Jewish groups not ‘backing sharia law’

اضيف الخبر في يوم السبت ٠٤ - يونيو - ٢٠١١ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً.

Jewish groups not ‘backing sharia law’


The article you printed about the referendum in the US state of Oklaho­ma that would bar the introduction of Islamic sharia law into state courts (JC, May 27) was inaccurately headed, Jew­ish groups in US backing sharia law.


The intent of the AJC’s brief was not to support sharia law, much less — as some readers have presumed, judging from emails I have received — to advo­cate or defend an imposition of sharia in the US. The Center for Islamic Plural­ism is led by moderate Muslims, who follow traditional Islamic guidance and oppose the importation of public sharia law into non-Muslim countries.


The second paragraph of the article claimed that a “coalition of organi­sations that include the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the American Jewish Committee (AJC) are backing a legal appeal against a meas­ure that would prevent Islamic law from being used in the state’s courts.”


No such coalition exists between the Council on American-IslamicRelations and the mentioned Jewish groups, much less with our organisa­tion. We in CIP consider CAIR to repre­sent radical, not “mainstream” Islam.


CIP defends private sharia in mat­ters such as diet, burial, male circum­cision, charity, and forms of prayer. In the words of the AJC’s brief, “to a rea­sonable observer, the amendment’s purpose plainly is to disapprove of the Islamic tradition.” The amendment violates American constitutional pro­tection of the free exercise of religion.


Stephen Suleyman Schwartz

Executive director, CIP

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