آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2019-12-05
Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Forty-Four
Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Preserving Islam
Published in November 15, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … Why has not the Lord Allah protected Islam once Muhammad died?! In other words, why did Muslims divide themselves into sects/doctrines which never existed during Muhammad's lifetime?! ........... What is to be done?! … Thank you …
The Lord God continues to preserve Islam (i.e., its Only Source: the Quranic text) until the end of days. All human beings are created free to (dis)believe in the Divine Message and to (dis)obey their Lord Allah; there is no compulsion in religion; no one should force anyone to believe; the Lord God never imposes faith on any person; human beings are free agents and this freedom is the basis of Judgment on the Last Day. This freedom includes seeking to undermine, ridicule, and cast doubt on the Quranic verses (especially through Sunnite books of exegeses and the so-called 'Quranic' branches of science/knowledge [i.e. theology]); the sinners who commit this sin are warned beforehand in the Quran against Hell. The Lord God says the following in the Holy Quran: "Surely We revealed the Message, and We will surely preserve it." (15:9); "They want to extinguish God’s light with their mouths, but God refuses except to complete His light, even though the disbelievers dislike it. It is He who sent His Messenger with the guidance and the religion of Truth, in order to make it prevail over all religions, even though the polytheists dislike it." (9:32-33); "They want to extinguish God’s Light with their mouths; but God will complete His Light, even though the disbelievers dislike it. It is He who sent His Messenger with the guidance and the True Religion, to make it prevail over all religions, even though the polytheists dislike it." (61:8-9); "Had your Lord willed, everyone on earth would have believed. Will you compel people to become believers?" (10:99); "Those who despise Our Verses are not hidden from Us. Is he who is hurled into the Hell-Fire better? Or he who arrives safely on the Day of Resurrection? Do as you please; He is Seeing of everything you do." (41:40). Of course, most of the so-called companions of Muhammad or his contemporaries discarded and disbelieved in the Quran as they committed the heinous crimes linked to the bigger crime labeled as (the Arab conquests); they never spread Islam; rather, they spread aggression, grave injustices, disbelief, and polytheism. Sadly, they attributed their horrid Arab conquests to the name of Islam in order to 'justify' their grave sins. It is strange that you ask our person about the solution; you seem never to have read our writings; the solution is the return to Quran as the Sole Text in Islam; i.e., Qurnaism is the Only True Islam. This is our peaceful, intellectual jihad for religious reform since 1977. Thus, briefly, the solution is to return sincerely and devotedly to the Holy Quran while ardently seeking guidance.
Not Prohibited
Published in November 16, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … My neighbor immigrated 30 years ago to a European country, leaving his villa surrounded by a garden of fruit-trees; the winds throw the fruit of his garden into my garden and my balcony; I typically gather such fruit which scatter my territory and throw it to the garbage (before or after its being rotten); I feel it is prohibited that I would eat or sell such fruit; they are not mine; I cannot find any means to reach the contacts, email, or phone numbers of this neighbor; is it OK that such fruit be consumed or sold or given to the poor instead of being wasted?! Any ideas? … Thank you …
It is permissible (and not prohibited) for you to consume/sell such fruit.
Prayers Offered to Consult Allah?!
Published in November 17, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … What is your view of the (Sunnite?) special prayers offered to consult Allah so that one is guided (through a vision/dream) to choose among several items? … Thank you …
In our YouTube videos about prayers, within our subtitled-into-English show titled "Quranic Moments", we prove that such type of prayers have nothing to do with Islam; it is blasphemous to assume that the Lord God will talk to people in dreams/visions to guide them to choose this or that item/option. No people dare to claim they receive divine revelation from Allah. Sadly, in the fake biography of Muhammad written by Ibn Ishaq in the Abbasid Era, he wrote a false story that Muhammad performed such prayers to consult the Lord God. In contrast, Muhammad, as chief/leader of the Yathreb city-state, has been commanded to consult other people in Yathreb in this Quranic verse: "...So pardon them, and ask forgiveness for them, and consult them in the conduct of affairs..." (3:159). Within acts of worship, the pious ones beseech and implore the Lord God within their supplications to guide them to the Straight Path. In worldly matters, feasibility studies are made before making decisions while imploring the Lord God to grant success to this or that project. Thus, there is nothing in Islam known as offering prayers to consult Allah personally so that He might respond in dreams/visions.
