Egypt in Transition: The Current Economic Situation and the Role of International Assistance

اضيف الخبر في يوم الإثنين ١٨ - يوليو - ٢٠١١ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً.

Egypt in Transition: The Current Economic Situation and the Role of International Assistance

DATEFriday, July 22, 2011
TIME9:15 to 11:00 a.m.
LOCATIONCarnegie Endowment for International Peace
SPEAKERSUri Dadush, Michele Dunne,
Marina Ottaway, Jeffrey Gedmin

To gain the popular legitimacy needed for a sustained political transition, Egypt's government will need to show progress on the economic front. What happens in Egypt is pivotal in determining the course of the rest of the region. What is Egypt's current economic situation and how can the international community best help?
Carnegie's Uri Dadush and Marina Ottaway and the Atlantic Council's Michele Dunne will discuss these issues. Jeffrey Gedmin, CEO of the Legatum Institute, will moderate.
A short paper addressing the topic will be distributed at the meeting.

Uri Dadush is senior associate and director of Carnegie's International Economics Program. Dadush previously served as the World Bank’s director of international trade and before that as director of economic policy. He is the editor of the Carnegie International Economic Bulletin, and the co-author of Paradigm Lost: The Euro in Crisis and of Juggernaut: How Emerging Markets Are Reshaping Globalization.
Michele Dunne is the director of the Atlantic Council's Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East and was previously senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and editor of the online journal, the Arab Reform Bulletin. A former specialist on Middle East affairs at the U.S. Department of State and White House, she served in assignments including the National Security Council staff, the Secretary of State’s Policy Planning Staff, and the U.S. Embassy in Cairo.
Marina Ottaway, senior associate in the Carnegie Middle East Program, works on issues of political transformation in the Middle East and Gulf security. She has also written on political reconstruction in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Balkans, and African countries. Before joining the Endowment, Ottaway carried out research and taught at universities in Africa and the Middle East.

Jeffrey Gedmin is CEO and president of the Legatum Institute in London and the former president of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. Before taking the helm at RFE/RL, Gedmin served as director of the Aspen Institute in Berlin, a non-profit, non-partisan organization whose mission is “to foster ‘enlightened’ leadership and open-minded dialogue.” Prior to that, Gedmin was a resident scholar and executive director of the American Enterprise Institute’s New Atlantic Initiative.
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