Fatwas Part Sixty-Six

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2017-12-27


Fatwas Part Sixty-Six

Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy


The Call to Prayers, Again

Published in December 18, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm still exploring your thought-provoking website; but I keep wondering why the Muhammadans' Azan (call to prayers) does not contain the names of the four pre-Umayyad caliphs? Did Muhammad utter the phrase (while talking to people and during daily prayers) "There is no God but Allah, and I am His Messenger"? this would be silly, right? What do you think? … Thank you …    


 We urge you to read our entire archive of writings (fatwas, comments, articles, and books) before posing repeated questions so that we save our time. Sunnites and Shiites changed the phrasing of Azan as per their whims. The Quranist phrasing of the Azan in the five daily prayers is one (without having to repeat it or to add any words to it), and it is as follows: (God is the Greatest! God is the Greatest! I testify that there is no God but Allah! Gather for prayers! Gather for goodness! God is the Greatest! God is the Greatest! I testify that there is no God but Allah!).






Very Insulting to God

Published in December 18, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, … Most people in the Arab world would utter/write this phrase: (s/he moved into the mercy of Allah) about the dead persons, regardless of their faiths; is this phrase OK or not as far as Quranism is concerned? … Thank you …  


 This phrase is very insulting to God; it is very wrong to utter/write it, because it is as if one violates or usurps God's sovereignty by assuming to have knowledge of the metaphysical realm and God's judgment by saying about the dead persons that they will necessarily enter into Paradise or they are inside it now instead of Barsakh, where all souls of dad human beings return. Thus, to say that someone who died is (or will be) in Hell or Paradise is very wrong; this is God's judgment without the interference of mortals, as God is the Sole Owner of the Last Day. The final destination of every human being is told to him/her upon dying by angels of death and will be known by all during the Last Day. God's mercy on the Last Day is when winners who earned their place in Paradise enter into it. 






Preserving the Quran Only

Published in December 18, 2017




Question: …  Dear Sir, … Why have not God preserved the Torah, Gospel, and all previous Scriptures as is the case now with the Quran? … Thank you …


  God has revealed the previous scriptures or celestial books/messages successively within all nations; each book would later on be distorted by sinners, and messengers/prophets would be sent to correct the faith of people; this has been repeated many times throughout the history of humanity. Since the Quran is the Last Message of God to all humanity until the end of days, its text is preserved by God Himself. Sinners cannot distort or change the Quranic text; they have managed only to distort and twist its meanings through deliberate misinterpretations and via hadiths, Naskh (i.e., hadiths replace or supplant Quranic legislations), books of 'interpretation' of Quranic verses, etc. Such book authored during the Middle-Ages are containers of the earthly religions of the Muhammadans that contradict Islam (i.e., the Quran) by introducing polytheistic notions that include deifying, revering, and sanctifying mortals as intercessors/mediators, undermining God, the Quran, and Muhammad, and ascribing falsehoods and fake narratives to God and to Muhammad. The Quran remains to be the only criterion used to judge and refute such centuries-old lies and fabrications.         





About the Verses 2:190-191

Published in December 19, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … God says in the Quran: "And fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not commit aggression; God does not love the aggressors. And kill them wherever you overtake them, and expel them from where they had expelled you. Religious persecution is more serious than murder. But do not fight them at the Sacred Mosque, unless they fight you there. If they fight you, then kill them. Such is the retribution of the disbelievers." (2:190-191) … Do the verbs "fight" and "kill" in 2:190-191 indicate two different meanings or are they synonymous in this Quranic context? This questions pops into my mind when I read English translations of the Quran … Thank you …    


 They are exact synonyms in the contexts of self-defense fighting within the Quranic Chapters 2, 4, 8, 9, and 47. This includes never to kill captives and to stop self-defense fighting once the aggression stops, of course.







About the Verses 2:177 and 47:4

Published in December 19, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … Within English translations of the Quranic text, some translators link 2:177 and 47:4 together concerning slaves and slavery; i.e., we are commanded to donate charity money for poor slaves in 2:177, but some translations/interpretations mention that the expression "...bind them firmly..." in 47:4 means to take captives or POWs as slaves! I do not think it logical … What do you think? … Thank you …      


 The verse 47:4 tackles self-defense fighting, and it indicates that captives after a battle should be released for free or in return for captives captured by the aggressive enemy, and they are never to be  ransomed with money. As for 3:177, it includes donating money to release salves from bondage to free them. Islam contains no teachings of enslavement at all, either in times of self-defense war or in times of peace. Islam urges people to liberate slaves all the time within many means; for further information, we refer you to our book (in English) titled "Slavery: A Fundamental Historical Overview", found on this link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=87    






