Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy:
Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Forty-One

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2019-10-27

                       Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Forty-One



Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by : Ahmed Fathy




About the Friday Congregational Prayers

Published in October 15, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, …  Are the Friday congregational prayers inherited from the monotheistic religion of Abraham or not? Why do the Muhammadans perform them in 2 Raqas inside mosques instead of 4 Raqas as is the case with noon prayers in other days of the week?! Why did some Sunnite Hanbali authors write that performing the Eid/Bairam prayers in a Friday morning can be an excuse for men to reject the Friday congregational prayers in the same day?! Any ideas?!  … Thank you …


 There are no religious feasts/festivals in Islam; some people in ancient times created such feasts/celebrations as part of social customs and habits; the so-called Lesser Bairam and Greater Bairam (with their so-called Sunna prayers) have nothing to do with Islam. Please do not heed the lies/myths which fill the books of the Muhammadan authors of the Middle-Ages. Of course, the Friday congregational prayers replaces the ordinary noon prayers and are preceded by a sermon. They must be four Raqas as per Islam and not two Raqas as per Sunnite myths. When some people in Yathreb during Muhammad's lifetime were reluctant to attend the Friday congregational prayers, this Quranic verse descended while being addressed to them:"O you who believe! When the call is made for prayer on Congregation Day, hasten to the remembrance of God, and drop all business. That is better for you, if you only knew." (62:9). Of course, the Friday congregational prayers should be performed in mosques dedicated only to the Lord God and not in harmful mosques of polytheism (i.e., where mortals are being sanctified and worshiped). Hence, if such a mosque of monotheism is not found nearby, one can perform instead the noon prayers at home in four Raqas as usual. We, for instance, live in VA, the USA, and we and our family members never enter into any mosques (all of them are harmful, Wahabi ones!); we perform the noon prayers on Fridays at home. Of course, Quranists must never enter into harmful mosques so as not to hear sermons of the polytheistic Muhammadans who are striving against the Lord God's Quranic verses. By the way, even when there would be a Quranist/monotheistic mosque one day, one should pray in it only if it is near enough to hear the Azan/call to prayers. Otherwise, one should continue praying the Friday noon prayers, in four Raqas, at home. For more details, we refer you to our articles, in English, found on the following links:






When to Begin Performing Prayers

Published in October 15, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, …  Is performing prayers obligatory once one attains puberty or when one becomes of age (18 or 21 years old in some countries)? Any ideas? … Thank you …


  All acts of worship, including prayers, are duties which are obligatory only when one reaches puberty/adolescence; i.e., when one can, physiologically, have sex. By the way, this means pre-puberty persons (i.e., children) do not have to pray; children/kids have to take permission to enter into certain houses or chambers: "O you who believe! Permission must be requested by your servants and those of you who have not reached puberty. On three occasions: before the Dawn Prayer, and at noon when you change your clothes, and after the Evening Prayer. These are three occasions of privacy for you. At other times, it is not wrong for you or them to intermingle with one another. God thus clarifies the revelations for you. God is Knowledgeable and Wise. When the children among you reach puberty, they must ask permission, as those before them asked permission. God thus clarifies His Verses for you. God is Knowledgeable and Wise." (24:58-59). As for the coming of age, this is linked to orphans who are reasonable and mature enough to manage their own inherited wealth: "Test the orphans until they reach the age of marriage. If you find them to be mature enough, hand over their money to them..." (4:6).






Answering Sexual Questions for the Last Time!

Published in October 17, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, … I feel extremely embarrassed to pose these questions but I have to because I'll get married soon: Is it OK within Islam that I'd have anal sex with my wife? What about oral sex and she'd swallow my semen? Is it OK that my wife would be on top of me? If a husband is married to two (or more) wives, can he enjoy them simultaneously in one bed? Is such a communal nakedness among a husband and his wives (in one chamber) OK or not? .................. I've sent these questions many times via email but I haven't received any reply from you; I'm still confused; I need answers badly & as soon as possible, if you please … Thank you …


 We have answered such questions at least two times before in the section of fatwas in our Quranism website; please read it before posing repeated questions. We have said before that we do not like to receive such sexual questions. Yet, we are not a prude person: we will provide an answer for the last time. We assert here that any sexual practices between spouses are OK within Islam (except having sex with a wife during her period, of course) provided that mutual consent of the husband and the wife/wives is obtained beforehand. This means no spouse have the right to force another spouse to do anything against their will as far as marital sex is concerned. We shall not answer such sexual questions again. We hope our readers would not send us any more questions about sex.  







