آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2019-12-29
Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Forty-Six
Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy
About the Quranic Verse 12:100
Published in December 18, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … Who prostrated to whom within 12:100 in the Quranic story of Joseph? Did the family members prostrate to Joseph or to Jacob/Israel? … Thank you …
Of course, the eleven brothers of Joseph, as well as Jacob and his wife (i.e., parents of Joseph), prostrated to Joseph. You should remember the dream/vision of Joseph: "When Joseph said to his father, “O my father, I saw eleven planets, and the sun, and the moon; I saw them bowing down to me.”" (12:4). This vision came true; they (i.e., Jacob, his wife, and his eleven sons) prostrated to Joseph as the Potiphar of Egypt as per the protocols at the time: "Then, when they entered into the presence of Joseph, he embraced his parents, and said, “Enter Egypt, God willing, safe and secure.” And he elevated his parents on the throne, and they fell prostrate before him. He said, “Father, this is the fulfillment of my vision of long ago. My Lord has made it come true. He has blessed me, when he released me from prison, and brought you out of the wilderness, after the devil had sown conflict between me and my brothers. My Lord is Most Kind towards whomever He wills. He is the All-knowing, the Most Wise.”" (12:99-100).
About the Quranic Verse 42:34
Published in December 19, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … What is meant by 42:34? Any ideas? … Thank you …
The Lord God says the following in the Holy Quran: "Or He could ruin them, because of what they have earned. And yet He pardons much." (42:34). This means the Omnipotent Lord God may ruin and destroy sinners any time when pardoning them several times does not make them take heed and reflect about repentance.
About Dhimmitude, Again!
Published in December 19, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … When someone dies, people in Egypt say his soul is in the Dhimma/custody of Allah; is this expression OK or not as far as Quranism is concerned? … Thank you …
This is a blasphemous expression and should never be uttered/written by monotheists. Such expression is never found in the Quran; it is a grave sin in Islam to describe the Lord God in a manner never found in the Quran: "To God belong the Most Beautiful Names, so call Him by them, and disregard those who blaspheme His names. They will be repaid for what they used to do." (7:180). Besides, Dhimmitude is a Sunnite derogatory term for degrading non-Arabs and non-Muslims in the conquered countries (esp. Jews + Christians) in the Middle-Ages when the Arabian men conquered parts of Asia and North Africa to form an Arab empire.
Sunnite Falsehoods
Published in December 20, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … When I performed funeral prayers inside a mosque at one time, the sermonizer/sheikh of the mosque requested from the congregations to bear witness in a loud voice that the deceased man was a good, kind, pious man so that the Lord God would forgive and pardon him ........... This practice is strange; does it pertain to Islam? Any ideas? … Thank you …
This is part of Sunnite falsehoods which have nothing to do with Islam (i.e., the Quran). Upon dying, the angels of death who take the soul of a dead person informs the soul of its irrevocable fate either in Hell or in Paradise as per the deeds and faith of this soul. This Quranic context is about the outcome for souls in the Hereafter: "And that the human being attains only what he strives for. And that his striving will be witnessed. Then he will be rewarded for it the fullest reward. And that to your Lord is the finality." (53:39-42).
Trying the Limits of One's Patience
Published in December 20, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … I do not seek any fatwa or opinion; I desire only that you publish my message wholly or partially to make people read it and draw useful lessons. Before his death recently, I lived 30 years with my husband. My marriage was never a happy one; my cruel, hard-hearted husband used to beat me for trivial reasons; he insulted me almost every day; in the first year of my marriage, whenever I returned to my father's house after quarreling with my husband, my father would take me back to my husband's house after advising me to obey him! My father never supported or protected me! I felt I can no longer resort to him for help. My husband mocked my father before me and he said I was never dear to my own father. Sadly, my sons grew up seeing their father beating, verbally abusing, and insulting their mother. They are grownups now and they still shout and yell at me and insult me! They imitate their father! They never respect me at all! I invoked God's wrath upon my husband during my daily prayers and supplications for years. Sadly, one day, a group of men carried my husband home from work; his case was diagnosed as paralysis; he was forced to leave his work; he received a low pension; he depended on me within moving, eating, bathing, urinating, and defecating; I served him faithfully as any dutiful wife would do. When he could talk, he felt ashamed of himself for mistreating me all these years; he apologized to me every day while weeping and kissing my hands; he told me he felt like kissing my feet, but his paralysis prevented him. I accepted his apologies as I pitied him; inwardly, I felt ashamed of myself because I invoked God's wrath on him within my prayers and supplications. Months later, he died while weeping and burying his face in my hands. Before his death, he kept remembering how he deliberately insulted me and begged me to pardon and forgive him so that Allah would forgive him. I desire that you publish my email message on your website so that tyrannical husbands would take heed and know that the Lord God will punish them in this world sooner or later........... … Thank you …
May the Lord God reward you immensely for your patience and endurance. Indeed, human beings tend to be tyrannical when they assume they never need anyone and will never lack anything; when they are needy, they fall into the trap of humiliation and regret. Your story is a painful one; we hope tyrannical husbands would read it and draw useful lessons from it.
