آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2018-06-28
Fatwas Part Eighty-Six
Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Faith/Belief Comes First
Published in June 19, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm a Muslim woman from Algeria; I'm glad to have come across your great website … My problem is that everything in my country seems to be deemed as prohibited; this is unlike our good ancestors who resisted the French occupation that aimed to preach and proselytize Catholicism and to remove Islam … Sunnite/Salafist extremists in my city assume that there are thousands of things/deeds that are prohibited but are never mentioned in the Quran as such; they turn lives of women into veritable hell; I myself am afraid to commit sins unawares; I've decided to shun society; after I graduated from the university, I used to work as a teacher of the English language at the local school; I tendered my resignation months later as people around me thought I was an extremist person and because of the fatwas about prohibiting women from work as their households are deemed to be their 'proper' sphere … I hate the hypocrisy and lies spread in the community around me … The more I read material within the internet, the more I'm convinced now that Salafist ideas are wrong; I'm beginning to revise many of my own ideas; I'm sad that women are so crippled, restricted, and inhibited; why are they deemed to be controlled by Satan and his devils more than men?! I feel very much afraid to fall into the trap of sinning while I'm heedless … I'm currently reading your great website archive … These are my questions to you: (1) Is there some Quranic evidence (and proofs from Sunna hadiths) to prove that women in Islam are NOT required to cover their face and head hair? (2) Is it OK in Islam that women would work as singers and make money out of this profession? (3) Is there a definite line/barrier between what is prohibited and what is permissible in Islam? … Thank you very much for taking time to answer me …
Before posing these questions, you are to believe only in the Quran and to reject all hadiths of the so-called Sunna; of course, you are welcome to our Quranism website; the Quranists' religion has a basic tenet of rejecting all types of hadiths/discourses/narratives of the man-made, fabricated, earthly/terrestrial Sunnite, Sufi, and Shiite religions of Satan. You have to believe only in the Quran as God's Word and the Only Discourse within the celestial, divine religion of Islam. Please read our books in English and in Arabic, especially if you begin with our seminal book which we recommend for novices: "The Quran: Sufficient as a Source of Islamic Legislation" (found in English on this link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=92). We refer you to some of the many articles of ours that tackle the topic of veil/hijab and niqab as both have nothing to do with Islam; e.g.: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=18445 / http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=15859 / http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=5892). We urge you to watch our subtitled-into-English YouTube videos (https://www.youtube.com/user/ahlalquran1/featured), and you will find episodes about the veil and niqab in our shows titled "Quranic Moments" and "Exposing Salafism". It is OK for men and women to be professional singers and to earn their living that way; but they must avoid the sin of religious singing as such type of Sufi singing ridicules God's Word and propagates polytheistic notions of deifying mortals. About singing and the fact that it is never prohibited in Islam, we refer you to this article of ours in English (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=16929). Women have equal rights like men in Islam, especially regarding the right to work (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=7118). Of course, prohibited items are mentioned as such in the Quran; one must not add to this list of prohibitions. Be not afraid too much, our daughter, of falling into the trap of sins; God accepts the sincere repentance of those who commit grave sins and pardons the minor sins or mishaps/mistakes of those who avoid grave sins, provided they perform many good deeds: "If you avoid the worst of what you are forbidden, We will remit your sins, and admit you by a Gate of Honor." (4:31); "To God belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth. He will repay those who do evil according to their deeds, and recompense those who do good with the best. Those who avoid gross sins and immoralities - except for minor lapses - your Lord is of Vast Forgiveness. He knows you well, ever since He created you from the earth, and ever since you were embryos in your mothers' wombs. So do not acclaim your own virtue; He is fully aware of the righteous." (53:31-32); "Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves: do not despair of God's mercy, for God forgives all sins. He is indeed the Forgiver, the Clement." And turn to your Lord, and submit to Him, before the torment comes upon you. Then you will not be helped. And follow the best of what was revealed to you from your Lord, before the torment comes upon you suddenly, while you are unaware." (39:53-55); "And those who do not implore besides Allah any other god, and