Sunnite Mythology

Published in December 20, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … In Sunnite books, I read that whenever one prays anywhere, this location or place will bear witness and testify in favor of, or for the sake of, the performer of prayers on the Last Day … Is this true? … Thank you …      


 This is nonsense which is part of the Sunnite mythology. All one's deeds (good or bad) are recorded by angels that register all one's deeds, thoughts, movements, words, etc. Those who will bear witness on the Last Day are preachers of the Truth in all eras who will testify against their contemporaries. Of course, the sinners' hands, feet, skins, etc. will testify against them on the Last Day before they will be thrown into Hell. Thus, as far as the Quran is concerned, no earthly item, site, or thing would bear witness against or in favor of anyone. 






One's Willingness to be Guided

Published in December 20, 2017




Question:  … Dear Sir, … I feel that I have been a Quranist Muslim before coming across your great website of Quranism; I am a young married woman; I have many siblings, and some of them are older than I am and some are younger, but myself and my mother are the only ones who perform the daily prayers. I pray regularly since I reached puberty; I mention this introduction because I wanna tell you that my Mom trusts my being very religious. I got married after getting my university degree and I have travelled abroad for my postgraduate studies four years ago. When I have come across ahl-alquran.com, I have read your entire archive many times and watched all your great videos, but I never write articles or comments; I try know to apply what I have learned from you in my life, and I hope to be a good Muslim with correct, monotheistic faith. My problem is my Mom; I love her very much and she is a very religious and pious, tolerant person with a high moralistic level, but she is a Sunnite woman! She can read as she left school after finishing the primary stage of education, but she has no time for reading your website when I advised her to read your archive of writings. I'm still abroad, and I managed to convince her with difficulty to watch your videos instead of reading anything, but he told me she cannot accept Quranism at all! Over the phone, we talked about this topic and she feigns she is convinced with Quranism only to please me! I feel so guilty as I cannot guide her to True Islam! Is this because I'm not near here now?! I know that guidance is from God for those who ardently seek guidance. I want my mother to enter into Paradise and be a monotheistic believer like me, and I don't want her to be among the Sunnite polytheists in Hell! How can I convince her to accept Quranism as True Islam? Any advice? … Thank you …         


 You are very welcome to our website, our daughter. May God bless and reward you. You have done your best; do not talk to your mother again about this. It is your mother's turn to think seriously about what guidance is. Typically, people after the age 50 rarely accept new ideas or habits. Accepting Quranism as the True Islam and real monotheism (i.e., Allah as the Only One, True Lord and God and the Quran as the Only Discourse in Islam) entails that one is ready to be guided and has a desire to seek guidance whatever it costs, as one rejects the earthly religion which one is taught since childhood. Thus, your mother must seek, out of her own accord and driven by an inner motive, to be guided so that God will guide her if she wills it first. May God guide all of us.






Quranic Discourse Only

Published in December 21, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, …  How did you know, from the Quran itself and not from your own conclusions, that the verses 77:50 and 7:185 is about the Quranic discourse itself? … Thank you …   


  God says in the Quran: "In what discourse, beyond this, will they believe?" (77:50); "...Which discourse, besides this, will they believe in?" (7:185). We know that the Quranic verses explain and shed light on one another, and we conclude that the term "discourse" in 77:50 and 7:185 denotes the Quranic text itself from the following verse: "These are God's Verses which We recite to you in Truth. In which discourse, after God and His verses, will they believe?" (45:6).






Index of Quranic Terminology

Published in December 21, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … What is your opinion about the references that provide indexes for Quranic Terminology; i.e., to group similar ones and mention their repeated occurrences in certain verses, etc.  …Thank you …   


 Such references are great  and we are grateful for their Arab and non-Arab authors and their endeavors as we used to depend on these references in the 1980s and 1990s, before we learned to use the PC and the internet.






Leave him Now!

Published in December 21, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, … I am a 19-year-old Algerian young woman and I seek your advice … A year ago, I became engaged to a young Algerian man who lives in France, and since I found him to be a good person with high moralistic attitude, we both have signed marriage papers/contracts months ago, but we are yet to consummate the marriage only after the wedding party which is to take place within few months. Yet, after signing the marriage contract, I was thoroughly shocked to discover that he is a bisexual man! And I saw certain typical mannerisms, and he told me he has sex with men and women before he knew me! At one time, he made me see pornographic photos! I told him I do not like this as I fear the Lord God, and I've insisted on his stopping such promiscuous lifestyle at once, while he insists that I must accept this as part of his nature and his life, since he and I will live in France, and he does not care about religion at all and accuses me of being a prude! … I cannot accept that my future mate will go on having sexual relationships with women and men after we are married! We have not consummated the marriage yet; shall I leave him now and annul this marriage? Or shall I respect his 'freedom'?! Any advice?!  … Thank you …      


 You must leave him at once to avoid troubles before it is too late.