Into the Mercy of the Lord?
Published in December 21, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … In Egypt and elsewhere in the Arab world, they say about the deceased person that his/her soul is transported into the mercy of Allah; is this expression OK or not as per Quranism? Any ideas? … Thank you …
This is a very silly expression; it has nothing to do with Islam. Upon dying, the angels of death inform the soul of its irrevocable fate either in Hell or in Paradise; the soul is informed if it has been the ally of God or the ally of Satan. The living people can never guess the fate of the souls of the dead; no human beings are omniscient; this type of knowledge is known only to the Omniscient Lord God. The fate of souls of the people we know will be known only on the Resurrection Day.
The Home of the Truth?!
Published in December 21, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … In Egypt and elsewhere in the Arab world, they call the Barsakh level of the souls of the dead as"the Home of the Truth"; when my father quoted to me the words of his dying friend, and I refuted the views of this deceased man, my father scolded me, saying that the dying words of a person must be true because the dying soul was on the threshold of "the Home of the Truth" or the Barsakh. This is silly and absurd............Dead sinners and hypocrites and disbelievers (esp. contemporaries of Prophet Muhammad) were not truthful; they are dead centuries ago...........What do you think? … Thank you …
You are absolutely right; the Barsakh level of the dead souls is never called in the Quran as 'the home of the truth'. Such appellation is part of Pharaonic, deep-seated notions of deifying the dead in the popular culture dominant in Egypt. In addition, dying words of people are not necessarily truths; this is, again, part of the folk-lore of the ignoramuses who never study the Quran. Truthfulness and lies/falsehoods exist in this physical world and so does the Divine Revelation (i.e., the Quran) and devilish revelations of the religions of Satan (e.g., hadiths); people are free to adhere to the Truth or to lies. The Barsakh level of the dead does not contain life or interaction among souls; this is a level of lifelessness, senselessness, and motionlessness in Barsakh tombs. We refer you to our books, in English, about Barsakh and about Islam as the religion of the Truth, found on the following links, respectively:
Types of the Unjust Ones
Published in December 22, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … I live in Cairo, Egypt. My boss at work eagerly desires to impose on me and the rest of the employees his political pro-government views..........I think he intimidates all of us indirectly; when one employee talked negatively about Al-Sisi and the soaring prices, he got arrested two days later; the boss blew the whistle, it seems. The rest of us, employees, are terrified and decided to remain silent and never to talk about politics. What do you think of such passivity? Is remaining silent regarding unjust ones and injustices/grievances OK in Islam or not?… Thank you …
There are types of the unjust ones: those criminals/sinners who commit the injustices, those who support injustices, and those passive ones who submitted to injustices and never protested. Some of the unjust ones in Yathreb, during Muhammad's lifetime, allied themselves to the aggressors/enemies; this is a grave sin. Some unjust sinners are those passive ones who never immigrated though they can afford it; upon dying, the angels of death will inform them of their fate in Hell, as per the Quran. True monotheists resist and speak against injustice outspokenly; this is their test in life; after all, one's lifetime is predetermined by the Lord God Who also grant one earnings/provisions. If Arabs/Egyptians would stand united against tyrannical regimes even if thousands of citizens are killed, they would have saved their countries.
Needless Whispers
Published in December 22, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … I desire to work in trade to invest my money; yet, all projects seem to have a percentage of deception and illicit dealings! I never desire to consume ill-gotten money! When I've decided to make money through my YouTube videos, ads appeared in my videos about prohibited food items and wine or ads containing dancing semi-naked young women! I closed my YouTube channel! When I thought about trading in food items such as soft drinks, desserts, biscuits, and so on, I discovered that additives and other materials added to elongate shelf-life might endanger the health of consumers! I feared that God will punish me if I engaged in such trade! ............. All ideas of projects seemed prohibited to me! I am depressed! Am I to blame? Any pieces of advice?! Any soothing words?! … Thank you …
You seem to harbor needless whispers and apprehensions; no soul shall carry the burden of another soul; you desire investment within legal means; you will not carry the burdens/sins of those who cheat and deceive as you deal with them in trade. You exaggerate and overburden yourself with much thinking. Rely on the Lord God Who knows your good intentions; seek the help of reliable feasibility studies regarding any projects. Choose what you can feel as a safe project. Instead, you can make a bank deposit with monthly profits. Of course, if you choose to be your own boss, your project will help employ others and the Lord God will reward and bless you.