Evil and 'Good' Scheming!
Published in November 18, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "...But evil scheming overwhelms none but its authors..." (35:43); does this imply that there might be 'good' scheming? Any ideas? … Thank you …
Of course not; linguistically, there is nothing called 'good' scheming. The Quran tells us about only two types of scheming: the evil one by disbelievers/sinners (especially affluent, enthroned tyrants) and the scheming of the Lord God to punish them (in this world) and make their evil plans go awry and turn against them; this is the Lord God's law/method/way. As for the scheming of the Lord God, the Quran has this feature of employing human-related words to indicate qualities/deeds of the Lord God so that we can understand. Hence, schemes of Allah are juxtaposed with evil schemes of sinners. The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "Priding themselves on earth, and scheming evil. But evil scheming overwhelms none but its authors. Do they expect anything but the precedent of the ancients? You will not find any change in God’s practice, and you will not find any substitute to God’s practice." (35:43); "And thus We set up in every city its leading wicked sinners, to scheme in it, but they scheme only against themselves, and they do not realize it." (6:123). Sadly, the Muhammadans have rejected the Quran and never heed such lessons drawn from the Quranic stories; they are still the victims of evil schemes of enthroned tyrants/criminals who monopolize power and wealth.
Impurity of Al-Shaarawy
Published in November 19, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … I admire very much your article about Al-Shaarawy; it is an eye-opener for me (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=20074); during my youth, I used to believe in his every word; I remember being influenced – for years – by his erroneous view about never to shake hands with polytheistic men (i.e., for him, all non-Muslim males in general!) unless one would wash/clean one's hand later since polytheists are deemed (by him!) as physically impure! ............. … Thank you …
Of course, Al-Shaarawy embodied the polytheistic impurity of all Sunnite Wahabis. This impurity of polytheism is metaphorically ascribed to the souls of aggressors/polytheists and not to their bodies because of their deifying things/mortals and/or their aggression committed against peaceful people. The Holy Quran describes wine, gambling, mausoleums, and pagan idols as abominations; Al-Shaarawy (an abomination himself) is still a pagan idol for the Sunnite Muhammadans in the Arab world; he misguided them on purpose through his telling lies and propagating devilish hadiths/falsehoods ascribed forcibly to the Religion of the Lord God.
About the Quranic Verse 9:40
Published in November 20, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "If you do not help him, God has already helped him, when those who disbelieved expelled him, and he was the second of two in the cave. He said to his companion, “Do not worry, God is with us.” And God made His serenity descend upon him, and supported him with forces you did not see, and made the word of those who disbelieved the lowest, while the Word of God is the Highest. God is Mighty and Wise." (9:40)....... Why did not serenity includes the companion in the cave with the Prophet since God is with both of them?! Any ideas? … Thank you …
Muhammad was not wrong in saying so; he was not to blame; he talked as per his level of knowledge; he was no mind-reader and he had not any measure of omniscience; he never knew that the companion in the cave was a spy and a traitor; he was an agent of the treacherous Qorayish tribesmen (regardless of his name in history; Abou Bakr or any other name); this is why serenity descended upon Muhammad only. We have explained this in a previous fatwa (see: Fatwas Part Seventy-Six, found on this link: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=18094); look for it yourself in Arabic and in English. We refer you to our book, in English, for more details: http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=83
We refer you to this link to one of our articles in English:
The Verb (Zalzal) in the Quranic Text
Published in November 20, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … What is meant by the verb (zalzal) in the Quran? Is it linked to earthquakes or not? Any ideas? … Thank you …
It means (to shake with fear) in both the Quranic and Arabic tongues; the earthquake is mentioned in the Quran only in contexts about the advent of the Hour (i.e., when the physical universe is destroyed) before the Last Day. The Lord God says the following in the Holy Quran: "There and then the believers were tested, and were shaken most severely." (33:11); "...Adversity and hardship had afflicted them, and they were so shaken up..." (2:214). These previous two verses are about being shaken with fear/fright. "O people, be conscious of your Lord. The quaking of the Hour is a tremendous thing." (22:1); "When the earth is shaken with its quake." (99:1). These previous two verses are about the Hour when the universe will be destroyed.
