Arrest Mubarak

اضيف الخبر في يوم الأربعاء ١١ - مارس - ٢٠٠٩ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً. نقلا عن:

Arrest Mubarak

To: The International Criminal Court
The Prosecutor
The International Criminal Court
Post Office Box 19519

2500 CM The Hague

The Netherlands

Many Egyptian organizations and individuals have already presented to you claims against Husni Mubarak and his Interior Minister, Habib El-Adly, for committing crimes against humanity but you have not taken any action against the said perpetrators despite the fact that these claims were well substantiated. Therefore, by this petition, the undersigned bring fresh claims against the said perpetrators and request, in light of the overwhelming evidence provided herewith, that you please issue immediately a warrant for the arrest of the aforesaid persons and for the freezing of their sizable assets and bank accounts everywhere to prevent them from committing further hideous crimes against humanity. These persons have committed the following crimes against humanity:
مقالات متعلقة :

1) Arbitrary arrest and detention for indefinite time of innocent people without charge or trial.
2) Systematic torture and sexual abuse of detainees, including women and children, as a result of which at least 20-30 people get killed every year under torture.
3) Sexually assault peaceful woman protesters to deter women from participating in anti-Mubarak demonstrations.
4) Employ thuggery and stab and kill or maim peaceful demonstrators.
5) Massacre over 25 Sudanese refugees in downtown Cairo to disrupt their peaceful sit in.
6) Abduct innocent people in the street to frame them for crimes they never committed.
7) Shoot and kill voters to prevent them from entering voting stations.
8) Murder and forced disappearance of hundreds of innocent people.
9) Persecution of and discrimination against Egyptian Christians (Copts) and other minority groups such as the Shiites, the Bahais, the Bedouins, the Nubians and others
Mubarak and El-Adly have never brought to justice the perpetrators of the said crimes and the handful that were indicted received very light sentences which were not enforced, anyway.
It is noteworthy that Mubarak's regime has repeatedly been condemned by all major human rights organizations the world over and by the US State Dept. for committing hideous crimes against humanity in the past 10 years or so.
The undersigned have compiled for your study overwhelming evidence to substantiate our claims against the accused at:
The undersigned herewith call upon you to issue an immediate warrant for the arrest of Hosny Mubarak and Habib El-Adly and for the freezing of assets thereof for committing atrocious crimes against humanity.

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