Muhammad's Paternal Uncles
Published in December 24, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … Narratives in Arab history books differ in the matter of deciding who among the Prophet Muhammad's paternal uncles were (dis)believers; I offer you here my own vision based on my own scrupulous study.................... … Thank you …
Thank you very much; you are welcome to our Quranism website. Be reminded, our son, that history is never part of religion. We refer you to our book on refuting the false narratives of M. Ibn Ishaq, the first author, in the early Abbasid Era, of the very first fake biography of Muhammad. We remind you also that we never believe in any hadiths. Hadiths are never the source of history or religion at all. The Omniscient Lord God knows best who among Muhammad's paternal uncles were monotheists who believed in the Quran and who were polytheists who rejected the Quran.
An Atheist Friend!
Published in December 24, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … I tried hard to guide my atheist friend to Quranism; he does not believe in God and he does not believe in the Quran; he assumes that all religions and their books are man-made ideas; he refuses to admit that there is a metaphysical realm beyond the physical universe; he refuses my advice to read your English and Arabic books and articles on your great Quranism website. This friend tells me often that he believes only in reason and science; when I would tell him that the human mind is limited and cannot achieve a measure of omniscience, he laughs at me........... What pieces of advice would you give me in order to guide my dear friend to Quranism as the Only True Islam? … Thank you …
The only piece of advice we have for you is to stop trying to guide anyone, including this atheist friend of yours. Guiding others is not your duty or any mortals' duty; seekers of guidance will find it in the Quranic Message if they open their minds; the misguided souls can never harm the guided souls. It is enough that your friend is a tolerant and peaceful person; this is Islam in term of behavior. As for his religious beliefs, or lack thereof, this is none of your concern; the Lord God will judge all humanity in this respect. Instead of trying to convince him (or anyone else) regarding anything, try to be an excellent example of a Quranist Muslim man with a high moralistic level and peaceful demeanor; this may convince others (who seek the Truth) to follow your example. Thank you.
Declaring Others as Infidels, Again!
Published in December 24, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … You have no right whatsoever to declare others as infidels/polytheists and to label them as 'ignoramuses' & 'Muhammadans'! You label them as such merely for their not following your Qurnaism and disagreeing with your own opinions! You give your readers such a sense of despair indeed! Would 'infidels' be branded and put to (physical and spiritual) death, then?! This would satisfy you, I suppose! ............ Many hadiths agree with the Holy Quran, by the way. Let me exemplify this to you.............. … Thank you …
We have repeated the following many times in our fatwas, articles, books, and videos; we recapitulate here the following points.
1- To declare people who adhere to certain erroneous practices/notions as infidels is something that pertains to both the Divine Religion of Islam (i.e., the Quran) and to the terrestrial religion of Satan. Yet, there is a big difference: the Quranic warnings about polytheism/disbelief and sins serve to preach and remind people and never to allow others to punish them or put them to death. Sadly, in the notions of the Wahabi Sunnite religion of Satan (and also in some other terrestrial religions), infidels who reject such a religion are (or should be) put to death! In other cases, when the Sunnite penalty for apostasy cannot be applied, rejecters of the Sunnite Wahabis religion of Satan (and those who dare criticize it) are severely persecuted. It is a fact in world religions that the followers of each religion assume to be in the right (i.e., believers) and to deem others in the wrong (i.e., infidels/disbelievers). This is normal when such declarations are peaceful and never lead to acts of violence/aggression. Qurnaism (which is True Islam for us) is no exception to this rule. In the Quran, notions and deeds pertaining to sinning and disbelief/polytheism are mentioned and defined so that monotheists would avoid them. Thus, the Quran itself declares as infidels those who worship/deify mortals and tombs/mausoleums and those who believe in intercessors/saints and in any narratives/discourses/hadiths and books alongside with the Quran: the Only Discourse in Islam. Of course, Christians/Muhammadans deem others (i.e., non-Christians and non-Muhammadans, respectively) as infidels/disbelievers; Shiites declare non-Shiites as such, Sunnites do the same with non-Sunnites, and so on and so forth. This is OK and this occurs in all world religions within peaceful discussions/writings. Yet, it is never OK (and it is a heinous crime against man and God) to feel as if one would have the 'right' to punish/persecute or kill others who have different religious views or follow other denominations.
