceased man's brother gets no share at all; the wife gets 1/8 of the money, and as for the two sons and two daughters, this Quranic law applies to them: "...The male receives the equivalent of the share of two females..." (4:11).
No Burden And No Blame
Published in March 3, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I suffer from urinary incontinence, and this makes drops of urine stain my underwear sometimes while praying; I know there is the value of ease/facilitation in Islam within acts of worship, but I feel guilty nevertheless, especially that I'm an old man and I cannot reach down to my feet to wash them properly during ablution; I feel my ablution is not complete! … What do you think? … Thank you …
Of course, you are excused and God will forgive you; you are not to blame; God does not burden a soul beyond its capacity. What is more important is to concentrate during prayers to attain piety and observe piety all day long during your lifetime, and this should make one eager to perform many good deeds and repent by atoning for sins and acts of disobedience.
You Are A Victim of Obscurantism
Published in March 5, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Doubts fill my heart about the existence of God … How come that hadiths like.........might be considered as part of Islam?! Besides, where is God's mercy while misery and tragedies fill the whole world, especially within the poorer classes? … Where is God's mercy within those male children in my country who have been victims of rape? Even if those men who raped them were put to death, these children are suffering now psychological damage and might turn into homosexuals! God knew this would happen to them, right?! … What do you think?! Any soothing words? …Thank you …
Our dear son, you are a victim of obscurantism which is prevalent in the Arab world now because of the dominance of the Sunnite mythology that confuses the Arab youths. How come that you cast doubts on God's existence because of hadiths that are never part of Islam? Are you doubting God's existence and yet ascribe falsehoods and lies to His messenger Muhammad?! Do you believe only in Muhammad without believing in God?! Besides, it is strange that you mix between God's mercy and the crimes of human beings. You have to know that God's mercy is near to the charitable believers to make them enter into Paradise on the Last Day, unlike the criminals, sinners, and aggressors who will be tormented forever inside Hell if they die without repentance. All suffering in this life is less than one second inside Hell, let alone eternity inside Hell. You must bear in mind that Hell dwellers will include those who died without repentance who ascribed hadiths to Muhammad and those who believe in such false hadiths/narratives. All such devilish hadiths have led you to doubt God's existence, though such hadiths have nothing to do with real Islam (i.e., Quranism). Of course, those men who raped male/female children will reside in Hell; in fact, most human beings are sinners who die without repentance and will suffer in Hell: "On the Day when We will say to Hell, "Are you full?" And it will say, "Are there any more?"" (50:30). We advise you, our dear son, to read a lot more within our archive of writings on our website; you should read within adherence to patience and eagerness to learn, using your mind to reflect and contemplate. You must bear in mind that you – and indeed all human beings – cannot escape from God; i.e., no one can evade death, resurrection, and judgment; you should prepare yourself for the Last Day to be among the pious winners who have good, monotheistic faith and have performed many good deeds to earn the right to be made to enter into Paradise.
Scientific Hadiths?
Published in March 5, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Many writings now in Arabic try to 'prove' that some hadiths ascribed to Prophet Muhammad contain scientific information that are actually true and authentic … What is your own view of this? How come that such 'scientific' hadiths exist? … Thank you …
Our stance regarding hadiths never changes; Muhammad never uttered even a single hadith of any type at all; those who believe in hadiths/narratives beside the Quran are polytheists who insult Muhammad and deny, reject, and disbelieve in Islam (i.e., the Quran). As for your question, the answer is simple and it is found in history: when the scientific movement flourished during the Abbasid Era by translating into Arabic books of science and philosophy by the Indians, the Greeks, and the Persians, many Arab scientists have built on this accumulation of knowledge and scientific, and philosophical schools were established by Arabs in cities like Alexandria, Antioch, Edessa, and Gundeshapur. Of course, later on, many Arab scientists had their fame in fields of medicine, geometry, astronomy, chemistry, mathematics, mechanical sciences, and geography. When this era of science and reason ended, the extremist Sunnite scholars who fabricated hadiths about history, the Quran, and lifetime of Muhammad have incorporated some popular myths and herbal medicine facts and copied some scientific facts known at the time within the hadiths they have invented and ascribed them to Muhammad. Some of such 'scientific' hadiths contain true scientific facts and some are not. Of course, Muhammad has nothing to do with such hadiths at all. Muhammad never talked about religion except by reciting/uttering Quranic verses; he was not a scientist and he knew nothing about medicine, plants, herbs, etc.
Guiding Revelation
Published in March 5, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … As far as guiding revelation/inspiration is concerned, like the one given by God to Joseph (see 12:15), to Jacob (see 12:86), to the mother of Moses (see 28:7), Zachariah (see 19:7), and to Mary, the mother of Jesus, (see 19:17) and even to some creatures like bees (see 16:68), why some hadiths might not be guiding revelation/inspiration to Prophet Muhammad?! … What do you think? … Thank you …
We have tackled in many of our articles, fatwas, and books the idea of guiding inspiration/revelation from God granted to Noah, Moses, Jacob, etc. and non-prophets like the mother of Moses and Mary the mother of Jesus. This occurred to Muhammad as well; yet, indications of this are found exclusively in the Quran, as is the case of other prophets/messengers within the Quranic stories. Anything outside the Quran about this guiding inspiration/revelation is false and fabricated notions. The inspiration given to creatures is their inherent instincts about how to live and what to eat, etc. There are no true hadiths of any type at all; those polytheists who believe in hadiths/narratives beside the Quran insult Muhammad and deny and reject the Quran.