About the Diyya Money

Published in October 17, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … What are the type and amount of diyya money (paid in cases of manslaughter to the victim's family) mentioned in the Quran? Should it be money or something else? … Thank you …    


 The sinner who committed manslaughter should pay a compensation/diyya to the victim's family; this diyya can be money, goods, buildings, stretches of land, assets, or something else as per the mutual consent of both parties (i.e., the sinner and the victim's family) and within the presence of representatives of temporal authority (i.e., some people from the government or the policemen). In the past, diyya was paid in a number of camels, for instance. The type and amount of diyya money should be decided only by the parties concerned.






About Barsakh

Published in October 18, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, … I have some questions about Barsakh or the metaphysical realm mentioned in the Quran:  ...,...,...,...,...  … Thank you …      


 Until now, the astronomers and other scientists are baffled by the dark matter in the universe and the black and white holes, and they wonder if they are gates to other dimensions in the universe; we assume that human beings are on the verge or threshold of understanding what Barsakh metaphysical levels are; the Quranic text should be used to help them understand more about this topic. In order to find answers to your questions, we refer you to our three books, in English, found on the following links:






About Vows & Solemn Oaths, Again!

Published in October 18, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, … When my only son suffered a serious illness and was about to die, I made a vow to the Lord God to fast all Mondays and Thursdays for the rest of my life if my son is rescued and his good health is restored. Indeed, the Lord God has answered my prayers and my son is cured. For many months until now, I fulfilled my vow. Yet, I'm ill now and I have to take daily medicaments by day; I cannot fast twice a week now! What shall I do? What about my vow? Any ideas?!  … Thank you …      


 Of course, the Quran tells us to abide by the vows or solemn oaths we take upon ourselves; you have to fulfill your vow; this is as binding to you now as the Ramadan fasting; if you cannot fast due to health reasons, you can donate food/money to the needy (for all Mondays and Wednesdays for the rest of your life) as a form of atonement as per the Quran.

 The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "Whatever charity you give, or a vow you fulfill, God knows it. The unjust ones have no supporters." (2:270); "They fulfill their vows, and dread a Day whose ill is widespread." (76:7); "The wife of Imran said, “My Lord, I have vowed to You what is in my womb, dedicated, so accept from me; You are the Hearer and Knower.”" (3:35); "Among them are those who made a vow to God: “If He gives us of His bounty, we will donate and be among the upright.” But when He has given them of His bounty, they became stingy with it, and turned away in aversion. So He penalized them with hypocrisy in their hearts, until the Day they face Him - because they broke their promise to God, and because they used to lie. Do they not know that God knows their secrets and their conspiracies? And that God is the Knower of the unseen?" (9:75-78).







Do Not Utter Such a Blasphemy!

Published in October 19, 2019




Question: … Dear Sir, … I am a Quranist man who lives in Sudan; I admire Quranism and Quranists very much; there are some of them in Sudan; I believe they are the people of God who belong to the good ones nearer to Him; I would like to become a member in your great website and to get to know all Quranists worldwide ........... … Thank you …      


 You are welcome to our website and you can send your data to the email of Dr. Othman M. Ali to become a writer of comments within our website. Yet, do not say/write the blasphemous expression (the people of God) which is contradicted in the Quranic Chapter 112; do not assume that you can recommend others that way (this is forbidden in the Quranic Chapters 4 and 53); one does not have the right to assume that the Lord God prefers some people over the others. You have to read more within our archive of writings before you would write any comments as a member within our website.   






I Know I Am Dying!