do not kill the soul which God has made sacred - except in the pursuit of justice - and do not commit fornication. Whoever does that will face penalties. The torment will be doubled for him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will dwell therein in humiliation forever. Except for those who repent, and believe, and do good deeds. These - God will replace their bad deeds with good deeds. God is ever Forgiving and Merciful. Whoever repents and acts righteously - has inclined towards God with repentance." (25:68-71). We sincerely advise you to repent first from the sin of the polytheistic belief in Sunna hadiths; these are lies and falsehoods which are Taghut (i.e., literally: tyranny) ascribed by (human and jinn) devils to God's Religion. You have to believe in the Quran as the Only Scripture and the Sole Discourse in Islam: "These are God's Verses which We recite to you in Truth. In which discourse, after God and His Verses, will they believe? Woe to every sinful liar. Who hears God's Verses being recited to him, yet he persists arrogantly, as though he did not hear them. Announce to him a painful torment. And when he learns something of Our Verses, he takes them in mockery. For such there is a shameful torment. Beyond them lies Hell. What they have earned will not benefit them at all, nor will those they adopted as allies instead of God. They will have a terrible torment. This is guidance. Those who disbelieve in their Lord's verses will have a torment of agonizing pain." (45:6-11); "Have they not observed the government of the heavens and the earth, and all the things that God created, and that their time may have drawn near? Which discourse, besides this, will they believe in?" (7:185); "In what discourse, beyond this, will they believe?" (77:50). You must dedicate and devote your acts of worship only to God; see 39:1-3, 39:11-15, 39:17-18, 39:23-24, 39:32-36, and 39:64. Those polytheistic Muhammadans who believe in hadiths of Sunnites, Shiites, and/or Sufis and die as such will never be forgiven by the Lord God in the Hereafter: "God does not forgive association with Him, but He forgives anything less than that to whomever He wills. Whoever associates anything with God has devised a monstrous sin." (4:48); "God will not forgive that partners be associated with Him; but will forgive anything less than that, to whomever He wills. Anyone who ascribes partners to God has strayed into far error." (4:116).
Shiite Mythology
Published in June 20, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Since you are a historian and a very distinguished researcher in your field of specialization, would you write articles to refute Shiite myths which include the story/narrative that their supreme deity, Ali, was born inside the Kaaba and a crack appeared in its wall once he got out of the womb of his mother … Thank you …
The laughter-inducing Shiite myths are endless; the Shiite authors have invented countless hadiths/myths without even bothering to fabricate Isnad (i.e., series of narrators) to such hadiths/lies. It seems that it is 'enough' for Shiites that one of their 'holy' authors would write any myths (like the one you have quoted in your message) to be believed by the gullible, naïve masses who would even weep within reverence and awe! This is a deplorable, pitiful case of utter madness.
Obsession with Women
Published in June 20, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it true (or is it a Sunnite myth) or not that most men are sexually aroused easily by any movements done by women, even if they uncovered their head hair? Why do Sunnite hadiths show an obsessions with sex and women? Some hadiths even urge women never to leave their home even while wearing niqab! Are women less easily aroused in comparison to men? Why this seems to be a Sunnite tenet?! … The Quran never endorses such myths, of course, but my question is as follows: how are we to convince Sunnites that women are equal to men and that women are not mere vessels to receive semen to get impregnated?! Most men seem to me as sex maniacs, even when they are married men; what is your view of the sexual drive of men? … Thank you …
We do think that most men have higher sexual drive then most women; men cannot stop thinking of sex even if they are in a deserted island; women, we think, can control their sexual desire more than men, even if women are surrounded by men; e.g., some widows dedicate their lives to their children and never remarry or have sex at all. As of for the Sunnite obsession with women and sex, this is largely because of many narratives/hadiths about sex; Sunnite men, if they believe so much in Sunnite myths, are obsessed with covering women from tip to toe in veils/niqabs and assume that women would betray them sexually if they would have the chance. The Sunnite myths make misogynist men assume that women are never trustworthy and that they are merely moving vaginas that carry the 'honor' of their husbands/fathers; they never perceive the fact that women are human beings who are equal to men and have the same rights and duties, especially the right to work. We refute the Sunnite stupid myths about women in our book titled "Women's Right to Aspire to the Presidency of Any Islamic State", found in English on this link: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=79).