2- In the Quran, the Lord God's Word, the basic rule is that there is no compulsion in religion. One is free to (dis)obey Allah and to (dis)believe in the Quran. This is why the Quranic descriptions of what means to be an infidel or a disbeliever are done within the framework of higher Quranic values which match human rights: absolute religious freedom, peace, justice, mercy,...etc. Such descriptions serve as a warning to preach human beings who seek to reform/guide themselves; i.e., those seekers of the Quranic Truth who desire to know Quranic facts and to dispel all myths of the terrestrial religions of the Sufi, Shiite, and Sunnite Muhammadans. We, as a Quranist Muslim thinker, respect the freedom of choice of all Quranist and non-Quranist people. The Lord God will settle the religious disputes and differences of all human beings on the Last Day. By the way, in the Sunnite religion of Satan (as well as in some other terrestrial religions), infidels/rejecters are either killed or persecuted because they pose a threat to domineering and profiteering clergymen as rejecters of their myths who freed themselves from such dominance and evil influence of clergymen in a given society and others might imitate them and free themselves! This will inevitably lead to the loss of stature, status, wealth, power, and authority of clergymen. This is why any dominant terrestrial religion in a given society needs the protection of enthroned tyrants who protect it against being discussed or put to question. Enthroned tyrants do so because dominant terrestrial religions and their clergymen help them control and brainwash the masses.
3- For more details, we refer you to this article of ours, in English, found on the following link:
4- Please read more within our archive of online writings using your critical mind; later on, you can choose for yourself to convert to Quranism or not; we respect your freedom of choice and your religious freedom; we expect that you, in your turn, would respect ours. Thank you.
Semen Is Not Impure
Published in December 26, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … I wanna ask you about purification of my clothes (i.e., I mean my outer garments and not my underwear) after masturbation or wet dreams; of course, semen dry up and form stains in my clothes; can I still be wearing them and pray (after changing my underwear and after I bathe)? Sadly, Sunnite sheikhs insist that semen is impure; we are in the winter now and I cannot demand that my Mom would clean and wash my home-wear every day (I fear I have wet dreams almost on a daily basis!); sometimes, when I wake up and find dried stains of semen after nocturnal emissions, I have to keep the same clothes on (after changing my underwear and after I bathe) since my other clothes are being washed and I find there are no clothes available. When I pray with clothes stained with dried seminal fluid, are my prayers accepted or not? Any ideas? … Thank you …
Yes, they are accepted; semen is not impure; the human body is not impure and so are all its fluids. Such Sunnite notions which claim otherwise are false notions and they never pertain to Islam (i.e., the Quran).
Please Read our Archive
Published in December 26, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … Some scholars of the Middle-Ages had their own attempts of verifying and sifting hadiths to make sure which ones are true and which ones are not. I'd like to know more details about this topic................ … Thank you …
There are no 'true' hadiths at all; all of them are false and never pertain to Islam. Islam is the Quran only. You are a newcomer to our website, we are sure. We urge you to watch our YouTube videos and to read our online books, especially our books on Isnad and about the true words of Muhammad in the Quranic verses which contain the expressions (They ask you about...Say...) and (Say...). Both directives; i.e., "Say", are addressing Muhammad and command him about what to utter. These are the only true words of Muhammad ascertained in the Quran itself. If you are not familiar with our books and have not read them yet, we advise you to begin with the one titled "The Quran: Sufficient as a Source of Islamic Legislation", found in English on this link:
No One Can Guide Anyone Else
Published in December 26, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … I live in CA, the USA, and I've sent you several emails, without receiving any reply, about one specific complaint; I need your advice; my two sons, aged 17 and 19, stopped performing prayers; I remind them almost on a daily basis to pray regularly and on time, but it's no use! I fear the Lord God will punish them and punish me for this sin! When they were children, I have taught them how to pray and they prayed for years............. … Thank you …
During the stage of adolescence, teenagers tend to rebel against childhood habits in order to assert their individuality and personality. They desire to feel outstanding and exceptional. Later on, as they grow into adulthood, they choose for themselves; i.e., as far as religion is concerned, your sons may choose either guidance or misguidance. You should remember that the Lord God has told Muhammad the following: "You cannot guide whom you love, but God guides the one who is willing to be guided, and He knows best those who are guided." (28:56); "You have no control over them." (88:22). Thus, in general, you cannot control your sons or force them to pray; it is enough that you advised them and reminded them several times; please stop doing so, whether your words of preaching and warning bear fruit or not. Otherwise, your stubborn sons will defy you by not praying since you insist on their praying. You must remember that choosing to be (mis)guided is a personal, individual responsibility; you cannot guide anyone at all; seekers of guidance (only through the Quran) are the ones who are freely and positively willing to be guided; the Lord God will guide them if they resort to the Only Source of Guidance in Islam: the Quran itself.