Published in October 19, 2019



Question:  … Dear Sir, … I am terminally ill; I know this for sure once I have been diagnosed with cancer. I know that I am dying; I am worried because I do not know if the Lord God has accepted my repentance or not; I have sinned a lot in the past and I have performed many good deeds. I feel physical pains and the painkillers are of no use to me; they have no effect at all. What about the mental anguish as I do not know if my repentance is accepted by the Lord God or not? Any ideas or soothing words from you?! … Thank you …      


 All human beings will inevitably die; they cannot escape the preordained death and the tests of life; we see that you are resigned to this fate calmly, and this is a very good stance, and that you think of the Hereafter and you have repented; repentance includes donating money for charity (Zakat or alms) and to perform as many good deeds as you can for the remainder of your days; this is not to mention restoring rights of others. We hope you have passed this test within great success. The last test consists of the physical pains from which you suffer now; these pains will end when you die. The Lord God has commanded us to rely on patience and prayers and His Remembrance (especially by reading the Quran a lot); this is your chance to draw nearer to the Lord God and to seek His mercy: "Every soul will taste death. We burden you with adversity and prosperity - a test. And to Us you will be returned." (21:35); "O you who believe! Seek help through patience and prayers. God is with the patient ones." (2:153); "Those who believe, and whose hearts find comfort in the remembrance of God. Surely, it is in the remembrance of God that hearts find comfort.”" (13:28).







About the Israelites in the Quran

Published in October 20, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … I'd like to pose these questions about the Israelites in the Quranic stories: ...,...,...,...,... … Thank you …   


  We beseech you to read our entire archive of writings before posing repeated questions. You will find answers to your questions when you read our books, in English, found on the following links:







I Never Took Pride in my Father!

Published in October 20, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, …  I admire your Quranism website very much, esp. the fatwas section. This has encouraged me to tell you about my sentiments against my biological father; I think he is a failure in everything: in marriage, fatherhood, and career. He is a mere insignificant low-rank employee; he used to spent 2 hours only in his office and then return home to humiliate, insult, beat, and scream at my mother and her children (including me!). My poor mother typically made no reaction to such domestic violence because she felt he does not like her and he can do without her; at one time, she was so angry that she left the house and stayed at her brother's house. She waited for my father to offer any sort of reconciliation; this never took place; he never cared for her. She had to return to the house for the sake of her children; she had to bear with more insults and humiliation inflicted on her by my father. She kept advising me, and my sisters, to study hard and excel at school so that we find good jobs and free ourselves from the restrictions of our father. The same piece of advice was given to me by the father of my best friend at school; he was a great man; I wished he were my father; when I visited my friend, I saw this great man talking to his children, playing with them, and taking care of them; I envied them. When this great man decided to arrange an enjoyable outing for his children and I desired to join them, he told me to take the permission of my father first; I lied and told him that my father has given me permission; I lied to my father and told him that it was a one-day journey arranged by the school administration. When my father discovered that I lied to him, he gave me a severe beating; he went to this great man, the father of my best friend, and threatened him to keep away from me! My relation with my dear friend seemed to be severed; this great man came to me at school; he advised me to excel in my studies to depend on myself and free myself from my tyrannical father. In fact, my high-school results showed that I can choose to join either the medical school or the school of pharmacy in Cairo, Egypt. My father desired that I'd join the medical school; I was keen on letting him down; I never took pride in him; I joined the school of pharmacy. Upon graduation with honors, I immigrated to the USA in the nearest chance and I now have a respectable position there; I feel happy that I'm now free from my father. When my friend's great father was taken ill, I returned for a brief time to Egypt to visit him; I attended his funeral. I lived in a hotel during this brief journey; I visited my mother and father, and to my dismay,  felt that my father has never changed: he is the same tyrant. I invited my mother to live with me in the USA, but she refused. Later on, I married an American young woman and now I have a son; his facial features are my father's. When I visited Egypt once more, I made my son accompany me so that my parents would see their grandchild. My mother was overjoyed to see my son; my father never cared at all, for he was indifferent as usual! I left them feeling ashamed of his reaction towards my son! I made a vow never to see my father again whenever I visit Egypt. Yet, later on, my mother told me that my father is diagnosed with cancer and she insists that I must visit him! shall I do this or not? What do you think? Any suggestions?  … Thank you …     


 We think you must visit your father; your broken vow/oath can be atoned for by feeding the needy or donating money to them; we suggest that you should donate 100 US$ to ten poor people in Egypt; 10 US$ each. The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "God does not hold you accountable for your unintended oaths, but He holds you accountable for your binding oaths. The atonement for it is by feeding ten needy people from the average of what you feed your families, or by clothing them, or by freeing a slave. Anyone who lacks the means shall fast for three days. That is the atonement for breaking your oaths when you have sworn them. So keep your oaths. Thus God makes clear His Revelations to you, that you may be grateful." (5:89).