A Shiite Movie about Fatima
Published in March 6, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I am a Quranist man who was a former Sunnite person; I write specifically to inform you about this piece of news … A Shiite clergyman in London has declared his fundraising event to finance a movie titled "Day of Torture" and he gathered five million Pound Sterling donated by Shiites from all over the globe. This movie project is hiring international professionals in moviemaking so that they narrate in this movie a (fictional?) Shiite story about Fatima, daughter of Muhammad, whose house was burned down and she had a rib broken because of the aggression she suffered by the caliph Omar who confiscated her stretch of land and she supposedly lost the embryo inside her womb as she was pregnant because of such aggression … Is this story true or not? Would this movie make some Sunnites among the gullible masses convert to the Shiite religion? Both Shiites and Sunnites deify Fatima and her husband Ali, as you know … As a historian, do you think that Omar caused the death of Fatima or committed any aggression against her? If so, why Ali did not defend his wife? Is her burial place known? … Thank you …
Some Sunnite authoritative books mention some details of the narrative to which you refer in your email; for more details, we refer you to our book (in English) titled "The Unspoken-of History of the Pre-Umayyad 'Righteous' Caliphs" (found on this link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=83). It is clear as per undeniable historical facts that there was a conflict and a struggle inside the Qorayish tribal factions concerning who should inherit the Yathreb city-state after the death of Muhammad; of course, the first step of the evil Qorayish leaders was to marginalize the supporters (the name given to the original Yathreb dwellers among the non-immigrants), and the Qorayish factions vied for more power and dominance, especially the two biggest factions: the Hashemites and the Umayyads, and the latter controlled and moved actions from behind the curtains during the reign of the four pre-Umayyad caliphs, as we prove in our book. The main agents who worked for the Umayyads were Abou Bakr, Omar, Othman, and Abdul-Rahman Ibn Awf; the first three were caliphs; Othman was actually an Umayyad leader. When Othman was assassinated and succeeded by Ali, a caliph of the Hashemites who were the main rivals of the Umayyads, the first major Arab civil war broke out; it was initiated by the Umayyads, the faction supported by the other Qorayish factions who hated the Hashemites (i.e. the faction to which Muhammad belonged) and supported by all the agents/spies hired by the Umayyads and planted inside Yathreb (those who are described in the Quran as adamant in hypocrisy). This Arab civil war of Mu'aweiya vs. Ali began with the battle of the Camel and the battle of Siffein. Eventually, the Umayyads won and Ali was defeated and assassinated; the leader of the Umayyad faction, Mu'aweiya, became the very first caliph of Umayyad dynasty. These facts of history are undeniable and irrefutable. Hence, within this background, the persecution of Fatima might be true within logical and plausible conclusions, perhaps minus the exaggerated Shiite details of this story; the Hashemites were a minority among the other Qorayish factions; of course, the Umayyads knew that descendants of Ali and Fatima may seek to be caliphs later on (after Ali as a caliph), as they were the progeny of the daughter of Muhammad and people may lend them some sort of legitimacy to rule. This is why the Umayyads fought tooth and nail against Ali to remove him from his position as caliph. As for your concerns about possible conversions, it is most unlikely that the Sunnite masses might convert to the Shiite religion, as the Sunnites already deify Ali and Fatima and their sons, and at the same time, they deify Omar among other historical figures. We still hope one day to find a producer who will fund our project of turning heritage and history of the Muhammadans into TV series and movies; we have written tens of screenplays ready to be produced, derived from authoritative books of history, and such screenplays tackle the unspoken-of facts that will raise awareness and undermine both the Sunnite and Shiite religions. For more details about this project and how it will serve real Islam (i.e., Quranism) and undermine the Wahabi religion of terrorism, we refer you to our article in English titled "The Azharite Sheikh as a Scriptwriter!" found on this link: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=15999).
A Question of Inheritance (2)
Published in March 6, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … A man died and is survived by three sons and one daughter … Enclosed to my email message is a map of the piece of land; how it can be distributed as per Quranic legislations? … Thank you …
We do not understand this map or photo at all; we cannot make anything out of it. As for the distribution of inheritance, it must be divided into seven equal shares so that every male would receive two shares and the female would receive one share, as per this Quranic verse: "God instructs you regarding your children: The male receives the equivalent of the share of two females..." (4:11).
