An Appeal from Detained Quranist
Honorable Senator/Representative:
Our government should take a firm stand against tyrannical regimes, more so with those so called pro-western ones. The example of the Shah is not yet a distant memory. Marcos of the Philippines is another. If our government does not stop turning its head the other way, due to, God knows how many or what justifications, and start building strong bridges with the people ,rather than corrupt leaders, of other countries, then our future relations do not look rosy. Prime example is EGYPT….the latest is the detention of an Egyptian citizen at the Cairo international airport, simply because he holds a different set of beliefs that do not seem to find acceptance with the ruling elite- his name is Abdullateef Mohammad Sa’eed. Being a Quranist is a frowned upon stand to take in Egypt, although this group has never engaged in any subversive activities at all. All they have is the Quran and common sense. They don’t even care if anyone follows them or not. All they ask for is to be left alone. They have no secret cells, no organizational machine, no due-paying members, and yet they are being persecuted and oppressed for no other reason than exercising their right to believe in something that seems to make the powerful lose sleep.
This revolving door policy of detaining, torturing then releasing, and detaining, humiliating then releasing has to stop. And we, Government and people are more poised than any to extend a helping hand in this matter.
We politely ask of you to look into this matter. For further info and documentation, please refer to
Thank you and God bless you
Thank you and God bless you
The Egyptian Initiative demands his immediate release
Friday November 20 2009
Naahid Nessr wrote:
Mr. Adel Ramadan, official within the legal department at the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, called for the immediate release of his client, Abdullateef Mohammad Sa’eed (Quranist), who was detained, Wednesday evening, at Cairo Airport, then transferred to Shubral Kheima Investigation center yesterday-Thursday- without any reason, indicating that his whereabouts were completely in the dark since his transfer, and currently he does nor know anything about him or how to get in touch with him.
Mr. Adel Ramadan said that there was no legal justification for his client’s detention or for banning him from travel. He retorted that the Government defense submitted that there was no decision prohibiting his client from travel, or that his name was on any prohibition list, as indicated by the outcome of the lawsuit filed by the Initiative at the Court of Judicial administration, against Minister of the Interior, and the chief of State Security Department, and the chief of Passports, Immigration and Naturalization, to stop executing the decision to ban him from travel.
Mr. Adel Ramadan added that, it was the information provided by the government defense that prompted his client to exercise his right in moving about and his decision to travel to the Sudan to support the Egyptian national soccer team last Wednesday. He was surprised to be detained, then transferring him for interrogation without any lawful cause.
Mr. Adel Ramadan said that the government defense was misleading for the Court, by submitting inaccurate information about not having his name on the list of banned individuals from travel, whereas in reality, security authorities used its influence over airport authorities to ban his client from travel in violation of the law, and without having an official decree banning him from travel.
The Initiative submitted a report yesterday to the Attorney General, to investigate the incident of unlawful detention of Citizen Abdullateef Mohammad Sa’eed, and the report has been processed and sent to Al Qelyubeyya public persecution office.
نقلا عن اليوم السابع
تقدمت به المبادرة المصرية للحقوق الشخصية..
بلاغ للنائب العام ضد اعتقال "قرآنى" من المطار
الخميس، 19 نوفمبر 2009 - 19:50
كتبت ناهد نصر
تقدمت المبادرة المصرية للحقوق الشخصية، ببلاغ عاجل للنائب العام اليوم، الخميس، للتحقيق فى واقعة الاحتجاز غير القانونى للمواطن عبد اللطيف محمد سعيد "قرآنى" أمس، الأربعاء، من مطار القاهرة الدولى، بينما كان فى طريقه إلى السودان لتشجيع المنتخب المصرى، وتم ترحيله إلى مباحث أمن الدولة بشبرا الخيمة ظهر اليوم الخميس.