 Of course, regardless of the bad traits of your father, he has helped raise and bring you up; he spent money on you and on your education; besides, the Quran commands us to be kind and charitable to our parents regardless of their characters and personal traits. By the way, the cruelty of your father might have a positive side; i.e., it made you rely on yourself and have a motive to excel at your field of specialization and work. Of course, your father's cruelty is never justifiable; yet, this case is better than those fathers who spoil and indulge their kids and raise them as fit-for-nothing, dependent losers. Of course, fathers should mix kindness with firmness and be role-models for their kids in terms of behavior so that they take pride in their fathers. Of course, you should try to be an ideal father to your son especially within your style of raising him up; you will surely realize the degree of fatigue suffered by your father when your were a small kid.   







About the Quranic Verse 17:76

Published in October 21, 2019


Question: …  Dear Sir, … Am I to understand from 17:76 that Muhammad was driven away by military force from Mecca? Any ideas? …  Thank you …        


 No; they were about to do so, but they did not because they decided to keep off a possible civil war because Muhammad belonged to the Meccan faction known as the Hashemites; those who desired to expel him were from the faction known as the Umayyads. The Lord God says in the Quran: "They almost provoked you, to expel you from the land. In that case, they would not have lasted after you, except briefly." (17:76). This applies to Moses' Pharaoh in relation to the Israelites: "He resolved to provoke them off the land, but We drowned him, and those with him, altogether." (17:103). Thus, the Quran-hating Qorayish tribesmen drove Muhammad to leave Mecca along with the early believers; they settled in Yathreb; yet, the Qorayish tribesmen sent their spies/agents after them in Yathreb; they included the covert hypocrites who were adamant in hypocrisy; they became caliphs once Muhammad died. 






About the Quranic Verse 14:37

Published in October 21, 2019




Question: … Dear Sir,  … I desire to ask about the expression (incline towards them) employed by Abraham in 14:37 despite the fact that the Quran warns us against personal inclinations, whims, and desires in relation to religion...... … Thank you …


 The Lord God says the following in the Quran to quote the words of Abraham: "“Our Lord, I have settled some of my offspring in a valley of no vegetation, by Your Sacred House, our Lord, so that they may perform prayers. So make the hearts of some people incline towards them, and provide them with fruits, that they may be thankful.”" (14:37). Of course, the Lord God sent Abraham to that place where the Kaaba is located, the very first House assigned by the Lord God for all humanity to worship him; later on, Ishmael helped his father, Abraham, to rebuild the Kaaba: "We showed Abraham the location of the House: “Do not associate anything with Me; and purify My House for those who circle around, and those who stand to pray, and those who kneel and prostrate.”And announce the pilgrimage to humanity. They will come to you on foot, and on every transport. They will come from every distant point." (22:26-27); "As Abraham raises the foundations of the House, together with Ishmael..." (2:127). Of course, preforming prayers referred to in 14:37 (and elsewhere in all Quranic contexts) means to adhere to piety all the time as a result of the daily prayers. For sure, Abraham wished that people would love to settle in the deserted valley where the Kaaba is located in Arabia and where he left his first-born son, Ishmael, and Ishmael's mother, before Abraham returned home (in the Levant). This means that this way, the city of Mecca was established and populated; as per history, an Arab tribe, Jurhum, settled there and lived with Ishmael; Ishmael got married to a woman from this tribe; he commanded her and his progeny to perform prayers and Zakat. Thus, 14:37 is not about inclinations/desires in religion or pilgrimage; rather, it is about Abraham's wish that his wife and son would find company in this deserted location when people would love to settle there. As for misguidance, personal inclinations, whims, and desires in relation to religion, they are expressed in the Quranic warnings against them: "Have you seen him who chose his desire as his god?..." (25:43); "And do not let him who denies it and follows his desire turn you away from it, lest you fall." (20:16); "...Is it that whenever a messenger comes to you with anything your souls do not desire, you grew arrogant, calling some impostors, and killing others?" (2:87); "But if they fail to respond to you, know that they follow their desires. And who is more lost than him who follows his desire without guidance from God? God does not guide the unjust people." (28:50); "Nor does he speak out of desire." (53:3); "...They follow nothing but assumptions, and what the souls desire, even though guidance has come to them from their Lord." (53:23). 







