Stand in Solidarity

اضيف الخبر في يوم الخميس ١٧ - يونيو - ٢٠١٠ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً.

Stand in Solidarity

On Wed, 6/16/10, Sherif Mansour wrote:

 Please dress in black this Friday and take a picture in front of a
local monument or a landmark to stand in solidarity with the Flash Mob
in Egypt. I plan on going in front of the embassy after work and have
invited a few people in dc to join me. This isn't a EAC or NAC
sanctioned event, but as part of a movement I thought I would share
this information with you.

For more details:
Stand silent in Alexandria:

Stand silent in Cairo:

Invited to wear black clothes all day Friday:

Distribute widely.

A flash mob is planned for Cairo and Alexandria in memory of Khaled
Said, who was brutal torture and killed by Alexandria police.
According this family, he was murdered "after he posted a video on the
Internet of officers sharing the spoils from a drug bust among

After the police broke up protests with an extreme show of force,
Egyptians are looking to voice their outrage at the continued
brutality of the state. If speaking out will only bring on more
violence, then silence will have to articulate our grief.

Egyptians and people of conscience worldwide will stand in solidarity
by dressing in black on Friday and posting their pictures to the
facebook group.

AP Article on Khaled Said:

AP Article on police brutality at protest:

Facebook Picture:!/album.php?aid=3374&id=104224996294040

Event Press Release.
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