Sifting Hadiths!
Published in June 21, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … What are the criteria invented by Sunnite authors and scholars of the Middle-Ages to sift hadiths and to exclude the ones deemed as untrue? … Thank you …
The Sunnite authors and scholars have invented controversial criteria (never agreed upon by all of them) to exclude hadiths based on casting doubts on the truthfulness of the narrator(s) and if they were contemporaries of one another and trustworthy or not; such criteria are nothing but contradictory balderdash and they are never linked to the veracity of texts of hadiths at all; nothing is done to verify them; no Sunnite persons can prove that Muhammad uttered such things for sure; their religion is based on mere conjecture. More details about this topic are found on our book about Isnad.
Shiite Balderdash
Published in June 21, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … How can Shiite notions be refuted using the Quran? I mean the myth of the Twelver sect about 12 holy imams who are assumed to continue work left 'unfinished' by Prophet Muhammad and the silly notion that Ali to Muhammad was like Aaron to Moses … Another myth to be refuted by you, Sir, using the Quran, is the one about Muhammad choosing Ali (as well as his progeny!) as his caliph/successor and ruler within political and religious authority … Thank you …
Those who believe in any other discourses/narratives/hadiths besides the Quran as part of Islam are polytheists and if they die as such, they will enter into Hell forever because their polytheism will make God nullify their good deeds. Shiites and Sunnites in the first and second centuries A.H. entered into religious and political war using propaganda by inventing many hadiths to 'support' their own stances/views/notions. Some Shiites pretended to be Sunnites to make their hadiths infiltrate into the mainstream hadiths of the Sunnite canon. For instance, inventors/fabricators of hadiths include the Sunnite Ibn Qotayba and the Shiite Ibn Qotayba. This is a fact known by all Shiite and Sunnite historians; some of the Shiite spies were discovered and some were not. Both Sunnite and Shiite scholars/authors follow the footsteps of Satan in inventing lies about God and about His Religion; such Shiite hadiths and notions are so silly that we will not waste our time refuting them. The grave sins of Shiite and Sunnite authors include concealing God's Quranic verses by making their hadiths replace/supplant Quranic sharia legislations; they misinterpret Quranic verses on purpose to make the warped, twisted meanings fit their hadiths and fiqh notions; hence, they repel people away from the Quranic Truth; God curses them and so are His angels and all the pious people. These Sunnite, Sufi, and Shiite fabricators of hadiths are arch-enemies of the Lord God. God says in the Quran: "Those who suppress the proofs and the guidance We have revealed, after We have clarified them to humanity in the Book – those – God curses them, and the cursers curse them. Except those who repent, and reform, and proclaim. Those – I will accept their repentance. I am the Acceptor of Repentance, the Merciful. But as for those who reject faith, and die rejecting – those – upon them is the curse of God, and of the angels, and of all humanity. They will remain under it forever, and the torment will not be lightened for them, and they will not be reprieved." (2:159-162); "Those who conceal what God revealed in the Book, and exchange it for a small price - those swallow nothing but fire into their bellies. And God will not speak to them on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He purify them, and they will have a painful torment. It is they who exchange guidance for error, and forgiveness for torment. But why do they insist on the Fire?" (2:174-175).
They Are Disbelievers, For Sure
Published in June 21, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, …I'm a new Quranist and I'm still reading your entire archive of great writings … Am I to understand that hadiths-believers are polytheists who will enter into Hell if they die as such? Many good, peaceful people never know about Quranism and they have just inherited the labels of being Sunnites, Shiites, or Sufis, you know … What about them? … Thank you …
Those who die as polytheists who believe in any other discourses/narratives/hadiths besides the Quran as part of Islam will enter into Hell in the Hereafter if they died without repentance, even if they have performed many good deeds. Their polytheism will nullify their good deeds.