Published in December 22, 2017


Question: …  Dear Sir, … Some Arab people invoke the Lord God using the epithet/name Al-Sattar (i.e., literally in Arabic, the one who provides protection or cover), but I never found this term in the Quranic text; is it wrong to use it? What do you think?… Thank you …        


 Of course, it is a major, grave sin to ascribe names/epithets to Almighty God never mentioned in the Quran: "To God belong the Most Beautiful Names, so call Him by them, and disregard those who blaspheme His names. They will be repaid for what they used to do." (7:180). Please wait for our "Quranic Moments" Episode No. 275 titled (Al-Sattar Is Not Among the Holy Names of Allah). We have videoed it days ago, but it will be uploaded on our YouTube channel later on. For more information, we refer you to our articles (in English) in these links: http://ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=17341/ http://ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=14224







Quranist Shows, TV Series, and Movies

Published in December 22, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir,  … Why do not Quranist cooperate and finance a company to direct and produce plays, movies, TV series, and shows to spread and propagate Quranism as True Islam? … This will reach wider audience in comparison to YouTube videos and will dispel myths regarding the Quran and Muhammad … Thank you …


  Our financial means are very modest; we have produced videos of few Friday Quranist sermons in 2016, and our 2011 YouTube show titled "Exposing Salafism" and we go on in 2017 and 2018 to upload episodes of our YouTube show titled "Quranic Moments", hopefully, it will reach one thousand episodes, and we plan other shows about history of caliphs and the Ibn Ishaq false biography of Muhammad, showing how deeds/stances of caliphs and writings of Ibn Ishaq contradict the Quran. We have no financial means to have our own production company and our own satellite channel. Yet, we have many screenplays and scenarios of Quranist TV series and movies in English and in Arabic and we already have our Ibn Rushd Media, registered in the USA and we pay its taxes though we never produce anything yet; except two short movies uploaded via YouTube and watched for free about the right of Muslim women to marry non-Muslim men (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwzDWk9rJDmqp3456bEF2KQ). We need sponsors and partners to finance big, lucrative productions; this is our dream in order to be more effective and influential in the peaceful, intellectual war of ideas against Wahabi terrorism. This peaceful endeavors will certainly combat terrorism and spare bloodshed, and it will cost very little and make our potential partners gain profits. May God grant us help. For further details, we refer you to our articles (in English) found on these links: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=15999 / http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=14547 / http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=16346   







Earthly Religions of Balderdash

Published in December 24, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … I'm so distressed; when I was downloading PDF books for free (in Arabic), I've found translated-into-Arabic  scientific books authored in the West tackling future physics and the post-Einstein era of science, whereas books authored in Arabic include history books that heap praises on ancestors and 'saints' of the Muhammadans! There is a huge gap (or rather an abyss!) between the West and the East that will never be bridged! May God grant me patience! … Thank you …    


 You are very welcome to our website, our dear son. The same gap or abyss exists between Quranists who follow the Quran (the celestial religion from God) and the Muhammadans who follow the earthly Sunnite, Shiite, and Sufi religions. If you examine titles of MA and PhD theses in the KSA, you will find the silliest, most absurd notions of obscurantism (see our article in English on this link : http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=17249). This is not to mention the Saudi parliamentary council discussing the best way to arrange shoes outside gates of mosques! This is not to mention their weird and strange Wahabi fatwas and hadiths about drinking the urine of camels, sex jihad, and marrying female minors. The Wahabi need immediate psychiatric help in the nearest hospital for the mentally disturbed ones. The Muhammadans' religions are nothing but balderdash and nonsense.      






Preventing Women from Marriage Is Prohibited

Published in December 24, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, … I am a 19-year-old young woman who studies at the university and I have a question … Is it OK in Islam that I would marry without prior consent of my family (or males of my family members)? My family members refused to give their consent regarding my marriage to a certain man whom I've chosen as my future husband, and we love each other and intend to marry; their reasons for refusing him are none of my concern … I own and control my life and I have the right to choose my future husband, right? … Your website has taught me that Islam is not against personal responsibility and freedom, right? … Thank you…


 Preventing women (virgins, widows, or divorced) from marriage is prohibited in the Quranic Chapters 2 and 4. Thus, your family members have no right whatsoever to prevent you from marrying the man you have chosen. Women (virgins or not) have the right to marry with or without informing her family members; their consent is never obligatory; this 'obligation' is what misogynist Sunnite fiqh scholars have wrongly assumed. Only female slaves of the past had to marry with the consent of their owners/masters; there is no slavery now of that type in our modern era. Those young women who deputize their fathers (or male elderly relatives) do so to preserve their rights and NOT to make their fathers as 'masters' who dominate and control their lives; fathers here are merely expressing the wishes and rights of daughters, based on the consent of these daughters. This is not obligatory at all. Of course, you can marry within legal marriage contract, with a dowry paid to you by your husband, and the marriage should be made in public, with witnesses signing the marriage contract registered officially and formally in the country where you live, so as to preserve your rights as a wife. We implore God to grant you happiness in your married life.