About Cremation, Again!
Published in November 21, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … Is it OK or not that Arabs/Muslims who die in the West countries are not buried in their original homelands and their corpses are cremated instead of being given a decent burial? In your own view, is cremation OK in Islam or not? Any ideas? … Thank you …
Since no one can prohibit things never mentioned as such in the Quran, we tend to think that cremation is OK; burial in ways typical in the Arab world is not part of Islam at all; it is merely part of traditions. We refer you to our article, in English, titled "Our Will: Cremate Our Dead Body…Why?", found on the following link:
Cyberspace Warfare!
Published in November 21, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … There are paid agents who spread falsehoods and rumors to harm any given country (e.g., Egypt) and there are those who track them and punish them; what about those who spread previously hidden truths?! What is the difference between protecting one's country against cybercrimes and maintaining free speech?! Some countries and organizations launch cyberspace wars against their enemies and bribe agents to spread rumors to destabilize or create certain situations to their advantage, and......... I am very much puzzled and confused! What is your own view?! Any ideas?! … Thank you …
Of course, the ongoing cyberspace warfare is very intense in our era on the regional and international levels; e.g., a fierce one continues between the USA and Russia & the USA and China. Tyrants of the past were luckier because the internet did not exist in their eras. It is normal that opposition figures would use the internet; tyrants of today try to track them and punish them using the latest spyware and state-of-the-art technology. Science and IT make rapid improvements, and new items are introduced every day; this means that the cyberspace warfare will grow more intense in years to come. By the way, our Quranism website was attacked several times by (Saudi) hackers who aimed to destroy it; we activate, protect, and maintain, and spend money on our Quranism website as much as we can; one of our sons, Amir, provides technical support to our Quranism website (we are honored to say it has been launched in 2006 and continues to exist until now) for free; we implore and rely on our Lord God for aid.
Answered Supplications
Published in November 29, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … My supplications/prayers have not been answered yet; life in my household is filled with anxiety, depression, and sorrow; I typically supplicate to the Lord God on a daily basis to bestow His mercy upon my household....... Is there a mechanism or way of supplication about which you can advise me?! I long to have some peace of mind and security; I need to restore deep, dreamless, wholesome sleep instead of nightmares! Any advice?! … Thank you …
Of course, peace of mind and tranquility/serenity are restored once you engage sincerely and devotedly into acts of worship (e.g., prayers and reading the Quran) while pondering the majesty and greatness of the Lord God the Creator of the universe. The universe is created only to test human beings; we are to dedicate our religion and acts of worship to Allah only. Of course, religious duties include the act of worship known as imploring/praying or offering supplications; those who never do this are arrogant sinners. Of course, the Dominant Lord God answers prayers/supplications offered within sincerity; how and when they are answered is up to Him only; this is based on the fact that Allah knows what is best for you an what will harm/benefit you.
Sunnite Fiqh Backwardness
Published in November 29, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … Some fiqh books (propagated and taught by Azharite men) assert that imams/sermonizers of mosque must have good limbs (i.e., they are not amputated!) This is silly; as if lacking a hand or a leg would render prayers void or would nullify them! ....... My prayers are not nullified because I prayed behind an imam who lost one leg to gangrene! What do you think?! … Thank you …
Please stop reading (and/or listening to) Sunnite fiqh of backwardness and obscurantism spread by Sunnite clergymen of Satan, past and present. Of course, the Lord God accepts the prayers of a pious person if one prays alone or within congregations and when one adheres to piety all day long when dealing with others; i.e., one will not tell lies, cheat, or commit any types of injustices.