You Are Welcome, Dear Son
Published in June 22, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … This is my first letter to you; I'm a new Quranist youth filled with vitality, vigor ,and energy; I love Islam, logic, and mathematics, and I desire to expose the Sunnite religion of Satan; one day, if you'd allow me to be a writer on your great website, I will write the story of how I've found your Quranism website and reached True Islam at last; I'd like to share my views of the mathematical basis of the veracity and authenticity of the Quranic text and how the Sunnite religion is fake and illogical. I have lots of unprecedented ideas and my own theories to refute and undermine Sunna hadiths … I should like you, Sir, to write an irrefutable summary of the meaning of being a Quranist Muslim … Thank you …
In order to be a writer on our website, you have to read the entire archive of our writings and contemplate on it very deeply to prepare yourself and your mind/soul to be an excellent Quranist writer one day who adds excellent articles to the website and to be an asset to it. Our Quranist constitution is found here in English (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=15303), which is a summary of the meaning of being among the Quranists. No Sunnites (or any other Muhammadans) can ever refute this Quranist constitution, despite the media black-out imposed on Quranism and Quranists in the Arab world and the persecution suffered by some Quranists everywhere and drives them never to be outspoken about their faith. Of course, our thousands of articles and fatwas and tens of books have destroyed the very foundations of the Sunnite and the Sufi religions entirely. We rarely tackle the basic Shiite notions; we hope to have the time one day to destroy the Shiite religion entirely in our writings later on. May the Lord God come to our aid. Of course, our intellectual endeavors helped thousands of Arabs to reject Sunna hadiths and to boldly criticize and cast doubt on the Sunnite religion and its core notions; it is funny that some writers now try to 'reform' Sunnite religion by the exclusion of some or most of hadiths and making efforts to retain some few others by assuming they agree with the Quran! Other writers are Sunnite extremists who assume that all hadiths are OK and repeat in their defense some lame excuses to retain them; such views we have refuted 30 years ago; the main reason they proclaim in the media in the Arab world to keep Sunna hadiths is to learn how to perform prayers! This topic is tackled by our person many times and we have undermined their reasons/excuses to retain Sunna hadiths. We remind you, our dear son, that you are most welcome to our website; you have to bear in mind that true Quranists never care if people are guided or misguided; this is a personal responsibility; Quranists never seek to please or gratify others; they seek only to gratify their Lord God. They seek the Hereafter like all pious monotheists in all eras. Those who seek Paradise must look for true monotheism themselves in the Quran. We say to haters of Quranists/Quranism that we respect religious freedom of everyone and we expect the same from non-Quranists; they are free to criticize Quranism as much as we criticize the terrestrial/earthly religions of the Muhammadans; the Dominant Lord God will settle our differences and disputes in faith on the Last Day.
The Quranic Text and the Syriac Tongue
Published in June 22, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I love your articles about the Quranic terminology … Some researchers assume that some Quranic terms/words come from the ancient Syriac language and not the Arabic one; what do you think of that? Is that true? … Thank you …
Some superficial linguists who hate the Quran feel jubilant to see that some Quranic terms/words are derived from other languages other than Arabic. The Arabic, Syriac, and Hebrew tongues are derived from the Aramaic one; it is no surprise that the three tongues share common words; besides, all languages influence the terms/words of one another; e.g., the Arab tongue today contains thousands of words borrowed from the Persian, English, French, Turkish, and Byzantine tongues. The Quran employs the Arabic of the 7th century Arabia, and this tongue has been influenced by tongues of cultures around it; the Quran has not descended within a cultural vacuum, you know. Words of Hebrew and Syriac origin in the Quran do not undermine the fact that the Quranic text is in the Arabic tongue. The word Quran itself in Arabic means (reading), (recitation), or (perusal). Arabs of Arabia in the 7th century understood the Quranic tongue perfectly, and many arrogant ones among them demanded from Muhammad to change it, as if he were its author: "And when Our clear verses are recited to them, those who do not hope to meet Us say, "Bring a Quran other than this, or change it." Say, "It is not for me to change it of my own accord. I only follow what is revealed to me. I fear, if I disobeyed my Lord, the torment of a terrible Day."" (10:15).