Shaking Hands with Women, Again!

Published in December 25, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it permissible or prohibited in Islam that men shake hands with women? Does this handshake spoil ablution of men? … Thank you …      


 Handshaking with women is never prohibited at all and it never spoils ablution. Please stop assuming that the Sunnite fiqh notions might be true.  






Additional Fasting

Published in December 25, 2017


Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it true that Prophet Muhammad used to fast every Mondays and Thursdays and every 13th, 14th, and 15th of each lunar month of the lunar calendar? … Thank you … 


 Muhammad has nothing to do with such conjectures and nonsensical stories of the Sunnite authors of the Middle-Ages. Of course, additional fasting voluntarily done by pious monotheists any time (outside Ramadan) is OK like any other additional acts of worship aiming to please our Almighty Lord God. The specific days you mention in your question have no significance at all, we assure you.






Al-Khawarij Were Disbelievers

Published in December 25, 2017


Question: …  Dear Sir, … I've read your writings that mention en passant the sect of Al-Khawarij who thrived during the Umayyad Era and the early decades of the Abbasid Era … Yet, did this sect of warriors and rebels have any bright, positive side? Did they believe in the Quran or not? … Thank you …


 Al-Khawarij sect or group were disbelievers both in terms of faith/belief and in terms of behavior; they never believed in the Quran and were bloodthirsty criminals who massacred the innocent, peaceful people among Muslims/Muhammadans (men, women, children, and the elderly people) and they looted, raped, enslaved, raided, sabotaged, etc. within their unjust wars of aggression and rebellions. Strangely, their ideas included never to harm the People of the Book. Al-Khawarij were savage, brutal ignoramuses who are devoted to their mythology/ideology and to committing heinous bloodbaths. They never believed in the Quran; in fact, real, Quran-believing persons must adhere to peace with all peaceful people regardless of their religious denominations and they must fear the Lord God in piety, while dedicating their monotheistic  religion and acts of worship to Him.      





Coercion Makes the Marriage Contract Illegal

Published in December 26, 2017



Question: …  Dear Sir, … Two male friends have decided to marry each other's sister; yet, one sister is reluctant to accept the partner chosen for her by her brother; if the marriage contract is drawn, would it be deemed null and void or legal, since she has not given her consent? … What do you think?… Thank you …    


 Coercion/compulsion renders this marriage contract as null and void, of course. This marriage must be annulled 






About Conjugal Sex

Published in December 26, 2017



Question: … Dear Sir, … Are all sexual practices between spouses (i.e., a husband and his wife) are OK? What are the limits of conjugal sexual activities? Is a husband allowed to suckle the nipples of his wife though she is breastfeeding and some of her milk is drank by him during this foreplay? … Thank you …  


 We have mentioned in an earlier fatwa that all practices within conjugal sex between a husband and his wife are OK and never prohibited, provided that (1) these practices are performed within the mutual consent of both spouses, and (2) no sexual intercourse is allowed during the day(s) of the wife's period.







My Grandpa Is a Murderer!

Published in December 29, 2012



Question: … Dear Sir, … During his youth 40 years ago, my grandpa's brother was killed unjustly, and my grandpa sought revenge and murdered the killer and others who helped the killer commit his crime. My grandpa was never punished for it because no one knew about it… Is it possible that God will accept the repentance of my grandpa now? What do you think? …  Thank you …        


 Repentance is accepted by God when one is sincere and corrects ones faith by adherence to real monotheism and performing a great deal of good deeds to atone for sins; besides, your repentant grandfather must pay diyya money for the families of the murdered ones. God says in the Quran: "And those who do not implore besides God any other god, and do not kill the soul which God has made sacred-except in the pursuit of justice-and do not commit adultery. Whoever does that will face penalties. The torment will be doubled for him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will dwell therein in humiliation forever. Except for those who repent, and believe, and do good deeds. These-God will replace their bad deeds with good deeds. God is ever Forgiving and Merciful.Whoever repents and acts righteously-has inclined towards God with repentance." (25:68-71).  

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