Accepted Daily Prayers
Published in November 29, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … Sadly, because of much distress and hardships of my life, I tend to get distracted during the daily prayers more often than not. I, of course, read 3:18-19 as the testimony during my prayers as you've taught me; yet, I sometimes commit mistakes in pronouncing some Quranic verses; I sometimes don't remember the number of Raqas I performed! ............. Are my prayers – in your own view – deemed acceptable by our Lord God?! if not, what am I supposed to do to keep my concentration during prayers?! Any advice?! … Thank you …
May the Lord God bless and reward you; may He guide you and our person to His mercy and His Paradise. As for ourselves in our old age, we fight distraction during our own prayers by sometimes repeating the Quranic Chapter One and the other verses and also glorifications of the Lord God so that we make sure we pronounce every syllable within piety, reverence, and fear of the Lord God. Of course, the Omniscient Lord God knows what is in our hearts; there are Quranic criteria for the winners in this world and the Hereafter, including those who worship their Lord Allah within monotheism and they devote/dedicate their religion/faith and acts of worship only to Allah. All pious people naturally feel that their acts of worship are lacking (or missing something & always imperfect) and that they are not very adequate. They do their best all the time to lessen such inadequacy.
Glorified Be He the Compassionate Pardoner
Published in November 30, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … I am a young woman.......I feel so sinful! I am a hypocrite! I've broken a vow I made with the Lord God! I readily repented later on, and yet, I feel so guilty and that He will never forgive me! I weep every time I read the Quranic verse about hypocrites: "So He penalized them with hypocrisy in their hearts, until the Day they face Him..." (9:77); does it mean that Allah will never forgive me?! What am I to do now?! Any advice?! … Thank you …
Rest assured, our dear daughter, that the Lord God accepts the sincere repentance of monotheists (i.e., when repentance is done before their death and no upon dying) within His mercy and compassion. The earlier one repents, the better; this is because one needs to perform many good deeds in order to atone for sins committed. The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "Say, “O My servants who have transgressed against themselves: do not despair of God’s mercy, for God forgives all sins. He is indeed the Forgiver, the Clement.”" (39:53). As for 9:77, you certainly misunderstand it; it is mentioned in the context of the Yathreb hypocrites who vowed to contribute money to charity if they grow rich; when their supplications/prayers were answered and they became wealthy, they never donated any money for charity and reneged on their promise (or broke their vow) made with the Lord God: "Among them are those who promised God: “If He gives us of His bounty, we will donate and be among the upright.” But when He has given them of His bounty, they became stingy with it, and turned away in aversion. So He penalized them with hypocrisy in their hearts, until the Day they face Him - because they broke their promise to God, and because they used to lie." (9:75-77)
The Lord God's Response to Supplications
Published in November 30, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … You might not remember me; I am.....who met with you more than 10 years ago; I was looking for Allah and the True Religion and I have been guided to Qurnaism by you. My life as well as my priority and faith tenets changed to the better after my conversion to Quranism; I felt very happy. Yet, since 2016, I suffer many hardships, misfortunes, and ordeals; I know that the Lord God is testing me; this is a blessing in disguise, I am told. Yet, I feel I am the victim of a conspiracy against me in my workplace! This conspiracy is beyond my abilities and I can't do anything to stop it! Sadly, my only son, born also in 2016, is a handicapped/disabled, or, to use a more politically correct term, he is a child with special needs. This causes profound sorrow that colors my days until now! I fear for my only son and I think a lot about his future; I ponder a lot on this verse: "Those who are concerned about the fate of their weak children, in case they leave them behind, should fear God within piety, and speak appropriate words." (4:9)........ No one helps me! I cannot face alone the hardships and ordeals in my life! I seek only to gratify the Lord God within piety, but will He save me?! Any advice?! Any comforting, soothing words?! … Thank you …