There Is Nothing Like Him
Published in June 23, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Why aren't we able to imagine how God looks like? How Hell and Paradise will look like? How did God talk to Moses at Mount Al-Tur in Sinai, Egypt? I hate Sufism and I never imitate Sufis, but would you please help me and answer my questions?! … Thank you …
Human minds, eyes, senses, and perceptions are limited; we cannot see God in this world and we will never see Him on the Last Day and in the Hereafter: "...There is nothing like Him..." (42:11) (please see our article in English: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=16303). Thus, it is no use that you think or ponder on how God looks like; God uses figurative and metaphoric language in the Quranic verses about Himself and about the Hereafter; we are never to tackle the invisible or the metaphysical realm away from the Quran so as not to ascribe lies to God's Religion. We are to study the physical realm of the universe and within earth. Please read our book about scientific indications in the Quran and how the Muhammadans, past and present, have never pondered the Quran because they have abandoned it.
Bets with Money, Again
Published in June 23, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Bets with money done within football and other sports are OK in Islam or not? … Some say it is prohibited because it is like gambling; what do you think? … Thank you …
They are NOT prohibited; prohibited items are only the ones mentioned as such in the Quran. This does not apply to bets; in fact, bets are like trade; i.e., they are based on mutual consent: "O you who believe! Do not consume each other's wealth illicitly, but trade by mutual consent..." (4:29). In fact, mutual consent is essential in all dealings among people within Islam: marriages, divorces, contracts, etc.
Tolerance of Islam
Published in June 24, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I, of course, wholeheartedly agree with you that Quranists should never enter into mosques of the Muhammadans so as to avoid hearing blasphemies of polytheists; yet, in the Arab country where I live, the religious police is watching over every man; if these religious policemen notice that we, Quranists, do not perform the congregational Friday noon prayers in mosques, we will get publicly insulted/rebuked or get imprisoned! We have to attend and listen to sermons of polytheists! Will God forgive us? What do you think? … Thank you …
God punishes only those who were deliberate and determined to commit sins within premeditation; God forgives those who are forced to do something sinful, especially those who suffer compulsion in religion by the tyrannical, unjust ones. The Quran allows the oppressed, weak ones to practice Taqiyya (see our article in English titled "They Ask You about Taqiyya" on this link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=17632) to avoid being persecuted, even if they have to utter blasphemies to protect themselves and their lives while their hearts are filled with the true, monotheistic faith.
Our Lord / Your Lord
Published in June 24, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Why the term (your Lord) is used instead of (our Lord) in this verse about Hell-dwellers:"And they will cry, "O Malik, let your Lord finish us off." He will say, "You are staying."" (43:77). Will they be too arrogant to use the term (our Lord) instead of (your Lord)? What do you think?… Thank you …
They first implore the Lord God to make them get out of Hell; their request is refused: "The Fire lashes their faces, and therein they grimace. "Were not My Verses recited to you, and you kept on rejecting them?" They will say, "Our Lord, our wretchedness prevailed over us, and we were a people astray. Our Lord! Bring us out of this. If we ever returned, we would truly be unjust." He will say, "Be despised therein, and do not speak to Me. There was a group of My servants who would say, "Our Lord, we have believed, so forgive us, and have mercy on us; You are the Best of the merciful." But you made them a target of ridicule, until they made you forget My remembrance; and you used to laugh at them. Today, I have rewarded them for their endurance. They are the ones who are the triumphant."" (23:104-111);"They will say, "Our Lord, you made us die twice, and twice you gave us life. Now we acknowledge our sins. Is there any way out?" That is because when God alone was called upon, you disbelieved; but when others were associated with Him, you believed. Judgment rests with God the Sublime, the Majestic." (40:11-12); "And they will scream therein, "Our Lord, let us out, and we will act righteously, differently from the way we used to act." Did We not give you a life long enough, in which anyone who wanted to understand would have understood? And the warner did come to you. So taste. The unjust ones will have no helper." (35:37). Their despair leads them to ask Malik and other angels who are wardens/guardians of Hell to intercede on their behalf for a respite or to ease torment a little for them; these angels will refuse and rebuke them by reminding them that they have denied God's verses: "And those in the Fire will say to the keepers of Hell, "Call to your Lord to lessen our suffering for one day."They will say, "Did not your messengers come to you with clear verses?" They will say, "Yes." They will say, "Then pray, but the prayers of the disbelievers will always be in vain."" (40:49-50).