وأشار عادل رمضان مسئول الوحدة القانونية بالمبادرة المصرية إلى أن عبد اللطيف محمد سعيد كان قد صدر ضده قرار بالمنع من السفر فى أبريل من العام الجارى دون سبب قانونى، وأقامت المبادرة المصرية للحقوق الشخصية، دعوى قضائية بشأن القرار أمام محكمة القضاء الإدارى "رقم 37542 لسنة 63 ق" ضد كل من وزير الداخلية ورئيس مصلحة الأمن العام ورئيس مصلحة الجوازات والهجرة والجنسية لوقف تنفيذ القرار الصادر بمنعه من السفر.
وكان عبد اللطيف محمد سعيد قد سبق اعتقاله فى مايو 2007 بتهمة اعتناق فكر القرآنيين، وأصدرت محكمة أمن الدولة العليا، حكماً نهائياً بإلغاء القرار والإفراج عنه، وتم إخلاء سبيله فى سبتمر 2007 بعد التحقيق معه وأربعة آخرون بتهمة ازدراء الدين الإسلامى.
طالبت المبادرة المصرية بالإفراج الفورى عنه..
منظمة حقوقية تؤكد اختفاء أحد القرآنيين المحتجزين
الجمعة، 20 نوفمبر 2009 - 16:27
زعيم القرآنيين المصريين
كتبت ناهد نصر
دعا عادل رمضان، المسئول القانونى بالمبادرة المصرية للحقوق الشخصية، للإفراج الفورى عن موكله عبد اللطيف محمد سعيد "قرآنى" الذى تم احتجازه مساء الأربعاء بمطار القاهرة، وترحيله إلى مباحث شبرا الخيمة أمس – الخميس - دون سبب، مشيراً إلى أن أخباره انقطعت نهائياً منذ ترحيله، وأنه لا يعلم حالياً موقعه، ولا كيفية التواصل معه.
وقال عادل رمضان إنه لا يوجد أى مبرر قانونى لاحتجاز موكله، أو منعه من السفر مشيراً إلى أن دفاع الحكومة قدم ما يفيد بعدم صدور أى قرار لمنع موكله من السفر، وأنه غير مدرج على قوائم المنع، وذلك فى الدعوى القضائية التى تقدمت بها المبادرة أمام محكمة القضاء الإدارى ضد وزير الداخلية ورئيس مصلحة الأمن العام، ورئيس مصلحة الجوازات والهجرة والجنسية، لوقف تنفيذ القرار الصادر بمنعه من السفر.
وأضاف عادل رمضان أن المعلومات التى تقدم بها دفاع الحكومة هى التى دفعت موكله لاستخدام حقه فى التنقل ومحاولة السفر إلى السودان لتشجيع المنتخب المصرى الأربعاء الماضى، إلا أنه فوجئ باحتجازه فى المطار، ثم ترحيله إلى المباحث دون أى سبب قانونى.
ووصف رمضان دفاع الحكومة بأنه تضليل للمحكمة بعرض معلومات غير حقيقية حول عدم إدراج موكله على قوائم المنع من السفر، بينما استخدمت الجهات الأمنية فى واقع الأمر نفوذها على سلطات المطار لمنع موكله من السفر بالمخالفة للقانون، ودون صدور قرار رسمى يمنعه من السفر.
وكانت المبادرة قد تقدمت أمس ببلاغ للنائب العام للتحقيق فى واقعة الاحتجاز غير القانونى للمواطن عبد اللطيف محمد سعيد، وتمت إحالة البلاغ إلى نيابة استئناف القليوبية.
Prevented From Traveling For The Second Time
Abdellatif M. Saied is the Egypt country coordinator of the International Quranic Center . He plays a key role in the organization’s website -- Ahl-alquran website ( -- that has become a prominent participant in the international debate about the future of Islam. IQC and Ahl Al Quaran provide the leading moderate Muslim voice and image on the Internet.