About the Quranic Verses 52:21 & 74:38

Published in October 22, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, …  Would you kindly explain these Quranic phrases to me: "...Every person is hostage to what he has earned." (52:21) + "Every soul is hostage to what it has earned." (74:38)? …  Thank you in advance …


 This means that in the Hereafter, each person/soul will find the result/outcome for the (mis)deeds performed in worldly life; this means that one's choices/deeds in this transient world result in eternity in the Hereafter either in Hell or in Paradise. Yet, one will not be judged on the Last Day for the inevitable, preordained fates (i.e., birth, death, provisions/earnings, and adversity/prosperity); one will be judged as per the deeds/acts chosen freely and as per one's faith. To earn the Eternal Life in Paradise, one must devote one's religion and acts of worship entirely to the Lord God; i.e., within monotheism. This way, one is hostage to the good deeds. If one chooses to be among the heedless, disobedient, disbelieving people, and would die as such, one will enter into Hell wherein one will abide forever. The Lord God never breaks His promises. We never feel pity for enthroned Arab tyrants, deceived by Satan and his vain wishes, who will enter into Hell because of the heinous crimes, atrocities, and grave injustices they have committed and they will be hostages to them inside Hell, suffering for eternity. 






Tests of Life Imposed on Believers

Published in October 22, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir,  … Peace be with you. I am a 32-year-old man; I left my country and I live/work now in one of the Gulf monarchies along with my family members. I left my country in 2006 to flee the extremists and the Al-Qaeda terrorists who stole my possessions and house and desired to murder me. I was a spoiled man who indulged himself in sins and promiscuity. I converted to Quranism only 3 years ago; I was shocked to the core and I knew I was never a Muslim though I thought myself to be one; the Lord God has guided me to True Islam: Qurnaism. I decided to give up debaucheries and wine-drinking. I rejected the Sunnite religion of Satan once I've converted to Quranism; yet, the atmosphere around me is poisonous; my family members resent my Quranism very much; they hate me for it and I wish to escape them! Besides, I feel that all the time, I long for having illicit sex again; I'm too poor to get married. I deserted my promiscuous friends so as not to imitate them again in their grave sins and their wine-drinking. I get distracted during my daily prayers because I think of sex all the time; this has become an obsession now! Sexual fantasies never leave my mind now! The city where I live contains all types of illicit, secret pleasures.........I feel sex-starved! My pangs of conscience are driving me crazy! I feel mental pains and anguish most of the time! Please do not publish this email message of mine in your fatwas section; I'm too embarrassed! Any soothing words to relieve my torment?!  … Thank you …     


 May the Lord God protect and bless you, our dear son; may the Lord God provide you with patience, mercy, and aid. We apologize for having to quote part of your message (without mentioning your name and your country of residence and country of origin) as it represents the case of many young people. Most people assume that once they are guided to True Islam (i.e., Quranism), they shall live in peace and/or within peace of mind. This is not supposed to happen; this is because they (like the rest of human beings) have to face tests/ordeals of life imposed by the Lord God. Personally speaking, once we finished our PhD thesis (which proves that Sufism is against the Holy Quran) when we were a 27-year-old young man, we assumed that Azharite sheikhs shall applaud our person; the exact opposite occurred: we were severely persecuted; persecution continued as we smashed all sacred cows of both Sufism and the Sunnite religion. Within our several years of suffering many ordeals as well as the persecution inflicted upon our person, we have learned from the Holy Quran that reaching the true faith brings an inevitable consequence: being tested by the Lord God: "Or do you expect to enter Paradise before the example of those who came before you had reached you? Adversity and hardship had afflicted them, and they were so shaken up, that the Messenger and those who believed with him said, “When is God’s victory?” Indeed, God’s victory is near." (2:214); "So that God may prove those who believe, and eliminate the disbelievers. Or do you expect to enter Paradise, before God has distinguished those among you who strive, and before He has distinguished the patient ones?" (3:141-142); "Have the people supposed that they will be left alone to say, “We believe,” without being put to the test? We have tested those before them. God will surely know the truthful, and He will surely know the liars." (29:2-3). When we have decided to adhere to the Holy Quran only, this resulted in purifying our heart from inherited polytheistic Sunnite-Sufi notions. Within our daily prayers, we read the following Quranic verses reverently as we remember the times of our suffering persecution and fearful ordeals: "...“God is Enough for me; there is no god except He; in Him I have put my trust; He is the Lord of the Sublime Throne.”" (9:129); "...“God suffices for me. On Him the reliant rely." (39:38); "...And whoever fears God within piety - He will make a way out for him.And will provide for him from where he never expected. Whoever relies on God - He will suffice him. God will accomplish His purpose. God has set a measure to all things." (65:2-3).

