دعوة للاعتصام أمام السفارات المصرية في العالم

اضيف الخبر في يوم الإثنين ٢١ - نوفمبر - ٢٠١١ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً.

  • دWhere
    امام كل السفارات و القنصليات المصرية حول العالم
  • Description
    Global Sit-in in front of Egypt's consulates and embassies around the world

    To all the Egyptians in all the foreign countries of the world: In response to what is occurring to our brothers and sisters in Egypt; murder and imprisonment, torture and violence, we call upon... you all to join us in an over-night protest in front of the embassies for Egypt in all the countries of the world. Starting on Friday, November 25, 2011, we will camp out in front of the Egyptian
    Embassies until the militant powers cease control of the Egyptian government. If you cannot stay all day and night, please still join us in protest for a few hours at any time of your will. Please do attend, as this is highly mandatory to help free our Egyptian brethren from this tyrannical power and all of this violence. It is the least we an do from outside of Egypt to help out.



    Global Sit-in in front of Egypt's consulates and embassies around the world

    To all the Egyptians in all the foreign countries of the world: In response to what is occurring to our brothers and sisters in Egypt; murder and imprisonment, torture and violence, we call upon... you all to join us in an over-night protest in front of the embassies for Egypt in all the countries of the world. Starting on Friday, November 25, 2011, we will camp out in front of the Egyptian Embassies until the militant powers cease control of the Egyptian government. If you cannot stay all day and night, please still join us in protest for a few hours at any time of your will. Please do attend, as this is highly mandatory to help free our Egyptian brethren from this tyrannical power and all of this violence. It is the least we an do from outside of Egypt to help out.

    ْuse the hashtag #OccupyEgypEmb on twitter.

    List of the Egyptian embassies and consulates around the world:

    إلى كل المصريين بالخارج فى جميع أنحاء العالم... رداً على ما يحدث لأخواننا فى مصر من قتل و سحل و إعتقالات ندعوكم جميعاً للدخول فى إعتصام مفتوح أمام كل سفارات و قنصليات مصر فى جميع أنحاء العالم إبتداء من يوم الجمعه القادم 25 نوفمبر و حتى يتم تحقيق مطالبنا كاملة... يمكنك المشاركة لعدة ساعات يومياً حسب قدرتك بس لازم تشارك مافيش عذر... اقل شئ ممكن نقدمه لأخواننا فى التحرير... شارك و لا تكن سلبياً

    قائمة بعناوين وتليفونات السفارات والقنصليات المصرية حول العالم من هنا :


    استخدم الهاش تاج ده علي تويتر

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