About Jesus in The Verse 3:46
Published in June 26, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Did Jesus die as a young man or as an old man? Some Sunnite authors assume that the verse 3:46 tells us about the so-called second coming, as he will grow old and die later on! Would you refute this myth? … Thank you …
God says in the Quran: "He will speak to the people from the crib, and in his old age, and will be one of the righteous ones." (3:46). Please do not believe in the polytheistic mythological narratives of Christians and Sunnite authors who deify Jesus; there is nothing called a second coming; Jesus died (within natural death and he was NOT murdered) in his old age as per the verse 3:46. The only true story of Jesus is found exclusively in the Quran.
Divine Revelation to Non-Prophets
Published in June 26, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'd like you, Sir, to tackle the topic of divine revelation to non-prophets … Does God send us messages or indications in visions/dreams? Or is this a myth? … Thank you …
We have written an article about the types of revelation to non-Prophets like the inspiration given to the mother of Moses and when Gabriel was sent to Mary, the mother of Jesus. Divine revelation ended forever after the descent of the Quran. God does NOT send dreams or revelation to anyone at all after the death of Muhammad; this notion about dreams/visions is a Sunnite-Sufi myth.
About the Verse 73:20
Published in June 26, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … What is meant by staying up for part of the night in 73:20? What sort of prayers to be done at the time? I've never did this before … What is meant by 73:20? Are we to read the Quran at night and not pray? What do you think? … Thank you …
Staying up at the night means to dedicate some time for extra acts of worship of your choice (prayers, reading the Quran, and/or glorification of the Lord God). This is not a religious duty imposed on everyone like the five daily prayers; these voluntary, extra acts of worship are done by those who choose to be among the Forerunners in Paradise; sinners, in contrast, are choosing Hell by their bad/evil deeds. Our deeds and choices decide our fate in the Hereafter.
About David in 38:22-25
Published in June 27, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … In the context of the verses 38:22-25, how did David make a mistake and why he asked for God's pardon? Would you please explain the verses 38:22-25 to me? … Thank you …
God says in the Quran: "When they entered upon David, and he was startled by them. They said, "Do not fear. Two disputants; one of us has wronged the other; so judge between us fairly, and do not be biased, and guide us to the straight way." "This brother of mine has ninety-nine ewes, and I have one ewe, and he said, 'Entrust it to me,' and he pressured me with words." He said, "He has done you wrong by asking your ewe in addition to his ewes. Many partners take advantage of one another, except those who believe and do good deeds, but these are so few." David realized that We were testing him, so he sought forgiveness from his Lord, and fell down to his knees, and repented. So We forgave him that. And for him is nearness to Us, and a good place of return." (38:22-25). God mentions this Quranic story to praise David and to implicitly refute fabrications in the Old Testament about a fictional David who had tens of wives and desired the wife of one of his military leaders. God praises David in this verse: "...and mention Our servant David, the resourceful. He was a repentant man." (38:17); this means he repented, more often than not, to atone even for the minor sins; his sin in 38:22-25 was to assume that those two men were about to attack him and he was afraid despite being a prophet of the Lord God; when he knew that this was a test for him by the Lord God, he repented and prostrated to the Lord God.