 We assert the following points to you, our dear son: You are facing expected things; to overcome your troubles is within the sphere of the possible. It is never impossible to overcome your suffering. You should focus on the blessings/bounties bestowed upon you by the Lord God: your youth and health. You must tap into your full potential both spiritually and physically; the human soul has its great capabilities often neglected by lazy people. You must find your inner strength and willpower in both body and soul. This should be done within the framework of deep, monotheistic faith/belief in the Dominant Lord God Who tests you (and all human beings) with adversity and prosperity. Think of it that way: years later, your will remember the days of your suffering and consider them as the best days of your life as you passed the test of life within success; the tools/weapons to attain such success in this test (i.e., when you control carnal lusts through sublimation) are prayers and patience: "O you who believe! Seek help through patience and prayers. God is with the patient ones." (2:153); "And seek help through patience and prayers. But it is difficult, except for the devout ones." (2:45). You must bear in mind that tests of life are relatively easy during one's youth; they are more difficult in the old age. Besides, your passing the tests of life during your young age is the key for your relief in you old age. Tests of life are imposed by the Lord God and are inevitable, and yet, it is possible to pass them within success through piety and seeking to please and gratify the Lord God.      






Crimes of Torture

Published in October 23, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir,  … Within social media networks, one reads a lot of stories (and watches some videos) of crimes of torture in the Arab world. My question is as follows: What about those low-rank men who have to inflict torture on incarcerated victims otherwise they'd get the sack or get punished for not following the commands of tyrants? Would we excuse them as mere human 'tools' employed by tyrants? Or would we curse them as unjust people who obeyed tyrants (un)willingly? … Thank you … 


 Criminals involved within the crimes of torture have their ranks/degrees of involvement: the worst among them are the tyrants (and their affluent retinue members, courtiers, and lawmakers) who issue commands of inflicting torture upon the incarcerated victims to oppress and terrorize citizens in general. Those who execute such commands do this willingly and never unwillingly; they are never excused; they choose to earn their living that way and they refuse to resign from their posts despised by free people. Of course, the Lord God takes revenge on such unjust people in this world and in the next world; this applies to servants/dogs of the tyrants who inflict torture by their own hands on imprisoned victims. The revenge is worse in the case of oppressors and enthroned tyrants whose victims are countless. May the Lord God, as well as all human beings and angels, curse both the enthroned tyrants and their men/aides and servants/dogs who torture innocent victims.






About Rosaries, Again!

Published in October 23, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … I've noticed that in Egypt, rosaries are used by Coptic Christians as well as the Muhammadans; this means that using rosaries has nothing to do with Islam; right?! …  Thank you …    


 Of course, using rosaries has nothing to do whatsoever with Islam; they are part of the earthly/terrestrial religions which focus on hypocrisy and showing off signs of sham/fake piety; even the Indians in the past employed rosaries within their religious practices. Those pious people who glorify the Holy Name of the Lord God never need rosaries and never perform this act of worship in public. In fact, in our encyclopedia of Sufism, we prove how Sufis spread this bad habit of using rosaries among the Egyptians; this helped spread hypocrisy/religiosity in societies where piety disappeared.






Supplications for the Sake of Terminally Ill People

Published in October 24, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir,  … The doctors told me that my father is a hopeless case as he is terminally ill; he may die very soon; he suffers severe physical pains, and sadly, no painkillers can relieve him! What supplications should I offer to the Lord God to end the suffering of my poor father? Any suggestions? … Thank you …    


 Of course, you can choose any phrasing/wording of such supplications as you speak from the inner layers of your own heart/soul; it is OK to supplicate to the Lord God to grant healing to your father; this cure might be his imminent death so as not to feel pains any longer. We must accept death as a fact of life as much as we accept birth. Some people who are taken ill may die and some may not die. In both cases, pains and diseases end sooner or later. Dying people feel no pain; your father will be relieved from his pains once he would die. When souls leave the bodies forever, the pains felt by the mortal bodies end, while souls return to their original place visited by them temporarily during sleep: Barsakh. You can use in your supplications the words of Abraham when he supplicated to the Lord God: "He who created me, and guides me. He who feeds me, and waters me. And when I get sick, He heals me. He who makes me die, and then revives me." (26:78-81).