About Houris of Paradise, Again!
Published in December 27, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'd like you to dedicate a detailed article to discuss all Quranic verses which mention houris......... … Thank you …
We have written a lot about houris in the context of several articles and books; this is not to mention talking about this topic in many videos and fatwas of ours. We hope you will use the search box on our Quranism website to look for links mentioning this topic. We briefly assert here that the metaphorical style employed in the Quranic verses about Paradise addresses the human mind in ways to allow us to grasp things which are yet to be created in the Hereafter; of course, houris (who will be of one sex) are spouses for all Paradise dwellers (who also will be of one sex). Do not take heed of the silly Sunnite exegeses about houris being 'females' reserved only for those who were men in this temporary world and not for women. The Paradise bliss and pleasures mentioned in the Quran are for all Paradise dwellers. Sadly, Wahabi terrorists make use of the idea of Paradise houris to convince brainwashed, deluded youths to commit suicide terrorist operations in order to, supposedly, enjoy endless sex with houris in Paradise once they die in suicide bombings!
A Question of Inheritance
Published in December 27, 2019
Question: … Dear Dr. Mansour, … My father died and he left a flat; we sold it in return for the total sum of LE 190000. How would such a sum be distributed among the inheritors? They inheritors are the widow (i.e., my mother) two sons (including myself) and four daughters. We need your advice........ … Thank you …
The widow should receive 1/8 of the sum and the rest of it is to be divided into 8 equal shares distributed among the siblings: The male receives the equivalent of the share of two females as per the Quranic verse 4:11 within the context of the Quranic inheritance laws. Hence, the widow is to receive LE 23750. The rest of the sum is LE 166250. Each of the two sons should receive LE 41562 and each of the four daughters should receive LE 20781 and few piasters.
Waiting Periods, Again
Published in December 27, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … Does the waiting period for widows (to make sure if they are pregnant or not before they can remarry) differ from that for divorced women? Any ideas? … Thank you …
As per the Quran, the waiting period for widows is four months and ten days; see 2:234. The waiting period for divorced women is three months (or three consecutive menstruations); see 2:228. For more details about this topic (and how the Sunnite hadiths and fiqh scholars have distorted it), we urge you to read the Chapter Five in our book on Naskh; in this Chapter Five, we exemplify how Sunnites made their hadiths replace Quranic sharia laws; one of the examples we quote is about the Quranic rules regarding divorced women and widows.
The Unique Quranic Style of Arabic
Published in December 28, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … I read a previous fatwa of yours that Prophet Muhammad was literate; yet, since the Quranic text has its unique style of Arabic in terms of syntax and orthography, this means that the Gabriel taught Prophet Muhammad how to write the Quran himself as per this Quranic verse about Gabriel, the Extremely Powerful arch-angel, teaching Prophet Muhammad the Quran: "Taught to him by the Extremely Powerful." (53:5). ........ What do you think? … Thank you …
You are right, of course. May the Lord God bless you. In fact, the unique style of Arabic in the Quranic text has its numerical miraculous features; this was never known by Muhammad; he also never knew about the scientific indications in the Quran (we refer you to our book, in English, found on the following link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=151). This is because Muhammad's mission was confined to conveying the entirety of the Quranic Message as per these two verses: "...The only mission of the Messenger is to deliver the Clarifying Message." (24:54); "The Messenger’s sole duty is to convey..." (5:99). For more details about Muhammad's writing the Quranic text himself in the current order of verses and chapters and unique style of writing as per the Divine Will of the Lord God, we refer you to this article of ours, in English, found on the following link:
About the People of Remembrance
Published in December 28, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … The Lord Allah says the following in the Quran: "We did not send before you except men whom We inspired. So ask the people of the Remembrance, if you do not know." (16:43-44). What is meant by the underlined Quranic expression; i.e., the people of Remembrance? Any ideas? … Thank you in advance …
You will find a detailed answer to your question in this article of ours, in English, found on the following link:
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5169 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,610,212 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,478 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,869 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
الفصل الثانى : الاجتهاد فى التدبر القرآنى وفى الاسلام والكفر والعبادات
القاموس القرآنى : الكفّارة والفدية
الفصل الأول : التقوى والايمان باليوم الآخر أساس الاجتهاد الاسلامى
الفصل الخامس : الاجتهاد الشيطانى العملى فى إضطهاد أهل الكتاب
دعوة للتبرع
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