We implore and supplicate to the Lord God to help you and your son; by the way, many of the children with special needs turn out to be geniuses who excel in many fields; science makes huge leaps and improvements in relation to handicapped people. We will pray for you every day so that the Lord God will help you overcome the hardships and ordeals in your life and that you will be among the winners who pass the tests of life. You will emerge victorious as long as you adhere to piety within monotheism, like all Quranist Muslims. The Quran teaches all of us to continue imploring, supplicating, praying to the Lord God Who promises to answer us; He will help you surmount every ordeal: "Or, who answers the one in need when he prays to Him, and relieves adversity..." (27:62). In the Quranic Chapter Two, monotheistic believers are commanded twice to adhere to patience and prayers all the time, especially in times of adversity. Of course, your piety and faith are being tested; winners adhere to piety all the time and rely on their Lord God Who will crown their endeavors with success eventually; please ponder deeply on the following Quranic verses: "It is You we worship, and upon You we call for help." (1:5): "...And whoever fears God within piety - He will make a way out for him. And will provide for him from where he never expected. Whoever relies on God - He will suffice him. God will accomplish His purpose. God has set a measure to all things." (65:2-3)
We Hope You Will Convert to Quranism
Published in December 1, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … I am a Sunnite man named...I agree with your view that it is a sort of paganism and polytheism to remember Satan by throwing pebbles at a pillar made of stone; this is very ridiculous; I never doubted the fact that this absurd practice has nothing to do with Islam ...... … Thank you …
You are absolutely right. We hope very much that one day, you will convert to Quranism as the Only True Islam; we implore the Lord God to guide you to Quranism. When you read our entire archive of writings (and watch our subtitled-into-English videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/ahlalquran1/featured) on religious reform and history, you will realize the fact that Sunnite hadiths and fiqh notions have nothing to do with the Quran. We urge you to read and ponder deeply on our book, in English, titled "Pilgrimage between Islam and the Muhammadans", found on this link:
You Are Welcome to our Website
Published in December 1, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … I sometimes wonder how come that there are atheists who deny the Lord God's existence as the Creator of the universe; in fact, I do believe that God manifests Himself in everything in nature... the universe is filled with signs which are not les great than the Quranic verses; indeed, the so-called hadiths and narratives have nothing to do with Islam; I admire your website very much; I came across it weeks ago; I desire to join it as a member who can write comments and articles, if you please.........Please accept my sincere wishes for your happiness and good health and my admiration of your efforts and line of thought … Thank you …
You are welcome to our quants website; yet, please do not believe in the Sufi polytheistic notion of (unity of being) or pantheism (or, as per your own phrase, God manifests Himself in everything); this is utter blasphemy; such idea pertains to disbelief. The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "Yet they turn His servants into a part of Him. Man is clearly a disbeliever." (43:15); the term (man) here signifies the vast majority of human beings in all eras as they deify things, creatures, and mortals. We should warn you here against uttering or writing unintended blasphemies; people assume that such a notion is part of glorifying the Lord God; yet, it is, in fact, very insulting to Allah. Please read our books in English and in Arabic:
and we encourage you to read our articles in English:
No Difference At All
Published in December 3, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … There are many phrases of supplications in the Quranic text; what is the difference among them and when/how to use them for specific purposes?............... Any ideas? … Thank you …
There is no difference at all. Supplications are all about glorifying the Holy Names/Epithets of the Lord God within piety and reverence and within dedicating one's soul/heart and one's religion/faith and acts of worship entirely to the Almighty Creator only.
Islam and Marriage Contracts, Again!