Mr. Saied was graduated from Alazer University, the oldest and most respectable religious school in the Muslim World in 19991. He wrote many research studies, articles and working papers for Egyptian and Arab newspapers and NGO newsletters, including Al-Tanweer Magazine, Voice of the Egyptian Enlightenment Association, and AlKalema Center for Human Rights. He was also a member of many democracy and human rights organizations based in Egypt including The Ibn Khaldoun Center for Development Studies, The Egyptian Enlightenment Association, and The Egyptian Organization for Human Rights. In May 2007 he was a prisoner of conscience where he was detained and tortured arbitrarily for four months by Egyptian authorities for allegations of "insulting Islam" and "denying established facts of Islam.”
استغاثة لكل ضمير حر
اختفى زوجى منذ يومين ولا أعلم عنه شيئا مثلما حدث المرة السابقة ، ففى المرةالسابقة اختفى لفترة شهرة تحت رحمتهم ثم قدم للنياية وحجز ثلاثة أشهر أخرى وفىخلال هذه الفترة قامو بتعذيبه بشتى الطرق وعندما رأيناه أول مرة رأيناه فى منظر لايصدقه عقل ، كان مكبل اليدين والقدمين ومعصوب العينين وأثار التعذيب واضحة عليه . فما الذى سوف يحدث له هذه المرة هل سيقتلوه؟؟؟ ، أناشد كل ضمير حر بالوقوف بجوارزوجى والدفاع عنه أماما هذا الاضطهاد البشع له ولنا والذى استمر ثلاث سنوات منذالاعتقال الأول ، ولقد منعوه من العودة لعمله مرة أخرى وأشاعوا عنه الكفر . فلميجد عمل منذ خروجه من المعتقل إلى الآن بسبب خوف الناس وفمن يقبل به وهو مضطهد منأمن الدولة!!!! .فخرج يبحث عن عمل فى مكان آخر غير وطنه ففوجىء بمنعه من السفر معالعلم أنه كان مسافرا لالقاء بحث له عن الطرق المثلى لاحلال السلام فى الشرق الأوسط . وتقدم للقضاء لمحاولة استرداد حريته فى التنقل وهو حق دستورى له وقدمت الحكومة ردكتابى للمحكمة بأنه غير ممنوع من السفر واسمه غير موجود على القوائم وذلك فى الجلسةالماضية يوم 27 _ 10 _ 2009 وتحدد النطق بالحكم يوم 24 _ 11 _2009 . فأخذ كلامهمعلى محمل الصدق وذهب للترويح عن نفسه وتشجيع المنتخب وللخروج من الحبس المفروض عليهفى بلده فكان جزاءه الاعتقال والاختفاء فيرضى من هذا ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
An Appeal from Detained Quranist Wife
My husband disappeared two days ago, and I do not know anything about him, as it did happen the previous time. The last time he disappeared for a month under ( their mercy), then was brought before the General prosecutor, and was detained for three more months, during which, he was subjected to all sorts of torture. When we saw him first time later, we could not believe the awful shape he was in, he was handcuffed, both feet cuffed, blindfolded, the evidence of torture clearly visible on him, I wonder what will happen to him this time? Finish him off? I appeal to everyone and to all people of conscience, to stand by my husband and to defend him against this ugly horrible tyranny inflicted upon him and us, which lasted for three years since the first arrest. They have prevented him from going back to his work, spread rumors that he was an apostate, consequently could not find any work since his release from detention…and who would give him a job knowing that he is pursued by the state security agents….So he went seeking work anywhere beside his home country, to be surprised that he was banned from travel, although he was traveling to participate in a conference about the best possible means to achieve peace in the Middle East. He sued the state to regain his constitutional right to travel as he pleases. The Government forwarded in a written document to the court, that he was free and clear to move about anywhere, and that his name is not included in any list of names of those banned from travel. That was in a court session held on October 27 2009, and the court verdict was to be issued on November 24 2009. He believed them and took their words for granted and decided to go and support the national team in Sudan, to be detained and to disappear…Who would accept such a thing?
Na’sa Mehmoud
November 20 2009
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