Polytheism and Fornication/Adultery

Published in October 24, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "The adulterer shall marry none but an adulteress or a polytheistic woman; and the adulteress shall marry none but an adulterer or a polytheistic man. That has been prohibited for the believers." (24:3). What is meant by this verse about not allowing believers to marry polytheists and fornicators/adulterous people? Any ideas? … Thank you …  


 We have answered a similar question in a previous fatwa and in some of our previous articles. Yet, we repeat: Believers are not to marry fornicators who insist on their going on with their grave sin and are bent on rejecting repentance. Believers can marry them only if they repent sincerely; of course, a three-month period must pass before marrying a repentant woman in such cases; this is because one is to make sure she is not pregnant. Polytheism intended in 24:3 is in terms of proven and witnessed military aggression and violence (esp. religious persecution) against innocent, peaceful people and not in terms of denominations, belief notions, or faiths. This is asserted again here: "Do not marry polytheistic women, unless they have believed. A believing maid is better than a polytheistic one, even if you like her. And do not marry polytheistic men, unless they have believed. A believing servant is better than a polytheistic one, even if you like him. These call to Hell-Fire, but God calls to the Garden of Paradise and to forgiveness, by His leave. He makes clear His Verses to the people, that they may be mindful." (2:221).






A Very Good Summary

Published in October 25, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … Peace be with you; you are such a great thinker who serves True Islam; may the Lord God bless and reward you......... Like you, I hate and despise the Sunnite, Sufi, and Shiite religions of Satan........In a nutshell, I understand that you are saying (in your 2 books about the Night Journey and the fake Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem) that Muhammad was transported miraculously from Mecca, in Arabia, to Mount Al-Tur (the true Farthest Mosque intended in 17:1) in Sinai, Egypt, and his soul saw the archangel Gabriel in the ethereal, angelic form; the heart/soul of Muhammad received the entire Quranic text in the same place where Moses stood to receive the Tablets. I understand that the fake Aqsa mosque of Jerusalem, built by the Umayyads within the ruins of an old Jewish temple, has nothing to do with Islam. Have I rightly understood what you have written? What do you think? … Thank you …  


 Yes. Yours is a very good summary, in few lines, of our two books; thank you very much and you are welcome as a member/writer of comments on our Qurnaism website. Here are the links of both books in English: 







Not My Own Biological Son!

Published in October 25, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … When I was in the USA, I got married to a woman in order to get the Green Card...etc., and this marriage was a true, consummated one as per her own wishes; this wife (but we are divorced now) is a very beautiful blonde woman; I'd have liked to go on with this marriage; yet, after consummating our marriage, she discovered that she was pregnant! (In fact, she was impregnated by a previous boyfriend!). Her son carries my surname now! He is not my own biological son! Once I obtained the Green Card, I and my wife agreed on divorce, and she obtained her full rights as per the American Law, of course. I am an American citizen now; I never feel at ease because a son is attributed to me by force; when I asked my ex-wife to change the surname of her son and to make him know his true, biological father and to carry his name, she refused! I am now a rich, successful businessman; I will never allow such a natural son to inherit me; he is not my son! What am I supposed to do?! Any advice?!  … Thank you …        


 Your marriage to her is rendered null and void in True Islam; it is a corrupt, illegal marriage in Islam; since you knew she was not a virgin before marrying her, you should have waited for the three-month period before the marriage contract would be drawn and the  consummation of the marriage would be done in order to make sure her womb is empty of any pregnancy. This three-month waiting period (or the passage of three consecutive menstruations) is obligatory in Islam before marrying a repentant female fornicator. As for your current problem, you can demand a DNA test to prove that her son is not yours. Islamic inheritance laws are not applied in the USA, anyway. Of course, you need to consult and hire an American lawyer; this will cost you a lot of money; yet, this will make you realize what you wish within lawful means, since you demand that her son would no longer carry your name or inherit your wealth.

اجمالي القراءات 4301

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
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