Walking Bashfully
Published in June 27, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … God says in the Quran: "Then, one of the two women approached him, walking bashfully. She said, "My father is calling you, to reward you for drawing water for us."..." (28:25); why the woman here is said to be bashful; did she shake hands or Moses or not? Extremists assume that handshakes between males and females are prohibited based on 28:25. They are wrong, of course. What do you think? Did Moses walk in front of the woman so as not to see her body when the wind caused her garment to move? Or is this a silly Sunnite narrative? Are women allowed to talk with men as per 28:25? … Thank you …
You have not read all of our articles and books, obviously. We have mentioned that no religious legislations (i.e., commands and prohibitions) are to be derived from the Quranic stories. We have mentioned before that the Quranic stories focus on the moral lessons to be drawn by readers and NOT on details like names, eras, locations, etc. Hence, Sunnite/Sufi/Shiite details never mentioned in the Quranic stories are never part of the Quranic stories at all and are mere fabrications; we are not to invent stories about the metaphysical realm of the past. Those Sunnites who have rejected and discarded the Quran have invented many stories about prophets; we are not to read or to believe in such Sunnite narratives/stories and balderdash which form the basis of their earthly, fabricated Sunnite religion of Satan. Thus, in the verse 28:25, you are not to ask about details never mentioned in this context and you are never to believe in Sunnite fabrications about this context or any other contexts of Quranic stories.
Credit Cards, Again!
Published in June 27, 2018
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it prohibited within Quranism that I use credit cards to borrow money in return for high rates of interest? Is this usury? Sadly, I do not understand very much any details within the field of numbers and economics … Thank you …
Any trade or exchange within mutual consent is permissible in Islam; in case you are being manipulated by others and you have to overlook this manipulation to solve your financial problems, the sinner is the manipulator and not you.
The Shiite Twelver Sect
Published in January 15, 2015
Question: … Dear Sir, … I like your Quranist articles and views very much; I'm still reading them now … But my question here is as follows: what do you think of the Shiite Twelver sect? … Thank you …
The religion you mention is, of course, an earthly/terrestrial one like the Sunnite religion with all its sects, other Shiite sects, Sufism, Buddhism, Catholicism, Protestantism, and the Orthodox religion. The Only Celestial, Divine Religion is found in the Quran exclusively; Islam (i.e., peace with others + submission to God) is the religion preached by all prophets/messengers of God, each by his tongue; the Arabic version of Islam is the Quran: the Last Message from God to humanity. This is our Quranist view based on our understanding of the Quran. As for the social and political levels and as for human rights, we support the full religious freedom and all the rights of those weak, oppressed ones and minorities everywhere on the globe; e.g., Shiite minorities in Egypt and in Arabia.
Intellectual Evidence to Prove the Quran as the Truth
Published in April 6, 2007
Question: … Dear Sir, … I'd like you to write about the topic of logical, intellectual evidence/proofs that show the fact that the Quran is the Truth from the Lord God and that its text is never distorted … Thank you …
The biggest proof is that it is quite impossible that that the mortal prophet Muhammad Ibn Abdullah of the 7th century A.D. Arabia would be the author of the Quran; the Quran contains historical narratives of ancient people never told (orally or in written form) before the Quran; it contains the predictions about the future; the Quran has challenged the culture and linguistic eloquence of Arabs at the time; many Israelites of Arabia bore witness to the fact that the Quran is God's Word and fulfillment of predictions given to Moses in the Scripture given to him. This is not to mention the scientific indications in some of the Quranic verses and the numerical miracles some of our fellow Quranist writers are discovering now. Of course, other miraculous features of the Quran will appear in later decades; we will write about all the miraculous features and how they are linked to science and history; we beseech our fellow Quranist writers to ponder the Quran deeply and do the same.
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5169 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,611,501 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,478 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,869 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
الفصل الثانى : الاجتهاد فى التدبر القرآنى وفى الاسلام والكفر والعبادات
القاموس القرآنى : الكفّارة والفدية
الفصل الأول : التقوى والايمان باليوم الآخر أساس الاجتهاد الاسلامى
الفصل الخامس : الاجتهاد الشيطانى العملى فى إضطهاد أهل الكتاب
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