Muhammad Was Not Assassinated
Published in March 7, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Some Shiite and Sunnite narratives allude to the possibility that Prophet Muhammad was murdered; Shiites books assert that he might have been poisoned by Aisha, Hafsa, or any other wife of his, as part of a conspiracy plotted by enemies of Ali Ibn Abou Talib! … As for Al-Bokhary book, there is a narrative about his being poisoned when he was ill by being forced to drink a 'cure' which was actually a poison that killed him gradually so as not to arouse suspicions! Were Omar and Abou Bakr part of this conspiracy?! Were Aisha and Hafsa to blame? Are such Shiite narratives mere myths? I already know that you think that Al-Bokhary was an inveterate liar … What do you think of such narratives? … Thank you …
Please do not be too much interested in such Sunnite and Shiite fabrications and falsehoods; the Quran is the only source to refute and negate such myths; Muhammad was never assassinated or murdered; he died a natural death, as per this verse: "...And God protects you from the people..." (5:67).
Cursing and Cursed Ones
Published in March 7, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … What is exactly cursing and being cursed as per the Quran? Is being cursed by God means to be excluded from the Lord's Mercy? Would repentant ones be included in the Lord's Mercy again? Sunnites assume that certain 'sinners' who commit certain deeds are cursed beyond redemption and god will never forgive them at all! Can this notion be refuted using the Quran? What do you think? … Thank you …
Please do not get so absorbed too much in Sunnite myths propagated by Sunnite books/imams of today and of the past; all of them ascribe lies, falsehoods, and fabrications to God's religion and deny/reject and disbelieve in God's Word; i.e., the Quranic Verses. As per the Quran, being cursed means only one thing: to be deprived of God's Mercy in the Hereafter; i.e., on the Last Day, because of one's sins, non-repentance, and/or disbelief: "But as for those who reject faith, and die rejecting - those - upon them is the curse of God, and of the angels, and of all humanity. They will remain under it forever, and the torment will not be lightened for them, and they will not be reprieved." (2:161-162). Those who sincerely repent before their death and their repentance is deemed acceptable by God will no longer be cursed and will be included in God's Mercy: "Those who suppress the proofs and the guidance We have revealed, after We have clarified them to humanity in the Book - those - God curses them, and the cursers curse them. Except those who repent, and reform, and proclaim. Those - I will accept their repentance. I am the Acceptor of Repentance, the Merciful." (2:159-160).
Signs of the Hour
Published in December 24, 2006
Question: … Dear Sir, … I tend to think that the so-called signs of the Hour are mere myths; yet, some gullible ones who assume that such signs include the so-called advent of Christ or the return of Jesus to earth, a myth found only in the New Testament of the Bible, assume that the verse 4:159 might refer to this alleged return, as if Jesus were still alive as an immortal being! … How such erroneous notion regarding 4:159 would be refuted? … Thank you …
God says in the Quran: "Some the People of the Book believed truly with him before his death, and on the Day of Resurrection he will be a witness against them." (4:159); this verse is NOT about the future; it is about some true believers who believed in the message of God conveyed by Jesus (as they were his contemporaries) as a mortal prophet during his lifetime before he died and he will bear favorable witness for them and he will bear witness against those who deified him and deified his mother, Mary, during his lifetime and hers as per the verses 5:116-117. Of course, Jesus is not responsible for those who deified him after his death; he will bear witness against his polytheistic contemporaries only, and this is made clear when you ponder deeply on the verses 5:116-117. Hence, this has nothing to do with the future, the end of times, or the Signs of the Hour. The only true Signs of the Hour are found exclusively in the Quran; please wait for our detailed article about this topic. We assert briefly here that Muhammad never knew about the metaphysical realm of the future; hence, the thousands of hadiths about the future or signs of the Hour are false; part of them came from Pharaonic and Coptic Christian mythology; some Egyptian Coptic Christians who converted to Sunnite religion have incorporated their ancient cultural heritage notions; in later eras, some Sunnite scholars have intentionally distorted, twisted, and warped the meaning of Quranic verses (e.g., the verse 4:159 in this case) to accommodate their mythical hadiths and lend them fake or sham credibility. The myth of an immortal Christ who might return gave birth to the Sunnite/Shiite myth of an awaited imam named Mehdi (literally, the guided one) who might appear towards the end of days to rule the earth as per these silly hadiths. The Anti-Christ myth is most probably derived from Seth (or Set) the god of evil in Pharaonic mythology.
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5169 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,609,985 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,478 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,869 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
الفصل الثانى : الاجتهاد فى التدبر القرآنى وفى الاسلام والكفر والعبادات
القاموس القرآنى : الكفّارة والفدية
الفصل الأول : التقوى والايمان باليوم الآخر أساس الاجتهاد الاسلامى
الفصل الخامس : الاجتهاد الشيطانى العملى فى إضطهاد أهل الكتاب
دعوة للتبرع
سؤالان : السؤا ل الأول : كنت اتناق ش مع شيخ سلفى...
قتل سياح اسرائيل: ما رأيك فى البهج ة التى انتشر ت بقتل السيا ح ...
الولدان المخلدون: عليكم قرأت في مقالا ت الدكت ور منصور عن...
العدّة والرضاع : يمكن الآن بسهول ة معرفة الحمل من عدمه...
ابو بكر الزنديق : أتفق معك فى بعض ما قول واختل ف فى البعض . واكثر...