Appeal Against the Decision of the Electoral Appeals Committee in Menofia‏

اضيف الخبر في يوم الأربعاء ١٧ - نوفمبر - ٢٠١٠ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً.

Supreme Committee for Elections
Sunday, 14/11/2010


Appeal Against the Decision of the Electoral Appeals Committee in Menofia: the Modification of the Candidate’s Status from Farmer to Categories

 Mr. Mohamed Anwar Esmat El-Sadat
 As a candidate for the Parliamentary Elections                    (the appellant)


The head of the General Committee of Elections in Menofia (contested against)

On 14/11/2010, appellant Mr. Mohammed Anwar Esmat El-Sadat, candidate for the upcoming Parliamentary Elections to be held the 28th of November, (Farmer- Independent, Tala District of Menofia) submitted his candidacy documents to the General Committee for Elections. He also submitted supporting documentation showing his correct and truthful membership for the Farmer Seat in the last parliamentary session of 2005.

Mr. Ahmed Ragab candidate of Al-Tagamo’ Party who is competing for the same seat, submitted an appeal against Mr. El-Sadat for candidate disqualification. Grounds of the appeal stated that Mr. El-Sadat holds a university degree. Mr. Ragab’s appeal comes despite the fact that there are many candidates holding university degrees, in competition for the same seat, for example: NDP candidate Mr. Fakhry Tayel, Farmer seat. Mr. Ahmed Ragab also submitted an appeal against Mr. Tayel.

Lists of the candidates were announced on 14/11/2010, and to his surprise, Mr.  El-Sadat was transferred from the Farmer seat to Categories, to face his brother, Mr. Effat El- Sadat, NDP candidate. As for Mr. Fakhry Tayel, he is still competing on the Farmer seat and no action has been taken against him despite the fact that he also holds a university degree.

Once Mr. El-Sadat was informed about the decision of the Electoral Appeals Committee, he went to the administrative court to submit an appeal. Mr. El-Sadat was faced with a number of assembled state security forces that prevented him and his lawyer from entering the court. This unlawful intervention means that Mr. El-Sadat will miss the opportunity to submit the appeal, because of the Eid holiday, beginning on 15/11/2010.


The appellant seeks the nearest session to consider the appeal and hear the requests as follows:

First: To accept the appeal as it had been submitted in the legal time limit from the date of the announcement of the lists of candidates.

Second: To cancel the decision of the appellant and to compete for the farmer seat, as an independent.

Third: Preserving the nomination file and what Mr. El-Sadat had presented as documents, based on the fact that there are some accomplices who may put false documentation to wrongfully change his status.

The Appellant

Mohamed Anwar Essmat El-Sadat

  Tel.: 002 0483740600 to 0483740700
  Mobile: 002 0127889999

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