Published in December 3, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … In the West countries, mosques never hold 'Islamic' marriage ceremonies unless a civil marriage contract is signed first as per laws of this or that country in the West. ......... Laws differ in each country........ What about legal marriage conditions in Islam? Any ideas? … Thank you …
We have mentioned before that Islamic marriages entail that widows, divorced women, pregnant women, and non-virgin women should have their waiting periods before drawing the marriage contracts. As per the Quran, the waiting period for divorced women and non-virgin women (i.e., who previously had boyfriends) is three months; the waiting period for widows is four months and ten days; the waiting period for pregnant women ends when they deliver their babies. Of course, virgin women have no waiting periods at all. As for the marriage contracts in Islam, they are civil and not religious; there is nothing called 'religious' or clergymen-controlled marriage in Islam at all. In any marriage contracts, any formulae and stipulated conditions are OK within mutual consent of both parties (i.e., the husband and the wife); witnesses (at least two persons) must sign the marriage contracts; a husband must pay a dowry for his wife; the sum of the dowry must be written in the marriage contract. In contrast to the Sunnite religion of Satan, all (non-)virgin woman can marry without the consent of their parents or male elder relatives; they manage the contracts themselves unless they choose to deputize someone else to do so on their behalf. Witnesses of the marriage contracts (or any other contracts) can be males, females, or both; this is in contrast to the Sunnite and Shiite religions of Satan which entail that witnesses must be males only. Both the husbands and the wives are free to include any conditions and agreements in the marriage contracts within prior mutual consent of both parties. Such conditions may include who would have the right to initiate divorce (i.e., the husband or the wife). If the marriage is temporary or otherwise, this also should be within prior verbal mutual consent of both parties; i.e., this can or cannot be written in the marriage contract. Children born within or outside wedlock must have the surname of their biological father as per the Quran. This can be done when the biological fathers admit being the father of such children or when forced by the judicial authority to undergo a DNA test to prove or negate the parentage of the children. Hence, such children born out of wedlock must inherit their dead biological fathers. Such children should never bear any stigma for the sins of their fornicating parents: "No burdened soul can carry the burden of another..." (35:18).
Scheming of Enemies
Published in December 4, 2019
Question: … Dear Sir, … Many Arab governments; e.g., of Egypt, UAE, and the KSA, track, hunt down, and imprison anyone who use social media (e.g., Facebook & Twitter) to write criticism of rulers, ministers, etc. or publish information about exposing corruption; what is your view of this? Is it OK when such governments pay Facebook and Twitter owners to reveal to them information about the identity of any accounts? ........ Would Quranists be persecuted or harmed in anyway because of this?! Any ideas? .… Thank you …
Thank you for your email message. Of course, most Quranists never reveal their faith to non-Quranists around them in Egypt and in the Arab countries; they rarely show their faith within social media or YouTube; they communicate through writing comments and/or articles in Arabic on our Quranism website; sadly, Saudi hackers tried three times to damage our website; our third son, Amir, is our webmaster and he manages to protect our website. We never care about the scheming of our enemies; we never care about the slander, verbal abuse, and accusations leveled at our person. They never hinder, sadden, or trouble us; on the contrary, they drive us to move forward within our peaceful jihad and intellectual endeavors pertaining to True Islam (i.e., Qurnaism) in order to gratify the Dominant Lord God. The Lord God says the following in the Holy Quran: "...But evil scheming overwhelms none but its authors..." (35:43).
Missed Prayers
Published in May 15, 2007
Question: … Dear Sir, … I admire the great information you provide on your great website to guide all of us through the mess we were and are in due to almost 10 centuries of darkness and neglecting the True Religion. I desire that you would explain to me 4:103 in relation to prayers and missed prayers.................... May the Lord God bless and reward you for serving Islam; I believe that you are the greatest Muslim thinker............ .… Thank you …
Thank you, our dear brother in Islam, for your kind words; we hope we deserve them. According to this Quranic verse: "When you have completed prayers, remember God, standing, or sitting, or on your sides. And when you feel secure, perform prayers. Prayers are obligatory for believers at specific times." (4:103), prayers are enjoined on the believers in every fixed time during their lifetime in health and sickness (within ease and facilitation, of course). So, we are responsible for performing prayers regularly and on time no matter what. If we miss any of the five daily prayers, we have to perform it on its specific time within another day (or preferably the very next day). This is our debt to the Almighty Lord God.
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5171 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,739,175 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,479 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,871 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
القاموس القرآنى عن ( الاستعجال )
الفصل الثانى : الاجتهاد فى التدبر القرآنى وفى الاسلام والكفر والعبادات
القاموس القرآنى : الكفّارة والفدية
الفصل الأول : التقوى والايمان باليوم الآخر أساس الاجتهاد الاسلامى
دعوة للتبرع
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ليس حراما : لدي سؤال بخصوص الزين ة. في مجتمع اتنا اغلب...
اربعة أسئلة : السؤ ال الأول : عند ا ان الشخص الناص ح ...
تربص : ما معنى كلمة تربص فى القرآ ن ؟ لأن المعن ى ...